Yuriy Gorodnichenko Gerard Roland
of California, Berkeley and NBER University
of California, Berkeley, NBER and CEPR
Abstract: We explore the link between the
individualism-collectivism dimension of culture and innovation and long-run
growth. We argue that a more individualist culture leads to more innovation and
to higher growth because of the social status rewards associated with
innovation in that culture. For our baseline estimates, we use data on the
frequency of particular genes associated with collectivist cultures, as well as
a measure of distance in terms of frequencies of blood types, and historic
prevalence of pathogens to instrument individualism scores. The relationship
between individualism and innovation/growth remains strong even after
controlling for institutions and other potentially confounding factors. We also
provide evidence consistent with two-way causality between culture and
Acknowledgments: We thank
Vladimir Asriyan, Dominick Bartelme, Insook Lee, and Donna Kim for excellent
research assistance. We are grateful to three referees for extensive comments.
We benefited from discussions with Philippe Aghion, Yann Algan, John Bonin,
Olivier Coibion, Lewis Davis, Lena Edlund, Fred Finan, David Laitin, Amir
Licht, Edward Miguel, Gerard Padro-I-Miquel, David Romer, Guido Tabellini,
Daniel Treisman, Luigi Zingales, and seminar participants at UC Berkeley, the
Booth School of Business, Michigan, the Harvard-MIT Development seminar, IMT
Lucca, the University of Sienna, Stanford, Princeton, UCLA Anderson School of
Business, Sciences Po Paris, the European University Institute, Facultés
Universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix in Namur, Solvay Business School of
Economics and Management, the “Macroeconomic Across Time and Space” conference,
the Berkeley Center for Political Economy conference on Endogenous
Institutions, the NBER Workshop in Political Economy and the National Academy
of Sciences Sackler Colloquium on “Dynamics of Social, Political, and Economic
Institutions”, conference participants in the First Annual conference of
Belgian economists in 2010 and the 2011 AEA meetings. We are especially grateful
to Romain Wacziarg for his comments and suggestions, to Laura Fejerman from
UCSF for clarifications on genetic questions, and to Diego Comin and Marti
Mestieri for sharing their results on the margins of technology diffusion.
Gorodnichenko thanks the NSF, the Sloan Foundation, and the
Hellman family fund for financial support.
1. Introduction
One of the
central questions in economics of growth and development is why disparities in
income and development across countries are large and persistent. Despite
decades of research, this question continues to puzzle the profession as the
bulk of the difference is attributed to variation in productivity, a residual
component not accounted by observed factors. It is widely perceived that the
key conduit of economic growth and productivity enhancements is innovation that
brings new goods and services to the economy as well as new ways to produce
existing goods and services. In this
paper, we argue that individualist culture plays a key role in stimulating
innovations and hence in explaining long-run economic growth, alongside with
other important factors such as institutions and human capital.
The idea that culture
is a central ingredient of economic development goes back to at least Max Weber
who, in his classical work “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism,”
argued that the protestant ethic of Calvinism was a very powerful force behind
the development of capitalism in its early phases. Weber saw culture as the driving force behind
differences in economic development. His theory was in direct opposition to
Karl Marx’s thesis that culture is determined by the level of economic
development and by the economic interests of the various social classes.
Although Landes (1998) and others have argued that culture played a fundamental
role in explaining the wealth of nations, and the literature on the economic
effects of culture is growing fast, there has so far been little systematic
work examining theoretically and empirically the effect of culture on long-run
growth and development.
To be clear, we define
culture as the set of values and beliefs
people have about how the world (both nature and society) works as well as the
norms of behavior derived from that set of values. This definition
highlights that culture affects not only social norms but also economic
behavior such as the propensity to save or to innovate and many other economic
decisions such as fertility choices, investment in education, charitable
contributions or the willingness to contribute to public goods. Culture is
directly related to institutions, broadly defined, in the sense that culture,
like formal political or legal institutions as defined by North (1990), imposes
constraints on individual behavior.
In our analysis in this
paper, we focus on only one dimension of culture that may be relevant for
long-run growth: individualism versus
Individualism is a cultural trait that emphasizes personal freedom and
achievement. Individualist culture therefore awards social status to personal
accomplishments such as important discoveries, innovations, great artistic or
humanitarian achievements and all actions that make an individual stand out. In
contrast, collectivism emphasizes embeddedness of individuals in a larger
group. It encourages conformity to a group, loyalty and respect to one’s
superiors, and discourages individuals from dissenting and standing out.[2]
Although one may obviously contemplate other cultural aspects, the
individualism-collectivism distinction is considered by cross-cultural
psychologists to be the main dimension of cultural variation (see Heine, 2007)
and it has potentially important economic effects. For example, Greif (1994,
2006) uses this distinction in his path-breaking work showing strong effects of
culture on economic outcomes.
Several main elements
of the difference between individualism and collectivism play a role in our
theory. Because individualism emphasizes personal freedom and achievement, it
awards social status to personal accomplishments such as important innovations.
On the other hand, individualism can make collective action more difficult
because individuals pursue their own interest without internalizing collective
interests. Collectivism makes collective action easier in the sense that
individuals internalize group interests to a greater degree. However, it also
encourages conformity and discourages individuals from dissenting and standing
out. This framework implies that individualism should encourage innovation
more, everything else equal, but collectivism should have an advantage in
coordinating production processes and in various forms of collective action.3
Despite this trade-off, we argue that the advantage of individualism has a
dynamic effect, whereas the advantage of collectivism has only a static effect.
As a result, the advantage of individualism in innovation dominates over longer
horizons, thus giving individualistic culture an edge in long-run economic
bring the argument to the data by testing the effect of individualism versus
collectivism on long-
run growth.
Ideally, we would like to have a reliable measure of individualism from
centuries ago to see how cultural differences of the past affected long-run
growth. Unfortunately, our measure of individualism is from the second half of
the twentieth century and exists only as a cross-sectional variable. In
principle, this is not necessarily damning for our research if culture changes
slowly. Nevertheless, this mistiming in the measurement of culture raises
several concerns. In particular, our measure of culture might be endogenous to
economic outcomes. Therefore, finding a convincing causal effect of culture on
long-run growth would require a valid instrumental variable (IV). It is
extremely difficult to find foolproof instrumental variables for cross-country
regressions. We have nevertheless come up with several instrumental variables
that are jointly strongly suggestive of a possible causal link from
individualism to long-run growth. For the first set of instrumental variables,
we use information on prevalence of certain genes in a population (the
frequency of the S-allele in the serotonin transporter gene 5HTTLPR making
people more prone to depression when confronted with stressful events and the
frequency of the G allele in polymorphism A118G in -opoid receptor gene creating a
stronger psychological pain from social exclusion) as well as historical
pathogen prevalence in a particular geographical area. According to recent
advances in genetics and psychology, the genetic variables appear to directly affect personality traits and
can explain the prevalence of collectivist culture in certain populations. In a
similar spirit, strong prevalence of pathogens can incline populations to adopt
a collectivist culture. Chiao and
Blizinsky (2009), Way and Liebermann (2010) and others argue that communities
with a higher frequency of these two genes and with a higher pathogen
prevalence developed social norms to adapt to this genetic and epidemiological
environment. These data are good candidates for instrumental variables, and
they can be argued to satisfy the exclusion restriction. Specifically, the two
genetic variables are not plausibly correlated to income per capita through any
other channel than collectivism. One might think that historical pathogen
prevalence affected income per capita via health, but health variables that may
or may not affect income (e.g., life expectancy) are not significantly
correlated with historical pathogen prevalence. Unfortunately, cross-country
coverage is limited to approximately 40 countries for the two genetic
variables, which are the cleanest instrumental variables one can currently
obtain in this kind of work.
