While Porter is mainly focused on competition within an
industry, alliances and co-opetition are
also possible pathways to choose, which we will look closer into.
1.1 Alliances and Acquisitions
Earlier, we presented
Utterback’s model of dynamics of innovation combined with Grants strategic
innovation. Another model that can be considered an evolution of Utterback’s
model is the Life Cycle of Alliances and
Acquisitions, developed by Roberts and Liu (2001). This model describes
which methods of collaboration are optimal dependent on which phase the
technology exists in. In addition to Utterback’s three phases, they have added
a fourth phase, the Discontinuities
Phase. This phase is entered when existing technologies are rendered
obsolete by the introduction of novel technologies. The barriers in this market
are lower, and some markets converge as new technologies emerge (Roberts, Liu,

Tech Standard
M&A: Acquisition by
established Company
M&A: Acquisition of
Join R&D
Market recognition
: New Markets,
Acquire Niche Companies
2-5: The Life Cycle of Alliances and Acquisitions
Source: Roberts. E. & W. Liu (2001): Ally or
Acquire: How Technology Leaders Decide.
Using this model, we see how the tendency to enter into
alliances and M&A increases as the technology becomes mature, and that the
share of partnerships increases as we move towards the last phase of the cycle.
Furthermore we can look at companies that we are not in direct competition
with, nor in direct cooperation with, but something in between.
1.2 Co-opetition
The introduced Porter model focuses on competition. With the
life cycle model, Roberts and Liu (2001) have shown how the technology phases
affect the willingness to merge or form strategic alliances. Looking deeper into
this phenomenon, we find an alternative to the five forces model, the value net. Brandenburger &
Nalebuff (1996) state that in addition to competitors, customers and suppliers,
there is a fifth player in the game: the complementors.
The complementors provide complementary products and services rather than
competing ones, and therefore have a positive effect on the value of the
company’s product or service. In the value net model, we see the players that
the company interacts with horizontally, while the players that the company
transacts with are positioned vertically. In sum, the value net model as
exhibited in Figure 2-6 shows the various roles of the game32.

2-6: The Value net
Brandenburger & Nalebuff (1996) & 12manage.com
In the following chapters we will look further into the role
of the government as policy makers, and investigate how they can make use of
their policy toolbox to influence the competitive environment.
1.3 Environmental Policy and Industrial Innovation
regulations have been a source of conflict. They are sometimes associated with
costs and burdens, and other times technical progress and innovation.
Wallace (1995) argues that the stability of environmental policy and the
dialogue between industry and policy-maker are key elements to achieving the
desired outcome: An unstable policy
climate causes distrust and pushes industry towards misusing dialogue
mechanisms in an attempt to mislead regulators.
According to Porter (1991), environmental standards do not
harm competitiveness. He points out that inducing tough regulations will
stimulate innovation and make companies more competitive. Strict environmental
standards can, according to Porter, lead to national competitive advantage in
two ways.33
1. The first mover strategy
If a country sets higher environmental standards than other
countries, it will force its industry to improve its processes or develop
better pollution control equipment. If the other countries subsequently adopt
similar tough standards, companies in the country that first applied the
standards are likely to dominate the market for the associated technologies,
given unrestricted trade.
2. Stimulating innovation
Tough environmental standards stimulate industrial innovation.
To meet the increased standards companies develop superior technologies and
improve corporate performance. These improvements give the companies
competitiveness benefits which outweigh the additional costs of adapting to the
high standards.
Porter points to the GNP growth in Japan and Germany, where
regulations are tough, as proof of this view. There are, however, differences
between good and bad regulations. Porter considers regulations that make use of
market incentives, take costs into consideration and focus on proactive
prevention of pollution, to be good. The bad type entails constraints to
technology choice and focus on reactive clean-up measures.
Wallace (1995) argues that environmental policy tends to
affect the production process rather than the output and hence that the policy
framework influences the competitive environment for the company. This hinders
technological innovation: Uncertainty
arising from environmental policy adds to the existing technical and
organizational risks of technology development and adaption. Doing more of the
same old thing, i.e. not innovating, becomes more attractive (Wallace,
1995, p. 16). He considers the long term challenges of sustainable development
an opportunity for governments to make environmental policy more stable,
predictive and less reactive. Cooperation between government and industry that
promote flexible, “voluntary” agreements gives firms more responsibility and
enhances dialogue, he claims.
We will not go into the companies’ internal dynamics, but
rather focus on how government policies can stimulate the automobile industry
to invest in environmental innovations. Now we will give a brief overview of
which stakeholders the government relates to within the car industry.
1.4 Stakeholders
A stakeholder is defined as a person, group, organization, or system that
affects or can be affected by an organization's actions. Types of
stakeholders include any organization,
governmental entity, or individual that has a stake in or may be impacted by a
given approach to environmental regulation, pollution prevention, energy
conservation, etc34.
The introduction and diffusion of alternative fuel vehicles
will have a major impact on society, especially on the transportation sector
and its stakeholders. A presentation of each main stakeholder will be given in chapter 6. In this section we merely
present a figure of the main stakeholders in the automobile industry. We will
go further into these issues in chapter 6
as governments need to be aware of how the stakeholders are affected, and more
importantly how they can affect the process of introducing the new
technologies. The findings are important when assessing how the interests of
the stakeholders should be addressed when developing strategies.

2-7: Major Stakeholders in the Automobile Industry Source: Weiss et al (2000)
1.5 Stakeholder Barriers
A barrier is defined as any condition that makes it difficult to
make progress or to achieve an objective35. In this case the
objective is the market penetration of new technologies and alternative fuels.
These alternatives face tough economic, technological and institutional
barriers. In this section we will present an overview of barriers for
alternative fuel vehicles, AFVs, in relation to the stakeholders introduced in
the previous section. We will make use of a selection of these barriers in chapter 6. In the following figure, we
have taken a closer look into which barriers different stakeholders may experience.
New investment (by smaller companies?)
· New service and inspection equipment for new
· New fuel
facilities for servicing
Component recycling (batteries, Pt group metals,
etc.) Hiring/training to meet different
and higher
skill levels for employees 

Distribution cost
Lack of standards
Lack of information
Lack of interest from purchasers
Stakeholder Barriers
Vehicle The
purchaser Government
Increases in costs and/or decreases in International
and national policy
performance/amenities actions on GHG
Implementation of GHG
Problems with availability and reduction mandates, if
used, by refuelling convenience of new fuels
locale, sector, etc.
in early introduction, although first introduction with fleet Economic
impacts/shifts related applications would reduce this to
new infrastructure investment problem)
Safety of
new vehicle in existing · Major investments (offshore FT
vehicle fleet or methanol
· Significant investments Uncertainty about technology (debottleneck or expand natural gas reliability and serviceability or electric infrastructure, build
clean methanol infrastructure)
Interest in
pioneering new Impacts
on competitiveness in
technology? global
Status Safety
· Highway safety (crashworthiness,
Fuelling options
fleet size, traffic management)
· Fuel safety (new standards for
Driving range
CNG, methanol, H2)
· New local safety and zoning
Risk of a low second hand value
requirements for fuelling
Environmental stewardship and
social equity issues
2-8: Overview of Stakeholder Barriers #1
Source: Weiss et al (2000), Romm (2005), Moura et al

