Darko Milosevic, Dr.rer.nat./Dr.oec.

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PhD in The Economics and Management of Natural Resources – Regulation Statement Doktor ekonomije i upravljanje prirodnim resursima – uredba


These General rules integrate what already defined in the Call for applications deliberated by the Rector in each single cycle of the PhD in The Economics and Management of Natural Resources. Ova Opšta pravila integrišu ono što je već definisano u Call for Applications koje je razmatrao rektor u svakom pojedinačnom ciklusu doktorske disertacije Ekonomija i upravljanje prirodnim resursima.

PhD in The Economics and Management of Natural Resources – Regulation Statement

The LUM PhD in The Economics and Management of Natural Resources is a 3-year international program designed for highly qualified and motivated students who wish to acquire the research and analytical skills in business and managerial disciplines related to the management of natural resources. LUM doktor ekonomije i menadžment prirodnih resursa je trogodišnji međunarodni program namenjen visoko kvalifikovanim i motiviranim studentima koji žele da steknu istraživačke i analitičke vještine u poslovnim i menadžerskim disciplinama vezanim za upravljanje prirodnim resursima. The program provides students with solid methodological bases and the ability to design and implement research projects in business disciplines, with a peculiar focus on corporate sustainability, environmental management, corporate responsibility, and economics of natural resources. Program pruža studentima solidne metodološke osnove i mogućnost dizajniranja i implementacije istraživačkih projekata u poslovnim disciplinama, sa posebnim fokusom na održivost korporacije, upravljanje životnom sredinom, korporativnu odgovornost i ekonomiju prirodnih resursa.

The program is structured as a mix of full time courses, field projects, and research stages at leading international universities, interactions with teachers and scholars, and a tutored dissertation project. Program je struktuiran kao mješavina kurseva s punim radnim vremenom, terenskih projekata i faza istraživanja na vodećim međunarodnim univerzitetima, interakcije sa nastavnicima i naučnicima, kao i tutiranog projekta disertacije. It is designed for students seeking jobs in academia as well as those who wish to acquire the skills of professional academic research to work outside the academia in different industries as entrepreneurs, managers as well as professional consultants. Namenjen je studentima koji traže posao u akademiji, kao i onima koji žele da steknu vještine profesionalnog akademskog istraživanja da rade izvan akademije u različitim industrijama kao preduzetnici, menadžeri, kao i profesionalni konsultanti.

The faculty is composed of research-oriented scholars with international scientific standing, mainly from LUM University, but also from other Italian universities or from other countries. Fakultet se sastoji od naučno-istraživačkih naučnika sa međunarodnim naučnim stajalištem, uglavnom sa Univerziteta LUM, ali i sa drugih italijanskih univerziteta ili iz drugih zemalja.
LUM University encourages applications from international students. LUM univerzitet podstiče aplikacije međunarodnih studenata. It values their presence in the program as an important contribution to its diversity and intellectual richness. Njegovo prisustvo u programu vrednuje kao važan doprinos njegovoj raznolikosti i intelektualnom bogatstvu. While the program is designed to specialize students in one field of business administration and management, it provides them with the interdisciplinary knowledge that is welcome in the administrative and managerial sciences. Iako je program dizajniran da specijalizuje studente iz jedne oblasti poslovne administracije i upravljanja, on im pruža interdisciplinarna znanja koja su dobrodošla u administrativnim i menadžerskim naukama.
Throughout the program students will find an atmosphere congenial to scientific research and to participation in the international scientific debate. Tokom cijelog programa studenti će pronaći atmosferu koja je odgovarajuća za naučna istraživanja i za učešće u međunarodnoj naučnoj debati. The PhD thesis is expected to show an autonomous ability to identify problems, and to design and conduct original research. Od teze doktorske disertacije se očekuje autonomna sposobnost da identifikuje probleme i dizajnira i provodi originalno istraživanje. It is expected that students will produce articles publishable in international journals. Očekuje se da će studenti izraditi članke koji se mogu objavljivati ​​u međunarodnim časopisima.
The LUM PhD program in The Economics and Management of Natural Resources is on a progressive path to becoming a leading program worldwide in business and managerial disciplines related to the management of corporate sustainable strategies. LUM PhD program u ekonomiji i menadžmentu prirodnih resursa je na progresivnom putu da postane vodeći program širom sveta u poslovnim i menadžerskim disciplinama vezanim za upravljanje korporativnim održivim strategijama.