Another instrumental
variable that is more widely available worldwide is a measure of genetic
distance between the population in a given country and the population in the
United Kingdom, which is the second most individualistic country in our sample.[3]
A large literature studying values of descendants of immigrants as a function
of the country of origin (see Fernandez, 2010, for a survey) documents that
parental transmission of culture is a fundamental determinant of the cultural
values of individuals. Obviously, parents transmit their cultural values as
well as their genes to their offspring. Populations that interbreed a lot
should be genetically and culturally close because a similar parental
transmission mechanism is at work in both cases. Therefore, measures of genetic
distance can be seen as a proxy measure of differences in cultural values. In
this case, when we use genetic distance as an instrumental variable, we do not postulate a causal relationship
between genes and cultural attributes such as individualism. We simply exploit
the correlation between genetic
distance and cultural differences across populations as both genes and culture
are transmitted from parents to offspring. Since there are no identified direct
genetic causes for why some countries became wealthier than others, genetic
distance is very likely to satisfy the exclusion restriction. Furthermore, we use
only “neutral” genetic markers that have no direct effect on fitness (i.e.,
ability to think, run, work, etc.) and thus economic or cultural outcomes. These neutral genetic markers are very
unlikely to be affected by economic outcomes, and thus we can exclude reverse
causality in our instrumental variable estimates. We use genetic distance based
on frequencies of blood types, which is the genetic information available for
the largest number of countries.[4]
A potential drawback of genetic distance is that there could be channels other
than individualism through which genetic distance can be indirectly related to
long-run growth (e.g., another cultural dimension). Because it is more
difficult to argue a priori that genetic distance satisfies the exclusion restriction,
we combine this variable with the other instrumental variables mentioned above
and apply standard statistical tests for the exclusion restriction. Our measure
of genetic distance successfully passes these tests, and one can thus feel
comfortable using it as instrumental variable for a set of countries larger
than one can cover with the genetic variables mentioned above.
Conditional on the
quality of our instrumental variables, our econometric results suggest a
statistically and economically significant effect of individualism on income
per worker. According to some of our estimates, a one standard deviation
increase in the individualism score nearly doubles income per worker Our
results are robust to the introduction of different types of controls and
different measures of long-run growth as well as to using dyadic regressions or
alternative instrumental variables based on linguistic properties of
individualist cultures. Although our estimates are based on cross-country
variation, these estimates are also remarkably consistent with regional
variation within countries like Italy where there exists considerable cultural
variation across regions. In addition, the effects of individualism on total
factor productivity and innovation are also very strong, thus suggesting that
individualism pushes the technological frontier and thus that the effects we
estimate capture more than simple technological diffusion.
To rule out alternative
explanations for differences in economic development and to isolate the effect
of individualism on economic development from the alternative channels, we
employ a battery of checks and tests. First, we explore how our results vary
across subsamples of countries that were differentially exposed to these
alternative channels. For example, we report results estimated on a sample of
African, Asian or European countries to exclude the possibility that our
results are influenced by including countries in Americas and Oceania where
colonization by European settlers was particularly important. We find that our
results are remarkably consistent across subsamples based on continents (e.g.,
Asia vs. Europe) or levels of development (e.g., OECD vs. non-OECD economies).
We also take into account migrations that have taken place between countries
over the last 500 years, exploiting the Putterman and Weil (2010) data, and our
results hold if we restrict our sample to countries having roughly the same
ethnic composition as 500 years ago.
we introduce controls for alternative determinants of economic development and
how our
estimates of individualism’s effects vary with the inclusion of these
additional controls. For example, we may find strong effects of individualism
on economic outcomes because individualism can be correlated with the quality
of institutions (e.g., Hall and Jones, 1999, Acemoglu et al., 2001), human
capital (e.g., Barro and Lee 2001), legal origin (e.g., La Porta et al. 2008),
ethnic fractionalization (e.g., Fearon 2003), speed of technology diffusion
(e.g., Spolaore and Wacziarg, 2009, Fogli and Veldkamp, 2012), and remoteness
from Europe (e.g., Redding and Venables 2004)—key variables that have been
shown to be correlated with economic outcomes we want to explain. We document
that controlling for these additional factors does not change our conclusions
that individualism explains a significant fraction of variation in economic
development. Furthermore, we find that individualism and income per capita
continue to be strongly related even in dyadic regressions where we can control
for country fixed effects thereby ruling out explanations based on a large
class of potentially relevant but omitted variables. Thus, individualism has an
effect on economic development that is independent of institutions and of other
commonly suggested factors, and our estimates are not driven by any omitted
variable bias we could think of.
In light of these
findings, we also examine the interactions between individualism and
institutions— measured by the average protection against expropriation risk as
in Acemoglu et al. (2001)—using our instrumental variables for individualism
and the Acemoglu et al. (2001) settler mortality instrument for institutions.
We cannot exclude a two-way interaction, culture affecting institutions and institutions
affecting culture. However, when using settler mortality data constructed by
Albouy (2012), we find that the link from institutions to culture is much
weaker and loses robust significance. This result is consistent with Roland
(2004) who argues that culture tends to change more slowly than political or
legal institutions and, therefore, might have an important effect on the choice
of political and legal institutions itself.
Third, we examine
within-country variation of occupational choices across ethnic groups so that
we can further minimize the effects of potentially omitted factors in our
cross-country regressions. In particular, our theory predicts that persons from
ethnic groups that are characterized as more individualistic should enroll in
research oriented occupations, which require independent thinking and deviation
from conventional ways of doing things, more frequently than persons raised in
the traditions of more collectivist cultures. Using U.S. Census data, we find
support for this prediction: people from more individualistic cultures are more
likely to become scientists and researchers.
In short, we examine
many other potential channels suggested in the previous literature via which
genetic distance might indirectly affect economic outcomes. We find that
individualism is still positively related to innovation and long-run growth
after controlling for these other potential explanations. While we cannot rule
out the possibility of an omitted variable driving both individualism and economic
development, one may find it increasingly difficult to propose a plausible,
quantitatively important alternative that we did not attempt to control for in
our empirical analysis. Together with the evidence, based on cross-cultural
psychology, on the effects of the distribution of genetic endowments on
collectivist culture, these results show that individualism is empirically
relevant for understanding economic development and should be included in
theories of economic growth.
Our findings contribute
to the nascent literature emphasizing the effects of culture on economic
outcomes (see Spolaore and Wacziarg (2013) for a review). Greif (1994, 2006) modeled the effects of
individualist versus collectivist beliefs on contract formation, social
stratification and the expansion of markets in the late Medieval trade in the
Mediterranean. Bisin and Verdier (2000, 2001) examined the dynamics of
intergenerational transmission of cultural preferences taking into account
family choices of cultural transmission and effects of social environment.
Fernandez (2013) modeled cultural change as Bayesian learning in the context of
changes in attitudes towards labor force participation. Tabellini (2008b, 2010)
studied how the cultural transmission of values of cooperation can affect the
form of institutions, which in turn reinforces norms of cooperative behavior.
Ashraf and Galor (2007) model the trade-off between non-conformism and
conformism at different stages of development and provide a theory of why China
was richer in the Malthusian stage of development but lagged behind in the
industrialization stage. Doepke and Zilibotti (2008) developed a model to
explain the cultural transmission of the values of the preindustrial middle
class (thriftiness, hard work) in the industrialization process as well as
their eventual social success and the demise of the landed aristocracy while
Corneo and Jeanne (2010) argue that cultural transmission can result in poverty
traps. In subsequent work, Doepke and Zilibotti (2013) show how in
entrepreneurial societies, innovation and risk-taking create incentives for
cultural transmission of values of thrift and risk-taking, which in turn
sustain a high level of entrepreneurship and innovation. Fernandez, Fogli and
Olivetti (2004), Fernandez and Fogli (2009) and Giuliano (2007) examined the
effects of culture on fertility choices, family living arrangements and labor
supply decisions. Barro and McCleary (2003) argue that economic growth is
affected by religious beliefs (e.g., existence of hell and heaven). Knack and
Keefer (1997) considered the effect of social capital on economic
performance. Aghion et al. (2010) found
a negative correlation between trust and the level of regulation in societies.
