Darko Milosevic, Dr.rer.nat./Dr.oec.

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Mobile Marketing Facts

Mobile digital media time in the US is now significantly higher at 51% compared to desktop (42%). July 2015 1
eMarketer expects mobile to overtake desktop for US search ad dollars this year, rising from $8.72 billion to $12.85 billion—just slightly above desktop’s $12.82 billion. At the same time, there will be 156.4 million mobile phone search users in the US, representing 49.0% of the population.  June 2015 2
Nearly two-thirds of Americans own a smartphone and 19% of Americans rely on a smartphone for accessing online services and for staying connected.  April 2015 3
According to a Pew Research Center report, 46% of smartphone owners say their smartphone is something "they couldn't live without," compared to 54% who say their phone is "not always needed." April 2015 4
65% of US smartphone users check their phones within 15 minutes of rising. 64% check their phones within 15 minutes of going to bed. March 2015 5
87% of millennials always have their smartphone at their side, day and night. 78% of millennials spend over 2 hours a day using their smartphones. 68% of millennials consider their smartphone to be a personal device. March 2015 6
84% of 13-17 year olds own a mobile phone. 83% of 6-9 year olds use a tablet. March 2015 7
78% of Facebook users are mobile-only. February 2015 8
64% of decision-makers read their e-mail via mobile devices. February 2015 9
Mobile app store revenues worldwide are projected to grow to US $76.5 billion in 2017 according to Statista.  February 2015 10
Mobile app usage soared in 2014. Mobile apps generated the most revenue in Japan, South Korea and the US. February 2015 11
in 2014, a U.S. consumer spent on average 413 minutes monthly accessing online video services over cellular or Wi-Fi.  January 2015 12
44% of consumers say that they would like brands to deliver deals and coupons to their mobile devices. January 2015 13
The majority of consumers are of the opinion that mobile-optimized sites run faster than non-mobile-optimized sites. January 2015 14
Mobile commerce will account for 24.4% of overall ecommerce revenues by the end of 2017. January 2015 15
In 2012, only 34% of Mexicans reported using their cell phones to go online. But in 2013 more than 6 out of 10 Mexican Internet users (64%) said that they use cell phones to go online. January 2015 16
45% of Mexican Internet users follow a brand on social media and the most popular reason for doing this is to get discounts. January 2015 17
North America continues to drive the lion’s share of the mobile Internet ad spend growing from 18.8% in 2013 to 49.1% in 2017. December 2014 18
In 2013, 62% of emails were opened on a mobile device (48% on smartphones and 14% on tablets). December 2014 19
78% of smartphone users access a retail site via a mobile app. These people want on-the-go, targeted information with minimal data use that a mobile app provides. 44% of tablet users accessed a retail site via a mobile app. December 2014 20
According to CNN, “Americans used smartphone and tablet apps more than PCs to access the Internet (in January 2014) — the first time that has ever happened.” November 2014 21
Currently, about half of B2B vendors sell through mobile (including stores and applications), while 3 in 4 respondents plan to offer mobile commerce by the end of 2014. November 2014 22
By 2017, mobile devices will make up 87 percent of the total sales of Internet-enabled technology. April 2014 23
Globally, mobile ad spend jumped by 105% in 2013 and is predicted to climb another 75% this year for a total of $31.5 billion. April 2014 24
Consumers are not going on desktop to share brand messages, rather they are going to mobile devices. Flurry’s most recent study shows 86% of mobile usage is within apps. April 2014 25
[In Brazil], [m]obile penetration is expected to reach 140% in 2012 compared to fixed-line penetration of 22%, placing mobile as the key provider of all types of telecommunications services to the majority of consumers. September 2012 26
Those mobile phone users reported storing large amounts of data on their phones that they consider private, including contact information (82% of users), text messages (78%), photos and videos (75%), and voicemail messages (74%). They appeared especially cautious about passwords, and just 27% store passwords for websites and apps. September 2012 27
Location tracking may be key to targeted marketing, but mobile phone users treat location as a privacy concern. 19% of mobile phone owners have turned off the location tracking feature because they were concerned that other individuals or companies could access that information. That figure rises among smartphone owners, 30% of whom have turned off location tracking. September 2012 28
Another common security measure, as revealed in a July 2012 UC Berkeley study, is simply holding a mobile phone “close to the vest.” 9 in 10 respondents reported they would definitely not allow a stranger to borrow their mobile phones, and only half said definitely would allow a spouse or other close family member to borrow their phones. September 2012 29
Consumer Services and Financial Industries See Highest Mobile Email Opens Rates: The Consumer Services and Financial industries saw the highest mobile open rates, 42.17 percent and 40.13 percent respectively. September 2012 30
Mobile Email Opens Climb to 36 Percent: The number of emails opened on a mobile device (smartphone and/or tablet) during the first half of 2012 overall rose to 36 percent. This is a 32 percent increase over the former mobile email open rate of 27 percent from the second half of 2011. Data shows the steady, strong increase in mobile open rates continues, which underscores the importance of having a mobile-first mindset. September 2012 31
“Mobile Tipping Point” is Quickly Approaching: With the overall share of mobile email opens now at 36 percent across all industries, the share of mobile email opens is on track to exceed 50 percent for most brands within the next six to 12 months. Some are already there. Knotice refers to this as the “mobile tipping point.” Email and mobile marketers need to begin planning for a point in time when mobile users will be the majority audience. September 2012 32
Based on this information, Mobile advertising (display, video, audio) should be at least an $11 billion dollar market1 in the U.S. and higher globally assuming similar dynamics exist worldwide. August 2012 33
14% of the global population uses a smartphone in 2012; in the United States, 37%; and by 2016, those numbers will be 59% in the U.S. and 30% worldwide August 2012 34
As smartphone penetration increases over the next several years, the reach and frequency of the Mobile advertising platform will continue to grow. eMarketer forecasts that total usage of smartphones will extend from 37 percent in 2012 to 59 percent in 2016. August 2012 35
Using the eMarketer forecast to adjust the shape of the reach/frequency curve, Marketing Evolution estimates that the media budget allocation to Mobile advertising will increase over the next four years, shifting from 7 percent to 10 percent by 2016, assuming all other media remain similar in reach/frequency/cost and impact. August 2012 36
Email services provider StrongMail recently surveyed more than 800 business executives and found 45 percent of their companies were using mobile marketing. However, the concept is still relatively new, with 57 percent having used it for less than a year. August 2012 37
Marketers are making up for lost time, though. More than half (55 percent) say their mobile budgets have already increased, and 70 percent say their mobile budgets will increase in the next 12 months. August 2012 38
What are the most popular types of mobile marketing? Although mobile websites (used by 70 percent), mobile apps (used by 55 percent) and QR codes (used by 49%) were the most popular methods of mobile marketing, even these were used by fewer than half of marketers. August 2012 39
How much are businesses spending on mobile marketing? Again, there is still a long way to go: Over half (54%) of businesses spend 5 percent of their marketing budgets or less to the mobile marketing. But nearly one-fourth of businesses allocate less than 1 percent of their marketing budgets to mobile marketing. August 2012 40
As for businesses that still don’t participate in mobile marketing, “lack of strategy” was cited as the top reason companies didn’t launch a mobile program (37 percent), with “lack of resources” close behind (22 percent). August 2012 41
StrongMail found 43 percent of companies integrate email with their mobile marketing efforts. However, there is still a ways to go: Only 27 percent use cross-channel advertising campaigns with mobile messaging, and only 29 percent use mobile response data to optimize email offers. August 2012 42
 Subscriber growth in the 2011-2016 period will be led by markets in Africa and Asia Pacific; with respective projected regional level CAGRs of 9.4 and 9 percent July 2012 43
 Smartphone shipments in 2012 will account for almost 40 percent of total worldwide handset shipments July 2012 44
Smartphones will account for the majority of worldwide handset shipments by end-2016 July 2012 45
Mobile services generated over USD 1.3 trillion in revenues worldwide in 2011, and that this revenue is now expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.3 percent between 2011 and 2016, to hit nearly USD 1.8 trillion by end-2016 July 2012 46
 Mobile infrastructure equipment spend is expected to reach USD 56.3 billion at end-2012, recording a year-on-year growth rate of 3.6 percent July 2012 47
 The worldwide mobile market will generate total service revenues of nearly eight trillion US dollars over the next five years July 2012 48
Annual worldwide mobile infrastructure equipment spend will exceed USD 68 billion in 2016. July 2012 49
There will be 6.5 billion mobile subscribers worldwide by end-2012 July 2012 50
 The worldwide mobile subscriber base will now grow at a CAGR of 7.3 percent between 2011 and 2016, to near 8.5 billion by end-2016 July 201251
 The Top 10 markets by mobile subscriber additions (to 2016) will add 1,807 million subscribers over the next five years July 2012 52
 The leading markets (by growth in subscriber numbers) are China (633.4 million), India, Indonesia, Brazil, Egypt, Pakistan, The US, Bangladesh, Nigeria, and Iran (55.1 million additions) July 2012 53
 These same markets, measured as CAGR (2011-2016): Egypt leads (with 16.7 percent), followed by Oman, Sudan, Bangladesh, Mozambique, Iran, Pakistan, China, Uganda, and Nigeria (9.9 percent) July 2012 54
eMarketer predicts US adult smartphone penetration will grow from 43.9% in 2011 to 58.3% by 2014, and projects that the percentage of smartphone users who will have scanned a mobile barcode will edge up from 25% to 27% during that timeframe. “Because smartphone use is projected to grow so rapidly, that means the total number of mobile barcode users will show considerable growth, reaching nearly 38.6 million adults by 2014,” said eMarketer. July 2012 55
But these vast numbers of users are not making regular use of barcodes. International mobile payments and marketing company Mobio found 60% of North American consumers who scanned QR Codes in Q3 2011 did so just once. July 2012 56
69% of U.S. Small Businesses Consider Mobile Marketing Key to Growth in Next Five Years: There has been a significant increase over the past year in overall awareness and acceptance that having a mobile presence is critical to small business growth. July 2012 57
About 69% of the small businesses surveyed agreed that mobile marketing is key to their growth in the next five years and will consider increasing their mobile spend this year. July 2012 58
The survey revealed that 64% of small business owners are also acting as their one-person marketing team. July 2012 59
64% of Small Businesses Will Spend More on Mobile Marketing This Year – 2012 might be the year when mobile-savvy small businesses increase their spend on mobile marketing initiatives. July 2012 60
64% of small business owners surveyed expressed an intention to increase their mobile investments this year, with only 33% indicating that their mobile spend this year will remain the same as last year. July 2012 61
U.S. Small Businesses Maintain Good Web-Presence But Still Lack Mobile Presence: While 60% of small businesses surveyed have a website, only 26% have a mobile-friendly website (same layout/content as standard site adjusted to suit your smartphone screen) while an even smaller percentage (14% of small business owners have a stand-alone mobile website (content/layout designed specifically for mobile purposes). July 2012 62
84% of Small Businesses Currently with Mobile Presence See Increase in New Business Activity July 2012 63
Out of the 500 small business owners surveyed, 14% have a stand-alone mobile website, of which 84% indicated that they have seen an increase in new business activity due to their mobile marketing efforts. July 2012 64
There is a large gap between the rapidly increasing mobile search volumes and the majority of small businesses lagging behind in mobile search strategy. Over 61% of small businesses currently do not have a mobile search strategy and are missing out on consumers trying to find them via a smartphone device. July 2012 65
Biggest Motivation to Embrace Mobile is to Provide Better Service to Existing Customers: When asked to rank their top motivations to invest in mobile marketing, small business owners indicated the following as their top three motivations:  (i) Provide better service to existing customers (38%)  (ii) Attract more local customers (36%)  (iii) Gain competitive advantage (34%) July 2012 66
And while no one says you can or cannot use your phone on the toilet, nearly 4 out of 10 (39 percent) confessed to checking their phones while using the bathroom. July 2012 67