This is the list of requirements to obtain the PhD in The Economics and Management of Natural Resources at LUM University. Ovo je lista zahteva za dobivanje doktorata iz Ekonomije i upravljanja prirodnim resursima na Univerzitetu LUM. Throughout the 3-year program, all students must: Tokom trogodišnjeg programa svi učenici moraju:

PhD in The Economics and Management of Natural Resources – Regulation Statement

• Attend the courses throughout the first and second semester; • Pohađati kurseve tokom prvog i drugog semestra;
• Pass each exam of the first and second semester: • položiti svaki ispit prvog i drugog semestra:
o Minimum level is C. o Minimalni nivo je C.
o Students who rank an exam with the level of D must repeat the exam. o Studenti koji rangiraju ispit sa nivoom D moraju ponoviti ispit.
o A second D in the same course does not allow to complete the PhD. o Drugi D u istom kursu ne dozvoljava da završi doktorat.
• Pass the General Exam, typically taken at the end of the second semester. • položiti opšti ispit, obično uzeti na kraju drugog semestra.
o Minimum level is PhD pass. o Minimalni nivo je PhD pass.
o The General Exam can be taken at most once. o Generalni ispit može se uzimati najviše jednom. Students who do not pass it are not allowed to complete the PhD. Studenti koji ga ne prenose ne smeju završiti doktorat.


• Define their own research setting, identifying the research proposal idea; • Definisati sopstveno istraživačko okruženje, identifikovati ideju prijedloga istraživanja;
• Nominate the PhD Committee (see § 3): • Imenovati doktorsku komisiju (vidi § 3):

o Deadline is the end of the third semester (typically April). o Krajnji rok je treći semestar (tipično april).

• Give at least one presentation on their research at leading international conferences under supervision of their main advisor. • Dajte bar jednu prezentaciju o njihovom istraživanju na vodećim međunarodnim konferencijama pod nadzorom svog glavnog savjetnika.

o If at least an acceptance at leading international conference is not reached by the end of the fourth semester, students are not allowed to complete the PhD. o Ako bar do kraja četvrtog semestra ne dođe do prihvatanja na vodećoj međunarodnoj konferenciji, studenti ne smeju završiti doktorat.

• Prepare, submit and defend their Research Proposal (see § 3) throughout the fourth semester (typically, no later than August) in front of the PhD Committee. • Pripremite, podnesite i branite svoj predlog istraživanja (pogledajte § 3) tokom čitavog četvrtog semestra (obično, najkasnije do avgusta) ispred Odbora doktora.

• Spend a semester abroad (at least 3 months) in leading Universities or Research Institutions (not mandatory but strongly suggested). • Provedite semestar u inostranstvu (najmanje 3 meseca) na vodećim univerzitetima ili istraživačkim institucijama (ne obavezno, ali snažno predloženo).


• Spend a semester abroad (at least 3 months) at leading Universities or Research Institutions (not mandatory but strongly suggested). • Provedite semestar u inostranstvu (najmanje 3 mjeseca) na vodećim univerzitetima ili istraživačkim institucijama (ne obavezno, ali snažno predloženo).

• Have at least one submission or revise and resubmit of their research at leading international journals under supervision of their main advisor. • Imajte najmanje jednog podneska ili revidirati i ponovo podneti svoje istraživanje u vodećim međunarodnim časopisima pod nadzorom svog glavnog savjetnika.

o If at least one submission to, or a Revise & Resubmit (R&R) from leading international journals is not reached by the end of the sixth semester, students are not admitted to the final defense of their PhD thesis. o Ukoliko bar do šestog semestra ne dođe do najmanje jednog podnošenja ili Revizije i ponovnog podnošenja (R & R) iz vodećih međunarodnih časopisa, studenti se ne primaju na konačnu odbranu doktorske disertacije.