Guiso et al. (2003, 2009) examined the effect of trust on economic attitudes
and international trade patterns, and Giuliano et al. (2014) investigated the
link between geography, genetic distance, transportation costs and economic
variables. Tabellini (2008a) and Licht et al. (2007) provide evidence consistent
with a causal link from culture to institutions and Jellema (2009) provides
evidence consistent with a causal link from cultural practices to a society’s
basic achievements (such as the presence of writing, the wheel or money)
documented for different cultures in Murdock’s (1967) Ethnographic Atlas. In line with Roland (2004), Murrell and Schmidt
(2011) show that in seventeenth century England cultural change preceded the
important institutional changes brought about by the Glorious Revolution of 1688.
rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents our argument for
how individualism
and economic
growth can be related. In section 3, we discuss the data used in our empirical
analysis. Section 4 contains our empirical analysis of how individualism can
affect economic development. Sections 5 and 6 examine the interplay between
individualism, institutions and other factors. In Section 7, we investigate
occupational choices of various ethnic groups in the USA. Section 8 makes
concluding remarks.
2. The economic argument
In this
section, we synthesize how individualism/collectivism can affect long-term
growth and development via innovation and production. Our discussion is
intentionally narrative to formulate the argument in general terms (we relegate
to Appendix A a simple endogenous growth model, which we find useful in making
our argument precise, and in particular in differentiating static and dynamic
effects of culture). Hence, we focus on
general themes documented by previous studies in sociology, economics, history,
case studies in the business management literature, etc.
While there is a
general agreement that technological innovations are the central conduits of
economic growth and development, a central question is how innovation is
stimulated. Obviously, monetary rewards from patents, market power, etc.
provide strong incentives for innovation. However, there are other important
dimensions such as social status that can also compensate innovators for their
efforts. Our main hypothesis is that individualistic societies permit and
encourage more innovation than collectivist societies by providing a higher
social status for individuals making important discoveries. There is ample
evidence (e.g. Merton 1973) that social reward with heightened status is the
most significant part of the total reward for scientists. Indeed, many probably
have dreamed of becoming the first to
discover a new element, a new law or a new technology. By stimulating more innovations,
individualism gives a dynamic advantage that can lead to higher economic
growth. In contrast, collectivist societies emphasize the role of collective
effort and give less social status reward to innovation. They reward conformity
more and discourage individuals from dissenting (see e.g. Bond and Smith,
High status rewards can
counteract the disincentive effects of high tax rates because while income and
wealth can be expropriated, social status cannot. Thus even if a country has
bad institutions with high expropriation risk, there can still be incentives to
innovate if there is a high enough status reward to innovation. Clark (2007)
argues against the view that institutions are important for long-run growth by
pointing to the fact that institutions in England around the time of the
Industrial Revolution were no better than in many developing countries today,
whose institutional weaknesses are precisely cited as the main cause of their
underdevelopment. Bringing individualist culture in the picture, which has been
shown by historians to exist in England at least since the thirteenth century
(Macfarlane, 1978), the negative effect of predatory institutions on long-run
growth can be offset by the social status reward to innovation that is present
under an individualist culture.
The comparative advantage of collectivist societies is hypothesized
instead to be on the production side, which almost always involves combining
inputs and hence requires coordination of workers/units.
coordination is easier to achieve in collectivist cultures that value harmony,
conformity and team effort. For example, Liker (2003) documents that teamwork
and consensus building are among defining features of the Japanese way to run
business. Efforts to copy the Japanese organization inside U.S. automobile
factories however failed in their attempts to catch up with the efficiency of
Japanese automobile firms, since American carmakers could replicate lean
production but could not imitate Toyota’s culture. Because enhancing an
assembly line by improved coordination is likely to run into diminishing
returns, the production advantage of collectivism is static and may be
interpreted as a level effect.
In addition, while the
vast majority of fundamental innovations were made in the U.S. and Western
Europe (see for example Harrison, 2004), which have a highly individualistic
culture, collectivist countries may be good at incremental innovations. For
example, the color TV was invented by RCA, an American firm, but Japan ended up
making the best TV sets. Sony invented the walkman which was a great consumer
success starting in the 1980s. However, the key invention of the compact
cassette was made by Philips, a European firm. Similarly, Sony introduced the
VCR but the technology was invented by Ampex, an American firm which was unable
to make its VCR affordable to households. One can argue that incremental
innovations have diminishing returns (i.e., one can relatively easily improve a
cassette player in terms of design and functionality but one needs a radical
innovation to create a CD player) and gains from incremental innovations are
limited in the long run and, hence, the technological frontier is likely to be
pushed by the individualistic societies. Collectivist societies may be able to
close some of the gap in technology via the international diffusion of
technology, an element that we do not incorporate in our model. However, it is
important to acknowledge that this diffusion is a gradual process: growth theories
analyzing the diffusion of development emphasize that the tacit and
idiosyncratic nature of technological knowledge make it impossible to
transplant new technologies costlessly and immediately to other countries. In
practice, investments are needed to master an existing technology and adapt it
to local conditions (see Aghion and Howitt, 2009, Jones, 2002, Evenson and
Westphal, 1995, Grossman and Helpman, 1991). If diffusion of technology from
leaders to laggards is gradual, one should thus observe a stationary
distribution of income differences with leaders (more individualist and hence
more innovative countries) being richer since they are technologically a few
steps ahead of laggards.[5],[6]
reasoning can shed new light on episodes of “reversal of fortune”. In the
Malthusian stage
when labor is
allocated almost exclusively to production of final goods (food, clothes, etc.)
and virtually no labor is allocated to innovation, collectivist societies,
which enjoy a greater level of coordination, may be richer than individualistic
societies. This prediction is consistent with, for example, China being richer,
more urbanized and more densely populated than much of Western Europe in 1500.
However, as the economy exits the Malthusian stage (e.g. after the Black
Plague), the collectivism-individualism difference across cultures starts to
play a new and different role. Since individualistic societies grow faster than
collectivist societies outside the Malthusian stage, countries with an
individualistic culture eventually become richer and thus one may observe a
“reversal of fortune”, i.e. those countries catch up and become more affluent
than collectivist countries that initially had a higher level of
In summary, there is a
trade-off between the benefits and costs of individualism and collectivism. Our
overview suggests that the benefits of individualism affect the output growth rate while the costs of individualism affect the level of output. In the long-run, the
latter effect, which is dynamic, should thus dominate the former effect, which
is static. Hence, despite the short-run trade-off, countries with a more
individualistic culture should unambiguously grow faster and eventually enjoy a
higher level of output. In what follows, our objective is to explore
empirically whether cultural attributes such as individualism/collectivism are
strong predictors of incomes, productivity and innovation.
