Darko Milosevic, Dr.rer.nat./Dr.oec.

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LUM Jean Monnet University

LUM Jean Monnet University 

Our Identity

Highly qualified and leading teaching staff together with the founder’s nurturing enthusiasm in sharing such a project for the local development, have determined throughout the years a constant increase of student registrations.

Two are the most important tenets at the basis of such a successfulUniversity affirmation: the quality of the teaching and education offer and the high level of the teaching staff. Giuseppe Tesauro, Dominick Salvatore, Antonio Maria Fusco, Michele Cifarelli, PinoArlacchi are only some of the names that have succeeded throughout the years.

The Faculty of Law, headed by Prof.Roberto Martino, one of the most outstanding national expert on civil law, offers B.A. courses on “Forensic Professionals”, “International Business Lawyer” and “International Law”. The faculty of Economics, headed by Prof. Antonio Salvi, a former student of Bocconi in Milano, offers a three year degree course in “Economics and Business Management” and a five year course in “Economics and Management”.

By this perspective, it is important to consider several agreements signed with national and local associations. Amongst those there is the protocol of agreement withConfapiwhich offers students traineeship opportunities in business firms and a possible employment in one amongst 120,000 firms of the CONFAPI confederation.

There is also a high standard post-graduate education offer which includes master and specialising courses. The post graduate school for post qualification training to legal professions is able to train, every year, a significant number of graduates who are well prepared and trained as forensic professionals.

Ultimately, LUM Jean Monnet offers graduate courses which include the International Doctoral (Ph.D) Programs in “The Economics and Management of Natural Resources”, coordinated by prof. Dominick Salvatore and the brand new Ph.D Programme in “General Theory of Administrative, Civil, Penal and Tax Law Trails” led by Prof. Roberto Martino. 

The ALUM – Adriatic Linked University Network – was founded in May 2012 with a specific desired goal which is a full integration among EU and the Balkans region of Europe and a stronger collaboration with the countries situated in the southern shore of the Mediterranean Sea.

It’s a cross country initiative in the field of education, research and cultural linkage, focused on the promotion of an interuniversity cooperation with the special emphasis on the counties belonging to the Eastern Adriatic-Ionian basin. Every possible collaboration strategies will be taken if they can functionally serve to the European development policies of the macro Adriatic-Ionian region.

The ALUm’s mission aims to foster initiatives that help Members to promote development of their countries through better knowledge and expertise, to foster university excellence in education and research, to promote continuous adaptation to educational and societal needs in a creative and innovative way and to aid Members to find and exploit opportunities of cooperation and cross-cultural exchange within the Adriatic-Ionian Region.

The ALUm network is shaped around the generic vision of being the leading and most recognized academic consortium in the Adriatic-Ionian region and is focused on three area of common interest:
• education (international programs, Ph.D., masters, summer school);
• research (according the EU main tracks);
• cooperation (in terms of students and professor exchange, or in participation to panel and conferences).

LUM Jean Monnet University is one of the most recognizable and valued universities in Southern Italy, providing high quality education in the field of economics, management and law. It features an International Ph.D. program focused on sustainable development topics, entitled "the Economics and Management of Natural Resources." It is a centre of academic excellence, committed to advancing teaching and research quality and creating top tier managers, professionals and researchers. LUM is modern organization capable of efficiently translating the principles of business and management into education equipped to deal with current trends of continuous change, globalization and internationalization. It is also member of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network – SDSN.

Leveraging on its localization, LUM is leading the way to create an academic network in the Adriatic Basin. The ALUm (Adriatic Linked Universities) network was born in 2012, institutionalizing this networking effort. Linking universities from Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania, Slovenia and Croatia, ALUm is shaped around the broad vision of being the leading and most recognized academic consortium in the Adriatic-Ionian region. It is focused on three area of common interest: education (international programs, Ph.D., masters, summer school), research and cooperation (in terms of students and professor exchange, participation in panels and conferences).

Visit their website here.

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