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Darko Milosevic, Dr.rer.nat./Dr.oec.

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Syrnemo partners

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (Coordinator)
Mobility Department
Electric Drive Technologies
The AIT Mobility Department focuses on the development of safe, efficient and green mobility solutions. The unique feature is the holistic approach regarding the systemic contemplation of vehicle, transportation infrastructure and transportation systems.
AVL List GmbH
AVL is the world's largest independent company for the development of powertrain systems with internal combustion engines as well as instrumentation and test systems.
Centro Ricerche Fiat SpcA
Centro Ricerche Fiat, founded in 1978, has the mission to develop and transfer innovative products, processes and methodologies in order to improve the competitiveness of the products of the Fiat Group. CRF conducts collaborative research initiatives at the national and international levels in partnership with all the key public and private stakeholders concerned with Sustainable Mobility, targeting specifically the industrial exploitation of research.
Leibniz University of Hannover
Institute for Drive Systems and Power Electronics
At the Institute for Drive Systems and Power Electronics (IAL), experts for electrical machines, power electronics and drive control are doing research work in the entire field of drive technology reaching from the microwatt to the multi-megawatt range. A unique feature of IAL in the Germanspeaking world is the close co-operation of two full professorships in drive technology united in one institute. 
TECNALIA Research & Innovation
Industry and Transport Division
Fundación TECNALIA Research & Innovation it is a private non-profit Foundation, at the forefrontof research, technological development and innovation, which upholds a strong commitment to quality, efficient customer service, staff development and training.
THIEN eDrives GmbH
THIEN eDrives is a well- recognized specialist SME in electric drive system and has a range of services that start with consulting concerning electric drive systems and can end with a serial production. THIEN has competencies in SM&PSM, ASM, SR-Motors, as well as inverters and other electric drive systems. THIEN manufactures approximately 20,000 electric motors and 20,000 inverters per year.
University of Bologna
Department of Electrical Energy and Information Engineering ‘Guglielmo Marconi
Laboratory of Innovation Technologies
The University of Bologna has about 100,000 students, 12,000 of those at the School of Engineering and Architecture. The research group involved in this project, the Laboratory of Innovation Technologies (LIT), has a long tradition in the field of electrical insulation design for cables and electrical machines (both power transformers and electric motors) and belongs to the Department of Electrical Energy and Information Engineering ‘Guglielmo Marconi.
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Research centre MOBI - Mobility, Logistics and Automotive technology research centre
VUB has an internationally recognised, 35-year long tradition of R&D on electric, hybrid and fuel cell vehicles, making it the premier electric vehicle research facility in Belgium. The “MOBI” team (the mobility team from the VUB) consists of more than 40 researchers covering the different research disciplines of which 8 senior researchers or Professors.


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