3. Data
A key question
for our empirical analysis is how to measure individualism. A well-known
measure of individualism (and other cultural dimensions) at the country level
was developed by Hofstede (2001) who initially used surveys of IBM employees in
about 30 countries. To avoid cultural biases in the way questions are framed,
the translation of the survey into local languages was done by a team of
English and local language speakers. With new waves of surveys and replication
studies, Hofstede’s measure of individualism has been expanded to 96 countries.[7]
In a nutshell, the individualism score measures the extent to which it is
believed that individuals are supposed to take care of themselves as opposed to
being strongly integrated and loyal to a cohesive group. Individuals in
countries with a high level of the index value personal freedom and status,
while individuals in countries with a low level of the index value harmony and
conformity. Hofstede’s index as well as the measures of individualism from
other studies use a broad array of survey questions to establish cultural
values. Factor analysis is used to summarize data and construct indices. In
Hofstede’s analysis, the index of individualism is the first factor in work
goal questions about the value of personal time, freedom, interesting and
fulfilling work, etc. This component loads positively on valuing individual
freedom, opportunity, achievement, advancement, recognition and negatively on
valuing harmony, cooperation, relations with superiors.9 This index
measures quite well the notion of individualism given above. Similarly, the
emphasis on harmony, cooperation and good relations with superiors fits well
with the notion of collectivism given above and strongly suggests greater
capacity at coordination within the group but also a stronger sense of
conformity and a fear of sticking out. Although Hofstede’s data were initially
collected mostly with the purpose of understanding differences in IBM’s
corporate culture, the main advantage of Hofstede’s measure of individualism is
that it has been validated in a number of studies.[8] For
example, across various studies and measures of individualism (see Hofstede
(2001) for a review) the United Kingdom, the USA and Netherlands are
consistently among the most individualistic countries, while Pakistan, Nigeria
and Peru are among the most collectivist.
Figure 1 represents a world map of Hofstede's individualism scores.
The causality between
individualism and economic outcomes can a priori flow in both directions. For
example, as we have argued above, more individualist countries may be wealthier
because individualism fosters innovation. On the other hand, one might reason
that a more affluent economy can support a more individualist culture. Indeed,
there is a long tradition in social sciences starting with Marx claiming that
economic development affects a country’s culture.
To address this
potential endogeneity problem, we use a number of instrumental variables. We
first use genetic and epidemiological data
which the recent literature in cross-cultural psychology has directly linked to
collectivism. A first set of data is from Chiao and Blizinsky (2009) who
document a strong correlation between collectivism and the presence of a short
(S) allele in the polymorphism 5‐HTTLPR
of the serotonin transporter gene SLC6A4. This allele is known in psychology to
put individuals at greater risk for depression when exposed to life stressors.
The mechanism linking individual genetic traits and culture is that a
collectivist culture protects individuals from these stressors by embedding
them more strongly in communities with strong social links thus providing
strong psychological support networks. These data are complemented with data
assembled in Inglehart et al. (2014) for a total of 43 countries. We also use
data from Way and Liebermann (2010) showing that collectivism is also strongly
correlated with the G allele in polymorphism A118G in the -opoid receptor gene that leads
to higher stress in case of social rejection. Way and Liebermann (2010) also
reason that collectivist culture can be seen as providing psychological
protection from social rejection. These data are complemented by various other
sources (see Appendix F) for a total of 34 countries. Finally, we use
epidemiological data put together by Murray and Schaller (2010) for 96
countries on pathogen prevalence, complementing earlier work by Fincher et al.
Given a strong correlation between pathogen prevalence and collectivism,
Fincher et al. and Murray and Schaller argue that stronger pathogen prevalence
pushed communities to adopt more collectivist values emphasizing tradition,
putting stronger limits on individual behavior, and showing less openness
towards foreigners. Collectivism is thus understood as a defense mechanism
created to cope with greater pathogen prevalence.
We then combine each of these instrumental
variables with a measure of genetic distance between people in different
countries and perform statistical tests of overidentification to check whether
genetic distance meets the exclusion restriction. To the extent that culture is
transmitted mainly from parents to children, so are genes. Thus, genetic
markers can be used as a proxy for cultural markers and this instrumental
variable should be seen as a proxy measure of cultural transmission. To be
clear, we do not postulate a causal
effect between genetic distance and cultural distance. Instead, we exploit the correlation between cultural and genetic
transmission from patents to offspring. Since economic development is unlikely
to affect genetic pools in a matter of a few centuries, one can reasonably
expect that genetic distance is a good IV for differences in cultural
attributes. These genetic data originate from Cavalli-Sforza et al. (1994)
which provides measured genetic markers for roughly 2,000 groups of population
across the globe. These data contain allele frequencies (alleles are variants
taken by a gene) for various ethnic groups. Since we want to eliminate the
feedback from economic outcomes to genetic variation, we focus on neutral
genetic markers that are not related to evolutionary fitness, and thus economic
performance. Furthermore, as discussed in CavalliSforza et al. (1994), genetic
variation for countries not affected by massive colonization since 1500s was
largely determined during the Neolithic migration of early humans thousands of
years ago.12 We use the Mahalanobis distance between the frequency
of blood types in a given country and the frequency of blood types in the UK,
which is the second most individualistic country in our sample.13
The geographical distribution of the Mahalanobis distance measure is displayed
in Figure 2.14 Using the frequency of blood types is attractive
because, apart from being neutral genetic markers (i.e., different blood types
do not cause a higher level of intelligence, output or individualism), the
frequency of alleles determining blood types is the most widely available
genetic information and thus we can construct the most comprehensive (in terms
12 Note that
the genetic and cultural data were collected predominantly in 1950s through the
early 1970s. On the other hand, our
measures of economic outcomes are generally from the 21st century.
This difference in the timing of explanatory/instrumental variables (i.e.,
culture and genetic variables) and dependent variables (i.e., economic
outcomes) helps us to alleviate certain types of endogeneity (e.g., recent
strong migration of skilled workers). 13
The advantage of using distance relative to the U.K. is that U.K.’s population
is genetically more homogenous than the population in the U.S.A.—the most
individualistic in the world—and that the U.K. is often described as the cradle
of individualism and the Industrial revolution. Indeed, the share of indigenous
(as of year 1500) population in modern U.K. is over 94 percent. Results are
very similar when we use distance to the U.S.A. Note also that we get similar
results when we use the distance to the most collectivist countries (Guatemala,
Pakistan, Mozambique, Tanzania, etc.). 14 The Mahalanobis distance
between a vector x and y picked from distributions X is
, Σ
where Σ is the covariance matrix for X.
In our contexts, Σ var ,̅ ,̅ where A and B denote blood types and c
indexes countries. We obtain the Euclidian distance , when Σ is set to
the identity matrix. Thus, the
distance between country c and the
USA is equal to , ,̅ ,̅ ,̅ ,̅ /.
coverage) measure of genetic distance.[10]
Another key advantage of utilizing frequency of blood types is that we can
exploit alternative sources of information (e.g., Red Cross) about frequency of
blood types to corroborate our data from DNA studies. In a series of robustness
checks, we also employ aggregate measures of genetic distance constructed in
Cavalli-Sforza et al. (1994) and used
in Spolaore and Wacziarg (2009).[11]
Since the genetic data
are available at the level of ethnic groups while our analysis is done at the
country level, we aggregate genetic information using ethnic shares of
population from Fearon (2003).[12]
Specifically, if we define blood frequency fbec
for blood type b and ethnic group e in country c, then the
country level
blood frequency for type b is
calculated as ̅ ∑ where sec is the share of ethnic group e in the population of country c.[13] In a robustness check, we also employ an
instrumental variable based on linguistic peculiarities of individualistic
cultures. Specifically, in languages where the pronoun cannot be dropped in a
sentence there is a greater differentiation between the individual (first
person of the singular) and the community, whereas in languages where pronouns
can be dropped there is less emphasis on such a differentiation. Kashima and
Kashima (1998) and others document that prohibition of pronoun drop is strongly
correlated with individualism.[14]
This instrumental variable was used in Licht et al. (2007), Tabellini (2008a)
and other papers studying the effects of culture on socioeconomic
The sources of data on
economic outcomes are standard. We take income per worker data in 2000 from the
Penn World Tables (version 6.3). To control for differences in factor
endowments, we use data on total factor productivity (TFP) from Hall and Jones
(1999) and Jones and Romer (2010). These two measures have been widely used as
measures of long-run growth in the literature.