• Prepare the PhD Thesis and ask for the admission to the final exam, under the supervision of the main advisor. • Pripremiti doktorsku disertaciju i zatražiti prijem na završni ispit pod nadzorom glavnog savjetnika.
PhD in The Economics and Management of Natural Resources – Regulation Statement 4
• Defend the PhD Thesis in front of the PhD Committee throughout the sixth semester (typically, no later than August). • Odbraniti doktorsku disertu ispred doktorskog odbora tokom šestog semestra (obično, najkasnije do avgusta). Candidates must ask for the admission to the final exam by September 30th of the third year. Kandidati moraju zatražiti prijem na završni ispit do 30. septembra treće godine. The final thesis has to be submitted to the Teaching Staff Council (TSC) by October 30th of the third year, having the positive expression of the PhD Committee. Konačnu tezu treba dostaviti Vijeću nastavnog osoblja (TSC) do 30. oktobra treće godine, uz pozitivan izraz doktora. Having the evaluation by the PhD Committee, a commission made of at least two members (nominated by the TSC will then deliberate on the thesis, deciding by November 30th of the same year if: a) the candidate is admitted to the final exam; Nakon ocjene od strane Odbora doktora, komisija sastavljena od najmanje dva člana (nominirana od strane TSC-a, onda će razmatrati tezu, odlučujući do 30. novembra iste godine ako: a) kandidat bude primljen na završni ispit; or b) the thesis requires some revisions, allowing the candidate an extension of a maximum of six months. ili b) teza zahtijeva neke izmjene, omogućavajući kandidatu produženje maksimalno šest mjeseci.

In any case, the final assessment of each candidate's admission to the third year and to the U svakom slučaju, konačna ocjena prijema svakog kandidata na treću godinu i na
discussion of the final thesis is in charge of the Teaching Staff Council. Rasprava o završnoj tezi je zadužena za Vijeće nastavnog vijeća.

Enrolled students must attend the PhD courses held at the partner universities, in accordance with the procedures established by the Teaching Staff Council and must carry out their research studies and activities regularly within the structures intended for that specific aim, in accordance with the procedures established by the Teaching Staff Council. Upisani studenti moraju pohađati doktorske studije na partnerskim univerzitetima, u skladu sa procedurama koje je utvrdio Vijeće nastavnog osoblja i moraju redovno sprovoditi svoje istraživačke studije i aktivnosti unutar struktura namijenjenih tom specifičnom cilju, u skladu s procedurama koje utvrđuje Vijeće nastavnog osoblja.

The admission to the PhD course implies an exclusive and full-time engagement of 1,500 hours per year that must be checked by the compilation of a “Register of the Activities”. Prijem na doktorski kurs podrazumijeva ekskluzivno i puno radno angažovanje od 1.500 sati godišnje, koje se mora provjeriti kompilacijom "Registra aktivnosti". Students attesting less than 1,500 hours of activities per year are not allowed to complete the PhD program. Studenti koji potražuju manje od 1.500 sati aktivnosti godišnje ne mogu dovršiti doktorski program. Register of the Activities are periodically checked by the Director of the PhD. Registar aktivnosti redovno proverava direktor doktora.

Within the PhD activities, PhD students are allowed to be involved in teaching activities related to undergraduate, graduated, and master courses held by LUM University and/or other international Institutions. U okviru doktorskih aktivnosti, studenti doktorskih studija mogu biti uključeni u nastavne aktivnosti vezane za dodiplomske, diplomske i magistarske kurseve koje drži Univerzitet LUM i / ili druge međunarodne institucije. Maximum teaching load allowed per student is about 2 credits (CFU) throughout the first year of the program, and about 4 credits (CFU) per year throughout the second and third year of the program. Maksimalan učiteljski opseg po učenicima je oko 2 kredita (CFU) tokom prve godine programa, a oko 4 kredita (CFU) godišnje tokom druge i treće godine programa. PhD students are also allowed to serve as teaching assistants (ie, tutoring activities, exam participation, etc.) and mentoring of undergraduate and graduate theses. Studenti doktorskih studija takođe mogu služiti kao asistenti (tj. Tutorske aktivnosti, učešće u ispitu, itd.) I mentorstvo dodiplomskih i diplomskih teza.


This paragraph summarizes the process through which research proposals will be submitted and evaluated. Ovaj stav rezimira proces kroz koji će se istraživački prijedlozi podnijeti i procijeniti.


The aim of the process is enabling the students to elaborate a credible research proposal. Cilj procesa je omogućiti studentima da elaboriraju verodostojni predlog istraživanja. Delivering a PhD dissertation capable of producing potentially publishable papers entails planning of both scientific and practical issues. Doziranje doktorske disertacije sposobne za proizvodnju potencijalno izdatih radova podrazumijeva planiranje i naučnih i praktičnih pitanja. The proposal represents a first 'reality check' for both students and advisors. Predlog predstavlja prvu "provjeru stvarnosti" za studente i savjetnike. Is the candidate likely to deliver an original contribution to knowledge in his/her selected field within the given time and resource constraints? Da li će kandidat verovatno da isporuči izvorni doprinos znanju u svom odabranom polju u određenom vremenskom periodu i ograničenim resursima? This is the fundamental question the evaluation committee will have to answer. Ovo je osnovno pitanje koje komisija za evaluaciju mora odgovoriti.