Our connection never sleeps. 54% said they check their phones while lying in bed: before they go to sleep, after they wake up, even in the middle of the night. July 2012 68
We need access everywhere. Nearly 40% admit to checking their phone while on the toilet. July 2012 69
Beyond bad phone etiquette, there were indications that Americans are obsessed with checking their phones; a whopping 54 percent – over half – of smartphone owners said they check their phones while lying in bed: before they go to sleep, after they wake up, even in the middle of the night. July 2012 70
For instance, smartphone owners age 55+ who misplaced their phone were more than twice as likely (18 percent) to report having felt “sick” when they lost their phones compared with those ages 18-34 who had the same experience (7 percent). July 2012 71
Mobile accounted for more than 15% of organic search visits in Q2 2012, up from 13% sequentially. Mobile share of paid search lagged organic investments at 13%, as advertisers limited their spending on poorly converting smartphone traffic. July 2012 72
Overall, smartphone paid-search CPCs were 53% lower than desktop. July 2012 73
This year, mobile ad spending in the U.S. is expected to reach $2.6 billion. That includes spending on display, search and messaging-based formats. And another estimate shows mobile advertising on smartphones will be a $5.04 billion industry by 2015. July 2012 74
The study in question suggests that 70% of marketers will ramp up their mobile budgets in 2013. July 2012 75
According to a new StrongMail survey conducted in conjunction with Zoomerang from April 11 to 23, 2012, reflecting the attitudes of business leaders in regards to mobile marketing adoption, budgets, techniques, challenges, benefits and integration with other channels, only 45% of businesses are conducting some form of mobile marketing, with mobile websites, mobile applications and QR codes the most popular forms of mobile marketing, but less than half of marketers are currently running any of them. Of those who are, 57% have been running them for only a year or less. July 2012 76
 The mobile marketing opportunity is not lost with marketers, as 75% of businesses not currently running programs plan to within a year or more, and of those businesses that are, 70% expect to see their budgets increase over the same time period. July 2012 77
When asked to identify the top obstacle to launching a mobile program, 37% of businesses cited lack of strategy, followed lack of resources at 22%. Mobile marketing budgets also remain a small fraction of overall interactive budgets, with 54% of businesses allocating 5% or less to mobile programs. July 2012 78
Nearly half of businesses conducting mobile marketing have achieved a basic level of integration between their email and mobile programs, with top areas of focus being mobile landing pages (32%), mobile number capture at email sign-up (25%) and mobile optimized email templates (22%). July 2012 79
 The survey found that 55% of respondents had increased their mobile budget over the past year, and 70% planned to increase it in the coming year. Only 1% of respondents said they planned to decrease their mobile ad budget over the next 12 months. July 2012 80
Nearly a quarter of businesses reported less than 1% allocated to mobile.  On the positive side, 55% report increased budgets over the past year. July 2012 81
More sophisticated tactics like leveraging mobile response data to optimize offers in email or other channels are only used by 29% of businesses engaged in mobile marketing. July 2012 82
45% have adopted mobile marketing; 57% have been doing it for 12 months or less July 2012 83
37% cite lack of strategy as top reason for lack of adoption, followed by lack of resources (22%) July 2012 84
55% reported increased mobile marketing budgets for past 12 months; only 2% saw a decrease July 2012 85
70% expect their budget to increase in the next 12 months July 2012 86
43% have integrated email marketing and mobile marketing July 2012 87
This challenge for mobile was also recently found in IBM research also released this month: according to those survey results, only 1 in 5 global marketers currently run mobile marketing tactics as part of integrated campaigns, with the remainder running their mobile programs discretely and on an ad hoc basis. June 2012 88
Only 35% of respondents used mobile display ads in 2011, relatively unchanged from 2010 (34%). Data from an Ipsos study released in June 2012 indicates that 41% of consumers globally have read an ad on their mobile phone, rising to 45% of those under 35. However, within the US, just 23% report doing so. June 2012 89
Almost 9 in 10 global marketers either have a mobile site or a mobile application or plan to employ one in the future, according to an IBM study released in June 2012. Yet, only 1 in 5 currently run mobile marketing tactics as part of integrated campaigns, with the remainder running their mobile programs discretely and on an ad hoc basis. June 2012 90
According to the Chief Marketer report, marketers who use SMS messaging identify its immediacy (63%), high open rates compared to email (45%), and low cost compared to other channels (45%) as its primary benefits. June 2012 91
Some interesting trends emerged from the results: adoption of scannable codes, tags, and QR increased by 28%, from 53% in 2010 to 68% in 2011. At the same time, the proportion using SMS messaging declined from 59% to 50% over the same period. This despite recent research indicating that text promotions drive 1 in 4 to purchase. June 2012 92
The most popular mobile tactics currently employed are mobile sites (46%) and apps (45%), with mobile versions of email (35%), mobile messaging campaigns (32%), location-based targeting (27%) and mobile ads (25%) yet to move into the mainstream. Even so, when factoring in future plans, at least two-thirds of the respondents will be using each of the tactics at some point in the future. June 2012 93
Separate data from a Chief Marketer survey also released in June takes a different approach to the issue of mobile integration, arguing that mobile marketing campaigns are moving away from being an integrated “helper” tactic assisting other campaigns, and into a self-contained, strategic campaign channel. Indeed, while just 3 in 10 survey respondents said they ran campaigns primarily or solely aimed at mobile users last year, 51% plan to do so this year, while a further 26% are undecided. June 2012 94
The Chief Marketer survey also found that close to half of the respondents either have optimized their main website for viewing over mobile browsers (31%) or run a separate mobile-specific website (17%). For those who have not optimized their sites, a plurality (36%) cite a lack of budgets as the reason, with 26% also saying that mobile users are not their primary target or that there is no-one in their organization to take charge of this activity. June 2012 95
Respondents also appear to be missing opportunities to measure mobile email opens, which are reportedly on the rise. Just 36% are monitoring their email campaigns to see how many recipients are opening emails on mobile phones. Those marketers understand the importance of optimizing their emails for mobile browsers, with 72% doing so. June 2012 96
The number of mobile internet users in Canada jumped more than 28% in 2011, with 25% of the population using the mobile internet by year’s end. eMarketer estimates that penetration will continue to rise, albeit at a somewhat slower pace, through 2016, when nearly half of the population will be mobile internet users. June 2012 97
In 2011, mobile ad spending in Canada reached a relatively paltry US$80 million, according to eMarketer estimates, but that figure is expected to balloon past $777 million in the next four years, as “mobile-first” strategies begin to dominate marketers’ efforts. June 2012 98
Later, in June, a survey from Google and Complete revealed that 28 percent of B2B executives used their mobile phones or tablets to research business purchases online. May 2012 99
B2B Digital Marketing points to a comScore whitepaper which reported that 8.2 percent of U.S. traffic has been from mobile devices in 2012. Many of these interactions take place via email, so companies should make sure their email marketing campaigns are visible and optimized for mobile screens. May 2012 100
For one, a March 2011 survey from Oracle and Endeca found that around 25 percent of B2B ecommerce professionals worldwide marked the mobile web as one of their most influential touch points. May 2012 101
Forty three percent (43%) of businesses have achieved some level of integration between their email marketing and mobile marketing programs, but with mobile landing pages (32%), mobile number capture at email sign-up (25%) and mobile optimized templates (22%) being the top areas of focus, progress needs to be made in implementing more sophisticated programs. May 2012 102
When asked to identify the top obstacle to launching a mobile program, 37% of businesses cited lack of strategy, followed lack of resources at 22%. May 2012 103
To that point, only 27% are running cross-channel, lifecycle marketing programs that include mobile messaging. Similarly, only 29% have used mobile response data to optimize offers in email or other channels. May 2012 104
Mobile marketing programs and budgets are projected to increase in 2012, but 37% of businesses report that a lack of strategy inhibits their adopting mobile marketing, and 22% cite a lack of resources. Those results are according to [pdf] the “StrongMail Mobile Marketing Survey 2012,” conducted in April 2012, of more than 800 business leaders worldwide. May 2012 105
Mobile websites (70%), mobile applications (55%) and QR codes (49%) are the most popular forms of mobile marketing, but less than half of marketers are currently running any of them. May 2012 106
Of those who are, 57% have only been running them for a year or less. However, the opportunity is not lost with marketers, as 75% of businesses not currently running programs plan to within a year or more – and of those businesses that are, 70% expect to see their budgets increase over the same time period. May 2012 107
45% have adopted mobile marketing; 57% have been doing it for 12 months or less May 2012 108
37% cite lack of strategy as top reason for lack of adoption, followed by lack of resources (22%) May 2012 109
43% have integrated email marketing and mobile marketing May 2012 110
More than 50% of respondents to the StrongMail Mobile Marketing 2012 survey believed that a mobile program could help them increase sales and acquire new customers, while nearly 50% of respondents say a strong mobile program would increase brand awareness. May 2012 111
Total scans continue to climb as ScanLife saw 13 million scans processed in Q1 2012 alone, a 157% increase from more than a year ago May 2012112
ScanLife did not break down its data by industry, but Nielsen earlier this month revealed that among US smartphone owners who used their devices while shopping in-store, 57% have scanned a QR code for product details while in an electronics store, compared to 36% who have done so in a department store, the next most-popular location for this activity. May 2012 113
Other stores where smartphone shoppers have scanned QR codes are mass merchandisers (31%), grocery stores (26%), office supply stores (20%), clothing stores (16%), and convenience stores (8%). Just 5% have done so in a furniture store, and only 2% in a dollar store. May 2012 114
The percentage of advertising pages with an action code reached a peak of 8.9% in January, before falling to 8.3% in February and 8.05% in March. May 2012 115
Data from xAd’s “Mobile-Local Performance Stats” indicates that based on the top-searched keywords in Q1, most mobile users entered queries related to specific local needs, with restaurants leading, ahead of gas stations. Health and medical and home and garden both saw increases, moving into the #3 and #4 spots, respectively, with shopping rounding out the top 5 most-searched categories. May 2012 116
Mobile application search access in Q1 grew at a higher rate (4% points) than access via a mobile browser (3% points), continuing a trend apparent since xAd began tracking this in Q3 2011. May 2012 117
Placing a call to a local business was the leading secondary action after a mobile-local search ad click on the xAd network in Q1 2012, according to a report released by xAd in May 2012. 58% of secondary actions post-search click led to calls, ahead of maps and directions (36%), description (5%), and more info (1%). Overall, the secondary action rate (SAR - the percentage of users who took action after the initial ad click) stood at a healthy 36%, while the click-through rate (CTR) on search campaigns rose from 7% in Q4 2011 to 8.13% in Q1. Once again, search CTR far outpaced display ad CTR, which was 0.72%. May 2012 118
More than 85% of the action codes were placed on the bottom half of the page. May 2012 119
Magazine advertisers’ use of mobile action codes, including all 2D barcodes, QR codes, Microsoft Tags, and watermarks, continued to be solid in Q1 2012, according to a May 2012 study from Nellymoser. The percentage of advertising pages with an action code, perhaps the most accurate measurement of mobile action code adoption, remained above 8% each month during Q1 2012, for the first quarter since Nellymoser began tracking this metric in March 2011. The percentage of advertising pages with an action code reached a peak of 8.9% in January, before falling to 8.3% in February and 8.05% in March. May 2012 120
The total number of action codes in the top 100 US magazines by circulation jumped to 1365 in Q1 2012, almost quadrupling the 352 from the same period last year. In fact, all magazines in the study, save for one, ran at least one advertisement during Q1 that included a code, with more than 450 brands in total running an ad that included a cod May 2012 121