Since the main conduit
of individualism’s effect on growth in our argument is innovation, we proxy for
the intensity of innovations with the innovation
performance index and the log patents
per million population from Economist Intelligence Unit (2007, 2009;
henceforth EIU). EIU constructs patents
per million population as the sum of
patents granted to applicants (by residence) from the 82 economies by three
major government patent offices—the European Patent Office, the Japanese Patent
Office, and the US
Patent and
Trademark Office. The data are averaged over 2002-2007. Although the use of
patent data has a number of problems, this is the single best available measure
for innovation outputs. The innovation performance index
incorporates information on patents and alternative indicators of innovation
output such as royalty and license fee receipts as a percentage of GDP,
high-technology manufacturing output per head, high-technology services output
per head, the number of citations from scientific and technical journals, etc.
As documented in EIU (2007, 2009), these measures are highly correlated with
other proxies for innovation performance such as UNIDO estimates of the share
of medium- and high-technology products in a country’s manufacturing output and
its manufacturing exports, and the results of a survey question from the World
Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report that asked respondents to rate
the extent to which companies were adept at, or able to absorb, new technology.
Thus, these measures of innovation are likely to capture salient features of
innovative activities across countries.
The timing of data
collection is different across variables (see Appendix G). For example, while
frequencies of blood types were collected in the 1940s and 1950s, other genetic
data that we use were collected recently. The first individualism scores were constructed
in the 1960s for a limited number of countries and the coverage increased
gradually since then. Data on historic pathogen prevalence refer to
early-to-mid 20th century, before the epidemiological
revolution. Outcome variables such as
output per worker, patents per capita, total factor productivity are generally
available for recent years. Ideally, one
would like to have measures of our cultural variable (individualism) and of
instrumental variables such as pathogen prevalence before the Industrial
Revolution to correctly estimate the effect of individualism on long-run growth
centuries later. Unfortunately, such data are not available. Nevertheless, we think that, the quantitative
significance of this mistiming is not likely to be large. First, the central
premise of our argument (as is also demonstrated by a large body of research)
is that culture is slow-moving so that culture “today” in a given country is
similar to what it was in the past, even after centuries of economic
development. Second, to strengthen the argument and minimize possible
endogeneity of individualism scores, we use genetics-based instrumental
variables that are unlikely to change materially since the Malthusian stage.
This significantly strengthens our research design. In addition, as we discuss
below, the plausible correlation structure of errors is such that our estimates
could understate the strength of the relationship between individualism and the
outcome variables. Third, historic pathogen prevalence data were constructed
for the era preceding the revolution in the medical treatment of malaria,
typhus, tuberculosis and other major contagious diseases. Hence, this measure
is likely to provide a good proxy of pathogen prevalence for earlier periods.
4. Baseline econometric specification and results
Our argument
predicts that more individualistic countries should be more affluent since
individualism encourages innovation.
Consistent with this prediction, Figure 3 shows that countries with more
individualistic cultures enjoy higher levels of income, TFP and rates of
innovation. Also, innovation is strongly positively correlated with income and
TFP (Figure 4). These raw correlations, some of which were reported earlier in
Hofstede (2001), are informative but they do not control for other factors and
cannot be interpreted as causal relationships.[15]
To address these concerns, we employ the following basic
econometric specification:
where i indexes countries, Yi measures an economic
outcome (e.g., log income per worker), INDi
is a measure of individualism, is a vector of control variables and
ei is the error term.[16] The vector
includes commonly used controls for geography such as countries’
longitude and latitude, a dummy variable for being landlocked, and a set of dummy
variables for continents. In addition to this standard set of geographic
controls, we include the percentages of population practicing major religions
from Barro and McCleary (2003) to ensure that our results are not driven by
differences in the composition of people following various religions.
discussed above, we use several instrumental variables to deal with reverse
causality in equation
(1). Figure 5
shows that countries with more individualistic cultures are genetically less
distant from the U.K. The converse applies to countries with collectivist
cultures. At the same time, countries with individualist and collectivist
cultures are genetically distant from each other. Note the strong negative
correlation between genetic distance (computed relative to the U.K. which has
the second most individualistic culture) and individualism.
Table 1 presents the OLS and IV estimates for the basic specification (1)
where the dependent variable is log income per worker. In the basic OLS
regression (column (1)), the coefficient on individualism is positive and
significant. Specifically, a one standard deviation increase in individualism
(say from the score of Venezuela to Greece, or from that of Brazil to
Luxemburg) leads to a 66 percent increase in the level of income, which is a
large effect. Taking the blood distance
to the U.K. as instrument (column (2)) yields a somewhat larger estimate of the
coefficient on individualism. In columns (3) and (4), the key instrument is the
frequency of the short (S) allele in the polymorphism 5‐HTTLPR
of the serotonin transporter gene SLC6A4, which makes people more prone to
depression when facing stressful events. In columns (5) and (6), the key
instrument is the G allele in polymorphism A118G in the -opoid receptor gene that leads
to higher stress in case of social rejection. Finally, columns (7) and (8) use
historical pathogen prevalence as an instrument. The first stages for all IV
regressions (columns 2 to 8) are strong. By and large, the estimates are
similar across the specifications.
Note that when we
include blood distance as a second instrumental variable (columns 4, 6 and 8),
the estimated coefficient remains similar in magnitude to what one can obtain
using instruments separately. Furthermore, the overidentifying restriction
tests cannot reject the null of instrumental variables being correctly excluded
at any standard significance level. The results of the overidentification test,
together with the similar magnitudes of the coefficients, strongly suggest that
blood distance picks up the link between genetic distance and cultural distance
along the individualism-collectivism dimension. Spolaore and Wacziarg (2009)
interpreted instead genetic distance as a proxy for barriers to the diffusion of
knowledge. But how geographical distance—a prominent barrier to
diffusion—affects individualism should not be systematically related to how
e.g. a particular variation in the serotonin transporter gene SLC6A4 affects
individualism. While our measure of blood distance might a priori reflect such
barriers, the variation in SLC6A4 cannot be reasonably suspected of directly
reflecting barriers to the diffusion of knowledge. If our measure of blood
distance were to be interpreted as a measure of barriers in the diffusion of
knowledge, then the coefficient on individualism in the second stage regression
should be quite different when we use two instruments (blood distance and the
other genetic/epidemiological variable) compared to when we use only one
instrument (the other genetic/epidemiological variable). Indeed, if that were
the case, these different instrumental variables would pick different aspects
of the variation in individualism, thus leading to a different estimate and
also to a rejection in the test of over-identifying restrictions. As we can see
from Table 1, however, this is not the case. The results in Table 1 are thus
consistent with both instrumental variables picking up approximately the same
aspects of the variation in individualism, thus confirming our interpretation
of blood distance as a proxy for cultural distance. These clarifications are
important, because even if the instrumental variables used in columns 3 and 5
are much more directly related to individualism and collectivism, they are currently
available only for respectively 43 and 34 countries. Given that our blood
distance instrument covers many more countries and it passes the
overidentification test in Table 1 despite its potentially lower plausibility
as an instrument, for the rest of the paper we will use blood distance as an
instrumental variable so that we can have additional robustness checks with
more controls and subsamples as well as more statistical power to reach sharper
Table 2 performs some
first robustness checks. In row (1), we use as instrument for culture the
Mahalanobis distance of frequency of blood types A and B in a country relative
to the USA. In row (2), we use the frequency of blood types A and B separately
so that we do not need to construct a distance measure to any particular
country. In row (3), instead of using the Cavalli-Sforza et al. (1994) data on
blood types, we use the data from the Red Cross. Although the Red Cross data
are available for a much smaller set of countries, it does not require us to
use ethnic shares in population to aggregate genetic data to the country level.