PhD in The Economics and Management of Natural Resources – Regulation StatementThe committee is not meant to evaluate the scientific content or the interest of the research questions. Komisija ne treba da procenjuje naučni sadržaj ili interes istraživačkih pitanja. That is something which is left to students and advisors to decide. To je nešto što je ostavljeno studentima i savjetnicima da odluče. The committee evaluates the clarity of the proposal, first and foremost. Komitet ocenjuje jasnost predloga, pre svega. Secondly, it looks at the feasibility and it is meant to raise constructive comments on this. Drugo, gleda na izvodljivost i ima za cilj da pokrene konstruktivne komentare o ovome. But ultimately, the choice of what to do and how to do it rests with candidates and advisors. Ali, na kraju, izbor šta da radite i kako to činiti počivaju kandidati i savjetnici. These latter are encouraged to participate to their students' presentations (thought they are not meant to lead the discussion). Ovi posljednji se ohrabruju da učestvuju na prezentacijama svojih učenika (mislili su da ne trebaju voditi diskusiju).

Please note: the proposal is meant as a 'map' useful to organize the following two/three semesters of work. Napominjemo: predlog je zamišljen kao "mapa" koja je korisna za organizovanje narednih dva / tri semestra rada. What one intends to do, though, may of course change as the data gathering and data analysis processes proceed. Međutim, ono što namerava da se uradi, naravno, može se promeniti kako se procesi prikupljanja podataka i analize podataka nastavljaju. Changes may happen to intended research questions, methods, etc. These changes are a normal matter in the intellectual evolution of a person, and are part of the normal discussion between student and advisor(s). Promene se mogu desiti sa nameravanim istraživačkim pitanjima, metodama itd. Ove promjene su normalna stvar u intelektualnoj evoluciji osobe i dio su normalne diskusije između učenika i savjetnika. The research proposal is not meant to constrain such an evolution. Predlog istraživanja nije namenjen ograničavanju takve evolucije. It is simply meant to provide students, and advisors, with a common focusing device. Jednostavno je namenjena studentima i savjetnicima da pruže zajednički uređaj za fokusiranje.


The PhD Committee is called to evaluate the research proposal on the bases of the following criteria. Komitet doktora je pozvan da ocijeni predlog istraživanja na osnovu sljedećih kriterijuma.
• Clarity: are the objectives of the proposed dissertation clearly explained?
• Jasnoća: da li su ciljevi predložene disertacije jasno objašnjeni? Are the research questions consistent with the method? Da li su pitanja istraživanja u skladu sa metodom? Is the proposed timeline consistent with the objectives? Da li je predloženi vremenski okvir u skladu sa ciljevima? Does the dissertation address both theoretical and empirical issues? Da li se disertacija bavi teorijskim i empirijskim pitanjima? Are they consistent? Da li su konzistentni? Is the expected theoretical contribution clearly outlined? Da li je očekivani teoretski doprinos jasno naznačen? Are the research methods suitably described? Da li su metode istraživanja odgovarajuće opisane? The reason why members of the PhD Committee are not necessarily experts in the field chosen by the student is to understand whether the student is capable of explaining what he/she intends to do concisely: can the student talk to non-specialist? Razlog zašto članovi doktorske komisije nisu nužno stručnjaci na polju koje je odabrao student je da razume da li je student sposoban da objasni šta namerava da preduzme umereno: može li student razgovarati sa ne-specijalistom? That is a required skill if one wishes to target generalist journals (as all students should). To je neophodna vještina ako se želi odrediti generalistički časopisi (kao što svi učenici trebaju).

• Feasibility: are time and resource constraints reliably considered? • Izvodljivost: da li se pouzdano razmatraju vremenska ograničenja i resursi? The candidate ought to demonstrate awareness of the time and effort it takes to do research. Kandidat treba da demonstrira svest o vremenu i naporu koje je potrebno za istraživanje. The candidate thus is expected to prepare a thorough analysis of the activities he/she intends to undertake to achieve his/her dissertation goals. Od ovoga se očekuje da kandidat priprema detaljnu analizu aktivnosti koje namjerava preduzeti da bi postigao svoje ciljeve disertacije. An accurate Gantt chart is expected. Očekuje se precizan Gantov grafikon. The proposal ought also to include an analysis of the problems that might occur and how the candidate intends to solve them (eg, what happens if the survey does not work?). Prijedlog bi trebao uključiti i analizu problema koje bi se mogle pojaviti i kako namjerava kandidat riješiti (npr. Šta se dešava ako istraživanje ne radi?). The timetable must also consider the candidate's job market strategy: is the candidate aware of the 'time and methods' of the job market? Raspored mora takođe uzeti u obzir strategiju tržišta kandidata: da li je kandidat svjestan "vremena i metoda" tržišta rada? Relatedly, for which journals does the candidate intend to write? S tim u vezi, za koje časopise kandidat namerava da piše? Why? Zašto?