The total number of action codes fell on a quarterly basis, after reaching 1899 in Q4. Some reasons include: magazines not publishing a January issue; others creating a combined issue spanning December and January (counted as being in December); and advertising pages increasing around the holiday season. May 2012 122
82% of the action codes printed in the top 100 magazines in March 2012 were QR codes, up from 80% in February and 78% in January. March’s 82% was the highest proportion recorded since Nellymoser began tracking the codes. Microsoft tags accounted for just 12% of all codes in March, while all other codes combined accounted for the remaining 6%. May 2012123
Showcasing a video (35%) remained the most popular usage for action codes in Q1, although this was a drop from 44% in Q4 2011. E-commerce (21%) was next, slightly up from 19% in Q4 2011, followed by opt-in/sweeps (20%), and social media (18%). Other uses included store locator (11%), coupon (8%), photo gallery (7%), and downloads (7%). May 2012 124
The average number of codes per issue dropped from 6.5 in Q4 2011 to 4.88 in Q1 2012. The median number of codes also fell from 5 to 4, as there were fewer large promotions in Q1. Whereas the largest number of codes in an issue was 70 in Q4 2011, that number was 32 in Q1 2012. May 2012 125
Roughly 45% of all action codes in magazines came from companies in the beauty, health, home, and fashion industries. May 2012 126
64% of all action codes in Q1 were accompanied by text describing what happens after the scan. 17% were customized, and 6% were accompanied by an icon. May 2012 127
Tag management users average 19 site tags, while manual taggers average 10 site tags. May 2012 128
That smartphone stat doesn’t put the U.S. in the top tier globally, though. Australia, the U.K., Sweden, Norway, Saudi Arabia and UAE all have smartphone uptake rates over 50%. May 2012 129
The recent flak service providers like Verizon and Sprint caught with capping dubiously titled “unlimited data” plans hasn’t seemed to slow consumers’ fervor for utilizing their smartphones to shop, with an overwhelming 96% claiming to have researched a product or service on their phone and 57% conducting general searches everyday. May 2012130
Among the other stats: 89% of smartphone users notice mobile ads and 66% visit a business online or in-store after a local search. May 2012 131
Almost three in five Hispanic mobile subscribers use smartphones, and a majority of African-Americans own smartphones May 2012 132
In March 2012, a majority (50.4%) of U.S. mobile subscribers owned smartphones, up from 47.8 percent in December 2011. May 2012 133
50.9 percent of female mobile subscribers carried smartphones in March 2012, compared to 50.1 percent for men. May 2012 134
Looking at multiple smartphones are particularly popular among those ages 25 to 34: More than two out of three in this age group have a smartphone. May 2012 135
Asian Americans lead smartphone adoption with 67.3 percent using a smartphone as their primary mobile handset. May 2012 136
For the 3-month average period ending in March, 234 million Americans ages 13 and older used mobile devices. May 2012 137
During the three-month average ending March 2012, 50% of US mobile subscribers used downloaded applications on their mobile device, up about 5% from 47.6% during the three-month average ending December 2011, according to comScore Mobile Metrix data. May 2012 138
For the period, downloaded applications extended their lead in penetration over browsers, which were used by 49.3% of subscribers (up close to 5% from 47.5%). Texting remained the most common activity, used by 74.3% of US mobile subscribers, unchanged from the previous 3-month period. May 2012 139
According to an April 2012 report from Flurry, daily smartphone app consumption rose from an average of 68 minutes in Q1 2011 to 77 minutes in Q1 2012. May 2012 140
Meanwhile, comScore figures indicate that other mobile activities also saw an increase in subscriber engagement from the prior three-month period, including accessing of social networking sites or blogs, which increased 2.3% from 35.3% to 36.1% of mobile subscribers, and game-playing, which was done by 32.6% of the mobile audience (up 4% from 31.4%). May 2012141
Furthermore, the proportion of mobile subscribers listening to music on their devices continues to rise, reaching about one-quarter of the total audience, up 6.3% from 23.8% the prior period. May 2012 142
General US smartphone ownership grew to 106 million in March 2012, representing a 9% increase from December. May 2012 143
Mobile Services Revenue exceeded $1 Trillion for the first time in 2011.  The number of mobile operators with > $1 Billion in yearly data revenues will touch 50 in 2012 April 2012 144
Total Global Mobile Data Revenues went past $300 Billion in 2011.  Non-messaging data now owns 53% of the global mobile data revenues. April 2012 145
Mobile Operator Profits have more than doubled over the last 10 years.  However, the wealth is not divided evenly. Asia’s share has tripled at the expense of Europe whose profit share has declined by 50% April 2012 146
Total Global Subscriptions to exceed 7 Billion in early 2013.  China exceeds 1 Billion, India 950 Million. Subscriber growth is in Asia, Revenue growth is in Asia+North America.  China and India represent 27% of subscriptions but only 12% of the global service revenues April 2012 147
US represents only 6% of the subscriptions but 21% of the global service revenues, 26% of the data revenues, and 27% of the global CAPEX April 2012 148
  Mobile Operator Revenue is under pressure from OTT Players.  OTT Share of the Global Mobile Revenues increased to 4% April 2012 149
Mobile Broadband (4G) is being deployed at a faster rate than previous generations, first time data is leading the charge.  Over 1.5 Billion broadband connections by 2012 April 2012 150
 Mobile Devices are now exceeding traditional computers in unit sales + revenue. 70% of the device sales in the US are now smartphones. Device Replacement cycle is shrinking April 2012 151
  Mobile data traffic 2x YOY in most markets. Mobile Data will be 95% of the global mobile traffic by 2015. Many countries are facing spectrum exhaust in the next 2-3 years (in certain markets) April 2012 152
Total Global Mobile Revenues to hit $1.5 Trillion in 2012, over 2% of Global GDP.  Top 10 operators control 42% of the global data mobile revenues April 2012 153
  Intellectual Property has become a key component of long-term product strategy.  21% of all patents granted in US are mobile related. Top 20 control 1/3rd of the overall mobile patent pool April 2012 154
The global mobile industry is the most vibrant and fastest growing industry. We expect the total revenue in the industry to touch approximately $1.5 Trillion in 2012 with mobile data representing 28% of the mix. April 2012 155
Mobile data services revenue stood at 33%. Global Mobile Data revenues eclipsed $300 Billion for the first time in 2011. It is also the first year in which non-messaging data revenues will make up the majority of the overall global data revenues at 53%. April 2012 156
By the end of 2011, the global subscriptions exceeded 6 Billion. The first 1 billion took over 20 years and this last one took only 15 months. The primary growth drivers are India and China which are cumulatively adding 75M new subs every quarter April 2012 157
Smartphones are driving tremendous growth around the globe. Amongst the major markets, US leads with 69% sales. The global figure stands at approximately 32%. Some operators expect 90-95% of their device sales to be smartphones in 2012. In terms of the actual smartphone penetration, we expect the US market to eclipse the 50% mark in 2012. April 2012 158
The Rule of Three is evident in all major markets. While the percentage market share might vary, on an average, the top 3 control 93% of the market in an given nation. It doesn’t matter if the market is defined by “controlled regulation” like in China, Korea, and Japan or if it is “open market” driven in markets such as the US, UK, and India. Eventually, only top 3 operators control the majority of the market. April 2012 159
The competitive equilibrium point in the mobile industry seems to when the market shares of the top 3 are 46%:29%:18% respectively with the remaining 7% being allocated to the niche operators. To achieve some semblance of equilibrium in the market the top operator shouldn’t have more than 50% of the market share and the number three player shouldn’t have less than 20%. This helps create enough balance in the market to derive maximum value for the consumer. April 2012 160
In 2012, the global mobile industry revenue will hit $1.5 trillion. This revenue has tripled in the last 10 years. Mobile operator’s revenue reached a new milestone at the end of 2011. The total global mobile operator revenue exceeded $1 trillion for the first time. The operator profits have more than doubled in the last 10 years. April 2012 161
The operator might play all three roles depending on the vertical in a given country. However, without playing a significant role in the latter two categories, operator revenues over the long haul will start to resemble those of utilities – billions of dollars in revenue but the margins might shrink to 8-12% from the current 30-40%. April 2012 162
Consider this from Google, which questioned thousands of mobile consumers in 30 countries this year about how they use their mobile devices: 79 per cent of people turn to their phone to help them shop; 88 per cent take action on that information within a day; and 70 per cent of all mobile searches result in action within one hour. April 2012 163
eMarketer forecasts that internet users in Russia will reach 67.9 million in 2012, comprising nearly 50% of the country's total population, compared to 42.4% in China, 42% in Brazil and 8.9% in India. April 2012 164
Smartphones and tablets are becoming widespread worldwide, including in the BRIC countries, according to a December 2011 survey by UM (formerly Universal McCann). Interestingly though, the survey found smartphone penetration among internet users to be higher in the larger markets of China (59%), India (37%) and Brazil (35%) than in Russia (28%). April 2012 165
Data from the Arbitron report indicates that smartphone owners represent half of the cell phone-owning population, and that close to two-thirds of adults aged 18-34 age group own a smartphone. April 2012 166
The vast majority of smartphone appear tethered to their devices, finds a pair of separate studies released in April 2012. According to Arbitron and Edison Research survey results [download page], a whopping 91% of smartphone owners say their device is within arm’s length either always (60%) or most of the time (31%). April 2012 167
And findings from a Time magazine study indicate that 65% of digital natives take their devices from room to room with them, with these consumers saying that smartphones are the first thing they reach for when they wake up and when they leave home. Smartphones are also the first device digital natives will think of having close at hand when home, and the first they will turn to if they wake up in the middle of the night. April 2012 168
An Experian report [download page] released in April 2012 also found a similar trend: according to those results, smartphone owners were more likely than any cell phone owners to perform a variety of activities in the past 30 days, including taking photos (79% vs. 72%) and playing games (45% vs. 31%) April 2012 169
According to the Arbitron study, smartphone users are more likely than non-smartphone cell phone users to perform a range of activities on their devices at least several times per day, including making or receiving calls (86% vs. 59%), sending or receiving text messages (78% vs. 34%), taking pictures with the phone’s camera (23% vs. 6%), and playing games (21% vs. 2%). April 2012 170
Smartphones have irreversibly changed people's mobile habits and how marketers interact with them. eMarketer expects that smartphones will continue to grow in popularity worldwide, and Canada, which will pass 10 million smartphone users this year, is no exception. March 2012 171
In March 2012, eMarketer forecast that Canada will rival the US in smartphone users as a percentage of mobile phone users in 2012, at 46% vs. 47.7%, respectively. When it comes to total users, however, the numbers are a bit more lopsided: Canada, a much smaller country by total population, will have 10.5 million smartphone users in 2012, compared to 115.8 million in the US. March 2012 172
comScore estimates that 45% of mobile phone users in Canada used a smartphone in December 2011, a 5-percentage-point increase over September 2011. March 2012 173
Is anyone excited about QR codes besides marketers? According to Nielsen/McKinsey’s NM Incite, online buzz about codes increased from .002% in June 2010 to 0.15% of all online conversation this month. That ‘s more than other alternative mobile technologies like “near field communication” (NFC), “augmented reality” and “image recognition” combined. March 2012 174
Based on sentiment analysis of QR-code related tweets last month, the vast majority (78%) of people were neutral on the topic. The balance were evenly split for and against QR codes. That means only 11% were sending out positive tweets. March 2012 175
The research also suggests QR codes are a guy thing, since 70% of the tweets came from men. Data from comScore last year showed men made up 60.5% of those scanning QR codes with a mobile phone. But Roger Matus, EVP, mobile marketing and technology firm Nellymoser, challenges the notion that men are more attuned to codes than women.  March 2012176
Estimates of consumer adoption vary. comScore reported that one in five U.S. smartphone owners scanned a QR code with their phone in December. Forrester said adoption of 2D barcodes, including QR codes, increased from 1% to 5% among all U.S. mobile users, and 15% among smartphone owners. March 2012 177