2-9: Overview of Stakeholder Barriers #2
Weiss et al (2000), Romm (2005), Moura et al (2007)
Now that we have an overview of the barriers, we will look
at how it is possible to overcome these barriers. We will focus on the
government and their potential influence.
1.6 Policy Measures
Governments have a variety of
policy tools available that can influence the transition of AFVs. We will not
elaborate on these policy measures in this chapter, but merely give an
overview. Different authors have summed up the possible policy tools and labelled
The following shows different views
on policy options available.
Fiscal Measures
Energy taxation
Technical product
Information and
Tax rebates
Emissions taxation
Product labelling
Sales subsidies
Public procurement
2-10: Overview of Policy Measures #1
Source: Sandgren (1999)
Regulatory Approaches
Emissions standards
Environmental taxes
Industry‐based institutions
Performance standards
Tradable emission permits
Maximizing information flow
2-11: Overview of Policy Measures #2
Source: Wallace (1995)
Technology and
Vehicle efficiency
Overall System
Fuel pricing measures
Regulatory standards
Informational measures
Tax incentives and credits for efficient technologies
Investments in
Vehicle taxation
2-12: Overview of Policy Measures #3
Steenberghen & Lopez (2006)
This overview of policy measures form a basis, as we go
further into detail in chapter 6 and
propose measures that can be used to overcome the stakeholder barriers.
1.7 The Road Ahead
Through the theory presentation above, we have seen how a
technology comes to life, which stages it passes through, and how it can be
innovated. Furthermore, we have discovered how this technology is part of an
industry, with different players involved, and how companies are competing,
merging or cooperating together. Lastly we have viewed the stakeholders, which
barriers they need to overcome, and especially looked closer into the most
influential stakeholder, the government,
and how it may affect the barriers and rules of the game.
Further, we will apply this theory practically on the case
of AFVs and alternative fuels. We will evaluate the technologies separately,
but also take into account the existing competition and similarities of the
alternative and existing technologies, since the different AFVs may have lower
general barriers depending on how large changes an implementation will need. We
will look closer into the most important barriers of the best suited
technologies, and how the government can use policy options to reduce or
overcome them. This will give the answer to our research question: Which vehicle and fuel technologies are the
best options for the European mass market, and how can European governments use
policy instruments to facilitate the implementation of these technologies?
2. Methodology
2.1 Research Design
Saunders (2007) describes research
design as the general plan of how you
will go about answering your research question(s). It will contain clear
objectives, derived from your research question(s), specify the sources from
which you intend to collect data, and consider the constraints that you will
inevitably have as well as discussing ethical issues (Saunders et al, 2007,
The research
approach can be either deductive, in which you develop a hypothesis and design
a research strategy to test it, or inductive, in which you will collect data
and develop a theory as a result of your analysis (Saunders et al, 2007). We
attempt to determine which vehicle technologies are best suited to replace
today's ICE, and how policy makers can stimulate the implementation of these
technologies. Since part of our research is to develop validate, analyse and
use the results of a model we might say that our project uses mixed strategies
instead of a completely inductive approach. Based upon a literature review and
our own contemplated experiences on the theme, we will develop a model which
will be used in order to analyse relevant sets of data. The model will be
generated from different partly eclectic sources presented in the literature
review. The models fruitfulness will be assessed based upon the conclusions we
are able to draw from it. This research strategy has much in common with a
generative approach used in grounded theory, where the models are created
successively based upon a systematic generation of data (Glaser and Strauss,
1967). A grounded theory approach is, according to Goulding (2002), helpful for
research seeking to predict and explain behaviour, emphasizing the development
and building of theory. Ghauri and Grønhaug (2005) point out that grounded
theory has been criticized as theory-neutral observations are hardly feasible,
and what we see when conducting research
is influenced by multiple factors (Ghauri and Grønhaug, 2005, p. 214). We
argue, however, that our research is well-founded in theory, and hence that the
criticism to no notable extent applies to our study.
Our study is partly exploratory and partly explanatory. An
exploratory study seeks new insights and is particularly useful to clarify your
understanding of a problem (Saunders et al, 2007). Brown (2006) claims that exploratory research tends to tackle new
problems on which little or no previous research has been done. This leaves the
researcher free to define the scope of research, with the hope that the result
will be an extension of existing knowledge (Brown, 2006, p. 45). The first
part of our study invites to an exploratory, comparative approach where we seek
to extend the knowledge of different fuel technologies future potential. Ghauri
and Grønhaug (2005) identify ability to observe, get information, and construct
explanation... as key skill requirements in exploratory research (Ghauri and
Grønhaug, 2005, p. 58). We will emphasise that we will see the art of building
or corroborating an optimising model as part of an explanatory conceptual
scheme. The last part of our study seeks to determine how stakeholder barriers
can be overcome, explaining the relationship between lower vehicle emissions
and improvement in vehicle technology, and the policies that lead to this. In
this process we will make use of the introductory parts on stakeholders and policy
measures from chapter 2, as well
as the results we are able to acquire from chapter
2.2 Data Collection
The model
which we will present in part one of the thesis requires a great deal of input
data. Within the timeframe of this study it would be difficult to gather
sufficient primary data for all the different technologies. Hence we have made
use of secondary data. Secondary data
include both raw data and published summaries (Saunders et al, 2007, p.
246). The main advantage for using secondary data is the saving of resources,
in particular time and money (Ghauri and Grønhaug, 2005). In addition,
secondary data is more likely to be of higher quality than if you collected it
on your own (Stewart and Kamins, 1993). The second part of the thesis is also
based on secondary data, merely from published summaries. Considering the
potentially higher-quality data and the time frame of our study, we find it
advantageous to make use of secondary data. However, when needed we will use
primary sources, as we have done to modify parts of the main model used in
order to be fit for our European perspective. We have for instance been in
contact with the developers of the GREET model in order to calibrate our model.
The data is collected from a variety of sources including
books, government publications, dissertations, journal articles, research
papers, newspaper articles, encyclopedias, internet articles and a film
documentary. We make use of both quantitative and qualitative data.
is predominantly used as a synonym for any data collection technique or data
analysis procedure that generate or use numerical data. In contrast,
qualitative data is used predominantly as a synonym for any data collection technique
or data analysis procedure that generate or use non-numerical data
(Saunders et al, 2007, p. 145). The use of both qualitative and quantitative
techniques is increasingly applied within business and management research
(Curran and Blackburn, 2001).
In the first part, quantitative data is collected from
different, partly independent sources. The purpose is to get descriptive and
objective input data that can help us reduce the threat of biased results. In
our study, where we examine competing technologies, there is a chance that data
could be biased by stakeholders that benefit from one technology appearing
superior to others. Examples could be vehicle manufacturers or environmental
protection organizations (NGOs) that might have conflicting interests in the
transition of AFVs to the mass market. We seek to present as reliable and
objective data as possible in order to make our results valid.
In the last part qualitative data is collected from a
variety of articles, research papers and publications. These summaries present
different viewpoints on policy making, stakeholder relationships and innovation
dynamics, and provide us with theories, findings and lessons from historical
viewpoints. The main emphasis of qualitative data is usually on gaining
insights and constructing explanations or theory (Ghauri and Grønhaug, 2005).
2.3 Analysis
There are significant distinctions between data produced
from qualitative research and data that result from quantitative work. Saunders
(2007) highlights three distinct differences. The first states that while
quantitative data are based upon meanings derived from numbers, qualitative
data are based on meanings expressed through words. Secondly, quantitative data
collection results in numerical and standardised data, as opposed to
qualitative data that results in non-standardised data requiring classification
into categories. The final distinction is related to the analysis, where the
quantitative data is analysed through the use of diagrams and statistics, while
qualitative data analysis culminates in a conceptualization of a model or
theory (Saunders et al, 2007). However, we think that the distinction between
data produced from qualitative and quantitative research often is
overcommunicated, because many types of quantitative data ultimately are
generated from perceptual data
We will make
use of our model to generate and analyse quantitative data. Before (and after)
running our tests we need to format the data, e.g. converting to metric
measurement. We will make use of quantifiable data, which means values are
measured numerically as quantities. Quantifiable data are more precise than
categorical data and allows a far wider range of statistics (Saunders et al,
2007). To avoid errors and improbable results we have crosschecked the output
data. When experiencing surprising results we have tried to find explanations.
In the cases where the data has varied from our expectations and we have been
unable to account for it, we have made comments in the text. As a safety we
have run the test calculations a number of times and continuously improved
results as we have gained new insights.
3. Model
To best determine the different technologies’ weaknesses,
strengths and technological potential, we have developed a four-dimensional
model, with five different aspects. For the economical part we have chosen to
look at the payback period of the
different vehicles. This is because we have chosen a consumer perspective
regarding the economical part, and payback is an easy way to compare costs for
the different models. Regarding efficiency, we have chosen to look at a
Well-to-Wheel basis, so that we actually can compare the different technologies
over the whole fuel cycle. We have also evaluated the WTW energy consumption,
as the production of some types of fuels require a lot of energy, for instance
some liquefied gas fuels and biofuels. The WTW greenhouse gas emissions are
also examined, covering not only CO2, but also other GHGs. By
comparing the technologies in the near future (2010) and medium term (2020), we
can predict the relevant technological improvements. We have chosen a WTW
perspective, using an average of the WTW energy and GHG emissions, which are
very similar.
3.1 Conseptual Framework
Most of our analysis is based on data and calculations made
through use of the GREET model. It
will calculate the environmental effects, energy usage, technological
improvement, and also be an important asset when determining the payback and
energy efficiency, for instance when calculating the average mileage and
differences between 2010 and 2020.
The GREET model stands for the Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and
Energy Use in Transportation, and was developed by the Argonne National
Laboratory in 1999 on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy36. The
model we have used is the GREET version 1.8.c.0, which was released on March 23rd,
2009. It looks at the fuel cycle on a WTW basis.
GREET version 2.7 would be an option if the vehicle cycle
was of importance.
3.2 Presentation of the GREET Model
The GREET model consists of 28 excel sheets, based on the
newest data available. 8 sheets cover the inputs, 16 sheets deal with the
processing, and 2 sheets handle the graphs. The calculations are easily done
with the help of macros, and over 75 vehicles/fuel systems are available37.
3.3 Presentation of Modifications made
Since the GREET model is
developed for the U.S. market, some modifications had to be made. First of all,
we decided to replace the U.S. energy mix with the EU energy mix, since the EU
energy mix is much cleaner then the U.S. mix (see chapter 5.2.7). We used the
2008 data, illustrated in chapter 5.2.7. One problem that occurred was that
hydro power and wind power was not included in the GREET model, but accounted
for 24 % of the EU mix. We contacted Andrew Burnham, the Fuel and Vehicle Systems Analyst at Argonne National Laboratory, who told us that we could put those
renewable energies in the “other” section, and that the model would treat it as
a renewable energy source. However, this calculation may not be completely
correct. While the “plugged in” report by WWF claims that the EU mix is 40 %
cleaner than the U.S. mix regarding CO2 emissions, the difference
for BEVs was only 23 % in 2010 and 2020 according to our calculations in the
GREET model.
However, we have chosen to use the GREET model’s assumptions
in this case.
We also had to change the travelled distance in CD
(electric) and CS (hybrid) mode. In the model, these numbers were about 45 % in
CD, and 55 % in CS. However, with a PHEV distance of 32 km (36 km all-electric
range), and an average daily driving distance in Europe of 40-44 km, a 45 % CD
share was far too low. We therefore decided that a 75 % electric share would be
more accurate. This corresponds well with the PHEV study performed by Argonne,
where 79 % could be driven all electric with an average driving distance
between 20-30 miles38. Either way, the GREET model will make use of
a blended CD mode, increasing the vehicle-miles travelled (VMT) and the
all-electric range to 36 km. Because of this, the tailpipe emissions will also
increase, since the 75 % electric share will be a combination of electricity
from the grid and the blended mode, making the tailpipe emissions higher.
Another problem we encountered was that the calculations for
fuel efficiency and driving range were based on five year old vehicles, meaning
that the 2010 simulation was based on the 2005 model of the car, and the 2020
simulation on the 2015 model. This can be a good estimate if you want to
determine the average WTW rates of an entire fleet (due to the average vehicle
age of the fleet). We, however, wanted to find out how the 2010 model would
compete in 2010 and the 2020 model in 2020. Further we discovered a bug
regarding the PHEV. Since the 2005 assumptions of the PHEV was equal to the
baseline gasoline vehicle (either due to lack of data or simply an error in the
model), it resulted in 2010 numbers far worse than today’s PHEVs. Since the
macros were password protected, we had to move all data in the CAR_TS sheet one
step down for every vehicle, so that 2010 data was moved to 2005, 2015 to 2010
and 2020 to 2015. Also this was done after doublechecking with Mr. Burnham at
the ANL.
Another change we made in the model was to replace the SI
petrol vehicle we used as the baseline of the 2010 calculations with the SIDI
petrol vehicle as the 2020 baseline, since we believe that most new cars will
have shifted to this technology by then. This makes the technological
improvement for the petrol engine appear very good, although it is actually a
better model replacing an older technology.
Finally we converted all numbers from American standards to
European standards, switching mpg to km/l and btu/mile to Mj/km and g/mile to
g/km. However, an aspect to bear in mind is that the vehicles evaluated are
based on the American market, meaning that the average vehicle may be larger
and less fuel efficient than the predicted European models.
3.4 Explanation and Presentation of the Dimensions
We chose payback
as the method for covering the economical
dimension since we wanted to see how the differences in technologies will turn
out for the costumers. The reason all vehicles have a positive payback is that
they all cost more than the baseline vehicle, and all have lower fuel costs per
litre. The payback is calculated on a yearly basis, meaning that a PB of 5
would mean it would take 5 years to get the additional cost back. However,
based on independent mileage and years of ownership, vehicles with higher PB then
others (e.g. BEV vs. CIDI diesel) may become the best alternative in the long
For efficiency,
we first chose a well-to-wheel energy
efficiency, which ultimately tells us how much of the energy extracted from
the well is left to provide forward thrust. By splitting up the analysis, we
see how much is lost during refining and transportation, and how efficient the
vehicle itself is. We also looked at the overall energy usage, since some energy sources require more energy during
production then others, e.g. some biofuels. In addition, it is important not
only to have a clean technology, but also an energy efficient technology. As
long as we mainly depend on non-renewable energy sources, the total amount of
energy we use will decide how much is left for future generations. With regards
to the energy efficiency we combined the results from the GREET model with
different sources as basis for our calculations. The energy use was solely
based on the GREET model. An implication of these choices is that a comparison
of the energy efficiency and energy usage may not be completely congruent. Our
reason for making this choice is that we, based on multiple sources and our
acquired knowledge, consider the GREET numbers in some cases within this
dimension to differ too much.
For the environmental dimension we chose to
look at the total GHG emissions on a WTW basis. The pollution aspect is
probably the biggest driving force in the energy and car industry now, and EU
has set serious goals for substantial reductions. Since there are green house
gases other then CO2, we chose to look at them as a whole. By
performing a WTW, we see how vehicles without tailpipe emissions compare to
vehicles with for instance the HEV and BEV.
Lastly we considered technology
improvement as an important aspect,
since the vehicles we compare are in different stages of development and have
different potentials. Our comparison based on WTW energy and GHG emission will
help to illustrate which technology may improve even after 2020. We chose to
look at the whole Well-to-Wheel process, since we believe that a WTW analysis
is the most correct comparison of widely different technologies.
4. Different Fuels and Engine Technologies
4.1 Introduction
In this chapter we will present the most relevant fuels and
engine technologies for the automobile industry. Based on this evaluation and
the results from the GREET model, we will propose some technologies that we
will compare using our model. Based on our results, we will present our
recommendations. This part will also lay the foundations for the last part of
the thesis, where we combine a product mix of the best suited technologies from
this part with the suggested policies from the second part in order to
recommend a feasible solution.
4.2 Alternative Fuels
4.2.1 Petrol
Petrol has been the main fuel source globally for over 100
years. As with diesel, it is one of the outputs from the distillation of
petroleum. The output may vary somewhat according to demand. However, to
maintain an efficient process there cannot be too large variations. Because of
its high Well-to-Tank efficiency and energy density along with diesel, in
addition to generally low oil prices, petrol has been the preferred fuel for
personal vehicles. Petrol uses high voltage spark to ignite the engine.
4.2.2 Diesel
The high compression ratio, throttleless operation and
easier distillation process makes diesel more efficient than petrol. While
diesel car sales today exceed 50 % in Europe39, its market share in
the U.S. is far lower. This is mainly because of stricter particle emission
standards in the U.S., different taxation and price differences between petrol
and diesel. However, if the U.S. would increase their demand to European
levels, synthetic Fischer-Tropsch diesel or biodiesel would have to be
produced, since the refining process normally gives higher petrol than diesel
output. Already in 2004 the EU exported a surplus of almost 250 000 mte petrol
per annum, while importing about the same amount of diesel/gas oil40.
A disadvantage with diesel, in addition to higher particle emissions
(especially NOx), is its need for additives to avoid becoming too
viscose in lower temperatures. Fuel heaters are therefore becoming a standard
and short trips during cold weather reduce the diesel engines’ advantage over
4.2.3 Natural Gas
Natural Gas is a mixture of hydrocarbons, mainly methane. It
is the most environmental friendly of the fossil fuels. It has a high octane
rating, is non-toxic, non-corrosive, and noncarcinogenic, and its properties
makes it well suited for an ICE41. NG is a non-renewable fossil
fuel, extracted from gas wells onshore, offshore or from shales. For the use in
cars, it can either be used in compressed form (CNG), or as liquefied natural
gas (LNG). The advantage of CNG is that the process is easier than that of
transforming NG into LNG, as the main challenge for CNG is pressurising the gas
to about 200-220 bar. On the other hand, in order to produce LNG the natural
gas must be purified and condensate into liquid, cooled down and stored at
about -160 degrees Celsius. This process is more energy intensive and
expensive, and makes strict requirements of the vehicle being able to maintain
such temperatures. The advantage however, is that more energy can be stored in the
same size tanks, since CNG energy density is about 42 % of LNG density42.
If we emphasise energy usage, emissions and costs, CNG is a better alternative
then LNG, although the range of the car will be shorter.
Compared to petrol vehicles, CNG vehicles have lower energy
usage and emission rates per km, but the range is also shorter. The
infrastructure for CNG vehicles in Europe is also poorly developed. About half
of CNG vehicles are located in South America43.
4.2.4 Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LPG (also known as propane) is synthesised by refining
petroleum or wet natural gas. As with NG, it is non-toxic, non-corrosive, free
of additives and has a high octane rating. The Petroleum gas is pressurised at
about 22 bars, and in this state the propane becomes liquefied. It has many of
the same advantages and disadvantages as natural gas, compared to petrol. It is
considered the third most widely used motor fuel in the world44.
4.2.5 Biomass/Biofuel
Introduction to Biofuels
Biofuel is defined as
solid, liquid or gaseous fuel
obtained from relatively recently lifeless or living biological material and is
different from fossil fuels, which are derived from long dead biological
material45. The advantage of biofuels is in general that they
are considered CO2 neutral, as they take up and store the same
amount of CO2 during production as they release when combusted.
However, the overall climate effect of biofuels may vary immensely among the
different types, from negative to positive. Also the cost and area needed may
vary widely. Another important issue is that biofuels grown today use space and
crops that could have been used for growing food for humans or animals
Biofuels are derived from biomass. In general, it is
regarded more economically and environmentally friendly to use biomass directly
to generate electricity and heat through large power plants, rather than
convert them to biofuels used in cars46 47 48.
Still the overall net effect of biofuels is controversial, and one study has
concluded that the net benefit of 6.9 % biofuel share in EU (before the 10 %
share was agreed upon) between 2007 and 2020 would be negative:

