Darko Milosevic, Dr.rer.nat./Dr.oec.

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Datastream (Thomson Reuters)

Datastream (Thomson Reuters)

Database description
Datastream is a global financial and macroeconomic database covering equities, stock market indices, currencies, company fundamentals, fixed income securities and key economic indicators for 175 countries and 60 markets. Datastream is available via EUI campus desktops:
  • Start > Programmes > Datastream 
  • Datastream can also be accessed directly via an Excel short-cut (instructions below).
First-time users should consult the Datastream 'Getting Started' manual.
The Datastream Extranet - accessible from the main interface - provides series updates, methodology changes, Excel matrix examples and details of new data releases.
EUI members also have access to the European company database, Amadeus.
EUI members also have access to the global banking sector database, Bankscope.

Time period
Equity data is from initial public offering (IPO) to 2015, updated daily. 
Macro time series in the 'Economics' section are monthly, quarterly and annual, with up to 50 years' coverage. 
An overview of contents is in this reference card.

Support links
The Thomson Reuters training site provides manuals and step-by-step videos:
  • Datastream key features overview
  • Datastream Navigator series finder
  • Datastream charting features
  • Creating customised indices
The Free Text Search for locating series is explained at this link.
Datastream Knowledge Network webinar training takes place throughout the year.

How to access data
Access Datastream via EUI desktops:
  • Start
  • Programmes
  • Datastream
Datastream is installed at these campus locations:
  • All desktops in the Economics Department (Villa San Paolo)
  • All desktops in the Max Weber Programme (Bank Corridor and upper cloister, Badia Fiesolana)
  • 8 desktops on the garden floor of the Badia Library
  • 2 desktops in the LIB 338-650 room, entry-level floor, Badia Library
  • 2 desktops in the EDC/Law area, upper floor, Badia Library.
Idle sessions are timed out after 15 minutes (not applied to running downloads). There is no laptop access and no off-campus access.
EUI users of Datastream can also access the Amadeus database of European company information and theBankscope database covering public and private banks worldwide.

Excel 'short-cut' to Datastream
Datastream can also be accessed directly from Excel on EUI desktops. This is useful for adding new data to existing project worksheets. Read about the short-cut in the quick reference card.
  • Open Excel from Start > Programmes on an EUI desktop computer
  • Click on the 'Datastream' tab in the Excel top-bar (upper right)
  • Select an option (eg. 'Time Series Request' or 'Static Request').
Screenshots of the Excel short-cut are on page 38 of the Datastream manual.
If the following message appears: "Please check 'Trust access to Visual Basic Project' to inject the macro" - users should click on 'File' in the Excel top-tab > Options > Trust Centre > Trust Centre Settings > Macro settings > Tick 'Trust access to VBA project object model' > OK.

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