Yankee Group predicts QR code scanning will peak at 8% of mobile users in 2012 before losing ground to NFC technology in the coming years as a superior alternative for mobile marketing and m-commerce. March 2012178
During the three-month average ending January 2012, 35.7% of US mobile subscribers used accessed a social networking site or blog on their mobile device, up 10.5% from the three-month average ending October 2011, and representing 41.1% year-over-year growth, according to comScore Mobile Metrix data. March 2012 179
Texting remained the most common activity, used by 74.6% of US mobile subscribers, up 3.9% from 71.1% for the three-month average ending in October. March 2012 180
According to a February report from Nielsen and NM Incite, social networking applications accounted for 5.5% of time spent on mobile phones in October 2011, compared to 13.3% for text messaging. March 2012 181
Meanwhile, comScore data shows application downloading (48.6%) and browser use (48.5%) both growing in engagement and continuing to run neck and neck, as they were for the 3-month average ending in December 2011. March 2012 182
Other mobile activities also saw an rise in subscriber engagement from the prior three-month period, including game-playing, which grew 8.9% to 31.8% of the mobile audience. March 2012 183
Additionally, 24.5% of mobile subscribers listened to music on their phones (up 15.6% from 21.2% the prior period). March 2012 184
A March 2012 report from the NPD Group suggests that the increase in mobile devices is contributing to growth in digital music downloads, with the number of paid download buyers increasing 14% in 2011 to 45 million customers. March 2012 185
Overall, comScore data indicates that the number of US smartphone subscribers passed the 100-million mark in January, up 3.5% from December 2011 and 13.5% from October. Indeed, according to a Pew report released in March, 46% of US adults are smartphone owners as of February 2012, an increase of 11% points from the 35% who owned a smartphone in May 2011. March 2012 186
Although Pew’s report maintains that more US adults own smartphones (46%) than do cell phones that are not smartphones (41%), comScore’s data shows that in January 2012, 234 million Americans age 13 and older used mobile devices, of which 101.3 million were smartphone users. March 2012 187
Will the US, with smartphones accounting for 38% of mobile phones in 2011, follow the same trend? Not quite. eMarketer forecasts strong growth in US smartphone users, but penetration will only reach 48.5% of mobile users in 2013. March 2012 188
QR and other mobile codes seem to be appearing everywhere. In fact, only 6% of ads carried a mobile code in the last quarter of 2011, according to Competitrack and its new survey of 7,300 mobile-activated ads it catalogued last year. But that 6% of ads represented enormous growth from the 1% that occupied January issues. February 2012 189
Overall, Competitrack says more than 2,300 advertisers used 2D codes in their ads last year. The tactic remains primarily a print approach. According to company president Bob Moss: “We were monitoring 2D codes in six media: TV print, outdoor, online display, online video and opt-in email. But about 96% of the codes we found were running in print.” Among the 11,000 outdoor ads Competitrack monitored in 24 markets, only 175 carried mobile codes.    February 2012 190
Select advertisers are making very heavy use of the method for linking physical advertising with virtual assets. Competitrack counted 85% of Oppenheimer Funds ads having codes, 71% of Next Day Blinds ads and 68% of Tag Heuer ads. On a monthly basis, 2D code use jumped markedly in the final quarter of the year, peaking throughout September through December for magazine issues at 6% of all ads. February 2012191
Retail advertisers accounted for 21.9% of ad code use in print. In fact, retail, technology (13.6%), financial services (6.7%) and cosmetics & personal care (6.3%) accounted for more than half of codes. February 2012 192
While other code types struggle for a toehold in the print market, advertisers continue to favor QR overwhelmingly -- found in 87.8% of ads. Microsoft’s Tag platform is a distant second at 10.2%, with others such as JagTag, SnapTag, EZ Code and Datamatrix Code each accounting for less than .5% of use. February 2012 193
With the heavy use of codes among retailers, it is not surprising that 40.7% of these activations led consumers to product information, a brand’s site or a purchase opportunity. But many marketers were focusing their landing experiences on branding efforts, with 23.2% of codes leading to some kind of engagement experience. Another 12.7% led to video, with some involving branding or product illustration. Only 7.8% of these placements led to sign-ups for continued communications with the brand or for contests. Another 3% led to social network activities such as “liking” or “following” a brand. Only 2.2% initiated an app download and even fewer (1%) rendered a coupon. February 2012 194
And to show you how quickly this industry has been built, Ahonen says that mobile is the fastest growing industry of all time going from zero to $1 trillion in 2010 and that is expected to double by 2020. By then, he expects that even the cheapest “Africa phone” will have decent specs including 3G, Wi-Fi, a touch screen and an 8MP camera and will cost $10. February 2012 195
Repeating a statistic fist mentioned by Nokia at MindTrek 2010, it was repeated by star 3G consultant Tomi Ahonen that the average person stares at his/her phone 150 times per day. That works out to once every 6.5 minutes of every hour that the average person is awake. February 2012 196
According to that study, among mobile users who had scanned a QR code, the most popular source was a printed magazine or newspaper, with nearly half scanning QR codes from this source. Product packaging was the source of QR code scanning for 35.3% of the audience, while 27.4% scanned a code from a website on a PC and 23.5% scanned codes from a poster/flyer/kiosk. February 2012 197
2011 saw a 300% growth in barcode scanning compared to 2010, and a 1000% increase over 2009, according to [download page] a report released in February 2012 by Scanbuy. In fact, Q4 2011 alone saw more scans than 2009 and 2010 combined. February 2012 198
Mid-November through December proved a significant period of new user activation, serving as the driving force behind the more than 3 million new ScanLife users activated during the quarter, a 360% growth from Q4 2010. February 2012 199
73% of barcodes in Q4 2011 were 2D codes, with ID codes accounting for the remaining 27%. Although current use of 2D barcodes by 100 independent marketers that ScanLife surveyed stands at 50%, 86% of those marketers said they plan to use 2D barcodes in the future. February 2012 200
61% of the marketers surveyed report using open source code formats, with QR codes the most popular. The top 3 media placement choices include magazines and newspapers, direct mail, and product packaging. February 2012 201
In 2011, 96% of smartphone apps were downloaded for free January 2012202
Today’s smartphone users are increasingly unenthusiastic about paying for mobile applications. Consumers are closing their wallets at app stores, preferring free app downloads instead. IHS Screen Digest estimated that 96% of all smartphone apps were downloaded for free in 2011. January 2012 203
IHS projects that in-app purchases will account for 64% of total smartphone app revenue in 2015, up from 39% in 2011. January 2012 204
Returning to the gaming example, a smartphone user who engages with a mobile game for several consecutive days is more likely to make an in-app purchase than an infrequent app user. A Localytics study showed that loyal app users generated 25% more in-app purchases than average customers. January 2012 205
Moreover, Localytics data showed that 44% of smartphone users who made an in-app purchase did not do so until they had interacted with the app at least 10 times. It also found that users who made in-app purchases did so, on average, 12 days after first launching the app. January 2012 206
In 2011, Localytics found that 26% of apps were used only once after download. This further indicates that user experience and engagement are crucial for generating repeat app usage and subsequent in-app purchases. Mobile marketers should observe the mobile gaming market for best practices around the in-app business model. January 2012 207
The value of mobile marketing market will grow 37% a year to 22.4 billion in 2016 January 2012 208
There are 6.8 billion people on the planet. 5.1 billion of them own a cell phone, but only 4.2 billion own a toothbrush. January 2012 209
It takes 90 minutes for the average person to respond to an email. It takes 90 seconds for the average person to respond to a text message. January 2012 210
Mobile coupons get 10 times the redemption rate of traditional coupons. January 2012 211
91% of all U.S. citizens have their mobile device within reach 24/7 January 2012 212
Mobile coupons receive 10x higher redemption rates than print coupons. January 2012 213
16 % of smartphone users report that they’ve made a purchase as a result of a marketing message they received on their phone. January 2012 214
33% of US mobile customers prefer offers via text message to those via mobile Web (21%), apps (11%), and voice mail (8%). January 2012 215
The average amount of time smartphone and tablet users spend with mobile applications reached 94 minutes in December 2011, more than the 72 minutes they spend on the Web. January 2012 216
For example, an October 2011 survey from marketing firm Russell Herder found 72 percent of respondents had seen the codes before, but around 30 percent had no idea what they were. January 2012 217
A recent Chadwick Martin Bailey survey revealed that 57 percent of individuals who scanned a quick-response (QR) code did nothing with the information they obtained, MarketingCharts reports January 2012 218
Furthermore, a mere 21 percent shared the message received (from QR codes) with someone else and just 18 percent used the information to make a purchase. January 2012 219
However, 70 percent of consumers did say that once they understood the concept (QR code), they found it quite easy to use. January 2012 220
The most common investment business executives looked to make in mobile for 2012 was in building apps (29%). In addition, 22% said they were investing in the general category of mobile advertising, and 20% in sending SMS alerts. December 2011 221
Only 15% of respondents planned to invest in location-based mobile marketing in the coming year, a number that is sure to climb as brands realize the value of connecting with consumers on the go and in-market. December 2011 222
The number of smartphone subscribers using the mobile Internet has grown 45 percent since 2010 December 2011 223
87 percent of app downloaders (those who have downloaded an app in the past 30 days) have used deal-of-the-day websites December 2011 224
The majority of smartphone owners (62%) have downloaded apps on their devices and games are the top application category used in the past 30 days December 2011 225
No factors in this part of the survey showed a decrease. According to comScore 234 million Americans over the age of 13 use a mobile phone of some sort. 90 million of those mobile phone users, use smart phones which was up 10% from the previous quarter. December 2011 226
The report showed that texting is still the dominant content usage across all phones (both smart and feature phones) in the U.S. at 71.8%. In fact texting actually increased from July 2011 to October 2011 by 1.8%. December 2011 227
Web browsing was up 2.9% while downloading mobile apps saw the biggest increase (3.2%) to 43.8% in the most recent quarter. December 2011 228
The Pew Internet & American Life Project estimates that 85% of adults, or 42% of cellphone owners, owned a smartphone as of August 2011. According to The Nielsen Company (www.nielsen.com), while 43% of all mobile subscribers in the U.S. had a smartphone as of August 2011, 56% of those who got a new device in the prior 3 months chose a smartphone over a feature phone. December 2011 229
Thirty-three percent (33%) of American households own a smartphone, up from 11% in 2008; and 40% of consumers that do not own a smartphone say they are likely to purchase one in the near future. December 2011 230
According to a September 2011 report by the Pew Internet & American Life Project (www.pewinternet.org), 83% of adults own a cellphone. Ninety percent (90%) of those with an annual income of $30,000 to $50,000 own a cellphone; among adults with an income of $75,000 or more, ownership rises to 95%. December 2011 231
The study shows that smart posters and mobile marketing are the greatest opportunity for service providers and manufacturers of NFC tags; they account for over half of shipments to date and are expected to be the fastest growing segment, accounting for 70% of shipments in 2016, the report reveals. November 2011 232
“Companies, including Avery Dennison, Identive, and UPM Raflatac have all released products targeting the growing interest for the non-payment services that NFC enables,” ABI research shows. “In total, this market is expected to be worth $298 million over the next five years.” November 2011 233
Location-based targeting nearly doubled month-over-month as the preferred ad targeting method used to reach consumers on the Jumptap mobile ad network, employed by 61% of advertisers compared to 33% in September, according to [download page] a Jumptap report released in November 2011. Results from the “Simple Target & Audience Trends (STAT)” report indicate that 22% of campaigns used device capability, up from 19% in September, while only 5% used handset, down significantly from 25%. November 2011 234
Overall, the proportion of marketers using multiple targeting methods drastically rose in October: 80% of advertisers used more than one targeting method, up from just 10% in September. November 2011 235