5-1: Net Benefit of Biofuels in the EU
[JRC/IPTS 2006] "Cost Benefit Analysis of Selected Biofuels
Scenarios", adapted from: Edwards, R. et al. 2008: Biofuels in the
European Context: Facts and Uncertainties. European Commission JRC.
Generation biofuels
biofuels are biofuels made from sugar, starch, vegetable oil, or animal fats
using conventional technology49 50. The fuels we will
present in this paper can be produced as first and/or second generation
biofuels. The advantage of first generation biofuels is that the technology has
come quite far. However, their overall contribution is heavily debated, and the
use of potential farmland for food production is the most important issue.
Generation Biofuels
Second generation biofuels are produced using non-food
crops. Examples are waste biomass, the stalks of wheat, corn, wood, and
non-food crops which can be grown in areas unsuited for food crops. Second
generation biofuels have the potential of serving a larger part of the vehicle
fleet, and with greater environmental effects51. The first
generation biofuels can also be produced as second generation biofuels, however
most of the technologies are at an early stage of development, with issues that
need to be dealt with, and it is unlikely that second generation biofuels will
be competitive against first generation before 202052.
Generation Biofuels
Third generation biofuels are made from algae. Algae are low-input, high-yield feedstock to
produce biofuels. It produces 30 times more energy per acre than land crops
such as soybeans53. Another advantage is that many of the algae
can be grown in salt water instead of taking up land area. Unfortunately, the
major problem so far is the high cost, and it is not likely to become a
competitive factor in the near future.
Biodiesel is produced from oils or fats using
transesterification and is a liquid similar in composition to fossil/mineral
diesel54. It can be produced by a number of feedstock, both as
first and second generation biofuels, and is the most common biofuel in Europe.
As car fuel it can either be blended into normal diesel, e.g. B20 (20 %
biodiesel) or be used as pure biodiesel, B100. B20 can be used in most diesel
cars without problems, while B100 can be used in some diesel cars without
modifications. However, B100 may face problems at lower temperatures, and may
need fuel line heaters. Biodiesel saves fossil energy and GHG emissions
compared to conventional diesel. Biodiesel produced from sunflowers has lower
emissions than biodiesel from rape55.
Ethanol is the most used biofuel worldwide and has been used
for decades in Brazil56. In Europe, ethanol has become increasingly
popular, for instance in Sweden where many models are capable of running on E85
(85 % ethanol, 15 % petrol). These cars are defined as flexi-fuel vehicles
(FFVs). However, most SI cars can use up to 15 % ethanol without modifications.
Bioethanol can be produced by fermentation
of sugars derived from wheat, corn, sugar beets, sugar cane, molasses and any
sugar or starch that alcoholic beverages can be made from57.
Conventional production of ethanol gives small savings in energy and GHG
emissions. Second generation ethanol from wood and straw or use of by-products
have greater potential. However, in the short term, sugar beet and wheat are
the more likely alternatives58. The efficiency of ethanol production
is also disputed, but several independent sources conclude that ethanol gives
approximately 34 % more energy than it takes to produce it59.
Methanol and biomethanol are alcohols and M85 can be used in
FFVs in the same manner as E85. However, it has an energy percentage of only 49
% compared to petrol, worse than ethanol at 64 %60. Unfortunately,
methanol is extremely corrosive, requiring special materials for delivery and
storage, and is considered a worse choice then ethanol61. Another
disadvantage of methanol compared to ethanol is its toxicity to most organisms.
Biomethanol may be produced by organic materials or synthetic gas and is
considered an advanced (second generation) biofuel. Methanol may be an
alternative source for hydrogen production.
Compressed biogas (CBG) is produced through the process of
anaerobic digestion of organic material by anaerobes, or with the
biodegradation of waste materials which are fed into anaerobic digesters which
yields biogas62 Biogas has a favourable GHG effect since it makes
use of waste materials. Through the use of wet manure it may have an extremely
positive effect, potentially reducing WTW GHGs with about 150 g CO2
equivalents per km since it stops the methane from reaching the atmosphere63.
However, to be economical, the purification and compression needs large power
plants, which would need the equivalent of 8000 cows or 50 000 pigs and 20 %
organic waste within a 10-20 km distance, limiting the potential for large
scale production64.
4.2.6 Hydrogen
Hydrogen is
the most abundant resource in the universe. However, hydrogen in its natural
form is rarely found, so it has to be produced through other energy sources. Converting
one form of energy to another always involves a loss of energy, and this is one
of the major drawbacks of using hydrogen as a fuel. An advantage of hydrogen is
that the only by-product of hydrogen in cars is pure water. Hydrogen can be
produced in different ways. These methods include natural gas to synthesis gas
reforming, renewable electrolysis, gasification from coal or biomass, renewable
liquid reforming, nuclear high-temperature electrolysis, high-temperature
thermochemical water-splitting, photobiological or photoelectrochemical65.
Most of these technologies are young, expensive and with low efficiencies, and
in the near future the reformation of NG into synthesis gas will be the
dominant source of hydrogen production. Hydrogen can either be stored or used
as compressed hydrogen or as liquefied hydrogen. As with CNG and LNG,
liquefaction allows for larger amounts to be stored in equally large space, but
is less energy efficient and more expensive. Since hydrogen has the lowest
volumetric density of all elements, it needs a very large tank even though it
is compressed at about 350 bars (5000 psi)66. Compression at 700
bars is also an option. Hydrogen can either be used directly in IC engines, or
in fuel cells, which is a much more efficient, but currently expensive option.
Although hydrogen from NG already is environmentally friendly and fuel
efficient, it is unlikely to be competitive on price before earliest in
4.2.7 Electricity
Electricity from the grid can also be used as a source of
fuel. As with hydrogen, use of electricity in cars through batteries, gives no
tailpipe emissions. However, electricity from fossil fuels creates emissions,
and although electricity in cars is very energy efficient, the Well-to-Plant
efficiency is much lower than direct use of fossil fuels in cars. As the
electricity grid production becomes cleaner in the future, the emissions will
decline. The use of most renewable energy sources today amounts to a very small
part of the total energy production, and the production must multiply many
times before constituting a substantial amount of the energy mix. A good thing
is that the European electricity mix is cleaner than for instance the American
electricity mix, releasing 619 g/CO2/kWh compared to 1037 g/C02/kWh in 200467.
An overview of the European energy mix in 2008 is given below:

*Geothermal, peat and waste
5-2: EU Energy Mix 2008
EWEA and Platts PowerVision
4.2.8 Overview of Selected Fuels
A comparison and summarization of the most important fuel
types are given below.
to C12
Methyl esters of
C12 to C22 fatty acids
99%), 2H6
(majority) and C4H10
Main Fuel
Fats and oils from sources such as soy beans, waste
cooking oil, animal fats, and rapeseed
Undergro und reserves
Coal, nuclear, natural gas, hydroelctric, and small
percentages of wind and solar.
Corn, grains, or agricultural waste
Natural gas, methanol, and electrolysis of water.
Undergrou nd reserves
A byproduct of petroleum refining or natural gas
Natural gas, coal, or, woody biomass
119,550 Btu/gal for B100 (g)
Btu/lb (g)
Btu/gal for
E100 (g)
(g) [3]
84,950 Btu/gal (g)
127,960 Btu/gal for B100 (g)
Btu/lb (g)
Btu/gal for
E100 (g)
(g) [3]
91,410 Btu/gal (g)
of gasoline energy) [2]
B100 has 103% the energy of gasoline or 93% of
diesel. B20 has 109% of gasoline or 99% of diesel
1 lb CNG has
17.5% the energy of 1 gal gasoline [3].
contains 3% of the energy in 1 gal gas
E100 contains 66%, E85 contains 72% to
77% [4]
1lb H2 has 44.4% the energy in 1 gal gasoline [3]
Compress ed Gas
Gas or Liquid
5-3: Summarization of Different Fuel Types
Source: http://www.afdc.energy.gov/afdc/fuels/properties.html Notes and Sources: Sources
are denoted by letter and notes are denoted by number. http://www.afdc.energy.gov/afdc/fuels/properties_notes.html
4.3 Engine and Vehicle Technologies
4.3.1 The Internal Combustion Engine
The ICE is an engine
in which the combustion of a fuel occurs with an oxidiser (usually air) in a
combustion chamber. In an internal combustion engine the expansion of the high
temperature and pressure gases, that are produced by the combustion, directly
apply force to a movable component of the engine, such as the pistons or
turbine blades and by moving it over a distance, generate useful mechanical
energy68. The IC engine can work with a range of different fuel
types, like petrol, diesel, LPG, CNG, ethanol, methanol, hydrogen, and dimethyl
ether (DME). The principles have basically been unchanged since the end of the
19th century. Although the IC principle remains the same, different
types of engines work with different types of fuels. The IC engine has
dominated the vehicle fleet due to its reliability, range, horse power, and
normally cheap fuel. However, the ICE has potential drawbacks compared to
alternative engines, especially its low Tank-to-Wheel energy efficiency (much
of the energy is wasted on heat generation rather then moving the wheels),
pollution and noise.
The SI vehicle is the standard petrol vehicle. It can also
run on LPG, CNG, ethanol, methanol and hydrogen. The normal SI vehicle is the
four-stroke “Otto cycle” engine. In this engine, the fuel-air mixture
initiating the combustion is ignited by a spark, thus the name. In a
conventional spark ignition engine, the fuel and air is mixed before
Ignition Direct Injection
In the SIDI,
the petrol is highly pressurised, and
injected via a common rail fuel line directly into the combustion chamber of
each cylinder70. The advantage compared to the SI, is an
increased fuel economy and a high power input. This technology is still fairly
new, and is expected to take over the market in the future.
Fuel Types on Spark Ignition
CNG, LNG and LPG can all run on standard SI IC engines.
Normally these cars will be bifuel cars, able to run on either petrol or
natural gas/propane, since the infrastructure of these gases is far less
developed. Hydrogen can run on a
slightly modified ICE, uses the same spark ignition as petrol engines and would
for practical reasons be a bi-fuel car with independent fuel tanks. However, it
also gets the same low Tank-to-Wheels efficiency, and is therefore a poor
alternative to hydrogen powered fuel cells, if hydrogen is competitive in the
The diesel engine operates using the diesel cycle. It uses the heat of compression to initiate
ignition to burn the fuel, which is injected into the combustion chamber during
the final stage of compression71. The main advantage with the
diesel engine compared to the petrol engine, is the CI IC engine’s higher
efficiency, resulting in higher mileage and lower total emissions. The engines
also generally last longer and generate more power on lower rational speed, but
the acceleration and maximum rotation is less than that of the petrol ICE.
Ignition Direct Injection
Also the diesel engine makes use of direct injection, like
in the SIDI engine, providing an even better fuel efficiency.
4.3.2 Flexible-Fuel Vehicle
flexible-fuel vehicle is an ICEV with the potential to run on more than one
fuel type within the same fuel tank, differencing them from bi-fuel vehicles
with separate fuel tanks which run on one fuel at the time. Flexi-fuel engines are capable of burning
any proportion of the resulting blend in the combustion chamber as fuel
injection and spark timing are adjusted automatically according to the actual
blend detected by electronic sensors72. These engines mostly run
on ethanol or petrol, and are most common in the U.S. and Brazil.
4.3.3 The Electric Powertrain
The electric vehicle gets its power from an electric motor
where the energy is stored in batteries. We will look at the battery electric
vehicle, and a combination between electric and ICE; the Hybrid EV and Plug-in
hybrid EV.

The HEV essentially derives all of its motive energy from
the combustion of hydrocarbon
fuels onboard; regenerative braking
offers potentially significant
but incremental energy efficiency gains. The alternative PHEV
and BEV variants derive up to one hundred percent of their motive energy from
batteries, which are charged by connecting to the electricity grid when
stationary, and similarly benefit from regenerative braking.
5-4: Comparison of Different Electric Powertrain Configurations.
Source: Kendall, G. 2008: Plugged in- The end of the
oil age. WWF-World Wide Fund for Nature
of the electric powertrains can be classified in different ways; we have
adopted the five group classification of Deutsche Bank:

5-5: Categorisation and Description of Different Electric Powertrains.
Source: Lache, R. et al. 2008: Electric Cars: Plugged In, Deutsche Bank
In the sections below, we will describe the different
4.3.4 Hybrid Electric Vehicle
to the Hybrid Technology
The HEV is
about as old as the EV, with models produced already in 1899 and mass produced
for a couple of years from 191573. It once again became a factor in
the vehicle market after the Toyota Prius introduction in the Japanese market
in 1997 and world release in 200174. Modern hybrids switch off the
engines during idle, and run only on the electric motor during low speeds,
while for instance re-generative braking charges the battery.
In addition to the five group classifications, the technologies
inside the HEV may also be different and have different advantages and
disadvantages. We can basically distinguish between a series hybrid, a parallel
hybrid and a series/parallel hybrid combo75.
In a series hybrid,
the petrol engine is not directly connected to the wheels, but used to power
the electric generator which powers the wheels (in a series), or charges the
battery. The downside is that the performance is low, since only the electric
motor powers the wheels.76 These hybrids will work in blended mode.
In a parallel hybrid,
both the engine and the electric motor can power the wheels, independently or
consequently. The power flows to the wheels in parallel. This allows for
increased performance, but while the engine is running the batteries cannot be
charged, thus reducing energy efficiency. 77
A series/parallel
hybrid combines these two systems, maximising fuel efficiency and
performance. Both the engine and electric motor can drive the vehicle and the
battery can be charged while driving. However, the cost for this combination is
higher. 78
Hybrid Electric Vehicle
The PHEV is the newest hybrid technology, allowing for the
highest fuel efficiencies while still maintaining the range advantage of a
petrol car. They can be charged by the electrical grid using normal wall
outlets or higher voltage outlets for faster charging. This means that it can
work as an electric vehicle as long as the battery has sufficient power, for
instance above 30 per cent, achieving the same high fuel efficiency and economy
of a BEV. When a PHEV is operating as a BEV, it is called charge-depleting mode (CD-mode). If the battery goes below the
threshold of for instance 30 % (will vary according to range potential), it
will start working as a normal HEV in a charge-sustaining
mode (CS-mode), with similar fuel efficiency as a full hybrid. A trip
combining these modes would be referred to as running in mixed mode.79 The PHEV may vary on driving ranges.
PHEV-20 (or PHEV32km) implies that the vehicle can run 20 miles (32 km) using
only the battery, while a PHEV-60 can run 60 miles (96 km) on the battery. With
the existing technology there is a trade-off between price, weight and charging
time of the vehicle and the range. A short range PHEV may be preferable to a
long range PHEV depending on individual driving patterns and future technology
improvement. Although the first modern PHEV entered the market in 2003 the
technology so far is young compared to normal hybrids. Not until 2010 the PHEV
is expected to start gaining noticeable market shares, for instance with the
planned introduction of the Chevrolet Volt.
Hybrids can basically be made in any combination of SI, CI
or FC vehicles. Hybrids may not be the ultimate solution since two-engine
technologies mean more weight and are more expensive than one. Still they offer
a good solution as long as the new technologies cannot fulfil all necessary
requirements by its own, for instance sufficient range or infrastructure. It is
therefore believed that hybrids may get a substantial market share in the
coming years. The first mass produced fuel cell vehicles based on for instance
hydrogen, may also very well be a hybrid. Developing hydrogen infrastructure
will take time and considerable investments before possibly reaching the
acceptable penetration rate.
4.3.5 Battery Electric Vehicle
The BEV is
about as old as the ICE, and in the early 20th century, electric
vehicles competed with the ICE vehicles to become the dominant technology.
Because of the cheap, easy accessible oil of the time, the low-cost ICE mass
production (T-Ford), the increase in power, and the distance advantage of the
ICE as cities became interconnected, the BEV sales peaked in 1912 and rapidly lost
ground80. An electric powertrain works by bringing the energy from
the batteries to the motor with the help of a controller. This can either be a
DC or AC controller, where DC is the cheaper one today. An illustration of how
it works is shown below:

