Darko Milosevic, Dr.rer.nat./Dr.oec.

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Strategy Management of the Firm - Learning materials

  1. Simon H.E. (1972), Theories of Bounded Rationality
  2. Cyert R.M, March J.G. (1963), A Behavioral Theory of The Firm
  3. Coase R. (1937), The nature of the firm
  4. Williamson O.E. (1973), Markets and Hierarchies, The American Economic Review, n.63/2
  5. Berle, A. A. (1931). Corporate powers as powers in trust. Harvard Law Review, Vol. 44, No. 7, pp. 1049-1074.
  6. Jensen M.C., Meckling W.H. (1976), Theory of the firm: Managerial
  7. Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure, Journal of Financial Economics, n.3
  8. Fama, E. F. (1980). Agency Problems and the Theory of the Firm. The journal of political economy, 288-307.
  9. Zattoni A. (2011), Who should control a corporation?
  10. Toward a Contingency Stakeholder Model for allocating ownership rights, Journal of Business Ethics, n.103.
  11. Aguinis, Herman, and Ante Glavas. "What we know and don’t know about corporate social responsibility a review and research agenda." Journal of management 38.4 (2012): 932-968.
  12. Porter M.E., Kramer M.H., Strategy and Society: The link between competitive advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility
  13. Mirvis, Philip, and B. Googins. "Stages of corporate citizenship: A developmental framework." California Management Review 48.2 (2006): 104-126.
  14. Wood, Donna J. "Measuring corporate social performance: a review."International Journal of Management Reviews 12.1 (2010): 50-84.
  15. Perrini et al. (_____), Deconstructing the relationship between Corporate Social and Financial Performance
  16. The domain of the strategic management field: topics, history and evolution
  17. Resource based view, Corporate strategy and firm diversification
  18. International environment, country differences and competitive advantage
  19. Porter, M.E. (1990),ThecompetitiveadvantageofNations,HarvardBusinessReview,March-April:73-93
  20. Toward a Reconciliation of the Definitional Issues in the Field of Corporate Entrepreneurship

Keywords:Agency Theory, Competitive Advantage, Resource Based Theory for Profitability, Porter 5`s forces model, SSCA, Corporate Strategy, Portfolio Management, Transfering skills and sinergy (Business level Strategy + Contingency Theory + Product life cycle + Market Share), Shakeholders Theory, Globalization, Mobile Technology, Market Power, lener index, Multi-side platform, Anti-trust Law, AAA triangle - CAGE distance Framwork, Entreprenauter Theory and Practics, Ireland - Conceptualization Corporate Entreprenatuer Strategy, Fuzzy Theory in Econometrics.

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Q1: Resource-based theory and competitive advantageQ2: Why do firms diversify in different business and industries?Q3. What is the impact of diversification on competitive advantage?Q4. What are the main explanations of the diversification-performance links?

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