Darko Milosevic, Dr.rer.nat./Dr.oec.

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Strategic documents of the Republic of Serbia

Strategic documents of the Republic of Serbia adopted in period 2001-2012 are grouped by the following categories:

  1. Economy and Finances
  2. Infrastructure (IT and Communication Technologies, Energetics, Transportation)
  3. Agriculture, Forestry, Environment
  4. Employment, Social Affairs and Health
  5. Education and Science, Youth and Sports
  6. Public Administration, Judiciary, Human Rights
  7. Defense and Foreign Affairs

1. Economy and Finances

  1. Strategy on Development and Promotion of Socially Responsible Business Operations in the Republic of Serbia for period 2010-2015
  2. Strategy on Development of Internal Financial Control in Public Sector in the Republic of Serbia
  3. Strategy on Republic of Serbia Exports Increase for period 2008-2011
  4. National Strategy on Economic Development of the Republic of Serbia for period 2006-2012
  5. Republic of Serbia Trade Development Strategy
  6. Republic of Serbia Regional Development Strategy for period 2007-2012
  7. State-owned Bank Shares Management Strategy of the Republic of Serbia for period 2009-2012
  8. Competitive and Innovative Small and Medium Enterprises’ Development Strategy for period 2008-2013

    File content
    - Strategy
    - Operative Plan
  9. Strategy on Promotion and Development of Foreign Investments
  10. Tourism Development Strategy
  11. Strategy on Long-term Economic Development of Serbian Community in Kosovo and Metohija
  12. Strategy on Sustainable Subsistence and Return to Kosovo and Metohija
  13. Strategy on South of Serbia Long-term Economic Development – Municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja
  14. Strategy on Market Supervision
  15. Free Zones Development Strategy in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2011-2016


  1. Republic of Serbia Energetics Development Strategy until year 2015
  2. Programme Implementation of the Republic of Serbia Energetics Development Strategy until year 2015, for period 2007-2012
  3. Strategy on Amendments of the Strategy on Development of Postal Services in Serbia
  4. Strategy on Change from Analog to Digital Broadcasting of the Radio and Television Programmes in the Republic of Serbia
  5. Strategy on Development of E-Government in the Republic of Serbia for period 2009-2013
  6. Strategy on Increase of Share of Domestic Industry in Telecommunication Developments in the Republic of Serbia
  7. Information Society Development Strategy in the Republic of Serbia until year 2020
  8. Information Society Development Strategy in the Republic of Serbia
  9. Broadband Access Development Strategy in the Republic of Serbia until year 2012
  10. Development Strategy of Railroad, Road, Air and Intermodal Transport in the Republic of Serbia for period 2008-2015
  11. Telecommunication Development Strategy in the Republic of Serbia for period 2006-2010
  12. Strategy on Amendments of the Telecommunication Development Strategy in the Republic of Serbia for period 2006-2010 (with Action Plan)
  13. Postal Services Development Strategy
  14. Strategy on Development of Electronic Communications in the Republic of Serbia for period 2010-2020.
  15. Strategy on Establishing Spatial Data Infrastructure in the Republic of Serbia for period 2010-2012
  16. Intellectual Property Development Strategy for the period 2011-2015


  1. National Sustainable Development Strategy
  2. Republic of Serbia Forestry Development Strategy
  3. Waste Management Strategy for period 2010-2019
  4. Introduction of Cleaner Production Strategy in the Republic of Serbia
  5. National Strategy on the Inclusion of Republic of Serbia into Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol for the Waste Management Sectors, Agriculture and Forestry
  6. Strategy on Agricultural Development of Serbia
  7. 7. Strategy on Biodiversity of Republic of Serbia for the period 2011-2018


  1. Social Protection Development Strategy
  2. National Strategy on Aging
  3. National Employment Strategy for period 2005-2010
  4. Poverty Reduction Strategy – Internet presentation
  5. Youth Health Development Strategy
  6. Strategy on Tobacco Control
  7. Strategy on Safety and Health at Work in the Republic of Serbia for period 2009-2012
  8. National Strategy on Fight Against HIV/AIDS
  9. Republic of Serbia Public Health Strategy
  10. Strategy on Securing Adequate Quantity of Safe Blood and Blood Components in the Republic of Serbia
  11. Strategy on Palliative Care
  12. Birth Promotion Strategy
  13. Strategy on Prevention and Control of Chronic Infectious Diseases
  14. Strategy on Permanent Quality Improvement of the Health Protection and Patients Safety
  15. Strategy on Improving Handicapped Persons Position in the Republic of Serbia
  16. Strategy on Development of Mental Health Protection
  17. National Employment Strategy for the period 2011-2020
  18. HIV and AIDS Strategy


  1. Strategy on Carrier Guidance and Consulting in the Republic of Serbia
  2. Strategy on Adult Education Development in the Republic of Serbia
  3. Strategy on Sports Development in the Republic of Serbia for period 2009-2013
  4. Strategy on Development of Vocational Education in the Republic of Serbia
  5. Strategy on Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia in period 2010-2015
  6. National Strategy for Youth


  1. Republic of Serbia Public Administration Reform Strategy
  2. Strategy on Personal Data Protection
  3. Strategy on Accommodation Overload Reduction in the Institutes for Execution of Criminal Sanctions in the Republic of Serbia in period 2010-2015
  4. Republic of Serbia Government Communication Strategy in the EU Stabilization and Association Process of the State Union Serbia and Montenegro
  5. National Judicial Reform Strategy
  6. National Strategy on Serbia and Montenegro EU Accession Process
  7. Official Statistics Development Strategy
  8. Official Statistics Development Strategy in the Republic of Serbia in period 2009-2012
  9. Regulatory Reform Strategy in the Republic of Serbia for period 2008-2011
  10. Strategy on Improvement of the Status of Roma in the Republic of Serbia
  11. National Strategy on Improvement of Women Status and Gender Equality
  12. National Strategy on Children Violence Prevention and Protection
  13. Strategy on Free Legal Aid Development in Republic of Serbia
  14. Strategy on Preserving and Strengthening the Relations of Mother Country and the Diaspora and Mother Country and Serbs in region
  15. National Strategy on Resolving the Issue of Refugees and Internally displaced persons for period 2011-2014
  16. National Strategy to prevent and restrain violence against women in families and partner relationships


  1. Strategy on Counter Illegal Migrations in the Republic of Serbia for period 2009-2014
  2. Strategy on Integral Management of Boarders in the Republic of Serbia
  3. National Anticorruption Strategy
  4. Proposal for a Decision on Adoption of the National Safety Strategy of the Republic of Serbia
  5. Proposal for a Decision on Adoption of Republic of Serbia Defense Strategy
  6. Strategy on Fight Against Drugs in the Republic of Serbia for period 2009-2013
  7. Strategy on Fight Against Organized Crime
  8. National Strategy on Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing
  9. Strategy on Reintegration of Repatriates under Agreement on Readmission
  10. Strategy on Control of Rifle and Small Arms in the Republic of Serbia for period 2010-2015
  11. Strategy on Fight Against Human Trafficking in the Republic of Serbia
  12. Migration Management Strategy

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