On the Millennial Media mobile network, music and entertainment was the top applications category for Apple in October, growing 19% month-over-month, while gaming applications moved to the #2 app category. November 2011 236
In October, 53% of requests were from the mobile web (compared to 52% in September) and 47% were from mobile apps. Feature phones saw a major decline in mobile web traffic in October, with only a 34% share, compared to 50% in September. November 2011 237
Click-to-web (76%) and click-to-download (23%) continued to predominate as preferred actions for advertisers. November 2011 238
The report also revealed expansion in year-by-year spending (mobile marketing), and revealed that the 'Technology' vertical experienced the most year-by year growth, with an impressive 687% year-over-year growth rate. In this category, 'Technology' was followed by 'CPG's, 'Finance', Retail/Retaurants', 'Pharmaceuticals', and finally 'Entertainment'.  November 2011 239
The top (mobile) campaign goal in the third quarter was sustained-in-market presence, representing 34% of the advertisers’ main campaign goals.  November 2011 240
The study also observed smartphone trends, and revealed that 32% of consumers used their smartphones to search better prices on consumer items, while 27% used their smartphones to search product reviews.  November 2011 241
Interestingly enough, campaigns that allowed consumers to view a map grew 27% quarter-over-quarter. This fact illustrates the increasingly important role that the “view map” option continues to play in driving consumers into physical locations. November 2011 242
According to the findings presented in the report, local market targeting grew a staggering 50% quarter-over-quarter, and certain “post-click” options, like the ability to watch video, similarly grew 78% quarter-over-quarter. November 2011 243
Finance, however, was the top US ad vertical on Millennial Media’s network and has grown 356% year-over-year. Entertainment, on the other hand, was the top International ad vertical. November 2011 244
Millennial Media also found that six different verticals experienced triple digit growth or greater year-over-year. Technology (not consumer electronics, but BtoB tech, cloud storage, etc.) was the leading vertical as it grew 687%. November 2011 245
A new report from Juniper Research underscores the growing value of mobile retail marketing, which is poised to reach $15 billion globally by 2012. November 2011 246
The survey of 1,000 consumers found that more than half (62%) would be willing to make a purchase on their mobile device this holiday season if prompted by coupons, discount offers, text alerts, gift cards or loyalty points.  November 2011 247
 In a similar survey conducted by Sybase 365 a year ago, only 32% of respondents said that mobile incentives would encourage them to make a purchase on their device. November 2011 248
In the absence of coupons, discount offers or other enticements suggested above, 56% of consumers surveyed would be likely to use their mobile device for one of the following uses: to find a store location (38%), compare prices (34%), researching deals and coupons (28%), find a product review (27%) or make a purchase (22%). (EDITOR’S NOTE: Specific percentages shown reflect the fact that some respondents said they were predisposed toward more than one of the categories above.) November 2011 249
 Asked which solution would encourage greater use of mobile payments for holiday shopping, one in four respondents (25%) reported that they would be more likely to make mobile payments if the solution was offered by their financial institution, while 22% would be persuaded by a solution such as PayPal and 18% would be influenced by a solution from a credit card company.  November 2011 250
After younger adults, the segment with the second fastest-growing smartphone penetration rate is those aged 55-64. Smartphone penetration among this older group is only 30 percent, but it jumped 5 percent this quarter. November 2011 251
Nielsen’s third quarter survey of mobile users reveals that while only 43 percent of all US mobile phone subscribers own a smartphone, a mobile phone with a powerful operating system, the vast majority of those under the age of 44 now have smartphones. November 2011 252
In fact, 62 percent of mobile adults aged 25-34 report owning smartphones. And among those 18-24 and 35-44 years old the smartphone penetration rate is hovering near 54 percent. November 2011 253
Other groups show slightly lower penetration rates. Around 40 percent of 12-17 year-old teens and 40 percent of 45-54 year-olds reported owning a smartphone, as opposed to a more basic feature phone. November 2011254
More than 30 million US consumers accessed mobile banking information from their mobile phone by the end of Q2 2011 in June, representing 13.9% of all mobile users November 2011 255
eMarketer forecasts display will take 33% of mobile ad dollars in 2012, pushing it ahead of SMS and even with mobile search spending. October 2011 256
In Q3, display advertising took an even larger lead over SMS. More than half of agencies said they are now creating more mobile display ads for their clients than other mobile formats, compared to just 16% of agencies that are still mostly creating SMS ads. October 2011 257
Mobile phones to overtake PCs as most common web browsing device by 2013 October 2011 258
77% of the world’s population subscribes to mobile – 5.3 billion people – October 2011 259
This year over 85% of new phones will be able to access the mobile Internet worldwide October 2011 260
Almost one in five global mobile subscribers have access to fast mobile Internet (3G or better) October 2011 261
In the US 25% of mobile web users are mobile only October 2011 262
Mobile ad spend worldwide is predicted to be $3.3 billion in 2011 sky rocketing to $20.6 billion in 2015 October 2011 263
Over 300,000 mobile apps have been developed in three years. Apps have been downloaded 10.9 billion times October 2011 264
On average US smartphone users have 22 apps October 2011 265
Eight trillion text messages will be sent this year October 2011 266
Application to person SMS (automated alerts from banks, offers from retailers, m-tickets, etc.) is expected to overtake person to person SMS in 2016 October 2011 267
52% of Americans have seen or heard of QR Codes October 2011 268
28% of smartphone users in the US have scanned a QR Code October 2011 269
In the US people 35 – 44 scan QR Codes more than any other demographic (25%) October 2011 270
64% of QR Codes were scanned by women October 2011 271
QR scanning to receive information on a product or service is by far the most popular type – 87% of scans October 2011 272
For example, 77% of smartphone owners engaged in email, compared to just 14% of feature phone owners and 31% of overall subscribers (71.8 million Americans total). In the case of location-based services, the engagement rate of smartphone owners (50%) was roughly seven times that of feature phone owners (7%). October 2011 273
Smartphones made up 54% of all mobile phone sales in the US. According to last year’s predictions, Smartphones capturing 50% of overall mobile sales was supposed to happen by the end of 2011. October 2011 274
In Q1 2010, Apple shipped 8.7 million iPhones, while in Q1 2011 they shipped 18.7 million iPhones – a 115% increase in one year. October 2011275
America seeing an 85% growth from Q1 2010 to Q1 2011 in total Smartphone shipments. The current base of Smartphone owners in the US is broken down into 37% with an Android device, 27% with an iPhone, 22% with a Blackberry, and 10% with a Windows phone. October 2011 276
32.5 million Americans accessed mobile banking information on their devices at the end of Q2 2011 in June. That represents 13.9 percent of all mobile users. October 2011 277
During the third quarter of 2011, mobile video content consumed between 40 percent and 60 percent of wireless network data traffic. October 2011278
Roughly 40 percent of tablet and smartphone owners in the U.S. used their devices daily while watching TV, while only 14 percent of eReader owners said they watched TV while using their device every day. October 2011 279
Advertisers should take note that while viewers may be splitting attention between two (or three!) screens, 19 percent of smartphone and tablet owners searched for product information and 13 percent searched for coupons or deals while the television was on. October 2011 280
Close to nine in 10 (86%) US smartphone owners engage in text messaging/SMS, according to a white paper from the Mobile Marketing Association. Results from “A Brand Marketer’s Guide to the Mobile Web and Mobile Apps: Not an Either/or Proposition” indicate in total, 152.3 million Americans engaged in SMS/text messaging during Q4 2010, including 66% of all subscribers and 60% of feature phone owners. September 2011 281
For all seven mobile activities studied, smartphone owners engaged at rates in some cases triple or even more than quadruple that of feature phone owners and overall subscribers. September 2011 282
Looking at year-over-year usage rates of smartphone browsers and apps in 2010 show smartphone owners are equally willing to use both methods of mobile web access. Slightly more than one-third of smartphone owners (34.4%) used apps (except native games) in December 2010, up 32.4% from 26% a year earlier. September 2011 283
Different mobile media activities are preferred by different demographics. Following is a brief summary according to whether a typical user is older or younger than 30 and a male or female. No activities examined by the study came out with an average user being a female older than 30. September 2011 284
In addition, those users accessing social network or blogs almost daily meanwhile nearly doubled, growing 90% to 28.1 million smartphone users. comScore data indicates social networking is one of the most popular mobile activities in the US. September 2011 285
Meanwhile, 36.4% used a browser, up 32.7% from 25% a year earlier; demonstrating that both methods of web access are growing at the same rate as well as showing virtually identical shares of smartphone web access. September 2011 286
The number of US smartphone users who ever access social networking or blog destinations on their mobiles (both browser and app) has grown 72% in the past year to reach an audience of 47.8 million visitors. September 2011 287
According to CTIA, there are more than 300 million mobile phones in the U.S., which is almost on par with our current population of 312 million people. September 2011 288
From a global perspective, there are more than 5 billion mobile subscribers. September 2011 289
The rate of adoption for mobile is incredible, especially as compared to personal computers. In June 2008, Gartner reported that 1 billion people had PCs and estimated that number would reach 2 billion by 2014. September 2011 290
According to a 2010 Harris Interactive poll, 42 percent of men and women between the ages of 18 and 34 identified themselves as interested in receiving text alerts from marketers. September 2011 291
According to an Opus Research report,  mobile marketing/advertising is far superior to that of traditional online campaigns with response rates that are often twice to 10 times higher. In terms of ROI, that’s a staggering number. September 2011 292
Mobile phones are our constant companions, providing almost unlimited access to the content we crave, regardless of location or time of day. According to a recent CNBC article, 75% of people polled never leave home without their mobile phone. September 2011 293
Year-over-year, smartphones have gained 41% market share while feature phones have lost 57%. Connected devices have stayed close to flat, with 16% share in August 2010. September 2011 294
Smartphones accounted for 72% of all connected device impressions on the Millennial Media mobile network, according to the August 2011 Millennial Media Mobile Mix. This represents 6% growth from a 68% share in July 2011. September 2011 295
Meanwhile, feature phones and connected devices each accounted for 14% of August impressions. This is down 12.5% from the 16% share both held in July. September 2011 296
All WiFi carriers combined took a 32% share of the Millennial network in August, making them cumulatively the top carrier by a wide margin. Verizon followed a distant second with 18% share. September 2011 297
Fifty-nine percent of all WiFi devices running on the Millennial network in August were smartphones. Another 34% were connected devices and 7% were feature phones. September 2011 298
63% of all mobile devices on the Millennial network were touchscreen interface in August, followed by touch/QWERTY (16%). September 2011299
At that time, 51% of mobile device impressions on the Millennial network were from smartphones and 33% from feature phones. September 2011300
Smartphones and connected devices combined have produced a total of 86% of all impressions on the Millennial mobile network so far in 2011, up 31% from a combined 67% in 2010. September 2011 301
With only $3.3 billion in revenues for this year alone, mobile represents less than 5% of online revenues. There will certainly be a move as brand marketers look to allocate more dollars to mobile but only by 5-10%. September 2011 302
As mobile ad sales soar in the coming year, Carr believes that both mobile and tablet ad delivery will continue to grow at an accelerated pace. Carr predicts 5 – 10% of next year’s buys will pull from online budgets and shift towards mobile. September 2011 303
“With 2011 mobile ad revenues expected to double from 2010 to over $3.3 million, we’re going to continue to see advertisers and publishers shift more attention to these platforms aiming to reach the always-on-the-go consumer.” September 2011 304