5-6: Illustration of the AC and DC Controller
Source: How
Electric Cars Work, http://auto.howstuffworks.com/fuel-efficiency/vehicles/electric-car2.htm
The main advantage of the electric powertrain compared to
the petrol engine, is that it is silent, much more energy efficient on a
Battery-to-Wheel basis, without tail-pipe emissions and is much cheaper in use
per km. However, the battery packs today are heavy, expensive, have limited
range and long charging times, and will probably need to be replaced during the
average lifetime of the electric vehicle.
The key for
making electric cars competitive is therefore the battery technology. Lead acid
batteries have normally been used earlier. However, in the last couple of
years, the nickel metal hybrid (NiMH) has become the standard of modern cars,
and lithium Ion (the same technology we use in i.e. cell phone and laptop
batteries) are by most experts expected to slowly take over the market. A
comparison of the battery technologies is shown below:

5-7: Energy Density and Cost Comparison of Battery Technologies
Source: Lache, R. et al. 2008: Electric Cars: Plugged In, Deutsche Bank
The advantage of the lithium Ion is the superior energy
density, higher charge cycles and it being able to recharge half-full
batteries. They also have the potential to significantly reduce the charging
time. Prototypes of new lithium Ion technology in cell phones can be fully
charged in just 10 seconds, allowing for BEV vehicles to be fully charged in
just 5 minutes (through high voltage grid), without degrading by repeated
charging and discharging81. Other fast charging technologies include
Toshibas SCiB batteries82, and a common threephase 400 Volt adapter
(that has the same potential) which major car manufacturers recently agreed
upon as a standard83. The potential of replacing batteries as fast
as refuelling is already shown by the Australian company “Better Place”, but
building sufficient infrastructure will take time and major investments, as
well as causing restrictions for the car layout84. The biggest
problem with the lithium Ion so far is the costs, however, as the figure
illustrates, the costs are rapidly decreasing while the technology is
improving, so the outlook is bright.

5-8: Cost and Density Development of the Li Ion Battery
Alliance Bernstein (2006)
Another problem may be the supply side keeping the costs
high. Replacing the existing annual production of cars (60 million) with
PHEV-20s (20 mile electric range), would require a much larger production as
the figure below shows.

5-9: Lithium Carbonate Required vs. Current Production
Source: Tahil, W. 2007. The Trouble with Lithium.
Implications of Future PHEV Production for Lithium Demand. Meridian
International Research
To equip the whole automobile fleet with a 10 KW battery
would require 35 % of the known lithium carbonate reserves. A pure EV would
require at least a 30 KW85 battery. However, we expect markets to
adapt to such a challenge, and lithium may be outperformed by another
technology in the future. Lithium is recyclable, but will still require a large
increase in production. In theory, lithium may be possible to extract from sea
water in the far future, making it a practically inexhaustible resource. Sea
water is estimated to contain 230 billion tonnes of lithium, 4M times more than
Global Lithium Salt Reserve Base estimated
at 58MT of Li2CO386.
4.3.6 Fuel Cell
A fuel cell works much the same way as a battery, and the
power running the wheels is electric. The difference is that a fuel cell does
not wear down or need recharging, but produces energy as long as new fuel is
supplied87. If the fuel cell has a fuel reformer, it can run on any hydrocarbon fuel. However, because
energy usually is more efficient to produce in large power plants, and since
pure hydrogen makes the cleanest chemical reaction, hydrogen is the preferred
input and hence what we will focus on.
![]() |
Hydrogen Fuel Cell
A fuel cell consists of two
electrodes sandwiched around electrolyte. Hydrogen is fuelled from the anode
side and an oxidant, like oxygen from the air (or as pure oxygen) comes from
the cathode side. The hydrogen passes over one electrode and oxygen over the
other, generating electricity, water and heat. The chemical process can be
expressed as follows:
2H2 + O2 Æ
2H2O + electricity + heat.

5-10: The Basics of a Hydrogen Fuel Cell
Fuel cell basics, how they work, http://www.fuelcells.org/basics/how.html
The biggest problem with fuel cells today is the price. It
is still a fairly new technology and the prices so far are not competitive.
However, car companies believe that mass production of fuel cells and FCV may
start in 2015, and start to penetrate the market around 2020. The cost
estimates are very difficult to predict and vary widely. The U.S. DOE has
earlier set a target cost of $30/kW allowing a 100 kW fuel cell to be produced
for $300088 89. One company (Ballard) claimed to have
reduced the projected high volume costs to $73/ kW90 in 2005,
another source claims that the actual cost was $4000/kW in 200491.
It is difficult to predict when this target will be reached as FC cost and
production data are limited and based on predicted mass production. One problem
is reducing the need of platinum, an extremely expensive material, in the fuel
cells. If fuel cell technologies are to be competitive, further research must
be maintained. In the next government budget, the U.S. have announced they will
cut subsidies from 168 to 68 million dollar, stating that they doubt that we
will become a hydrogen economy within the next 10, 15, 20 years92.
As for many other new alternative technologies, there is a
wide range of competing fuel cell technologies, and it is difficult to pick a
potential winner. At the moment it looks as if the proton exchange membrane
(PEM) fuel cell may be ahead since it in contrast to some of its rival
technologies has the advantage of fairly low operating temperatures, allowing
for a quick start93. This fuel cell has a theoretical energy
efficiency of 64 % according to the IEA94.
4.3.7 Other Technologies
There are also other future technologies that may be worth
mentioning but not going into further details about. Companies like MDI in
Luxembourg and Tata in India are working on technologies running on compressed
air. Although the technology has a great tailpipe emissions potential, the
power and range is a problem and the compression itself needs energy.
Another possibility is liquefied nitrogen fuelled cars. Also
here we will have zero tailpipe emission, and the power used to produce
liquefied nitrogen can be retrieved from the electric grid. LNFs can also make
use of the ICE technology, but is unlikely to be a mass produced alternative in
the medium term.
Solar-powered cars is also a possibility, but it creates far
too little power, hence solar power will be more effective contributing
directly to the electricity grid through large power plants.95
4.3.8 Overview Well-to-Wheels Pathways

5-11: Well-to-Wheels Pathways
Source: Well-to-Wheels analysis of future automotive
fuels and powertrains in the European context. A joint study by EUCAR / JRC /
CONCAWE. JEC WTW study version 2c 03/2007 (http://ies.jrc.ec.europa.eu/WTW)
4.4 Selection Process of the Vehicle Technologies
We first
made a simulation of all available technologies and fuels in 2010 and 2020
using GREET 1.8c.0. Based on this data, we narrowed it down to 8 vehicles
SI 2010/ SIDI 2020: We
chose the SI vehicle on petrol as the baseline vehicle, since this still is the
most common vehicle worldwide. However, we chose a SI vehicle with direct
injection as the baseline for 2020. This is because we expect this technology
to take over as the standard by then due to its superiority in efficiency and
cost effectiveness and additionally is more environmentally friendly. Starting
in 2015 the auto manufactures will be fined if their average CO2
emissions are too high. A shift to SIDI will therefore probably be necessary
for them. This also shows that although the ICEV technology is considered
mature, a shift to direct injection can provide huge benefits. However, when
comparing the results later it is important to keep in mind that we are talking
about two different models.
CIDI Diesel: The
GREET model base the CIDI Diesel vehicle calculations on a basic diesel
vehicle, with a 20 % better miles per gallon (mpg) performance. Since a
standard diesel was not an option, we had to choose the CIDI Diesel vehicle in
our study. We chose the CIDI since diesel is a better alternative than petrol,
and already has become more popular in Europe then petrol vehicles.
HEV SI Petrol: We
naturally wanted to use the performance of the hybrid technology for our
comparison, since it is significantly more fuel efficient than the standard SI.
The SI petrol was a natural choice, since most hybrid vehicles today run on
petrol. In the GREET model, HEV were known as grid-independent vehicles, while
PHEV where known as gridconnected vehicles.
HEV CIDI Diesel: Because
of the increased efficiency of diesel compared with petrol, we also included
the hybrid CIDI diesel vehicle in our study.
PHEV is by many considered to be the next big thing in the automotive industry,
and combines the benefits of a normal hybrid and an electric vehicle. The SI
vehicle will probably be launched first. EU
means that we are using the EU electricity mix as the source of the electricity
from the grid. The EU mix is cleaner than the U.S. mix, some sources say 40 %
less CO2 emissions96, and the GREET model that we used
showed a 23 % improvement compared to the US energy mix for electricity from
the grid. The PHEV run on charge
depleting mode while on battery, and charge
sustaining mode when running as a HEV. As mentioned earlier, we have used a
75 %/25 % share between CD and CS, but also blended CD is included in the CD
mode in the GREET model, so the tailpipe emissions will be higher than if the
whole 75 % CD use came from the electrical grid.
here we chose to include the diesel vehicle, to compare its performance with
the gasoline vehicle. In general, we assumed the PHEV to run on NIMH in 2010,
but to shift to lithium in 2020. This affects the payback analysis, but the other
analyses were based on the GREET model.
BEV EU: Naturally,
the battery electric vehicle running on the EU mix is included, as the numbers
looked very promising. Together with PHEV the BEV has the potential to
significantly reduce emissions. It is also silent and with zero tailpipe
FCV G.H2: The
2010 results for the FCV based on compressed hydrogen produced by natural gas
were promising, and we therefore chose to include it. We did not choose any
other FCVs since their scores were worse than those of the CHG from natural
gas, or they were more expensive. Because of the high costs of the technology,
FCVs are not commercially available today, and mass production is predicted to
potentially begin between 2015 and 2020. We have therefore chosen not to
calculate any payback in 2010. FCV may become the future vehicle, but this is
unlikely to happen before 2020. Its success depends on if/when the FCV can be
produced economically from preferably renewable energy, as for instance through
electrolysis of water.
There were some other models that could be interesting to
study that we did not include. A
bi-fuel vehicle running on CNG
(compressed natural gas) or even better the dedicated
CNGV, showed very favourable numbers, and was one of the least energy
intensive technologies, and also had very low GHG emissions. However, CNG
vehicles are not very common in Europe, and to developing the required
infrastructure would be very expensive. In addition, we believe that it is
better, cheaper and more efficient to use natural gas in large, stationary
power plants to produce electricity, than directly to fuelling cars. In this
context we apply the principle of economies of scale. The same reason was also
decisive for our choice to not include any biofuel
vehicles in our study. It is more efficient to use as biomass in stationary
power plants than in millions of cars. Even if the EU concludes that biofuels
should play an important role in the future, the best choice in our opinion
will be to blend biofuels in the ICEV (or (P)HEVs) rather than making dedicated
biofuel cars, which would again require a massive investment in infrastructure.
As we have mentioned earlier, to blend in for instance 15-20 % biodiesel in
diesel pumps for diesel vehicles and 15 % ethanol in petrol pumps for petrol
vehicles will usually not be a problem with modern vehicles (without making any
modifications). Another reason for not including biofuels is that many are very
energy intensive. We were not impressed by what the results showed.
4.5 Presentation of the Results
Below we will present, explain and discuss the results of
our study. We have used figures and tables to make it easy for readers to get a
quick overview of the technologies. The
best technology for each year is highlighted in yellow, so that the best solutions
are easy to discover. In the table summing up the results, we have used grey to
illustrate the second best option and orange to illustrate the worst
4.5.1 Economy
For the economical part we used a basic payback analysis. The
numbers were based on several sources, but the most important one was Deutsche
Bank’s plugged in report from 200897.
However, for some vehicles we needed to use other sources, explained under assumptions below. As we can see the
fuel costs, especially for the PHEV vehicles and BEV are very low.
SI 2010/
SIDI 2020
CIDI Diesel
Analysis 2010
Additional costs €
Km/l(kwh) (BEV)
Fuel Cost €
Anuel savings €
Payback (years)
Analysis 2020
Additional costs €
Fuel Cost €
Anuel savings €
Payback (years)
5-12: Payback Analysis of the Different Vehicle Alternatives.
Source: The authors, Deutsche Bank, GREET, Weiss et al
(2000), Wikipedia and wordpress.com
Assumptions (rounded)
Conversion rate 1 US dollar 0.7€
Cost of
fuel/l 1.4
Cost of electricity/kWh98
99 0.15 €
Cost of compressed hydrogen gas100 2.5 €
Annual driving
range 16000
PHEV electric range/actual
range 32 km (20 miles)/36 km (22.6
PHEV electric driving share (CD) 75 % PHEV hybrid driving share (CS) 25 %
Battery cost NIMH/kWh (2010)101 840 €
Battery cost Li Ion/kWh (2020) 102 350 €
Battery requirement HEV103 2
Battery requirement PHEV104
6 kWh
Battery requirement EV105 22 kWh Fuel cell requirement FCV106 100 kW
Fuel consumption (mpg)
based on GREET values for specific technologies.
Fuel consumption BEV based on Deutsche Bank assumptions107,
increase in 2020 based on technological improvement of 26 %.
Fuel consumption FCV G.H2 based on double distance of
baseline vehicle mpg converted108.
Electricity prices based on
EU 27 average prices of 2. semester 2007 & 1. semester 2008 We assume BEV and HEV (and PHEV) to use
NIMH batteries in 2010 and Li Ion batteries in 2020.
cost for Hybrids based on Deutsche Bank assumptions, with 700 € price premium
for diesel technology109.
assumption of 75 %/25 % for PHEV in CD and CS mode based on average daily
driving distance and electric range. GREET says that a PHEV20 has an actual
range of about 22.6 miles.
cost of fuel and electricity are fixed at the same level in 2010/2020 making
results easy to compare.
Diesel Petrol
Payback 2010
![]() ![]() |
![]() |
Diesel EU EU
5-13: Payback comparison of the different vehicle alternatives.
Source: The authors, Deutsche Bank, GREET, Weiss et al
(2000), Wikipedia and wordpress.com
As we
see from the figures, based on payback the best alternative in 2010 would be
the CIDI Diesel, and in 2020 the PHEV would be the best option. However, it is
important to keep in mind that based on average driving distance and years
intended to own the vehicle, vehicles with longer payback may be preferred over
vehicles with shorter payback. The worst option by far in 2020 is the SI HEV.
The BEV has a fairly long PB, but also has the highest improvement. The reason
why most of the vehicles actually have longer payback periods in 2020 than 2010
is because of the technological shift of the baseline vehicle from SI to SIDI
from 2010 to 2020. This is important to remember when analysing the numbers.
The most difficult aspect of the payback analysis was predicting the additional
costs for some of the vehicles. For instance, we chose to use the same price
difference between the SI and CI in 2010 and the SIDI and the CI in 2020. It
was also very difficult to predict accurate data for the fuel cell vehicle in 2020.
Both the estimated additional costs of the vehicle and of the fuel were
difficult to valuate. Many sources were either in favour or disfavour of the
hydrogen economy, and we tried to evaluate them critically. In general, there
were few sources with future prediction for the fuel cell vehicle, and we
consider the data for the FCV to have the highest margin of error.
4.5.2 Efficiency
In this part we analysed the
Well-to-Wheel energy efficiency. We used a number of different sources to
predict the different values. For the Well-to-Pump
(WTP), not to be mistaken with Well-to-Plant, which also uses the same
abbreviation, we used the values created by the GREET model. Nevertheless,
there were some numbers we were a bit uncertain about. First of all, 43 %
energy efficiency in WTP for electricity is very high, most numbers range from
32-42 % for Well-to-Plant efficiency, with an additional loss of 8 % when
transported through the grid. However, to be consistent, we chose to use the
GREET numbers. For the PHEV, we decided to use an average of 75 % electric WTP
and 25 % hybrid WTP to find the PHEV WTP efficiency. Since not all the electric
power comes from the grid, this number will vary from the GREET model, but fits
better with our intention. The PTW and WTW were further based on comparison of
many different sources, and through making best assumptions on the basis of the
covered literature. To calculate the 2020 WTW numbers, we used the technology
improvement percentage from the technology dimension with the 2010 WTW numbers.
For WTP we again used the GREET model. Based on those two we calculated the PTW
numbers. The results are presented below.
SI 2010/SIDI 2020
WTP 2010
80 %
84 %
80 %
84 %
52 %
53 %
43 %
58 %
PTW 2010
20 %
26 %
29 %
32 %
53 %
55 %
70 %
45 %
WTW 2010
16 %
21 %
23 %
27 %
28 %
29 %
30 %
26 %
WTP 2020
77 %
83 %
77 %
83 %
53 %
54 %
44 %
60 %
PTW 2020
27 %
31 %
35 %
38 %
57 %
58 %
86 %
55 %
WTW 2020
21 %
25 %
27 %
32 %
30 %
31 %
38 %
33 %
5-14: Well-to-Wheel Analysis of Energy Efficiency
Source: The
authors, Deutsche Bank (2008), GREET, Weiss et al (2000), Kendall (2008),
Alliance Bernstein (2006), Future Fuels (2003) and Wikipedia
Source: The authors, Deutsche Bank (2008), GREET,
Weiss et al (2000), Kendall (2008), Alliance Bernstein (2006), Future Fuels
(2003) and Wikipedia
![]() |
As we see from the table and figure, the battery electric
vehicle has the highest overall efficiency for both years (2010/2020). This is
not surprising, although as mentioned earlier, the values may be somewhat too
high, since the WTP efficiency the GREET model used was higher than other
sources. The PTW for 2020 is also very high, possibly too high, but this is due
to the predicted technological improvement of 26 %. Not surprisingly the
baseline vehicle is the worst alternative, and diesel is performing
considerably better than petrol. Still, it is somewhat surprising that the HEV
diesel performs better then both PHEV in 2020. An overall efficiency of 32 % is
also very high. Nevertheless, these results are consistent with the energy
usage showed in the table and figure below. This may be because a diesel hybrid
is lighter then the PHEVs and therefore consumes less fuel. Interestingly, it
also has a far higher technological improvement than PHEV, possibly
illustrating that combining two energy sources might not be as efficient as
using a dedicated vehicle. However, the technological improvement for the PHEV
seems also to be predicted too low.
The total energy use might be an indicator of the efficiency
dimension. By splitting it up, we can see the improvements for each phase and
where the energy use is the highest. In light of the above-mentioned findings,
the numbers are not very surprising. We get confirmation that the HEV diesel is
the most efficient in the making of the fuel, and also scores highly in the
other categories. It is interesting to see how well the FCV scores, using about
the same energy amount as the BEV. However, it may be that the GREET model is
underestimating the energy use of the FCV as it is inconsistent with our
predictions of the WTW energy efficiency above.
Fuel and Engine type
Feedstock kj/km
Fuel kj/km
Vehicle operation kj/km
SI 2010
SIDI 2020
CIDI Diesel 2010
CIDI Diesel 2020
HEV SI Petrol 2010
HEV SI Petrol 2020
CIDI Diesel 2010
CIDI Diesel 2020
BEV EU 2010
BEV EU 2020
FCV G.H2 2010
FCV G.H2 2020
5-16 Overview of detailed energy usage
Source: The
authors and GREET