Please note: there is no predefined format for the proposal. Napominjemo: ne postoji unapred definisani format za predlog. That is something for all students to decide with their advisors. To je nešto za sve učenike da odluče sa svojim savetnicima. Some people like the three-paper format already at this stage. Neki ljudi vole format tri papira već u ovoj fazi. Others prefer discussing an overarching 'idea' which subsequently will be 'cut' into papers. Drugi vole da razgovaraju o sveobuhvatnoj "ideji" koja će se kasnije "presecati" u radove. Either way can be fine. U svakom slučaju, to može biti u redu. Either way can be badly done. U svakom slučaju, može se loše uraditi.


PhD in The Economics and Management of Natural Resources – Regulation Statement

Throughout the third semester (typically, no later than April), each student will communicate to the PhD Program Administrative Office the name of the members of his/her dissertation committee and a preliminary title of the Research Proposal mainly identifying the research field of interest (see Annex 1). Tokom trećeg semestra (obično, najkasnije do aprila), svaki student će komunicirati administrativnoj kancelariji doktorske disertacije ime članova njegovog / njenog disertacionog odbora i preliminarni naslov predloga za istraživanje, koji će uglavnom identifikovati područje istraživanja od interesa ( vidi Aneks 1).

Identifying the PhD Committee is students' responsibility. Prepoznavanje doktorskog odbora je odgovornost učenika. If anyone does find it difficult to identify the advisor (see below for more detail), it is suggested to contact the Director of the PhD to get advice. Ako bilo kome bude teško identifikovati savetnika (pogledajte dole za više detalja), preporučuje se da kontaktirate direktora doktora dokumenata da biste dobili savjet.

The Committee is composed of three faculty members: Komitet se sastoji od tri člana fakulteta:

• The President, the Member, and the Advisor; • Predsjednik, član i savjetnik;

• The Committee may be extended to include a fourth member, provided that (s)he is a recognized expert in the discipline within which students intend to conduct their thesis research. • Komitet se može proširiti tako da uključuje četvrtog člana, pod uslovom da je on priznat stručnjak u disciplini u kojoj učenici namjeravaju voditi svoje teze istraživanja. Students who intend to include such a member should ask the permission to the Director. Studenti koji namjeravaju uključiti takvog člana trebali bi zatražiti dozvolu direktoru.

When forming the PhD Committee, students should remember that: Pri formiranju doktorskog odbora, studenti treba zapamtiti da:

• They must name the advisor, ie the Committee member most involved in monitoring the student's research. • Oni moraju da imenuju savetnika, odnosno člana Odbora koji je najviše uključen u praćenje studijskog istraživanja. Advisor can be selected among Full professors, Associate professors and/or Assistant professors at one of the partner Universities; Savetnik može biti izabran između redovnih profesora, vanrednih profesora i / ili asistenata na jednom od partnerskih univerziteta; an advisor who is Full professor, Associate professor or Assistant professor at an Italian or foreign University that is not partner of the program can be included under the approval of the Director of the program. savetnik koji je redovni profesor, vanredni profesor ili docent na italijanskom ili stranom univerzitetu koji nije partner programa može se uključiti uz saglasnost direktora programa.

• The Member has to be identified among Full professors, Associate professors and/or Assistant professors at one of the partner Universities; • Član mora biti identifikovan među redovnim profesorima, vanrednim profesorima i / ili pomoćnicima profesora na jednom od partnerskih univerziteta; a Member who is Full professor, Associate professor or Assistant professor at an Italian or foreign University that is not partner of the program can be included under the approval of the Director of the program. Član koji je redovni profesor, vanredni profesor ili docent na italijanskom ili stranom univerzitetu koji nije partner programa može se uključiti uz saglasnost direktora programa.