According to a recent study conducted by Pew Research, checking in via geosocial services like Foursquare are the least popular activity among smartphone users.  While more than half of the smartphone owners in the survey of 2,277 adults report accessing social networks, sending photos and viewing email, just 12% of smartphone owners say they use checkin services. September 2011 305
Worldwide, messaging will continue to contribute more than 50 percent of global non-voice revenues for some years to come. September 2011 306
At the end of 2010, total worldwide mobile subscribers stood at nearly 5.3 billion. September 2011 307
This subscriber base is projected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 6.9 percent between 2010 and 2015, and is expected to reach nearly 7.4 billion by the end of 2015. September 2011 308
The worldwide mobile messaging market was worth USD 179.2 billion in 2010. This number is forecast to rise to USD 209.8 billion in 2011, and on to USD 334.7 billion by the end of 2015, at a CAGR of 13.3 percent between 2010 and 2015. September 2011 309
Among the four mobile messaging services scrutinised in this popular report, SMS yielded the highest revenue for operators in 2010, followed by MMS, then mobile Email and finally mobile IM. September 2011 310
SMS made the highest contribution to worldwide mobile messaging revenue in 2010 with a 63.9 percent share, followed by MMS with 18.1 percent. September 2011 311
Mobile e-mail revenue made up 14.2 percent, and mobile IM’s 2010 share was 3.8 percent. September 2011 312
In 2010, worldwide SMS revenue stood at a staggering USD 114.6 billion and is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 6.8 percent to reach USD 159 billion by end-2015. September 2011 313
However, it is expected that post-2011, the growth of worldwide SMS revenue will slow down due to the falling prices of SMS and the growing popularity of other data services such as mobile broadband, e-mail and IM. September 2011 314
Earlier in 2011, we read the results from a late-2010 industry survey, conducted by another well-known and well respected research company, which revealed that among mobile industry executives, opinion (not fact) is that messaging is now contributing significantly less that 50 percent to worldwide mobile data revenues, in 2011. September 2011 315
The survey asked respondents how much various services, such as messaging, apps, access, and others, would contribute to mobile data revenues in 2011. OPINION was, to us, most surprising, revealing that on AVERAGE, mobile industry executives believed that in 2012, messaging was contributing just 32 percent to worldwide mobile data revenues. September 2011 316
The TRUTH is that messaging in 2011 will still be responsible for more than 60 percent of global data revenues. In reality, SMS and MMS alone will contribute a massive 55.7 percent to global data revenues in 2011. September 2011 317
In North America, SMS and MMS alone will contribute close to 56 percent to mobile data revenues in 2011, and if you add mobile e-mail and IM to the mix too, then messaging will make up more than 60 percent of mobile data revenues in North America in 2011. September 2011 318
SMS alone will still contribute 38.9 percent of total data revenues, despite this ill-informed perception among mobile industry executives that total messaging services will only contribute 15 percent to data revenues in that region. It seems clear that industry opinion is being distorted by media attention, which has focused on little more than smartphones, broadband and apps since mid-2007. September 2011 319
Our forecasts show messaging revenues holding up at around 55 percent or more even in 2015, and that’s in a market where total mobile data revenues are growing fast, yet messaging is still growing too and holding its leading position. September 2011 320
SMS alone will continue to contribute 33.5 percent of mobile data revenues worldwide in 2015, to retain its position as the single biggest contributor. In 2015, even in North America, SMS will still generate 30.1 percent of mobile data revenues. September 2011 321
In full-year-2010 mobile messaging service generated revenues of more than $179 Billion USD for mobile operators worldwide, and that figure is set to rise over the next few years to break through $200 Billion USD in 2011 and break through $300 Billion USD in 2014, on to $335 Billion USD by year-end 2015. September 2011 322
Even in advanced markets like North America and Europe, SMS and MMS combined continue to contribute 55.9 percent and 51.4 percent respectively to mobile data revenues, and in Asia Pacific the figure stands much higher at 63.1 percent. September 2011 323
In this report, you can easily study our forecasts, showing you that even as far out as 2015, mobile messaging will continue to contribute 55 percent of all MNO data revenues worldwide, and that’s in a market where total mobile data revenues are growing fast, yet messaging is still growing too and holding its leading position. September 2011 324
SMS alone will continue to contribute 33.5 percent of mobile data revenues worldwide in 2015, to retain its position as the single biggest revenue-generating non-voice service worldwide. In 2015, even in North America, SMS will still generate 30.1 percent of mobile data revenues. September 2011 325
Worldwide, we forecast that there are almost four billion SMS users in 2011. September 2011 326
SMS has generated revenues for operators worldwide of approximately $585 Billion USD since services were launched in the mid-1990s. September 2011 327
According to our forecasts, we calculate that it is still set to earn those operators another $726 Billion USD over the next five years, to year-end 2015. September 2011 328
MNOs should focus on the fact that SMS will generate more than 1 TRILLION USD over the next seven years. In 2010, we estimate that SMS generated revenues of $220,000 USD per minute all year for the mobile operator community. September 2011 329
Revenues will break USD 300 billion in 2014...  Annual worldwide mobile messaging revenue will reach nearly USD 210 billion by the end of 2011, and smash USD 300 billion in 2014. September 2011 330
Messaging currently accounts for the majority of global data revenues...  Messaging in 2011 will still be responsible for more than 60 percent of global data revenues; SMS and MMS alone will contribute a massive 55.7 percent to global data revenues in 2011. September 2011 331
SMS is king... With little fanfare, SMS has long been the foundation and mainstay of non-voice service revenues. And will continue to be so for some time. September 2011 332
MS brings in 13 times more revenue than Apps... SMS alone generated USD 114.6 billion in 2010, and will reach USD 126.8 billion in 2011. Compare that to forecasted mobile broadband revenues (USD 58.1 billion in 2011) and mobile application revenues (USD 9.5 billion in 2011) and there is still much to get excited about in the world of mobile messaging. September 2011 333
MMS is a huge success... Contrary to years of popular opinion that MMS somehow failed as a service, MMS is the second highest grossing non-voice mobile service of all time, second only to SMS.  September 2011 334
MMS outperforms mobile apps and mobile music added together... In 2010, worldwide MMS traffic hit 248.7 billion MMS messages and generated massive revenues of USD 32.5 billion. To put that into perspective, MMS is bigger than mobile apps and mobile music added together, MMS is bigger than mobile gaming and mobile video added together, twice over. September 2011 335
Over 311 million people use Mobile IM... Mobile IM is ‘the small player’ in the mobile messaging mix, generating revenues of USD 6.8 billion in full-year 2010, a substantial amount of money, but small compared to the massive USD 114.6 billion generated by SMS. Mobile IM is an extremely popular service, with more than 311 million users at end-2010. September 2011 336
MMS outperforms mobile apps and mobile music added together... In 2010, worldwide MMS traffic hit 248.7 billion MMS messages and generated massive revenues of USD 32.5 billion. To put that into perspective, MMS is bigger than mobile apps and mobile music added together, MMS is bigger than mobile gaming and mobile video added together, twice over. September 2011 337
More than 50% of smartphone users report having used their phones to research future purchases. August 2011 338
Two-thirds of smartphone or tablet owners have used their devices to make purchases and more than 80% have used them to help in the purchase decision, according to the new L.E.K. Consulting Mobile Commerce Survey. August 2011 339
The immediacy of mobile shopping creates new opportunities for consumers to keep up with the latest deals on flash sales sites like Gilt Groupe and Rue La La. More than 40% of Active Mobile Consumers use flash sites, which is more than twice the percentage of Mobile Window Shoppers. August 2011 340
The survey also found that 39% actually make purchases with their handheld devices at least every month (excluding music and video downloads), with 60% using smart phones to research purchases each month in a variety of ways. L.E.K. divides these two groups into “Active Mobile Consumers” and “Mobile Window Shoppers.” August 2011 341
During the past six months, more than half of Active Mobile Consumers surveyed reported using at least one mobile coupon app (e.g., Coupon Clipper), nearly one-third checked a pricing comparison tool (e.g., RedLaser), and 29% tapped a loyalty or similar tool (e.g., Shopkick). And they did this while standing in store aisles. August 2011 342
More than half of Active Mobile Consumers are willing to share their location with brands in exchange for real-time offers when they “check in” via Foursquare or similar geolocation-based apps, which is twice the rate of Mobile Window Shoppers. And 37% of Active Mobile Consumers are willing to have brands track them all the time in order to receive special deals. August 2011 343
Looking at participation in a variety of smartphone activities by age of owner, the study finds that rates of texting, picture taking, accessing the web, sending a photo/video, emailing, and app downloading are all above 50% for smartphone owners of all ages. More significant age differentials being showing up for activities such as game playing, which 76% of smartphone owners do, 85% more than the 41% of smartphone owners 50 and older. August 2011 344
In addition, smartphone-based activities such as playing music (83% of 18-to-29-year-olds, 10% more than the 39% of those 50 and up) and accessing a social networking site (76% of 18-to-29-year-olds, 137% more than 32% of those 50 and up) skew heavily toward younger owners. The widest age difference occurs in video calling/chatting, with 25% of 18-to-29-year-olds participating, close to triple the 9% of 30-to-49-year-olds and quadruple the 7% of those 50 and up. August 2011 345
35% of US adults own a smartphone of some kind. August 2011 346
20% of cell phone owners experience frustration because something takes too long to download. August 2011 347
10% of cell phone owners have difficulty entering a lot of text on their phone. August 2011 348
About nine in 10 (92%) US smartphone owners send or receive text messages, 56% more than the 59% of cell phone owners who do so, according to other study results. Pew data also shows that smartphone owners engage in a variety of other phone-based activities at much higher rates than other cell phone owners. August 2011 349
For example, smartphone owners take pictures at the same rate difference (92% to 59%). Even more significantly, 84% of smartphone owners access the internet with their device, close to six times the 15% of other cell phone owners who take part in this activity. The most striking difference, however, is in app download. Sixty-nine percent of smartphone owners download apps, more than 17 times the 4% of other cell phone owners who do so. August 2011 350
16% of cell phone owners have trouble reading something because the text is too small. August 2011 351
eMarketer estimates US advertisers will spend $1.1 billion on mobile this year. By taking demographics and usage preferences into account, mobile marketers can ensure their dollars are wisely spent. August 2011 352
eMarketer estimates that more than 91 million US consumers will use the internet through a mobile device at least monthly by the end of this year, up from 77.8 million in 2010. While US consumers as a whole may be increasing their mobile internet activities, the devices with which they prefer to do so tend to vary by generation. August 2011 353
Worldwide mobile payment users will surpass 141.1 million in 2011, a 38.2% increase from 2010, when mobile payment users reached 102.1 million, according to Gartner, Inc. August 2011 354
Despite some estimates of mobile ad spending currently totaling about $1 billion USD, Borrell Associates is estimating that mobile ad spending is close to 10 times that amount. August 2011 355
In 2016, ABI Research forecasts there will be 103 million 4G wholesale subscribers, or subscribers managed through a MVNO that buys wholesale access from a mobile operator, for mobile operators, an increase from just 3.8 million in 2010. August 2011 356
eMarketer estimates more than 91 million US consumers will use a mobile device to access the internet at least once monthly this year. August 2011357
The percentage who regularly pay attention is substantially higher than that recorded for any other mobile activity, and the total percentage of mobile users paying attention is 20% higher than the 60% of smartphone/tablet users who pay attention to mobile ads while downloading apps and music either regularly (20%) or occasionally (40%). August 2011 358
In addition, 50% of smartphone/tablet users pay attention to ads regularly (19%) or occasionally (31%) while playing games, as do 47% who pay attention regularly (13%) or occasionally (34%) while watching full TV episodes. August 2011 359
This attention rate is closely followed by the 58% of smartphone/tablet users who pay attention to mobile ads either occasionally (43%) or regularly (15%) while watching video clips. August 2011 360