5-17 Comparison
of energy usage of the vehicles
Source: The authors and GREET
4.5.3 Environment
The third and maybe most important dimension is the GHG
emissions. It is important to split up these emissions, since for instance the
BEV also discharge GHG through the creation of electricity. The EU and other
countries are often focusing on CO2 emissions. The difference
between CO2 and GHG, however, is minimal, with CO2 usually
representing 90-96 % of the GHG emissions. Compared to the EU target of 120
grams/km (130 g/km required) in 2015, we can see that all the technologies,
except CIDI diesel and SIDI petrol, fulfil this requirement by 2020. The only
technologies capable of fulfilling the stricter 95 g/km requirement in 2020 are
the PHEVs, BEV and CHG FCV. This shows that these technologies will probably
have to play an important role if EU and the auto manufacturers are to reach
their goals. The petrol and diesel vehicle have very high emissions, higher
than the average European vehicle sold today, indicating once again that these
numbers probably better describe the US standard vehicle than the European. We
would maybe expect the BHEV to release less emissions, but as mentioned
earlier, this is due to the 75 % CD range of electricity comes both from the
grid an is delivered through blended mode, where it releases GHGs. Interesting
to see, the FCV on H2 actually has the lowest emissions. This may be
since it comes from natural gas, which is the cleanest fossil fuel, far cleaner
and more effective then e.g. coal, which accounts for 29 % of the EU mix. A
calculation in GREET, by replacing all coal production with natural gas,
confirms this theory, since the BEV then will use less energy, and have lower
GHG emissions than the FCV.
Fuel and Engine type
Feedstock g/km
Fuel g/km
Vehicle Operation g/km
SI 2010
SIDI 2020
CIDI Diesel 2010
CIDI Diesel 2020
HEV SI Petrol 2010
HEV SI Petrol 2020
CIDI Diesel 2010
CIDI Diesel 2020
BEV EU 2010
BEV EU 2020
FCV G.H2 2010
FCV G.H2 2020
5-18: Greenhouse Gas Emissions WTW Split up
Source: The
authors and GREET

5-19: Green
house gas emissions comparison WTW
Source: The authors and GREET
4.5.4 Technology
The last dimension is the improvement in technology. We here
based the calculation on the average of WTW energy and WTW GHGs. Not
surprisingly, these numbers where almost identical, varying at only 2 % at the
most. We observe with interest that the SI is showing the biggest improvement,
due to the shift from SI to SIDI. What is very surprising is that the PHEV is
showing the smallest improvement. This may indicate that the PHEV is not the
optimal solution over a longer time frame than from now until 2020. As
mentioned earlier it is probably caused by the need for two different engine
systems which makes the car heavier, more expensive and more complex than a
dedicated engine. It also shows the limits as long as petrol is one of the
energy sources, setting limits for how clean the technology can become, unless
it runs a 100 % on battery. However, it may also mean that the GREET model is
predicting the improvement too cautiously. It is for instance surprising to see
that the HEV are improving 17-18 % and the BEV 26 %, while the PHEVs combining
these two technologies, only improve by 7 %. The potential cost reduction is
not accounted for in this comparison, and we refer to the numbers in the
economical section for further details. The FCV for instance is likely to
obtain the largest cost reduction through further research and mass production,
since this is considered the youngest technology.