• They are strongly encouraged to include one foreign member in the PhD Committee. • Močno se podstiču da uključe jednog člana u Odboru doktora.

• They must name the Committee President, who must be a Full or Associate professor at one of the partner Universities. • Oni moraju da imenuju predsjednika Komiteta, koji mora biti pun ili vanredni profesor na jednom od partnerskih univerziteta.


Students must take care of the deadlines defined in this statement, which are summarized as follows: Studenti moraju voditi brigu o rokovima definisanim u ovoj izjavi, koji su sažeti na sledeći način:
1. Throughout the third semester (typically, no later than April), students must identify the members of the PhD Committee. 1.
Tokom trećeg semestra (obično, najkasnije do aprila) studenti moraju identifikovati članove doktorske komisije.

PhD in The Economics and Management of Natural Resources – Regulation Statement2. Throughout the fourth semester (typically, no later than August), students must defend their Research Proposal in order to be allowed in preparing the Final Thesis. 2. Tokom četvrtog semestra (obično, najkasnije do avgusta) studenti moraju braniti svoj predlog istraživanja kako bi bili dozvoljeni u pripremi završne teze. Students who pass the defense of the Research Proposal obtain the status of PhD Candidate. Studenti koji prođu odbranu Predloga istraživanja dobijaju status kandidata za doktorsku disertaciju.

3. Throughout the fourth and fifth semesters, students are strongly encouraged to managed their semester abroad, visiting leading research institutions. 3. Tokom četvrtog i petog semestra, studenti se snažno ohrabruju da upravljaju svojim semestrom u inostranstvu, posećuju vodeće istraživačke institucije. This period as visiting scholar should allow students to prepare their Final Thesis, extend their research competences, enlarge their own network of relationships. Ovaj period kao gostujući stručnjak treba da omogući učenicima da pripreme svoju završnu tezu, prošire svoje istraživačke kompetencije, uvećaju sopstvenu mrežu odnosa. A research seminar is expected at the end of the visiting period, as a result of the research activity carried out by the student. Istraživački seminar se očekuje na kraju posjete, kao rezultat istraživačke aktivnosti koju je izvršio student.

4. Throughout the sixth semester (typically, no later than August), students must defend their Final Thesis in front of the PhD Committee in order to be admitted to the final exam in front of the Thesis Committee nominated by the Rector. 4. Tokom šestog semestra (obično, najkasnije do avgusta) studenti moraju odbraniti svoju završnu tezu ispred doktora doktorskih studija, kako bi bili primljeni na završni ispit ispred tezisnog odbora nominovanog od strane rektora.

It is students' responsibility to manage the organization of: Odgovornost studenata je da upravlja organizacijom:

1. the Research Proposal defense and Final Thesis defense. 1. Odbrana za istraživački prijedlog i odbrana Završne teze. Together with the advisor, they are supposed to collect availabilities of the PhD Committee members and identify a date for defending their Research Proposal (by the end of third semester) and Final Thesis defense (by the October of sixth semester) in front of the PhD Committee. Zajedno sa savjetnikom, trebaju prikupljati dostupnost članova komisije doktora i odrediti datum za odbranu svog predloga za istraživanje (do kraja trećeg semestra) i odbrane Završne teze (do oktobra šestog semestra) ispred doktorata Odbor. Exact dates must be communicated to the PhD Program Administrative Office at least two weeks in advance before defense. Tačne datume moraju biti dostavljene Upravnom uredu doktorskih programa najmanje dve nedelje unapred pre odbrane.

2. Their period abroad as visiting scholar. 2. Njihov period u inostranstvu kao gostujući naučnik. Students should get advises by their PhD Committee in order to identify the destination, hosting institution, and foreign hosting advisor, fitting best with their research interests and Final Thesis development. Studenti bi trebali dobiti savjete od svojih doktorskih odbora kako bi se odredila destinacija, host organizacija i inostrani savjetnik za hosting, koji najbolje odgovaraju njihovim istraživačkim interesima i razvijaju Final Thesis.


The PhD Committee must evaluate each single step in the evaluation process. Komitet doktora mora procijeniti svaki pojedinačni korak u procesu evaluacije. Both Research Proposal and Final Thesis are subject to the evaluation by the PhD Committee. Predlog istraživanja i završna teza predmet su evaluacije od strane Odbora doktora. The PhD Committee can define that: Komitet doktora može da definiše:

• The Research Proposal/Final Thesis is accepted without any suggested change. • Prijedlog za istraživanje / završna teza se prihvata bez predložene promjene. The student can proceed as planned. Učenik može nastaviti prema planu.

