Darko Milosevic, Dr.rer.nat./Dr.oec.

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Background to the Digital Society / Economy


Course Units
  Weeks 2 & 3: The setting - Background to the Digital Society / Economy
  Week 4: RF Spectrum Policy
  Week 5: Satellite TV (Kristen)
  Week 6 WED 5/15, 12:30-3:00pm (So-Hye): Broadband internet access
  Week 7: Wireless Competition Policy -- EU vs. US (Topsy)
  Week 8: Wi-Fi - Creative Destruction? (Agnes)
  Week 9: San Diego's Telecom Valley (Caroline)

 Weeks 2 & 3: The setting - Background to the Digital Society / Economy

Title / AuthorFile FormatFile TypeDate Added
The Second Enclosure Movement and the Construction of the Public Domain by James Boyle 
PDF DocumentReading8 Apr 2002
Tools: The Drivers of E-Commerce by · Cohen, Stephen, J. Bradford DeLong, Steven Weber, and John Zysman 
in the BRIE-IGCC E-conomy Project ed., Tracking a Transformation: E-Commerce and the Terms of Competition in Industries (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 2001). Pp. 3-26  Required
PDF DocumentReading8 Apr 2002
What Is The Internet (And What Makes It Work) by Robert E. Kahn and Vinton G. Cerf 
December 1999  Required
HTML DocumentReading8 Apr 2002
How New Is Today's Economy? by Brad De Long 
HTML DocumentReading8 Apr 2002
The New Economy: Background, Questions, Speculations by DeLong, J. Bradford and Lawrence Summers 
PDF DocumentReading8 Apr 2002
The Assessment: Economics of the Internet by Andrew Graham 
Oxf Rev Econ Policy 2001 17: 145-158.  Required
PDF DocumentReading8 Apr 2002
The Economics of the Internet: Infrastructure and Regulation by Martin Cave and Robin Mason 
Oxf Rev Econ Policy 2001 17: 188-201  Required
PDF DocumentReading8 Apr 2002

 Week 4: RF Spectrum Policy

Title / AuthorFile FormatFile TypeDate Added
The Wireless Craze, The Unlimited Bandwidth Myth, The Spectrum Auction Faux Pas, and the Punchline to Ronald Coase's "Big Joke": An Essay on Airwave Allocation Policy. by Thomas W. Hazlett 
AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies Working Paper 01-02. January 2001.  Required
PDF DocumentReading17 Apr 2002
Overcoming Agoraphobia: Building the Commons of the Digitally Networked Environment by Yochai Benkler 
11 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology 287 (1998)   Required
PDF DocumentReading17 Apr 2002
The Next Frontier for Openness: Wireless Communications by Eli Noam 
Paper for the 2001 Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, October 26, 2001 Alexandria, Virginia  Required
HTML DocumentReading17 Apr 2002
Wireless Data Blaster by David Leeper 
Scientific American, May 2002  Required
HTML DocumentReading17 Apr 2002
Scientific American, May 2002  Optional
HTML DocumentReading24 Apr 2002

 Week 5: Satellite TV (Kristen)

Title / AuthorFile FormatFile TypeDate Added
Pakistani Television Politics in the 1990s: Responses to the Satellite Invasion
PDF DocumentReading3 May 2002
Blueprints for Egypt's Satellite Channels: Regrouping the Options by Redefining the Debate
PDF DocumentReading3 May 2002
Thatcherism and the emergence of Sky Televisionby King, Anthony 
Media, Culture & Society 20, no. 2(1998): 277-2  Required
PDF Document
3 May 2002
Poor policy and dubious law: Pornography satellite television and the British state by McPherson, Campbell 
Media, Culture & Society 21, no. 5 (1999): 687-6  Required
PDF Document
3 May 2002
Full reading list by Kristen 
This documents contains links to various papers and news stories, in addition to the four journal articles listed above. These are all optional, but it would be good if you could look at a couple of them in advance of Monday's class.  Optional
Microsoft Word
3 May 2002