In rows (4) and (5), we use the genetic distance data used by Spolaore and
Wacziarg (2009). Their data also come from Cavalli-Sforza et al. (1994). In contrast to our blood
distance, Spolaore and Wacziarg (2009) take genetic distances calculated by
Cavalli-Sforza et al. (1994) for a
larger set of genes. However, with a larger set of genes, the distance can be
computed for only 42 ethnic subgroups of the world population. Similar to our
approach, Spolaore and Wacziarg (2009) aggregate ethnic data to the country
level using shares of ethnic groups in country populations. Row (6) uses the
prohibition of pronoun drop as an instrument whereas in row (7), it is used as
an instrument together with blood distance. In all cases, results are similar
to the results we obtained for the baseline specification of Table 1.
As an additional
robustness check, rows (8)-(10) report results for a series of dyadic
regressions that reduce the influence of using the U.K. as the comparison point
for genetic distance. In particular, we estimate the following
Δ Δ ∑ ∑ (2)
where Δ
≡lnln is the log difference in income per worker in country i and country j, Δ
is the difference between individualism scores
in country i and country j, is an
variable equal to one if and zero
otherwise, is a set of additional
controls (if included). We instrument Δ with the
blood distance between countries i
and j. We find that the estimates
of continue to be highly significant and
positive even after controlling for country fixed effects and geographical
distance between countries. These last two results are important because
country fixed effects control for other possible country-specific omitted
variables, and controlling for geographical distance ensures that our results
are not driven by factors related to diffusion of development.
In Table 3, we use
different dependent variables, in line with our hypothesis that innovation is
the channel through which cultural differences lead to differences in long-run
growth. Panel A presents for comparison regressions with log income per worker
as the dependent variable. The first four
columns are OLS and the next four are IV regressions. In columns (2), (4), (6)
and (8) we introduce continental dummies and in columns (3), (4), (7) and (8),
we introduce geographical controls for landlocked countries, absolute values of
country longitude and latitude and controls for the percentages of population
practicing major religions in a country to make sure the effect of culture is
not driven purely by religion. Panel B uses TFP from Hall and Jones (1999) as
the dependent variable. We know indeed from their work that the main factor behind
differences in incomes is variation in the level of TFP across countries. Panel
C uses newer TFP data from Jones and Romer (2010). We find strong and positive
effects of individualism on productivity. A one standard deviation increase in
the individualism score leads to a 31 to 66 percent increase in TFP. Note that the effect on TFP is smaller than
the effect on income. This should be expected since differences in income per
worker are due to differences in factor accumulation on top of differences in
Finally, we perform a
more direct test of our theory by regressing measures of innovation on
individualism (Table 3, Panels D and E). With and without controls, we see a
strong robust effect of individualism, confirming the channel going from individualism
to innovation and to income and productivity. This finding is consistent with experimental evidence (e.g., Goncalo and
Staw, 2006) showing that groups populated by individualistic persons generate
more creative solutions to problems than groups populated by collectivist
persons. Importantly, this finding also highlights that although countries may
achieve a larger level of total factor productivity via diffusion of existing
knowledge and willingness of people in individualistic cultures to accept new
goods/services as well as new ways of producing goods/services, individualism
affects the creation of knowledge.[17] In
other words, individualism not only helps countries to approach to the
technological frontier, it also pushes the frontier.
To assess whether the
magnitudes of individualism’s effect on economic outcomes are plausible,
consider differences in economic outcomes in Italy’s South and North, which is
a prime example of the importance of cultural effects. In his classic book,
Putnam (1994) argues that the North of Italy is culturally similar to
Switzerland and Germany (the individualism score for Switzerland is equal to
68) while the South of Italy is similar to Spain (the score is 51). Our
baseline regression results (column (8) in Table 3, panels A and C) predict
that the difference in income per capita and TFP between Italy’s North and
South should be 0.0291749.3% and 0.0181730.6% respectively. According
to Italy’s statistical office income per capita in Southern regions is about
50% smaller than income per capita in Northern regions. Using the methods
developed in Hall and Jones (1999), Aiello and Scoppa (2000) estimate the
difference in TFP across two regions to be 27%. Thus predictions made from our
cross-country regressions are remarkably similar to within-Italy variation in
incomes and productivity and validate our parameter estimates.[18]
that China is not at all an outlier in our estimations. Despite its very fast
growth for the last
thirty years,
China still remains relatively poor. Panel A of Figure 3 illustrates that China
is approximately half a log point below the regression line so that China’s
income per worker would have to grow by more than 50 percent before it is on
the regression line. Even if China’s
income per worker were as high as that of Mexico (approximately halfway between
triple and quadruple of the actually observed income per worker in China),
China would continue to look like a fairly typical data point in Panel A of
Figure 3.
5. Exploring
other channels
By focusing on
the individualism/collectivism dimension, specification (1) does not include
other potentially important determinants of economic development. To the extent
these determinants are positively correlated with individualism, one may
overstate the contribution of individualism to long-run growth. To address this
concern about omitted variables, we explore in this section how controlling for
these potentially important factors alters our conclusions.
A first major potential
objection is that our results reflect migration patterns from the colonization
era in which the Americas and Oceania were settled by European immigrants. One
may also be concerned that our results are driven by a set of countries that
for historical reasons were disadvantaged in economic development. If our
theory explains income differences at the global scale, it is reasonable to
expect our theory to explain income differences within continents where
countries may be more similar. These concerns are important because, for
example, Albouy (2012) argues that the theory of institutions as the
fundamental cause of economic development has weak or no empirical support when
tested within continents. Table 4 reports regression estimates for each
continent separately and for OECD economies.[19] By
and large, we confirm our basic finding that individualism leads to higher
income per worker. Even if we focus on OECD countries or relatively more
developed countries in Europe and the Americas, individualism can explain a
large fraction of variation in income. Although the coefficient on
individualism is somewhat smaller for the subsample of developed countries, it
does not necessarily mean that culture is less important. It simply reflects
the fact that variation in incomes and individualism is more compressed in
these countries and thus, with less variation in our key variables, measurement
errors can have a stronger attenuation bias. This observation can also explain
why the estimated coefficients are the largest for Africa where countries are
extremely diverse in the level of development and individualism. For example,
Morocco and Bhutan have individualism scores similar to those for Argentina and
Spain, whereas Mozambique, Ghana, and Burkina Faso have some of the lowest
scores in the world. Column (5) gives results for Africa, Europe and Asia where
there was no massive migration of European settlers. Note that the coefficient
in the IV estimation is even larger than in the results from Table 1 where the
Americas and Oceania were included. In summary, our results are not driven by a
particular continent and the effect of individualism is significant also within
Another concern is
related to migration flows that have happened over the centuries across countries
in a continuous manner. For example, countries with bigger economic
opportunities could have attracted migrants from places that also happened to
have more individualistic cultures. To address this concern, we use the
Putterman and Weil (2010) data on migration flows between 1500 and 2000. In column (1) of Table 5, we first replicate
baseline OLS and IV regressions for our full sample. Then we restrict gradually
the sample to those countries whose share of indigenous population as of 1500
in today’s population is larger than respectively 80 percent (columns (3) and
(4)), 90 percent (columns (5) and (6)), and 95 percent (columns (7) and (8)).
We thereby eliminate countries that have witnessed large migration flows since
1500. We find that the coefficients remain highly significant as we restrict
the sample and, if anything, the point estimates get larger. In summary, the results of Table 4 and 5 rule
out the idea that our results reflect only migration patterns (most
importantly, European settlers in the colonization period of the last 500
years) or the effects of being European (i.e., differences in individualism are
not about Europe vs. the rest of the world).
A second major
objection could be that individualism proxies for other forces of economic development.
For example, a popular alternative explanation of economic development is the
quality of institutions (see e.g. Acemoglu et al., 2001). Because cultural
attributes and institutions are correlated and it is possible that culture
simply captures the effect embodied in institutions, one needs to establish
whether individualism has an effect separate from the effect of institutions.