5-20: Comparison of Technological Improvement
Source: The
authors and GREET
4.5.5 Overview of the Results
This section
sums up our comparison of the results analysed above. We see that the SI/SIDI
is losing on all aspects, although its technology improvement is the greatest.
We also see how the diesel technology outperforms petrol. It looks like the
best options would be a HEV diesel, a PHEV diesel, a BEV or the FCV. The BEV
and FCV may not be competitive on price in 2010 without subsidies, but they are
the best alternatives considering most of the dimensions and by far the
cleanest technology with the lowest fuel costs. The FCV surprises greatly, and
is scoring about as good as the BEV. As we have mentioned earlier, the payback
in 2020 might be both higher and lower than our estimate for the FCV. There is
also a possibility that the GREET models estimation of the FCV or some of the
other technologies, turn out to be inaccurate.
Fuel and Engine type
SI 2010/SIDI 2020
Payback 2010
Payback 2020
Energy efficiency 2010 WtW
16 %
21 %
23 %
27 %
28 %
29 %
30 %
26 %
Energy efficiency 2020 WTW
21 %
25 %
27 %
32 %
30 %
31 %
38 %
33 %
WtW energy 2010 Mj/Km
WtW energy 2020 Mj/Km
WTW GHGs 2010 g/Km
WTW GHGs 2020 g/km
Improvement WTW/PTW
28 %
18 %
17 %
18 %
7 %
7 %
26 %
25 %
5-21: Overview of the Results
Source: The authors, previous figures
4.5.6 Implications of The Results
It looks as if a combination of PHEV and BEV and also the
HEV diesel engine might be the best technologies for the future considering our
results. We could also include the FCV here, as potentially the most
interesting technology. However, at the current stage, there are so major
uncertainties with this technology that we recommend a combination of the other
three technologies within our timeframe, of course with the potential to change
point of view later on, if the fuel cell technology really starts to improve.
This will make it easier as it requires development of infrastructure for only
one technology, which also will be possible to use by charging from the grid.
However, it is important to remember that we will be dependent of petrol also
in the future. As mentioned earlier, the refineries cannot produce only diesel
fuels. Petrol will be a major part of the production of fuel from petroleum,
normally a larger share than diesel. It will not be possible for everyone to
choose diesel. The prices would rise, and the market would adjust. One
suggestion could be to mainly use petrol in PHEVs, and diesel in HEVs. It is
also important to realise that it would be impossible to only produce BEVs in
2020. Limitations in lithium extraction and battery production are two
bottlenecks, although competing technologies may emerge. However, the most
important problem will be the increase in the electricity production needed. It
will be almost impossible to develop the electric power supply fast enough to
support a large BEV market share in 2020. The electricity prices would rise,
and more polluting options would look more attractive. Even a sufficient
increase in the electricity production would have implications, as it would
probably be produced from coal. Coal is the most abundant fossil energy we have
and also the least efficient and environmental friendly. Without the use of
expensive CO2-capture technology it would lead to an increase in GHG
emissions, making the EU mix, the BEV and PHEV less attractive. The potential
for the FCV is difficult to predict. If costs can be decreased further it looks
promising, although 2020 will probably be too early considering the price and
the infrastructure investments needed. BEV will also need a developed
infrastructure, either through battery replacement stations or grids providing
high voltage and quick charging. The great advantage is that it can be
recharged via the existing wall outlet.
To sum up, we will try to propose a target mix for new
vehicles in 2020. We focus on two aspects in our recommendation. Firstly, we
will try to keep the petrol/diesel ratio pretty constant. Although we are
focusing on the EU, we need to take other parts of the world in consideration
too, so they can follow EU’s example, without getting a too high petrol/diesel
imbalance. Secondly, we will take into consideration that BEV will be best
suited in urban areas, but its range limitations and high battery (lithium)
consumption, limits its sustainable penetration. Lastly, we will try to
minimize the tailpipe emissions with our suggestion. We believe that the BEV
may have the potential of gaining 20 % of the new car sales in 2020. To keep
the ratio between diesel and petrol, we would propose 60 % of new car sales to
be petrol PHEV, and 20 % of new car sales to be diesel HEV in 2020. Since our
petrol PHEV runs only about 25 % on petrol, but is less efficient then diesel
HEV in CS mode, one PHEV would use about the same petrol amount as three diesel
HEVs. This would make the tailpipe emissions from our proposed mix to 71.5 g/km
GHGs, or about 70 g/km CO2, well below the EU target of 95 g/km CO2
in 2020. In comparison, the tailpipe emissions of a vehicle fleet of half and
half petrol and diesel vehicles would emit 158 g/km GHGs, far higher then what
is required. A comparison where we also include the other dimensions for our
technologies is shown below. We have here included a baseline scenario, our
possible suggestion, another proposal if lithium capacity increases higher than
expected, and lastly going solely for the best overall alternative according to
our model, the BEV.
Fuel and
Engine Type
Energy use
GHGs g/km
Market share
Tailpipe emissions mix
SIDI 2020
21 %
50 %
CIDI Diesel 2020
25 %
50 %
Possible suggestion
HEV CIDI Diesel 2020
32 %
20 %
30 %
60 %
BEV EU 2020
38 %
20 %
High lithium production
31 %
45 %
30 %
35 %
BEV EU 2020
38 %
20 %
Best alt.
BEV EU 2020
38 %
100 %
5-22: Summary of Different Target Scenarios
Source: The authors & previous figures
As we see, the BEV scenario would clearly be the best option
in most circumstances. However, as argued, this scenario is not plausible. One
might argue that none of the scenarios will happen, and that is probably
correct, but it is important to have some target scenarios as a foundation, and
it should be possible to influence towards a scenario, and even switch
scenarios if technologies develop differently than expected. It is also
important to mention again, that the numbers for these vehicles might be too
high in a European context. It that case, a mix with more petrol and diesel
cars and fewer AFV’s, could still be within the climate target. An example is
the new Toyota Prius 2010 model, which should emit only about 90 g/km CO2110,
while using our numbers, a standard petrol Hybrid will emit 162 g/km CO2
in 2010 and 131 g/km CO2 in 2020. This is probably since the HEV is an average
of different technologies and sizes, and not the market leader and one of few
full hybrids on the market today. The fabric data that Toyota use is also
usually better then data from actual driving.
5. Introducing AFVs to the European Market
In this part of the thesis we will begin with an
introduction of the major stakeholders in the automobile industry and
illustrate it with a figure. Relations between the different stakeholders will
be discussed briefly. We will, based on chapter
2, present some important barriers to the transition of AFVs with regards
to the different stakeholders. In combination with the results from chapter 5 we will suggest policy options
that can help to reduce or eliminate these barriers. Our focus lies with the
governments’ role, and how they can affect the behaviour of the other groups of
5.1 Introduction of Stakeholders
5.1.1 Fuel manufacturer
Oil companies have without comparison been the number one
fuel manufacturers and distributors since the breakthrough of the ICEV. These
companies played a major part in the process a hundred years ago where the ICEV
beat the technologies in electric-and steam engine vehicles to become the
reigning technology for a century. The same multibillion dollar industry has
contributed to weaken attempts of introducing clean alternatives, perhaps with
the failure of the 1990 ZEV mandate in California as the most famous example.
Strategy makers and implementers need to take this into consideration when
planning efforts to reduce the carbon intensity in fuels.
Alternative fuels face tough competition in the oil
industry, where margins are high. The movement in oil prices has been
significant lately, peaking at $140 in July 2008111, collapsing down
to $34 in January, and recently passed $65112. The change in oil prices
has different effects on fuel consumption. When peaking at $140 consumers in
the U.S. experienced dramatic increase in fuel prices. As a result oil
producers experienced a decrease in demand due to reduced consumption, and a
shift to less fuel consuming vehicles occurred. This indicates a potential
environmental benefit from high oil prices. On the other hand low oil prices
lead to project delays and cancellations within the oil industry, which implies
reduced oil production and less pollution.
The oil industry in the U.S. has always had people in the
government looking after their interests. Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice and
Andrew Card from the George W. Bush administration, are all former executives
and board members of oil and auto companies113. The industry has
traditionally had less influence in the EU, where most countries are net
importers of oil and hence benefiting from low oil prices. A reduction of oil
demand through a shift towards AFVs would make the EU less dependent of oil
5.1.2 Fuel distribution
While fuel manufacturers refine raw materials into fuel at
the manufacturing site, fuel distributors provide the fuel from manufacturing
site to vehicle tank through fuelling stations. These two stakeholder groups
are closely related as fuelling stations are owned by the oil companies
ensuring their products reaching the market. As mentioned these companies do
not appreciate competition – from each other or from alternative fuels. There
are many examples of fuel distributors embarking on aggressive price strategies
to squeeze out competitors or new entrants. One example is Statoil’s response
to the entry of Jet to the Norwegian market in 1996. The price competition led
to Statoil reducing gasoline prices below variable costs meaning that the
company would lose more money as sales increased114.
new fuels requires significant investments in distribution infrastructure. An
increased number of fuel types mean more fuel pumps and more storage space. In
addition some of the new fuels require longer fuelling time, hence more pumps
and parking space, and increased safety concerns due to pressure tanks. The
companies currently producing these fuels are more likely to invest in
distribution infrastructure, as long as it is profitable. However, investment in
infrastructure for introducing new fuels requires a sufficient number of
vehicles. Herein lies a classic “chicken-and-egg” dilemma. Vehicle producers
will be resistant to developing AFVs as long as there is a lack of adequate
fuelling infrastructure.
The variety of fuels offered at fuelling stations is likely
to be limited in rural areas, where investments in infrastructure and
transportation costs are too high to make profit. Vehicle purchasers in those
areas will obviously be more reserved to investing in AFVs with the insecurity
Another difficult issue is the charging stations for
electric cars and plug-in hybrids. There are clear benefits in customizing and
making use of existing infrastructure and distribution systems in order to
offer alternative fuels to the market. But what incentives do fuel distributors
have to offer and even invest in charging stations that constitute a direct
threat to fuel?
5.1.3 Vehicle manufacturer
Vehicle manufacturers have a history of resisting change and
have stuck to the internal combustion engine for a century. Examples include
withholding technology that can reduce emissions claiming it to be unfit for
commercialization due to performance problems and cost, obstructing the
research, development, manufacturing, and installation of pollution control
devices, and dedicating a minimum of resources to emissions control efforts115.
The Zero-Emissions Vehicle mandate passed by California Air Resources Board in
1990 led to the development of electric cars such as General Motor’s 1996
introduction of the EV1116. The EV1 program was cancelled by GM in
2003 under the statement that they could not sell enough of the cars to make it
profitable. The cars, which had only been available under a lease program, were
recalled after the end of the leasing period and shredded117. The
discontinuation was controversial. The ZEV mandate had some positive outcome as
Toyota and Honda developed their own EV prototypes to compete with the EV1, and
went on to introduce their hybrid electric vehicles, Prius and Insight.
Vehicle manufacturers need to produce and sell a sizable
number of each model to cover R&D costs and to reduce production costs
sufficiently to make a car profitable, especially when embarking on new
technology that excludes the ICE. They face new technical challenges, different
recycling challenges and need to find new suppliers. The shift in technology
leads to a considerable change in production processes.
The financial crisis has made a huge impact on automobile industry
resulting in dismissals, restructuring and bankruptcy. Governments all over the
world have given crisis loans to domestic car companies trying to save jobs.
Recently the (former) world’s largest automobile company, GM, filed for Chapter
11 bankruptcy, the largest industrial bankruptcy in U.S. history118.
The European companies have not been affected to the same extent, but a few
have faced tough challenges, especially the GM owned Swedish manufacturer SAAB.
There seem to be signs of car companies increasing their
efforts in reducing emissions and increasing fuel efficiency with VW’s Blue
Motion technology as a good example. Historically the increases in fuel
efficiency have come as a result of oil price shocks. The 1973 and 1979 oil
crises led to governments passing fuel economy standards. Due to the phase-in
of the fuel economy laws in the U.S. vehicle mileage for passenger cars doubled
from 1975 to 1985119. The next two decades it decreased. Although
European and Japanese vehicle manufacturers traditionally have made smaller,
lighter and more efficient vehicles, they too are affected by oil prices rather
than lack of technology. The five-door Audi A2, which entered the market in
1999, could run a hundred km on 0.3 litres of diesel or 0.6 litres of petrol120.
The car would easily pass the 2010 emission standards.
The production of AFV prototypes has increased dramatically
the last few years. In the U.S. alone, 13 hybrid electric vehicle models were
available in 2007 and at least 75 are expected within 2011121. The
companies seem to have settled with the fact that a new generation of car
production is upon us, and started positioning strategically. VW and Toshiba
recently announced their plans to begin working together to develop electric
drive units for vehicles122. The same company is discussing a
possible venture with the Chinese company BYD in an effort to secure battery
supplies for HEVs and BPEVs123
5.1.4 Vehicle distribution
A transition to AFVs entails distributors to adapt to the
change in vehicle demand. As demand for AFVs rises, retailers only offering
ICEVs will lose market shares. Picking winners will become increasingly
difficult with the growth in new models available. From offering petrol or
diesel fuelled cars, distributors will possibly have five to ten different
types of technologies to choose between.
The same challenges apply to repair and maintenance of these
vehicles. Whilst the differences among engines running on petrol or diesel are
limited, the differences in power unit and driveline between the different AFVs
are considerable. Depending on the number of new entries the dealers are likely
to have to invest in facilities, equipment, and hiring and training to meet
different skill levels for their employees. A possible outcome, depending on
the scale of each technology, could be company engineers specialized on a
limited number of technologies providing maintenance for a number of customers,
car dealers or vehicle fleets.
The different AFVs contain a variety of components that
require attention. The number of batteries is likely to multiply in a few years
causing the need for a substantial effort in recycling and disposal. Fuel cell
vehicles will require extra safety measures due to explosion hazard from the
hydrogen fuel, as will methanol due to toxicity.
5.1.5 Vehicle purchaser
Vehicle purchasers include private buyers and fleet owners.
Constituting the demand side, this group of stakeholders influences the
manufacturers and distributors of vehicles and fuels through change in demand
due to preferences. The supply side has to satisfy the requirements from
vehicle purchasers, or try to affect it, e.g. through marketing campaigns.
There are several aspects that car buyers take into
consideration when purchasing a car. The price, design, performance, safety
issues, maintenance, insurance, status etc. affects buyers’ decisions.
Introducing AFVs to the mass market adds a whole new set of considerations for
vehicle purchasers. Switching from standard ICEVs to AFVs mean switching from
something familiar to something unknown, which many purchasers may perceive as
risky. Today production costs of AFVs are higher as for ICEVs and will remain
so until they are produced at scale. In addition to possibly more expensive
cars there are uncertainties regarding the cost effectiveness (cost of
transportation per km) and maintenance costs (reliability). As long as the fuel
availability and convenience is inadequate the base for market penetration is
limited. Performance of the AFVs regarding range, acceleration, load capacity
and comfort style, although improved over the last few years, still do not
match the ICEVs. Finally safety is an important issue. Both crashworthiness of
vehicles using lighter body materials and safety matters regarding fuels or
batteries are possible dilemmas.
Vehicle purchasers will not embrace the new technology if
they feel they are paying extra for a second-rate product. Even if technology
grows superior to ICEVs there’s still quite a challenge gaining consumer
5.1.6 The government
The government is by far the most important stakeholder
concerning power and influence over behaviour and decision making of the other
stakeholder groups. Using taxes, regulations and incentives they can reduce or
remove market barriers and help speed up the development and adoption of AFVs.
The most important reasons for
governmental intervention in the automobile industry are on the one hand the
environmental aspect as clean air124 and global warming125,
and on the other the strategic aspect of reducing its dependency on a scarce
resource126. Nevertheless, these aspects will be weighed against the
affect on domestic industry. Germany, France, Spain Italy and the U.K. are
among the largest car producers in the world127 and the industry
employs hundreds of thousands. The financial crisis has shown how desperate
governments are to keep their automobile industry running, securing the jobs.
This implies a gradual transition which focuses on maintaining domestic
production as well as keeping up with foreign competition. It’s not unlikely
that governments will introduce policies that favour vehicle technology from
their domestic companies. Would Norway, which has little history of car