• The Research Proposal/Final Thesis is good and is accepted but with some revisions that must be submitted to the PhD Committee in due time. • Prijedlog za istraživanje / završna teza je dobar i prihvaćen je, ali sa nekim revizijama koje se moraju dostaviti Odboru doktora u predviđenom roku. NOTE: What 'due time' means will be decided by the PhD Committee on the basis of the extent and magnitude of the requested revisions and communicated to the student/candidate. NAPOMENA: Ono što znači "vrijeme" znači odlučiti Odbor za doktorsku disertaciju na osnovu obima i veličine traženih revizija i saopštiti studentu / kandidatu. NOTE ALSO that in the case of the Final Thesis October 30th of the third year is the final deadline for the candidate to have a positive evaluation from the PhD Committee, having the candidate to submit the Final Thesis to the NAPOMENA TAKOĐE, u slučaju završne teze 30. oktobra treće godine je krajnji rok za kandidata koji ima pozitivnu ocjenu od strane Odbora doktora, koji ima kandidat da preda završnu tezu

PhD in The Economics and Management of Natural Resources – Regulation Statement
Teaching Staff Council by the above-mentioned deadline (ie, October 30th). Predavački savjet zaposlenih u gore navedenom roku (tj. 30. oktobra). Otherwise, candidates are not allowed to complete the program. U suprotnom, kandidatima nije dozvoljeno da završe program.

• The Research Proposal/Final Thesis is not accepted, and the student/candidate must resubmit a new Research Proposal/Final Thesis in due time and attend a new Research Proposal/Final Thesis defense. • Prijedlog za istraživanje / završna teza se ne prihvata, a student / kandidat mora u odgovarajućem vremenu ponovo podneti novi prijedlog za istraživanje / završnu radnju i prisustvovati odbrani za istraživački prijedlog / završnu tezu. NOTE that October 30th, third year is the final deadline allowed in the case of the Final Thesis. NAPOMENA: 30. oktobar, treća godina je krajnji rok koji je dozvoljen u slučaju završne teze. Research Proposal and Final Thesis defense can be repeated at most once. Predlog istraživanja i završna odbrana teze mogu se ponoviti najviše jednom.

The PhD Committee must submit to the Director of the Program and PhD Program Administrative Office a detailed summary of the evaluation for both the Research Proposal and Final Thesis Defense (see Annex 2 for a detailed form) attesting the final decision. Komitet doktora mora dostaviti direktoru Programa i doktorantu programa programa detaljan rezime evaluacije kako za Predlog istraživanja, tako i za Završnu tezu odbrane (vidi Aneks 2 za detaljan obrazac) koji potvrđuje konačnu odluku.

As an integration of the above presented rules, additional indications are: Kao integracija gore navedenih pravila, dodatne indikacije su:
1. Forms and documentation required to attest the progresses and state of the art (eg, Research Proposal assessment, Final Thesis evaluation, etc.) can be filled, signed, and submitted electronically (typically using .pdf file). 1. Formulari i dokumentacija potrebna za potvrđivanje napretka i stanja tehnike (npr. Procjena istraživačkog predloga, Evaluacija finalne teze itd.) Mogu se popuniti, potpisati i podneti elektronski (obično koristeći .pdf datoteku).
2. Having proven the impossibility by the PhD Committee members to meet in the same place, both Research Proposal and Final Thesis defenses can be hold using online conference systems (eg, skype) through web instruments. 2. Nakon dokazivanja nemogućnosti članova komisije doktora da se sastanu na istom mjestu, i prijedlog istraživanja i završna teza odbrane se mogu držati koristeći onlajn konferencijske sisteme (npr. Skype) putem web instrumenata.
3. If specific and motivated conditions do exist, state employees admitted to the PhD program can submit to the Director of the Program formal request to be partially or totally exonerated from the program activities (ie, class activities, exams, etc.). 3. Ukoliko postoje specifični i motivisani uslovi, državni službenici koji su primljeni na doktorski program mogu direktno podnijeti direktora Programa zahtjev za djelimično ili potpuno oslobađanje od aktivnosti programa (tj. Aktivnosti u klasi, ispiti, itd.). It is responsibility of the Teaching Staff Council to accept/decline such requests. Odgovornost Vijeća nastavnog vijeća je prihvatanje / odbijanje takvih zahtjeva.