A little more than four in 10 (43%) marketers currently use mobile technology, according to a study conducted in Q4 2010 by Unica. Data from “The State of Marketing 2011″ indicates another 25% plan to do so within the next 12 months, and 16% plan to do so in more than 12 months. Only 15% of marketers have no plans to use mobile technology. August 2011 361
Advertisements viewed on smartphones and tablets have relatively small influence on the purchase behavior of mobile users. Only about 11% of respondents said these advertisements regularly influence purchase decisions, while 41% said they occasionally influence purchase decisions. August 2011 362
The largest percentage (48%) said mobile advertisements never influence their purchase decisions (total equals more than 100% due to rounding). August 2011 363
More than seven in 10 (72%) smartphone/tablet users pay attention to mobile ads while downloading apps and music either regularly (35%) or occasionally (37%). August 2011 364
The survey, which was conducted by by KPMG International, found that 83% of respondents believe that mobile payments will be mainstream within four years. July 2011 365
9% see mobile payments as already being mainstream. On the other hand, 46% believe mobile payments will be mainstream within two years. July 2011 366
Seventy-two percent of the executives said that mobile payments are now or will be reasonably important in the future, with specialist online systems building on its leading position as a payment method, and m-banking and near field communication (NFC) gaining significantly greater traction than today. Fifty-eight percent said they have a mobile payments strategy in place. July 2011 367
81% of survey respondents believe that convenience and accessibility will be the biggest driving factors behind mobile payments platforms. Simplicity and ease of use were cited as the top attributes by 73% of respondents. Meanwhile, security was the answer for 57%, followed by low cost at 43%. July 2011 368
“We expect the total revenue in the (mobile) industry to touch approximately $1.3 Trillion in 2011 with mobile data representing 24% of the mix,” the consultancy revealed today. “Global Mobile Data revenues are expected to eclipse $300 Billion for the first time in 2011. It is also the first year in which non-messaging data revenues will make up the majority of the overall global data revenues at 53%.” July 2011 369
Where there are dollars, of course, there is data – and lots of it. And with Chetan Sharma saying that data is now on pace to make up 95% of global mobile traffic by 2015, current industry growth and revenue streams may drastically pale in comparison to what we will see in the coming years. July 2011 370
In Q1 2011 alone, for example, the US became the first major market to exceed the 50% mark in smartphone sales, Chetan Sharma says. The global figure stands at approximately 26%. Some operators expect 90% of their devices sales to be smartphones by the end of the year. July 2011371
“In terms of the actual smartphone penetration, we expect the US market to eclipse the 50% mark in 2012,” the report reads. July 2011 372
Additionally, the number of mobile operators with more than $1B in data revenues will increase to 47 in 2011. This number was only at 13 in 2005. July 2011 373
Forty-two percent of mobile campaigns conducted on the Millennial Media network in May 2011 featured placing a call as a post-campaign action, according to [sign-in page] the May SMART Report. This action could only be performed on a mobile device, enroll/join (34%) was the most popular action that could be performed via mobile device or PC. July 2011 374
The second- and fourth-most-popular post-campaign actions, application download (27%) and mobile social media (23%), as well as m-commerce (12%), were also mobile device-only actions. The next most-popular action that could be performed on any device, and third-most-popular overall, was retail promotion (25%). July 2011 375
Lead generation/registrations (28%) and sustaining in-market presence (24%) were the two most popular mobile campaign goals on the Millennial network in May. Product launch/release followed as a goal of 21% of mobile campaigns. July 2011 376
The distribution of mobile campaign goals on the Millennial network looked very different in April 2011. A commanding 41% had the goal of sustaining in-market presence, almost double the 21% designed to increase brand awareness. July 2011 377
More than half of mobile campaigns studied drove traffic to site (54%). The remainder led to application download (28%) or a custom landing page (18%). July 2011 378
Traffic to site has grown 20% since being used as a tactic in 45% of mobile campaigns on the Millennial network in May 2010 (download available on sign-in page). Custom landing pages have become substantially less popular, dropping 44% in usage from 32% of campaigns to 18%. July 2011379
Forty-two percent of mobile campaigns on the Millennial network in May were targeted audience campaigns. Of these, the highest percentage (49%) targeted a local audience. Another 38% aimed at a demographic audience, with much smaller proportions targeting behavioral audience or audience takeover. Behavioral audience as a targeting method grew 20% from 12% month-over-month, while local audience shrank 12.5% from 56%. July 2011 380
Overall, the most popular activity among mobile users was mobile web search. 9 in 10 of mobile users conduct searches on their mobile handsets - France (94%), the U.S. (93%) and the UK (93%). June 2011 381
Over 13 million consumers accessed retail content on their mobile phone in a given month; 2.2 million accessed some sort of retail content almost every day. June 2011 382
Mobile retail users tend to be more affluent than the total mobile audience; Ranked by income, the $100,000k+ bracket is the leading demographic for mobile retail users. June 2011 383
21% of survey respondents made a purchase using their mobile phone in the last month, not including app store application purchases. Consumers bought a wide range of items, led by consumer electronics, followed by clothing/accessories, food, entertainment tickets, and travel-related purchases. June 2011 384
Consumers rely on their mobile devices to guide them through every step of the purchase process, from determining if they need a product (52% of respondents), to making a purchase (38%), to evaluating a product post-purchase (12%). Advertisers can capitalize upon this behavior to reach consumers on mobile, regardless of where they are in the purchase funnel. June 2011 385
Specifically, an analysis of advertised categories revealed that mobile content and publishing accounted for 50% of mobile ads. Another 26% of display advertisements were for consumer discretionary goods. Information technology accounted for 7%, and comScore found that financial services accounted for another 6% of mobile display ads. June 2011 386
Comscore Data Shows The Number of Mobile Display Advertisers Has Risen 128% in The Last 24 Months June 2011 387
According to the report, the total number of consumers who accessed some type of retail content on their mobile device in a given month jumped 74% year-over-year to 13 million total.  Interestingly, of that 13 million over 6.5 million accessed retail content on their mobile device one to three times per month, 4.2 million atleast once a week, and 2.2 million consumers accessed some form of retail content on their mobile device almost every day. June 2011 388
mCommerce more than doubled month-over-month, according to the data, representing 20% of the Retail Post-Click Campaign Action Mix in April.  ”Sustained In-Market Presence” was the number one campaign goal, representing 41% of the Retail Campaign Goals Mix for the month.  Retail advertisers heavily invested in mobile to engage customers and drive continued use of their mobile shopping sites and applications. June 2011389
The Top 3 Campaign Goals in April were LeadGen/Registrations, Sustained In-Market Presence, and Product Launch/Release, together representing 76% of the Advertiser Campaign Goals Mix. June 2011 390
Application Download grew 26% month-over-month and represented 32% of the Post-Click Campaign Action Mix in April.  Entertainment, Travel and Retail brands heavily drove mobile users to Application Downloads in April to reinforce their brands and encourage repeat usage of their mobile properties. June 2011 391
Mobile social media experienced growth of 39% month-over-month, with 17% of the Post-Click Campaign Action Mix in April.  Telecom, Entertainment, and Retail advertisers utilized “Mocial” as a post-click campaign action to acquire social media followers and gather feedback on new movie releases and new product launches. June 2011 392
Almost one in three (31%) US smartphone owners who use their device for shopping frequently/often access promotional coupons in-store for in-store redemption, according to a March 2011 study from the etailing group and Coffee Table. Data from “The ‘Shopping Mindset’ of the Mobile Consumer” indicates this is the most common in-store usage of smartphones, beating other popular activities such as looking for competitive pricing on Amazon.com (29%) and at other retailers besides Amazon.com (26%). May 2011 393
Eight in 10 (81%) smartphone users have used their smartphone to browse or look for products or services, according to [sign-in] a May 2011 survey from Prosper Mobile Insights. Data from the Prosper Mobile Insights Smartphone Survey indicates locating or a store or store hours (77%) is the second-most-popular of eight retail-related smartphone activities presented to respondents. May 2011 394
More than half (56%) of smartphone owners prefer using their smartphone, rather than a computer, to access the internet. Data also indicates another 35% do not prefer using their smartphone for internet access, while 9% don’t know. May 2011 395
Illustrating how important smartphones have become to their users, more than half of respondents (53%) say they use their smartphones for all functions, it is their life. Another 30% use smartphones for basic functions (call, text email) as well as some apps, while 17% just use their smartphones for basic functions. May 2011 396
Having their location tracked is the number one privacy concern (35%) of smartphone users, closely followed by someone accessing their personal information (31%). Another 22% cite their financial data being accessed, while 12% are concerned about tracking of their online behavior. May 2011397
Graphic ads were sufficient in capturing attention. Exactly 85% of users deemed ‘normal banner ads,’ ‘video ads,’ ‘ads that let me interact with them,’ or ‘animated banner ads’ as the forms of marketing they would likely pay attention to; May 2011 398
Text ads still perform modestly with 13% of users most likely to pay attention; however, only 2% pay attention to expanding screen takeover ads. May 2011 399
More than a majority (60%) of mobile users polled by mobile ad network Mojiva say that they click on mobile ads at least one a week. When seeing an ad, half of users indicated that they would play a game, download an application, or visit a Web site after seeing an ad -  but only 22% said they would make a purchase, and only 40% would download a coupon. May 2011 400
A little more than four in 10 (43%) marketers currently use mobile technology, according to [pdf] a study conducted in Q4 2010 by Unica. Data from “The State of Marketing 2011″ indicates another 25% plan to do so within the next 12 months, and 16% plan to do so in more than 12 months. May 2011 401
Only 15% of marketers have no plans to use mobile technology. May 2011402
Among the tactical options for mobile marketing, applications lead in popularity with significantly more respondents indicating that they currently have (44%) or plan to deploy (combined 51%) mobile apps. Mobile sites rank a close second with 40% current usage and also a combined 51% rate of planned usage. May 2011 403
The most popular mobile marketing tactics are not necessarily the most integrated by those who use them. Sixty-four percent of respondents who know what mobile email is and how it is integrated have integrated mobile email, followed by 57% who have integrated mobile messaging. The least currently used tactic, location-based messaging, has the third-highest integration rate (55%). Meanwhile, the most popular tactic, mobile applications, have the lowest integration rate (40%). May 2011 404
Unica says study data indicates web analytics tools have clearly emerged as the de facto measurement standard, with a leading 50% usage rate among respondents who know how their mobile website and applications are being measured. This doubles the usage rate of the second-most-popular measurement standard, an outside agency. Fifteen percent say they don’t measure their mobile marketing efforts. May 2011 405
The total amount of money spent by US marketers on mobile advertising and promotions will reach about $56.5 billion by 2015, according to data from Mobitrove. That expected figure is more than six times the almost $9.3 billion US marketers spent on mobile advertising and promotions in 2010. May 2011 406
“Two-thirds of companies utilise a mobile website, while 28 per cent are using a native app – 27 per cent are using both,” the report notes. May 2011 407
Research published by KingFishMedia entitled Mobile Marketing: Plans, Trends and Measurability finds 62 per cent of companies with no such strategy currently in effect expect to create one in the coming year. May 2011 408
At present, however, those who are able to move quickly to begin targeting their mobile marketing efforts join a relatively small group. Less than half (45 per cent) of firms with 1,000 or more employees have an initiative in place to advertise to people on the move. Among the survey respondents as a whole, that proportion drops to around a third May 2011 409