production, favour electric cars through tax exceptions, free parking and access
to bus lanes had they not been the birth country of Think128 and
Buddy129? Would the same benefits be given had the number of
electric cars risen to more than a few thousand units?
Although the governments possess powerful tools they are
unlikely to succeed without cooperation with other stakeholders. To create a
productive collaboration the government needs to communicate a long-term policy
that provides predictability for decision-makers. Convincing stakeholders to
invest in the new technologies requires governments with a high degree of
5.1.7 Stakeholder Barriers
Our results from chapter five showed that the HEV diesel,
PHEVs and the BEV seemed to be the most promising alternatives within our
timeframe. Since they all are based on the same battery electric technology,
and two of them also share the IC engine, they are somehow affected by the same
barriers, although in various degrees. Below we have listed the most important
stakeholder barriers
in General
Little or no existing infrastructure, large
investments needed
No investments needed.
Investments in charging stations an advantage.
Large investments in charging stations and battery
replacement stations needed.
cost for consumer (consumer)
Varying cost premium. Uncertainties regarding fuel
and vehicle taxation.
Low cost premium. Cheaper
in use than petrol or diesel.
Medium cost premium. Far cheaper
if running on electricity.
High cost premium. Very low fuel costs. A battery
swap every 5-10 years may be needed.
cost for manufacturer (vehicle/fuel manufacturer)
Most technologies have high R&D
costs, and are in early stages and produced in small
Medium R&D is needed.
Technology is proven, and still rapidly improving.
Large investments needed, especially in battery
technology. Technology still in a very early phase.
Large investments needed. Battery costs and weight
need to be significantly reduced.
(vehicle purchaser)
Shorter range than conventional vehicles. Fuel
storage requires large space and fuel can be complex to store
No range limitations
No range limitations, but cheaper and cleaner
running on battery. Charging is time consuming
Short range, not suited for long distance travel.
Charging is very time consuming
Critical mass
(Chicken and
Most vehicles are produced in test- or small
volumes. Difficult to gain market share without investments, and little eager
in investing without volume.
Still has a small market
share, but relatively small adjustments could make the HEV penetrate the
market as costbenefit outperforms conventional vehicles.
Not mass-produced yet, but has the potential to
expand faster than the HEV if the technology is working as anticipated.
Small scale production of city cars, family cars not
produced yet. Will need improvement in range, and sufficient infrastructure
to heavily increase market share.
(all stakeholders)
Consumers are reluctant to pay
higher price for an
unproven technology.
Low reluctance. Technology
is proven. Few differences from conventional vehicles.
Medium reluctance.
Technology is new. Cost premium higher, and charging
requires extra efforts.
High reluctance. High cost premium and current
limitations in technology.
of technology potential and priority (all stakeholders)
High degree of uncertainty towards which
technologies will succeed. Uncertainty concerning which technologies
governments and consumers will favour.
Might last only through a
transitional phase, until electric vehicles are good enough to replace it.
Environmental potential limited by fossil fuel dependency.
Will probably outnumber the HEV pretty quickly once
technology is developed. May however be beaten by the BEV when range
limitations and infrastructure are in place.
Will probably not become a major competitor before
costs are down, and infrastructure and range is improved. Has the
potential to reach zero emission WTW if
electricity is produced from renewable energy. Has
the potential of gaining significant market share in the future.
resources (fuel manufacturer, vehicle manufacturer)
Most fuels are limited, either by production capacity
(biofuels), or their dependency of nonrenewable
(NG, electric grid).
Petrol/diesel is a limited
resource, but will probably remain a large fuel for decades although prices
are expected to
rise. Less dependent on
new battery technology, but can make use of alternative battery technologies.
Petrol/diesel is limited, and an increase in
electricity production will mainly come from non-renewable sources. The most
promising battery technology (lithium) also has limited total reserves.
Limited capacity in electricity production which
will increase prices. Heavily dependent on an increase in battery production.
Unstable government (Bolivia) controls the biggest source of lithium, which
can affect production drastically.
in the
Most AFVs are not competitive with the conventional
The HEV is a good
alternative to the ICEV
The introduction of the SIDI will improve the ICEVs
and reduce
The BEV is expected to experience about the same
improvement as the
manufacturer, vehicle purchaser)
ICEV today. As they improve, the ICE will also
improve from 20102020, by 18-28 % according to our data
today, but as we see from
our estimates, only the HEV diesel will be completive in 2020.
the advantage of the PHEV. However the PHEV will
still go through major improvements and offer shorter payback periods than
the ICEV in 2020.
ICEV, but will due to cost reductions, be a better
alternative in 2020 than in 2010.
(vehicle manufacturer, vehicle purchaser)
Most AFVs are still in early phases of production,
where technology is expensive and immature
technology is still
rapidly improving, but since the HEV makes use of only a small battery, the
size and weight of the battery is not very important
The PHEV relies more on the batteries. Batteries
therefore need to have high energy density, be of light weight, and possible
to charge quickly and safely. The batteries are not sufficiently developed
yet, and the costs are high.
The BEV is fully dependent on the battery, and needs
batteries providing long range and quick charge to an affordable price. This has
so far been a problem, and the technology needs to improve before the BEV
really becomes interesting.
Lack of
(all stakeholders)
Many competing firms have their own technologies and
standards, making it difficult for the customers to choose the winner
implications for the HEV,
drivetrains differ widely,
and technologies become quickly outdated
Different outlets may cause a problem for charging.
Different battery technology and battery platforms.
Same problems as for PHEV, but at a higher level.
6-1: Overview of the Most Important Stakeholder Barriers
We will make
a selection of what we consider the most important barriers, and suggest policy
options that can help reduce the barriers. When considering the barriers, there
are some that apply to most AFVs. Lack of infrastructure is perhaps the most
important one. While all countries are equipped with fuel stations for petrol
and diesel, few offer alternative fuels, and none of the European countries at
a large scale. The reason for this is two-folded. Due to a limited number of
AFVs, the incentives for developing infrastructure are small. In addition, the
oil companies, which would have the economic muscles to develop this, would be
reluctant to cannibalising their own petrol and diesel sales. Higher cost is
another important barrier. Furthermore we have the consumer attitude towards
AFVs, few people are willing to be the innovators, and the technologies never
grow past this phase. Unless the technology proves to be competitive on all
areas against conventional ICEV, the consumers are likely to stay hesitant. The
lack of clear, long-term strategies creates uncertainty for investors and
hinders large scale investments.
The HEV has the lowest entry barriers in the short term, but
also offers the least potential improvement compared to the traditional ICE.
General improvement in the competition may actually be the HEV biggest barrier
in the medium term, as it is only marginally better than for instance a modern
CI diesel, and the PHEV and BEV offer far greater potential.
The PHEV is an intermediate between the HEV and the BEV,
both when it comes to technology and barriers. The most important barrier for
this AFV is the battery technology. Another problem is the cost premium for
purchasers. The final barrier is probably the production capacity and the
availability of the raw material for the batteries.
The PHEV barriers apply also to the BEV, though to a greater
extent. Relying heavily on batteries as well as a cost premium can prove to be
an important problem for the diffusion of the BEV. Last, but not least, the
infrastructure will be a major barrier. These barriers will be addressed in the
following section.
5.2 Policy options to overcome stakeholder barriers
Let us first recapitulate the reasons for governments to
promote AFVs from the introduction
chapter. The perhaps most important aspect is the environmental effects, concerning air quality and the implications
of global warming. Further the strategic
element of reducing one’s dependency on a scarce resource has been mentioned.
This dependency constitutes a threat for the EU’s competitiveness. The final
reason we have introduced is the need for technological
innovation. Romer introduced research and cumulative technological
development to the neo-classical growth theory as the solution to sustaining
permanent economic growth (Norman, 2006, see also Gärtner, 2003, chapter
9&10). Although addressing all these aspects our focus when suggesting
policy options is on the environmental effects.
The transition towards new, cleaner technologies will make a
substantial impact on emissions given fixed average driving activity. However,
if increased transport demand outstrips the improvements of these new
technologies, the problem will remain the same. Therefore, policy options
directed towards reducing traffic volume are necessary. Such a reduction
implies further investments in public transport as well as limiting access for
private transportation, thus providing incentives for leaving the car at home.
We will, however, not elaborate on these issues, but focus on how to implement
our suggested technologies. In our opinion, it is vital to ensure a transition
and obtain critical mass, before imposing the same restrictions for
environmentally friendly AFVs as experienced by the ICEVs. As long as these
remain uncompetitive, other incentives must be provided in order to gain
consumer acceptance and will to purchase these alternative vehicles. As they
reach a respectable market share, regulations for AFVs can slowly be phased in,
but still favour them over less environmentally friendly vehicles. A continual
review of environmentally friendly technologies by policy makers should aim at
favouring better technologies’ market entry. This will create incentives for
companies to constantly invest in R&D to improve or invent technology.
Based on our results with regards to vehicle technology, we
selected three alternatives which we consider as good options for the European
mass market. We will not elaborate on the other alternatives; still a few
things are worth mentioning. With regards to use of biofuels we have already
argued against developing dedicated vehicles due to high costs, relatively low
energy efficiency, social implications of using crops for fuel, and
uncertainties concerning the environmental benefits. If the EU wants to make
use of biofuels in the vehicle industry, a blend of biodiesel in diesel pumps
and ethanol in petrol pumps could be a solution that would be far cheaper than
developing new infrastructure. Another alternative is to make use of biomass to
produce electricity for electric cars in stationary power plants, an option
that is more energy efficient than fuelling millions of cars.
Another alternative which we consider not to be competitive
in the medium term is hydrogen produced for fuel cell vehicles. Although the
results from the GREET model were promising, we are uncertain about the
accuracy of the results. The costs of building sufficient infrastructure as
well as the high production costs of fuel cells and uncertainty about fuel
costs, makes the alternative unlikely to be competitive within our timeframe of
2020. Steenberghen & Lopez (2007) claim that 20 % of the EUs approximately
100 000 refuelling stations should be equipped with hydrogen dispensers in
order for the FCVs to penetrate the mass market. Assuming investments of €1.3
million per station, the total cost sums up to €26 billion. Another implication
is that the cheapest and quickest route to hydrogen probably is dependent on
natural gas, on which the EU wants to reduce its dependency. Despite of our
conclusion we emphasise the need to start acting now to develop future hydrogen
fuelling facilities. The European Commission has launched initiatives such as
the European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell
Technology Platform in 2003 for this purpose130. We recommend a
focus on niche projects and demonstration projects as a preparation to
potential future large scale development of infrastructure. This strategy
allows the governments to invest in R&D to get confirmation of the
potential of hydrogen fuel and develop an environmentally friendly alternative
to natural gas in the production. At the same time it sends a signal to actors
in the market that as soon as the proper technology is in place, the government
is willing to contribute to the transition phase. Examples of these kinds of
projects are the EU co-financed CIVITAS-projects (CIVITAS I, II and PLUS),
which helps cities to achieve a more
sustainable, clean and energy efficient urban transport system by implementing
and evaluating an ambitious, integrated set of technology and policy based
A policy instrument can affect several barriers. Furthermore
a variety of policies can contribute to the same objective. Therefore a
combination of different policy measures can, if employed appropriately, help
to increase the effectiveness of the implementation. Many barriers are highly
correlated and the removal of one can affect others. The three main barriers we
have identified are: cost premium, battery technology and infrastructure. Infrastructure includes
charging stations and battery replacement stations as well as other
infrastructural measures that are beneficial for electric cars. In addition
infrastructure for recycling of conventional vehicles must be sufficient. Cost
premium refers to the cost above normal cost for a vehicle purchase before taxes.
By battery technology we mean both the technical aspect of range, charging
time, life expectancy, weight and size, as well as the economic and strategic
aspects of production costs and access to raw materials.
5.2.1 Cost Premium
Most vehicle purchasers will be reluctant to pay a cost
premium for a vehicle technology that is as of yet unproven. Vehicle
manufacturers and distributors, as well as fuel manufacturers, are likely to
take this into account in their strategies. Without any kind of intervention these
stakeholders would go on promoting the vehicles and fuels that maximised their
profits. The cost premium therefore constitutes a significant barrier. Our
selected technologies come with different cost premiums. According to our
calculations the BEV might be twice as expensive in the short run as similar
conventional vehicles, not accounting for different tax regimes. The PHEV and
the HEV have a cost premium of respectively about one half, and one quarter of
the BEV. Although these additional costs are expected to drop massively over
time, it requires both technological improvement through investments in
R&D, and production of scale to lower production costs. The only way to
achieve these requirements is through market penetration and hence governmental
intervention during the transition phase.
Looking at the big picture it is desirable that less
polluting AFVs, given that all else than price is equal, have lower purchase
costs and lower variable costs than ICEVs. This will create a shift towards a
larger share of the automobile market for AFVs. However, the purchasing price
should only be marginally lower in order to avoid an increase in vehicle
demand. Likewise, the variable costs, such as fuelling and variable taxes,
should only be marginally lower in order to avoid increased consumption and
driving activity. As we have mentioned earlier, improvements in technology
reducing emissions has had a tendency to be erased by higher driving activity.
When choosing which measures to use and the corresponding dosage, governments
need to keep in mind that it is likely to be more difficult to reduce the total
number of cars subsequently than to limit the growth in new cars being made.
Based on the EU emission target and the predicted environmental and economical benefits
of quick reduction showed in figure 1-1, we propose measures that quickly
increase the relative growth of our suggested technologies while at the same
time limit the absolute growth in the total vehicle fleet.
A possible way to achieve these goals is to subsidise
purchasers of AFVs, and increase vehicle scrap deposits (under the condition
that vehicle purchasers replace the old ICEV with an AFV) in order to replace
old, polluting cars with new, and clean cars. A one-sided focus on increasing the
number of AFVs would accordingly lead to a supply surplus of secondhand ICEVs.
This again implies a drop in prices in the conventional car segment which leads
to higher competitiveness of ICEVs compared to AFVs, and vice versa. The
implications from this are on one hand that the old technology suddenly becomes
affordable for people who would otherwise not drive their own car, and on the
other hand that the decline in price of ICEVs would have to be matched by AFVs
somehow. We will not go into specific details about how the scrap deposit
system should be developed, but still there are a few things that should be
added into the equation. The policy measure, here the increased deposit, must
not lead to fully usable cars being scrapped. We assume that sufficient
infrastructure for recycling of an increasing number of conventional vehicles
is in place. However, one has to consider the total environmental benefits of
replacing a high-polluting vehicle with one that is low-polluting in a vehicle
life-cycle perspective. A potential solution, if developed further (and costs
are reduced) could be to rebuild existing ICE vehicles into BE vehicles simply
by replacing the engine with an electric motor and batteries. The process is
fairly simple, but so far expensive132. However, many European cars
share the same platform133 134 which, in addition to some
of the most sold models, could provide an opportunity to develop standardised
solutions that are quick, easy and affordable to implement in vehicles. This
could provide a valuable contribution as it helps replacing the ICEV in the
fleet with BEV faster and without increasing the total number of vehicles, as
well as making use of existing vehicles instead of producing new ones. Several
policy options could be considered to make this solution viable. A combination
of high taxes on driving activities for polluting cars as well as subsidies for
replacing the engine could make it profitable for car owners to make the swap.
There are obviously solutions that are costly for
governments. Nevertheless, the alternative cost of not acting taken into
account, some of the options appear affordable. There are also possibilities
where costs are simply reallocated, from environmentally friendly technologies