To differentiate effects of institutions and individualism, we augment the
baseline econometric specification (1) with the average protection against
expropriation risk between 1985 and 2009, a measure of institutions used by
Acemoglu et al. (2001) and the majority of previous papers studying the effects
of institutions on socioeconomic outcomes:[20]
where INSTi is a measure of
institutions in country i. Estimates
of equation (3) (see Table 6) show that individualism remains significant even
after including institutions in the OLS and IV specifications. Individualism
thus has a robust effect that is separate from institutions. The size of the
estimated coefficient remains substantial. A one standard deviation increase in
the individualism score leads to a 53 to 79 percent increase in the level of
income without instrument for institutions and
to a 86 to 99 percent increase in the level of income when the
institutional variable is instrumented using the settler mortality variable as
in Acemoglu et al. (2001).26
Note that the size of
the effect of individualism on income remains fairly robust to including
institutions and other controls. We cannot say the same for the institutional
variable which is rather sensitive to including controls and individualism in
the regression. Furthermore, the coefficient on institutions does not increase
in the IV estimation (panel B) once individualism is included but rather tends
to decrease, which was not the case in Acemoglu et al. (2001). Finally, the
estimated effect of institutions is particularly unstable when we apply the
correction for settler mortality as in Albouy (2012) and include individualism
in the regression (columns 8 and 9 in panel B). We observe similar results (not
reported) when we use innovation or TFP (rather than income per worker) as the
dependent variable. In summary, there is an important contribution of culture
to economic development that is independent of institutions. One can state that
culture explains income differences across countries at least as much as
institutions. However, data for institutions and cultural variables are
available for a limited number of countries: Panel B has 39 observations
because of the imperfect overlap between coverage of settler mortality and
individualism data. Future research should re-examine these results when more
data become available.
Table 7 reports
estimates of the effect of individualism on our outcome variables when we
control for a variety of additional factors that have been investigated in the
empirical literature on growth and other channels that might link individualism
or genetic distance to growth. For example, individualism may be correlated
with trust, which is often interpreted either as a cultural norm that reduces
transaction costs or as a measure of social capital, which reflects the density
of social networks and a culture of participation and citizenship. Using
generalized trust constructed from the World Values Survey, a variable that has
been widely used in the social sciences literature, we find some positive
correlation between log income per worker and trust, but this relationship is
not robust. Once we regress log income per worker on both individualism and
trust, trust ceases to be significant while individualism remains robustly
significant and quantitatively important.[21] In
Gorodnichenko and Roland (2011), we look at a large number of alternative
available measures of culture (including the other Hofstede indicators) and
conclude that there is no significant or robust effect on growth from cultural
dimensions that are independent from the individualism-collectivism dimension.
When analyzing the effect of culture on growth, the individualism-collectivism
dimension thus appears to be the most relevant and robust relevant cultural
variable. Note that this also further validates our use of genetic distance as
a valid instrument for individualism since other cultural channels are either
nonrobust or correlated with individualism.
Likewise, ethnic
fractionalization, which previous literature found to be associated with weaker
institutions and hence lower levels of output, does not appear be a robust predictor
of output, patents or productivity. Furthermore, we do not find a statistically
significant relationship between ethnic fractionalization—which also proxies
for diversity—and output or any material change in the estimates of the
coefficients on individualism when we augment this specification with nonlinear
terms in ethnic fractionalization (not reported) and, therefore, our results
for individualism are different from and not confounded by the diversity
effects emphasized by Ashraf and Galor (2013).
One may argue that
individualism is likely to arise only when the level of education is high, and
thus that individualism may proxy for the quality of human capital instead of
having an independent effect on economic outcomes. To rule out this alternative
explanation, we control for the Barro-Lee measure of average years of schooling
for people over the age of 15. This variable is only significant in regressions
on log TFP (columns (5) and (6)) and its inclusion does not affect the
significance of individualism.
Similar to our previous
specifications, we also control for average protection against expropriation
risks, the share of people with a European descent in 1900, and legal origins,
three popular measures of institutional quality. While legal origins and the
share of people with a European descent do not have a robust association with
our economic outcomes after controlling for other factors, protection against
expropriation risks has a strong and robust association with the outcomes.
Including these measures as additional regressors, however, does not alter our
conclusions about the strong effects of individualism on income, patents, and
distance may reflect geographical distance and thus capture transport costs in
trade (see
e.g. Giuliano et al., 2006), as well as the speed of technology diffusion
rather than differences in cultural attributes. To address this concern, we
introduce the log of the population-weighted distance of a country from the UK,
which proxies for transportation costs from the cradle of the Industrial
revolution. Although this distance
variable is negatively correlated with the log of income per worker, when it is
combined with the individualism score, it is not statistically significant while
individualism remains robustly significant both in the OLS and IV
We argue that individualism’s effect on growth works through a higher
level of innovation. It is possible, however, that instead of creating new
technologies and products, individualism leads to higher income and
productivity only or mainly through faster absorption of existing technologies
as argued by Fogli and Veldkamp (2012). In other words, diffusion of
technologies may be faster in more individualistic societies, hence leading
these societies to enjoy higher levels of productivity and income. We have already
shown that individualism influences the intensity of creation of new
technologies and goods as measured by patents. To further separate these two
channels, we control for the extensive margin (the average time lag for a
technology to appear in a country since the technology is invented) and the
intensive margin (the speed at which a technology spreads in a country) of
technology diffusion constructed by Comin and Mestieri (2013). Specifically, we
average the values of a margin for each country across 25 technologies (e.g.,
internet, synthetic fiber, cars)[22]
and use these averages as additional regressors. If the diffusion channel
matters more than the innovation channel, we should observe individualism
becoming statistically and economically insignificant once we control for
measures of the speed of technology diffusion. If the opposite is true, then
including measures of the speed of technology diffusion should have no material
effect on the estimated coefficients on individualism. We find that while these
two margins of diffusion are strongly correlated with our outcome variables,
the margins are not systematically correlated with the outcomes once we control
for other country characteristics. Moreover, the coefficients on individualism
are barely affected, suggesting that individualism matters more because of the
innovation channel than because of the speed of diffusion channel. Again, this is clear evidence consistent with
the channel we posited in this paper between individualism and long-run growth.
The control function
approach adopted in Table 7 is likely to bias the estimate of individualism’s
effect downward. Indeed, many of the controls (trust, education, etc.) are
potentially endogenous but we do not have credible instruments for all of these
variables and the data sets for which all instruments could overlap would be
considerably smaller, as was already the case in Table 6 when combining only
instruments for culture and institutions. These potentially endogenous
regressors are likely to be correlated with our instrumental variables and the
error terms across first- and second-stage regressions are plausibly positively
correlated. Therefore, by not instrumenting these potentially endogenous
variables, our IV regressions in Table 7 are likely to attribute some of the
effects of individualism to these other regressors (see Appendix B for a more
formal derivation of this result). Thus,
one could interpret our estimates on the individualism coefficients as conservative
and, if we find a significant positive effect of individualism on growth, the
true effect is likely to be larger.
summary, although genetic distance may be correlated with non-cultural factors
or cultural
factors other
than individualism, none of the popular alternatives alters our main result
that individualism plays an important role in determining economic
6. Causal channels between culture and
Given that
individualism plays a role that is independent of institutions, we naturally
want to examine whether individualism affects institutions or vice versa.
Arguments could go both ways. One can reason that culture shapes institutions.