eMarketer estimates that mobile search ad spending will make up 27% of the US mobile ad market this year, rising to 34% by 2014. May 2011 410
According to research from Google and Ipsos OTX MediaCT, smartphone users performing a search are more likely to be in the later stages of the purchase funnel, continuing their research or even visiting a business, than they are to be in the early consideration phase. The most common single action after a smartphone search was to visit a store in person, done by 55% of respondents. May 2011 411
Equally astonishing is the fact that smartphone sales have now officially crossed the 50% share mark in the US. But the US remains fertile soil for smartphone adoption. The US, in fact, now accounts for nearly one-third of all smartphone sales in the world. May 2011 412
According to the comprehensive report published Monday morning, the US wireless data market topped $15.4 billion in mobile data service revenues in Q1 2011 and is on course to increase year over year by 22% to $67 billion in 2011. May 2011 413
In Japan, where QR codes originated, 2-D barcode usage is ubiquitous. Elsewhere in the world, usage is rapidly rising. According to 3GVision, an Israel-based provider of 1-D and 2-D barcode solutions, the top five countries in terms of barcode scanning growth in Q1 2011 were the US, UK, Netherlands, Spain and Canada. May 2011 414
A February 2011 study fielded for marketing and communications agency MGH by Vision Critical found that 65% of US smartphone users had seen a QR code. They were most likely to have seen one on a product, indicating where marketers may get the most mileage out of using barcodes. May 2011 415
Sixty-eight percent of global consumers act upon email they receive on a mobile device while using a desktop PC, according to a new report from digital marketing firm e-Dialog. April 2011 416
Consumers in Japan, Singapore and the US indicate the highest use of email interactivity on their mobile devices. However, when asked how frequently they act on the email received on their mobile device while at their desktop PC, 68% of consumers stated frequently (38%) or occasionally (30%). Another 12% never act upon mobile email received while using a desktop PC, and 20% do not own a mobile device (or at least one that receives email). April 2011 417
In the US, the percentage of consumers who occasionally act upon a mobile email in these circumstances is similar to the overall average (31%), but the percentage who frequently do so is much lower (23%). April 2011 418
When consumers were asked if they had ever purchased a product or service based on a mobile text promotion, responses in the US and Asia-Pacific were radically different. In the US, 14% of consumers have done so, 34% have not, and more than half (52%) never give out their mobile number. April 2011 419
Conversely, in Asia-Pacific, 57% of consumers have made a purchase based on a mobile text promotion while 28% have not and only 15% never give out their mobile number. European results tended more toward US results, with 21% of consumers having made a purchase based on an SMS text, 38% having not, and 41% never giving out their mobile number. April 2011 420
Overall, 38% of global consumers have made a purchase following a mobile text promotion, 32% have not, and 30% never give out their mobile number. April 2011 421
Digital continues to rise in importance for US marketers, as eMarketer predicts online ad spending will reach $28.5 billion this year. Mobile will contribute an additional $1.1 billion to the digital ad market, and social networking sites will increase revenues by 55%. April 2011 422
Three in 10 (29%) US consumers have made at least one purchase via mobile device, according to [pdf] a new white paper from Oracle and ATG. Data from “Mobile Trends: Consumer Views of Mobile Shopping and Mobile Service Providers” indicates this figure, recorded in December 2010, is 123% more than the 13% of consumers who had made a mobile purchase in November 2009. April 2011 423
From a demographic standpoint, the most likely consumers to use apps are men (57%) between the ages of 18 and 49, Caucasian with at least a college degree. April 2011 424
This report indicates that Games are the most popular downloadable app with 60% of consumers downloading them. News/Weather and Maps have the attention of about half of the app population and Social Networking apps are used by about 47% of consumers. April 2011 425
A recent report from the Pew Internet Project indicates that while 23% of US adults now have a cell phone but no landline phone only about 43% are using apps via a smartphone. Of the entire US cell phone population (about 83% of the total population) this means that only about 35% are using apps at any one time. Only about 24% are ‘active’ app users – meaning they utilize apps often. April 2011 426
According to February 2011 research from agency MGH, awareness is high among smartphone owners. Nearly two-thirds have seen a QR code, and about half that number, or one-third overall, had used one. April 2011427
The InsightExpress “Digital Consumer Portrait” found that just a quarter of smartphone owners said they scanned QR codes always or almost always. And while the codes are newer and hipper than text messaging, SMS was the preferred way to receive mobile coupons, at 25% vs. 10%. April 2011 428
Within local online and interactive advertising, Borrell Associates estimates that by 2015, two-thirds will come from mobile ads on tablets, smartphones and GPS-enabled laptops. April 2011 429
Smartphone penetration in the EU5 (United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain and Italy) increased by 9.5 percentage points to 31.1 percent, placing it higher than the US (which saw smartphone penetration increase 10.2 percentage points to 27.0 percent). February 2011 430
Smartphone ownership increased 9.5 percentage points in Europe during 2010 to 31.1 percent, while 3G device ownership grew 5.4 percentage points to 47.1 percent penetration, and unlimited data plan subscriptions grew 2.5 percentage points to 7.5 percent. February 2011 431
34% of online marketers had or were planning to have a mobile presence in 2010, while consumers continued to briskly adopt smartphones as the primary mobile device, and both those trends help set the stage for mobile marketing’s advancement in 2011, Parrish says. February 2011 432
A forecast from Yankee Group predicts the worldwide transaction value of mobile payments will total $984 billion by 2014, up from $162 billion last year. That includes transactions from mobile banking, international and domestic remittances, contactless cards, mobile coupons and near-field communications. February 2011 433
But while more respondents were concerned in Asia than in the US and Europe, tech forwards in Asia were also more likely to say the mobile phone was more convenient than other ways of paying. Just 29% of US and European respondents said they looked forward to using their phone to make all their payments, vs. 64% of Asian respondents who agreed. February 2011 434
Chinese youth lead the way ahead of the U.S. for advanced data usage, with mobile Internet the most popular among 73 percent and 48 percent respectively. February 2011 435
It should be noted, however, that the percentages of paying mobile Internet consumers are naturally much higher for smartphone owners. Based on the findings of the study, 95% pay for SMS, 92% pay for Internet access, 83% pay for mobile email, 63% pay for mobile navigation, and 43% pay for mobile video. February 2011 436
U.S. smartphone penetration surpassed 25% in September, helping to usher in a new era of mobile media consumption. As smartphones begin to take over the mobile marketplace, behaviors like email usage, music and video consumption, and mobile commerce are beginning to emerge in a meaningful way. February 2011 437
For many retailers, mobile remains a work in progress. Among US retailers polled in the fall of 2010, 60.7% reported planning to beef up their existing mobile web presence or app. February 2011 438
Direct comparisons show that smartphones are an especially superior vehicle for advertising compared to feature phones in the area of mobile ad awareness, or capturing customer attention. Smartphone campaigns have 39% effectiveness in this area, about 39% more than the 28% effectiveness of feature phones. February 2011 439
In addition, smartphones are 30% more effective than feature phones in the area of unaided awareness (17% compared to 13%), and 25% more effective in purchase intent (15% compared to 12%). February 2011 440
Retail & restaurants moved up one spot from Q3 2010 to the number two position in Q4 2010 and experienced explosive growth of more than 572% year-over-year. Retail & restaurant advertisers leveraged mobile to drive foot traffic with store locator as the primary post-click campaign action. February 2011 441
Also experiencing explosive year-over-year growth was the automotive vertical (623%), which jumped from number eight in Q3 2010 to number five in Q4 2010. Millennial Media says mobile websites and applications created by automotive brands are extremely robust and enable customers to conduct research, identify retail promotions, find a local dealership and schedule vehicle service appointments. February 2011 442
Traffic to site represented 49% of the campaign destinations during Q4 2010. According to Millennial Media, advertisers are investing in their mobile sites with features and functionality as robust as their online sites. For example, the travel vertical is is launching full-service mobile sites which allow customers to research and transact on the go. February 2011443
Meanwhile, custom landing page was the second-most-popular campaign destination in Q4 2010 with a 2% increase quarter-over-quarter, representing 35% of the impression share. Telecom brands created custom landing pages to promote the release of new products, services and holiday promotions. February 2011 444
Consumers are using mobile phones for retail-related activities at an increasing level, according to a new study from ForeSee Results. The US edition of the “ForeSee Results Report on Mobile Shopping” indicates that 33% of all survey respondents had accessed a retailer’s website using a mobile phone (compared to 24% in 2009), and an additional 26% said that they plan to use their mobile phone to visit a company’s website, mobile website, or mobile application in the future. February 2011 445
According to the findings of a recent survey from the Association of National Advertisers and the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA), 88% of marketers at large retailers and consumer brand manufacturers will tap mobile marketing in some fashion for ad campaigns this year. February 2011 446
Of those that plan to invest in mobile marketing for 2011, 75% currently target consumers with mobile marketing. They will, however, increase their mobile marketing budgets by nearly 60% this year. February 2011 447
The survey also found that 71% of companies engaged in mobile marketing have assigned responsibility for mobile marketing to an already established internal group within corporate walls, while jsut 19% have lunched a new internal group to handle all mobile marketing related efforts. February 2011 448
The total value of mobile augmented reality (AR) applications will approach $1.5 billion in 2015, up from just $1.5 million in 2010, according to a new white paper from Juniper Research. Data from “A New Reality for Mobile” indicates this will represent average annual growth of mobile AR app value during the forecast period of 295%. February 2011 449
The 2010 figure itself represents a more than 12-fold increase on the 2009 figure of just $130,000, but Juniper identifies the mobile AR market as being in its early stages. February 2011 450
However, by 2015, Juniper forecasts that globally there will be 950 million mobile handsets, 50,000-plus mobile AR apps, and mass retail/brand adoption of AR in ads and apps as AR becomes accepted by a mainstream smartphone audience. February 2011 451
Three quarters of brands plan to significantly increase their mobile ad spending. January 2011 452
Respondents said they plan to spend 59 percent more than they did on mobile in 2010. January 2011 453
Gartner predicts 17.7 billion app downloads this year, the revenue from which will represent a 190% increase over all mobile app revenue generated in 2010. January 2011 454
Gartner adds the growth will persist through 2014 when revenue is estimated to top $58 billion. January 2011 455
In the U.S. for instance (which has also seen the web-based email declining phenomenon), mobile email usage has grown 36 percent in the past year. In Europe, mobile email users grew 55 percent in the past year. In Japan, 53 percent of users access email via their mobile in September leading as one of the top mobile behaviors in the market. January 2011 456
An earlier survey conducted by Luth Research for the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) found somewhat higher overall ad recall, with 58% of mobile phone owners claiming they remembered seeing a mobile ad in the past month. Another 29% of respondents recalled between one and five advertisements. Among those who recalled mobile ads, 39% had taken some kind of action, and 43% of those who interacted with an ad ended up making a purchase. The most commonly recalled ads were for consumer goods, mobile content, and movies and entertainment. January 2011 457
Based on data collected during the month of November 2010, the number of visitors to web-based email sites declined 6% compared to the previous year. During the same time period, however, the number of users accessing email via their mobile devices grew by 36%. January 2011 458
In November 2010, 70.1 million mobile users accessed email on their mobile device, a figure representing some 30% of all mobile subscribers. January 2011 459

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