to polluting technologies. An example is increased taxation of polluting
vehicles that counterbalance a tax reduction for zero-emission vehicles.
Furthermore, as technologies improve, companies produce at scale and AFVs gain
a foothold in the market, governments can phase out the introduced benefits.
This is important for several reasons including limiting traffic volume,
hindering vehicle/fuel manufacturers and distributors from capturing consumer
surplus, and avoiding free rider-effects of subsidising efforts that would be
made regardless of the support. A combination of eco-taxes and regulations can
provide a requested effect. An emission standard for the average production
allows vehicle manufacturers to cut emissions where it is cheaper. Combined
with an eco-tax governments can provide incentives to reduce pollution further
than the emission standard hence contributing to a dynamic development of
cleaner technology.
5.2.2 Battery technology
The battery technology is, besides the cost premium, the
highest obstacle today. In 2020 the technology is expected to have improved
significantly, and this development should be further promoted by the
government through investments in R&D. Today, the NIMH battery technology
is the most common in new cars, but in 2020, lithium ion batteries are expected
to take over. There are different competing technologies, each with strengths
and weaknesses. Deutsche Bank (2008) mentions four major categories, Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminum (NCA),
Lithium Manganese Spinel (LMO), Lithium Titanate (LMO/LTO) and Lithium Iron
Phosphate (LFP). Since it is probably too early to pick a winner today, an
open approach supporting several alternatives is suitable. Although
standardisation towards one technology could be great for the process
innovation, other technologies may have higher product innovation potential. We
are here talking not only about lithium ion technologies, but also other
technologies that may have higher potential and might be extracted in Europe.
Therefore, continued diversified R&D should be maintained. The batteries
are expected to offer longer range and life expectancy, faster charging; and
reduced size, weight and costs compared to today. R&D policies can help to
speed up the development making especially PHEVs and BEVs both affordable and
technologically superior to conventional vehicles.
Policy options that can help stimulate a diversified and
strong research on the battery technology for AFVs is mostly related to whether
to consider research by different firms or organisations on different
technologies on equal terms or to pick winners. If some technologies stand out
positively, the government should allow for increased support to start mass
production until the technology is competitive. In the end, fewer technologies
allow for economies of scale, but a few competing technologies will be healthy
in order to avoid monopoly situations, insufficient markets and reduced
investments in R&D by companies.
Regarding R&D subsidies the governments need to state
clear goals for what they want to achieve with regards to the electric vehicle
and battery technology, and within which time frames. These goals need to be
followed up. Without a specific roadmap, it will be difficult to follow the
right path. This will also make investors believe in the idea, and be willing
to invest in research, in assurance of that they are on the same page as the
An element that is connected to the battery technology is
the lithium resources. Based on the current production, we have showed in
chapter 5.3.5 that the current lithium production is far too low to allow for
large scale production of BEV today. Even with a high increase towards 2020,
the supply will be limited. In addition to investing in different technologies
and innovations as mentioned above, to secure current imports of Lithium will
be a key element for European governments. Bolivia has the largest potential
for lithium supply today, but mostly for political reasons, they have not been
able to start a production135. The EU could therefore promote
foreign investments in the country, and also offer expertise to Bolivia to try
to overcome existing barriers. This may however be difficult, since Bolivia
currently are nationalising companies, and may not be willing to let foreigners
gain control over their lithium resources. However, a mutually beneficial joint
venture with the Bolivian government, where the EU focuses on helping Bolivia
develop lithium mining and production, and in return is ensured supply, should
be possible. The same strategy can also be used in Russia, who may have large
lithium deposits. Lithium is also available within the EU, and the local
governments can focus on own production, for instance utilizing the reserves in
Finland. One way to help lithium mining would be to consider softening
regulations. To get permission for mining is often a complicated and time
consuming process. However, a full evaluation must be done, accounting for the
positive and negative effects. To map all potential lithium recourses in Europe
would be one important initiative to initiate activity.
Another promising alternative would be to try to improve the
recycling process of lithium. The governments can do this by developing more
recycling stations and improving the recycling processes. Creating public
awareness is also important in order to make inhabitants deposit laptops,
mobile phones and MP3 players at the recycling stations, instead of throwing
them in the garbage or storing them at home. A recycling incentive would be in
place, paying the consumers to return their products. Electronic stores should
be prohibited to accept return of electronic equipment, and recycle them
properly, as is the practice in for instance Norway.
5.2.3 Infrastructure
The need for
investments in infrastructure is relatively limited, especially in comparison
with some of the other AFVs. As long as there is one common standard for the
outlet136 and the vehicles are equipped with converters, you can
charge the PHEV and BEV practically anywhere by the use of an extension cord.
Based on the average daily driving distance of Europeans, both the PHEV and the
BEV can (despite of limited range and long charging time), provide sufficient
range for most people to charge their vehicles at home during the night.
Nevertheless, in addition to travelling to and from work many use their cars
for weekend trips or holidays where longer range is needed. In these cases
there must be available charging posts, parking meters with electrical installations,
i.e. at traditional fuelling stations or parking lots. Today these posts are
typically found at organised camping sites to provide electricity for light,
heating and cooking, and at some private or public parking lots intended for
engine block heaters during cold winters. Governments can easily encourage or
require fuelling stations and private parking companies to provide this
service, although this probably will be unnecessary as it is a low-cost effort
that attracts more customers. Local authorities can install charging posts at
public parking lots and build dedicated parking bays for plug-ins and
electrics. Furthermore governments at all levels can offer charging posts at
parking spaces for their employees as well as encourage companies to do the same.
In London, posts for on-street-parking, which is much the same as parking
meters, have been installed to work safely137. This could also be a
suitable solution for people that are obstructed from pulling an extension cord
from their apartment or house to the parking space.
As for battery replacement stations the investment costs are
far higher. The main benefit of this technology is that “refuelling” takes
about the same time as refuelling a regular ICEV; the car enters a lane and the
depleted battery is replaced by a fully-charged battery, all in an automatic
process which takes only a few minutes138. This technology is developed by the company Better Place and is limited to a few
platforms. Whether the governments should support the development of this
infrastructure is questionable. Quick-chargers that allow PHEVs and BEVs to
regain a large part of their battery capacity in ten minutes provide
practically the same service and seem like a better investment that governments
should make. Installing quick-chargers may constitute the largest
infrastructural investment; however, dedicated parking bays provide the
opportunity for a “quantity discount”.
Other infrastructural measures can be used to favour AFVs
like the BEV. One example is granting access to public transport lanes. This
could typically benefit people driving home from work during rush-hours; a
quite common problem in many European cities. Such a measure would provide
incentives to either replace the old ICEV with a BEV, or purchase a BEV as a
second car meant for city driving. If successful it could effectively
contribute to better air quality in urban areas. Other examples are free
parking and exemptions from city centre (congestion charge), bridge and tunnel
tolls, that impose costs to regular ICEVs. These incentives would naturally, as
we have mentioned earlier, have to be phased out gradually as BEVs increase
market share. Kendall (2008) claims that combined savings from congestion
charge exemptions, parking, and fuel economy can amount to as much as £30 (app.
€35) per day for daily commuters to central London.
Structural barriers related to our selected technologies are
manageable within reasonable costs and efforts and may be somewhat
psychological rather than practical. Policy options need to address both these
issues. Governments can create incentives that benefit our solution as we have
discussed in the section on cost premium.
There are some important, general barriers that need
investigation by governments. We will merely comment on some of them briefly. A
very important aspect is the flow of information about AFVs, especially to
purchasers and investors. In order to gain public acceptance, people need to
know about the products and that the vehicles are safe and reliable. Developing
European standard measurements of AFVs such as those existing for conventional
vehicles can help provide this acceptance. Additionally, in order to set an
example, governments at all levels can replace parts of or their entire vehicle
fleets with AFVs, as well as make a visible statement showing that these
vehicles can meet the requirements of the purchasers. Furthermore, governments
can encourage and stimulate large fleet owners like taxi companies, postal
services, delivery agencies, leasing companies, rental car companies, etc. to
convert, either through setting minimum standards for the AFV share of the
fleet, or through providing incentives such as lower vehicle taxes, company car
tax deduction and green certificates. Such a measure would make AFVs more
visible to the public. Another important general aspect is the need for
collaboration between government and the stakeholders to avoid resistance and
instead create a mutually beneficial joint venture. A use of voluntary
agreements can contribute to more stakeholder ownership of strategies. Again
the need for clear, common, long-term goals should be communicated from the
governments to ensure predictability for investors. This demands credible
policy makers.
To sum up, in this section we have highlighted the need to
reduce the cost premium for vehicle purchasers which is directly linked to
improvement in vehicle and battery technology. Furthermore we have argued the
need for appropriate infrastructure to avoid the chicken-and-egg dilemma. This
aspect is especially important with regards to other alternative fuels, such as
hydrogen, CNG and biofuels. Finally we have indicated some important general barriers
and possible solutions.
6. Conclusions and Recommendations
This master’s thesis has assessed a selection of alternative
fuel vehicle technologies for the European mass market based on four
dimensions: economy, efficiency, environment and technology. Furthermore, a
stakeholder approach attempting to identify transition barriers for the most
promising AFVs was used. Finally a selection of appropriate government policy
measures that can reduce or eliminate the barriers is suggested.
A GREET model
contextualised in a European perspective has been employed to narrow 75
alternatives down to four different fuels in eight different vehicle
combinations, and evaluate the appropriateness of these within 2020. Since we
believe that biomass is better utilised in power plants for electricity
generation rather than as biofuels in cars, and biofuels alternatively can be
blended into normal fuel, we did not choose any bioful vehicles. Using a
payback analysis we found the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle to have the
shortest payback period in 2020. Regarding energy efficiency, the battery
electric vehicle was the most promising. The BEV and fuel cell vehicle were
tied in both energy consumption and green house gas emissions. The normal
petrol engine showed the highest increase in technology improvement thanks to
switching to a direct injection fuelling system in 2020, followed by the BEV
and FCV.
Based on these performances, we proposed some target
scenarios with different vehicle mixes. We chose not to include the FCV due to
uncertainties and high infrastructural costs. We proposed mixes between HEVs,
PHEVs and BEVs, and showed how these mixes could potentially reduce tailpipe
GHGs with over 50 % compared to a fleet running on petrol and diesel in 2020.
Although a vehicle fleet consisting solely of BEVs would be the optimal scenario
in an environmental perspective, limitations in production and a high cost
premium makes it highly unlikely within our timeframe.
Based upon our findings identified potential barriers. The
main barriers for our selected technologies were the relatively high vehicle
purchase prices, the limited performance of the existing battery technology,
and the potentially costly development of sufficient quickcharger
infrastructure. Additionally we identified general barriers such as the degree
of public acceptance of AFVs and the cooperation between policy makers and
As for the cost premium for AFVs, reduced vehicle purchase
tax, subsidies and increased vehicle scrap deposits are suggested policies as
well as fuel taxes and emission taxes that favour clean vehicles over
polluting. In addition, governments should invest in R&D seeking to reduce
production costs. The goal is to replace conventional vehicles with our
selected technologies without increasing the total vehicle fleet. As the new
technologies gain a foothold in the market the incentives should gradually be
phased out.
The battery technology has limitations regarding production
costs and performance. We recommend that governments support diversified
R&D of several technologies and allow for increased support of those on the
tipping-point of becoming competitive and ready for mass production. Further we
suggest that European governments, vehicle manufacturers and investors develop
strategies for mass production of lithium in Europe, Russia and Bolivia.
Finally, improving recycling processes of lithium as well as public awareness
campaigns directed towards making people deposit laptops, mp3 players and
mobile phones at recycling stations should ensure better utilisation.
Infrastructure is regarded as a relatively manageable
barrier as our selected technologies require little more than a wall outlet.
However, due to long charging time we expect installing a network of
quick-chargers to boost the sale. Additionally we encourage governments to
provide incentives such as free, dedicated parking bays, access to public
transportation lanes and exemptions from city centre, bridge and tunnel tolls
for zeroemission vehicles.
To increase
public acceptance, we suggest governments replace parts of their fleet with
AFVs and encourage large fleet owners to do the same in order to make AFVs more
Our final
recommendation focuses on the need for a broad communicative cooperation
between policy makers and stakeholders attempting to find the most suitable
solutions. Clear, credible long-term strategies need to be communicated by the
governments in order to create a predictable environment for investors.
7. Further research
Throughout our study we have obtained more sophisticated
knowledge to answer our initial research questions. However, during the process
we have generated more questions. In this chapter we will propose some ideas
that could be interesting to investigate in future studies.
One suggestion could be to take our usage of the GREET model
further, and to develop a complete model adapted to the European market.
Although we made adjustments, we did not change all aspects separating the US
and Europe. A sensitivity analysis based on the main variables in GREET could
also be interesting to perform, by changing for instance mpg, electricity
mixes, and Well-to-Plant efficiencies. The possibility of changing more
variables could also be interesting i.e. accounting for different weight and
size based on the different vehicles.
Another idea could be to study the effects of biofuels
closer. Although there already is thorough research being done in a European
context, by e.g. the Joint Research Centre, the opinions about biofuels are
divided. It could be especially interesting to investigate the climate effects
of biomass used in electricity production compared to the usage of biofuels in
vehicles. It could be interesting to establish why the EU has a 10 % target for
biofuels by 2020, instead of a 10 % equivalent biomass share, as the EEA
(European Environment Agency) is eager to suspend this target139.
Maybe an action-oriented study on biofuels in Sweden or Brazil could be of
A comparative study of FCVs and BEVs could also be
interesting to look closer into. How will the BEV and FCV perform based on
different fuel sources? How are they expected to develop in medium to long
term? If both technologies make use of 100 % renewable energy sources, how will
this affect the comparison?
In our opinion, the environmental issue is the most
important aspect considering different technologies. To do a survey study could
be fruitful in order to see which dimension the different stakeholder groups
would consider as the most important? It would also be interesting to see which
barriers the stakeholders see for the different technologies, and if there are
important differences between countries.
Moving more directly into the political context we wonder
whether a nation’s vehicle production influence government tax regimes. Will a
nation with a large current automobile production, like Germany, have
incentives to propose less environmentally strict laws than as a nation that
focuses on BEVs, like Norway? And how will a nation without vehicle production
We have emphasised battery technologies, but it is clear
that a more thorough research is needed. Which battery technologies have the
highest potential in 2010, or in 2020? Assessing lithium Ion, NIMH, Sodium
Nickel Chloride battery (NaNiCl) and the Zinc – Air battery (ZnAir) could be
one interesting suggestion. And finally, what will be of most importance for
the consumers, vehicle range or charging time?
It would also be interesting to explore how price-sensitive
the vehicle purchasers are. We have calculated the payback in our analysis, but
we do not know how these numbers would affect consumers’ decisions. How do they
assess a price premium versus a lower fuel cost? How important will the
infrastructure be for potential BEV customers? Will it impact the PHEV at all?
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