Darko Milosevic, Dr.rer.nat./Dr.oec.

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What does GPA (Grade Point Average) mean and how is it calculated?

What does GPA (Grade Point Average) mean and how is it calculated?

Grade Point Average (GPA) is the measure used to summarise your academic achievement at Griffith. GPA is calculated with this formula:
 GPA =

The sum of G x P
Where G = grade of result in each course
Where P = credit point of each course

A numeric grading scheme is used to record students’ results in courses as follows:
 Grade Grade descriptor
 7 High Distinction (HD)
 6 Distinction (D)
 5 Credit (C)
 4 Pass (P)
 4 Non-Graded Pass (NGP)
 3 Fail (F)
 2 Fail (F)
 1 Fail (F)
 0 Fail with No Submission of assessment (FNS)
 0 Withdrawn with Failure (WF)
Courses for which transfer credit has been awarded (grade T = Transfer Credit) are not included in the calculation.


To calculate your GPA for courses studied pre-2013, the following numerical value should be substituted for each grade:
  • HD = 7
  • D = 6
  • C = 5
  • P = 4
  • PC = 3
  • F = 1.5
  • FNS = 0
  • WF = 0


Sample GPA calculation

 Trimester 1 Credit points Grade Grade x credit points
 Course A 10 7 70
 Course B 10 5 50
 Course C 5 5 25
 Course D 15 4 60
 Trimester 1 total 40 205
 Trimester 1 GPA: 205 / 40 = 5.13   
 Trimester 2
 Credit points
 Grade x credit points
 Course E 101.5 15
 Course F 10 (omit) omit
 Course G1000
 Course H106 60
 Trimester 1 total3075
 Trimester 2 GPA: 75 / 30 = 2.50
 Career GPA = (205 + 75) / (40 + 30) = 280 / 700 = 4.00


GPA reporting

Your GPA may be reported as Trimester GPA, Career GPA, Program GPA or Special GPA.
 GPA Description
Trimester GPA The summation over all courses with grades in a trimester.
Career GPA The Career GPA uses the grades of all the courses you have attempted over all semesters/trimesters for a particular career level (undergraduate, postgraduate or research) until you graduate, regardless of how many times you change your program.

The Career GPA is used for determining your academic standing status, award of the University Medal and admission into programs at another career level – postgraduate or research.
Program GPAThe Program GPA uses the grades of all attempts at all courses over all trimesters while you have been enrolled in a particular program until you graduate.

The Program GPA is used for determining your eligibility for program-based prizes and awards, admission to another program in a nested suite in the same career level (for example, from graduate certificate to masters degree), and on graduation you will receive an Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) that includes a Program GPA.
Special GPAGPA calculated for a particular purpose by including only certain courses and/or certain attempts at courses in the calculation.
You will find your Career GPA and your Program GPA listed on your unofficial academic transcript.

Students who commenced their studies prior to Semester 1, 2015 will only have a Career GPA.

Read our Calculation of Grade Point Average Policy.

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