When institutions are put in place, they correspond to a view of how the world
works and are thus based on culture. The political transformations that took
place in the Western world between the eighteenth and twentieth century from
absolute monarchy and autocracy to republican and democratic regimes can be
seen as based on the values of the Enlightenment that go back to the
Renaissance period and the rediscovery and reappropriation of the Greek culture
of rationality and democracy. The French revolution led to the abolition of
monarchy and profound institutional changes that were inspired by the ideals of
the Enlightenment. In contrast, large-scale revolts in China throughout its
history led at best to the replacement of one emperor/dynasty by another one
(Finer, 1997) because the Chinese imperial system was in line with the
Confucianist culture and its view of the “good emperor” as father figure with
the associated moral duties towards the people. Within that culture,
dissatisfaction of the population tended to be interpreted as resulting from
having a “bad” emperor. Replacing the latter with a “good” emperor who would behave
according to the Confucianist moral cannons was thus seen as the appropriate
response. Culture can thus be argued to affect institutional choices of a
However, one can also
make a case in favor of an opposite causal channel. People lived for centuries
under empires characterized by different institutional organizations, be it the
Chinese imperial system, the Ottoman Empire or the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The
administrative apparatus of empires (as well as of smaller political entities)
made it possible to influence the world view of people living within its
boundaries, usually by the spreading of religions such as Islam under the
Ottoman Empire or Catholicism under the Austro-Hungarian Empire.[23]
For example, Confucianism became widespread in China in part because it was
adopted as the official ideology of the empire as early as the Han dynasty.
Institutions can thus be argued to have affected the spread of a specific
culture, and thus also the degree of individualism and collectivism.
We thus
test for the existence of two causal channels: from culture to institutions and
institutions to culture. For
this test we employ two econometric specifications:
where INST is a measure of institutions (i.e.,
protection against expropriation risk as in Acemoglu et al. (2001)), IND is a measure of individualism, X is a vector of controls, and e and u are error terms. In equation (4), individualism is instrumented
with the blood distance we constructed before. In equation (5), protection
against expropriation risk is instrumented with settler mortality. If we find that is significant while is not, culture can be interpreted as causing
institutions. If is significant
while is not, institutions can be
interpreted as causing culture. Joint significance of and
can be understood as causation flowing both ways. The validity of these
results will of course depend on the validity of the instruments used.
The results for
equation (4) are reported in Panel A of Table 8. The effect of individualism on
the strength of economic institutions is positive and significant thus implying
a flow of causality from individualistic culture to institutions.[24]
This finding corroborates Tabellini (2008a) and Licht et al. (2007) who found
similar results using different measures for culture and institutions. We
report results for equation (5) in Panel B of Table 8. They indicate that
causality also flows from institutions to culture when we use as instrument
settler mortality from Acemoglu et al. (2001). However, the effect of
institutions on culture ceases to be significant once one introduces settler
mortality from Albouy (2012) and the first stage fit becomes quite poor. Hence, the effect of institutions on culture
might be less robust than the other way round. One must however be careful in
interpreting all these results since they are based only on 39 observations,
the countries for which the data on culture and institutions and their
instruments overlap. In short, culture
appears to have a causal effect on institutions and is itself influenced by
institutions, although the latter direction of causation is less clear cut than
the former.
7. Within-country evidence
analysis may fail to control fully for differences in institutional factors or
other sources of cross-country differences. However, we can examine the effect
of culture within a given country, thereby holding institutional factors
constant. Furthermore, by exploring within country variation, we can rule out
alternative explanations based on differences in diffusion costs, geography,
etc. Specifically, our model predicts that more individualistic cultures should
ceteris paribus stimulate persons to choose
research-oriented occupations that require independent thought and deviation
from traditional ways of doing things. For this analysis, the USA is a
particularly attractive research object since this country has many ethnicities
and occupational opportunities that are relatively open for peoples of all
origins and cultures. This special feature of the USA has been exploited by the
epidemiological approach to culture pioneered by Fernandez and coauthors (see
Fernandez, 2010), Giuliano (2007), Algan and Cahuc (2010), and others.
We use ethnicity, age,
gender, birth place, educational attainment from the 1 percent and 5 percent
public micro data (IPUMS) of the U.S. Census in 1970 and 2000 respectively. For
the 2000 census, ethnicity is based on the respondent’s self-reported country
of ancestry. For the 1970 census, ethnicity is based on the respondent’s
response about the father’s birth place. Our sample includes only employed
males who are aged between 25 and 60 and have non-missing information on ancestors
(country of origin). The reason why we constrain the sample only to individuals
with non-missing ethnicity information is because we then focus only on
individuals who associate themselves with a particular culture (which could be
different from the American one) and are likely to observe the traditions of
their original cultures. We exclude females, unemployed and other ages to
minimize the various possible selection effects.
We consider several
sub-samples. The first sample split is determined by whether an individual is
born in the USA so that we can attenuate the effects of high-human-capital
migration into the USA (intuitively, high-human-capital migration from
countries with low level of individualism could create a sample of highly
individualistic U.S. persons from these countries, and thus the difference
between persons from individualistic cultures/countries and collectivist
cultures/countries would not be reflected in the sample). The second sample
split is based on educational attainment: all persons vs. persons with a
bachelor (or higher) degree. The higher is the level of educational attainment,
the smaller should be the effect of differences in initial conditions and
abilities across ethnicities on the estimates.
Our approach has two steps. In the first step, we estimate
the following probit:
ΦΣ error (6)
where i and k index individuals
and ethnic groups, ROO is a dummy
variable equal to one if an individual has a research oriented occupation and
zero otherwise, D is a set of dummies
of each ethnicity, and the vector X
includes controls such as age, age squared, and a set of dummies for
educational attainment. The omitted
category in the set of ethnic dummy variables is British since the U.K. is the
second most individualistic country in our sample.
In the second step we estimate the following specification
by least squares:[25]
error (7)
where is the set of estimated coefficients in regression (6) and is Hofstede’s individualism score. Our theory
predicts that should be positive.
Table 9 presents
estimates from regression (7). Note that the estimate of is larger when we constrain the
sample only to U.S. born persons and when we consider persons with a certain
educational threshold. The estimates of
indicate that persons coming from individualistic cultures are more
likely to take research-oriented occupations than persons from collectivist
cultures. Obviously, these estimates do not prove that persons from
individualist cultures are more successful at innovation than persons from
collectivist cultures but they clearly suggest that there is a cultural component
at work in the choice of such occupations.
8. Concluding remarks
We consider
the hypothesis that individualism/collectivism can influence economic outcomes
such as innovation and long-run growth and test this hypothesis using
cross-country and micro-level data. Our evidence documents a strong
relationship between these cultural attributes and economic outcomes even after
controlling for a broad range of alternative explanations. Although one should
be cautious in interpreting our results as causal—we rely on non-experimental
data and therefore cannot rule out omitted factors completely—our instrumental
variable estimates as well as a large battery of checks and tests provide
preponderance of evidence suggesting a plausible causal interpretation of this
are clearly many pitfalls that should be avoided in interpreting our results.
By no means
should our (or
other) research on economic effects of culture be seen as implying a “ranking”
of cultures in the world or a call for cultural revolutions. On the contrary,
this research is aimed to better understand the tradeoffs implied by different
cultures which are deeply rooted in history and change very slowly. We must
better understand the world we live in and the values and beliefs upon which
people in different countries base their expectations, judgments and
calculations. Identifying effects of culture on economic outcomes should be
interpreted in a way that leads to better dialogue and communication across
On a more practical side, this research can help pinpoint effective
margins of development policy and aid programs to developing countries.
Depending on the strengths of various cultures, different emphases may have to
be put on a spectrum of available policy tools. For example, aid for programs
providing public goods may be more effective in collectivist societies than in
individualist societies. In the latter, aid programs counting on local
initiatives might be more effective. Alternatively, organizational support may
have to be stronger for infrastructure projects in individualist societies,
whereas in collectivist societies one may have to make special effort to
encourage creative initiatives.
on the economic effects of culture is still in its infancy. We hope that our
results showing
the importance of culture for
long-run growth will help to spur research in this direction.
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