PhD in The Economics and Management of Natural Resources – Regulation Statement

PhD Committee composition Komitet odbora

I NAME and LAST NAME _____________________________________________, born on _________________, in ________________________________, regularly attending the second year of the PhD program in The Economics and Management of Natural Resources at LUM University, ____________ cycle, having identified the members of the PhD Committee and having obtained the agreement of each single member to be involved in the PhD Committee, I DARKO MILOSEVIC

 _____________________________________________, rođena u

 _________________, u ________________________________, koja redovno pohađa drugu godinu doktorskog programa u Ekonomiji i menadžmentu prirodnih resursa na Univerzitetu LUM, ciklus ____________, identifikujući članove doktorskog odbora i dobivši saglasnost svakog pojedinačnog člana da bude uključen u doktorsku komisiju,

the PhD Committee is composed as follows: Komitet doktora je sastavljen kako sledi:
Role Uloga
Name, Last name Ime, prezime
Position Pozicija
Affiliation Affiliation
Signature Potpis
President Predsednik
Full professor or Associate Professor Redovni profesor ili vanredni profesor
Member Član
Full professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Redovni profesor, vanredni profesor, docent
Advisor Savetnik
Full professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Redovni profesor, vanredni profesor, docent
A preliminary title of the Research Proposal is: Preliminarni naslov predloga za istraživanje je:
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Moreover, I have attended the following conferences, having presented the following paper _______TITLE________, as attested in the conference program/proceeding/email of acceptance attached to this form. Štaviše, prisustvovao sam sledećim konferencijama, predstavivši sledeći članak _______TITLE________, koji je potvrđen u programu konferencije / postupku / e-mailu prihvatanja priloženom ovom obrascu.
Date, Signature Datum, potpis
__________________________________ __________________________________
PhD in The Economics and Management of Natural Resources – Regulation Statement Doktor ekonomije i upravljanje prirodnim resursima - uredba
10 10
Research Proposal / Final Thesis defense evaluation Predlog istraživanja / Završna ocjena odbrane teze
Today ____________________________, Mr./Mrs. Danas ____________________________, Mr./Mrs. _______________________________________, PhD student/PhD candidate regularly attending the PhD Program in the Economics and Management of Natural resources at LUM University, _______________ cycle, has defended his/her Research proposal/Final Thesis, title __________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, in front of the PhD Committee composed as follows: _______________________________________, doktorski kandidat / doktorat koji redovno pohađa doktorski program iz ekonomije i upravljanja prirodnim resursima na LUM Univerzitetu, _______________ ciklus, branio je svoj prijedlog za istraživanje / završnu tezu, naslov __________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, ispred doktorskog odbora sastavljenog kao slijedi:

Role Uloga
Name, Last name Ime, prezime
Position Pozicija
Affiliation Affiliation
President Predsednik
Full professor or Associate Professor Redovni profesor ili vanredni profesor
Member Član
Full professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Redovni profesor, vanredni profesor, docent
Advisor Savetnik
Full professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Redovni profesor, vanredni profesor, docent
Having assessed the presentation and discussion held by the candidate, the PhD Committee expresses the following considerations: Nakon što je ocijenio prezentaciju i diskusiju koju je održao kandidat, doktorski odbor izražava sljedeća razmatranja:
ð The Research Proposal/Final Thesis is accepted without any suggested change. ð Prijedlog za istraživanje / završna teza se prihvata bez predložene promjene. The student can proceed as planned. Učenik može nastaviti prema planu.
ð The Research Proposal/Final Thesis is good and is accepted but with some revisions that must be submitted to the PhD Committee by1 ______________________. ð Prijedlog za istraživanje / završna teza je dobra i prihvaćena, ali sa nekim revizijama koje se moraju podneti Komitetu za doktorsku disertaciju do 1 ______________________.
ð The Research Proposal/Final Thesis is not accepted and the student/candidate must resubmit a new Research Proposal/Final Thesis by2 ______________________. ð Prijedlog za istraživanje / završna teza se ne prihvata i student / kandidat mora ponovo podneti novu istraživačku ponudu / završnu tezu do 2 ______________________.

President Predsednik

Member Član
Advisor Savetnik
1 October 30th, third year is the final deadline allowed in the case of the Final Thesis. 1. oktobar, treća godina je krajnji rok koji je dozvoljen u slučaju završne teze.
2 October 30th, third year is the final deadline allowed in the case of the Final Thesis. 2. oktobar, treća godina je krajnji rok koji je dozvoljen u slučaju završne teze.

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