 Week 6 WED 5/15, 12:30-3:00pm (So-Hye): Broadband internet access

Title / AuthorFile FormatFile TypeDate Added
Resolving Policy Chaos in High Speed Internet Access by Roger G. Noll 
SIEPR Policy paper No. 01-013 (January 2002)  Required
PDF DocumentReading3 May 2002
The Vertical Dimension of Cable Open Access by James Speta 
71 Colo. L. Rev. 975 (2000)   Required
PDF Document
6 May 2002
The Next-Generation Internet: Promoting Innovation and User-Experimentation by Bar, François, Stephen Cohen, Peter Cowhey, Brad DeLong, Michael Kleeman, and John Zysman 
in Tracking a Transformation: E-commerce and the Terms of Competition in Industries, The BRIE-IGCC E-conomy Project Task Force on the Internet, eds., Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2001. (pp. 435-473)  Required
PDF Document
6 May 2002
Investment in Cable Broadband Infrastructure: Open Access is Not an Obstacle by Jeffrey K. MacKie-Mason 
A policy research study, with research support from the OpenNet Coalition.  Required
PDF Document
6 May 2002

 Week 7: Wireless Competition Policy -- EU vs. US (Topsy)

Title / AuthorFile FormatFile TypeDate Added
Spectrum Auctions and Efficient Resource Allocation: Learning from the 3G Experience in Europe
PDF Document
9 May 2002
The Telecoms Trade War: The United States, The European Union and The World Trade Organization
PDF Document
9 May 2002
From Open Networks to Open Markets: How Public Policy Affects Infrastructure Investment Decisions
PDF Document
9 May 2002
Standards for Personal Communications in Europe and the United State
PDF Document
9 May 2002
European Telecommunications Infrastructure by Martin Cave and Luigi Prosperetti 
Oxf Rev Econ Policy 2001; 17:416-431  Required
PDF Document
9 May 2002
M-Commerce: Advantage, Europe
McKinsey Quarterly (free registration is required to view article)  Required
PDF Document
9 May 2002

 Week 8: Wi-Fi - Creative Destruction? (Agnes)

Title / AuthorFile FormatFile TypeDate Added
When the FCC Knocks on Your Door by Jim Wagner 
ISP-Planet, May 16, 2002  Optional
HTML DocumentReading21 May 2002
Commission Amends Part 15 of its Rules to Facilitate Development of High Speed Wireless Services.
5/16/02  Optional
Microsoft WordReading21 May 2002
A New Paradigm in Intellectual Property Law? The Case Against Open Sources by Mathias Strasser 
HTML Document
2 Jun 2002
Wi-Fi's bright future signals new strategy by Christina Torode 
Crn; Jericho; Feb 18, 2002;   Required
HTML Document
2 Jun 2002
Entering the 'W' zone by Stuart J Johnston 
InfoWorld; Mar 11, 2002  Required
HTML Document
2 Jun 2002
Introduction to Wireless LANs by WLANA 
PDF Document
2 Jun 2002
Wireless LANS - Poised for Untethered Growth by Jeff Abramovitz 
PDF Document
2 Jun 2002
WLAN security on the rise by Dave Molta 
Network Computing; Manhasset; Feb 4, 2002   Required
HTML Document
2 Jun 2002

 Week 9: San Diego's Telecom Valley (Caroline)

Title / AuthorFile FormatFile TypeDate Added
Clusters and the new economics of competition by Porter, M.E. 
Harvard Business Review, November-December 1998  Required
PDF Document
3 Jun 2002
Assessing Finland's Wireless Valley: Can the pioneering continue? by Steinbock, D. 
Telecommunications Policy, 25: 71-100 (2001).   Required
PDF DocumentReading3 Jun 2002
3G by any other name
The Economist, Jan 10th 2002   Required
Microsoft WordReading3 Jun 2002
The Tortoise and the Hare
The Economist, Mar 14th 2002   Required
Microsoft Word
3 Jun 2002

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