Darko Milosevic, Dr.rer.nat./Dr.oec.

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Case Study: The Vision of leadership for starting CSR at Motorola

Case Study: The Vision of leadership for starting CSR at Motorola is:
• To encourage all Motorola Associates in India to "give" - be it time, money, love or a helping hand - and to make "giving with your heart" a habit
• To identify, encourage and support activities covering a wide span of areas like – education for the underprivileged, help integrate the specially challenged with mainstream society, provide support for destitute women and the aged
• To be an Inclusive & Diversity sensitive employer
• To abide by & respect the Environment, Health & Safety i sues by taking a long-term view of continuous improvement and a responsible, short-term focus on our day-to-day activ ties
• To foster innovation by partnering with Indian Universities Motorola has been funding mainly the capital expense needs of the NGO partners. Motorola has funded libraries, school bus, tri-wheeler, equipped audiology, physiotherapy, early intervention labs, hearing aids, Rain water harvesting unit, ICU equipment.

Recently Motorola has enabled Parikrma Humanity Foundation, NGO working to educate underprivileged children, to become a Digital school by interconnecting through interactive classroom setup all of its 4 schools across Bangalore.

Motorolans are associated right from planning, vendor identification, installation & commissioning. Capital expenses are fairly easy to track compared to funding Operational expenses which need more detailed audit mechanisms.

Motorola has a Core group which screens the NGO partners.If the partner’s roadmap is in alignment with Motorola’s CSR charter, the NGOs are asked to submit their financial statements for the preceding 3 years or more, documents relating to their Trust formation, their governing guidelines, Roadmap,
their activities in the recent past & the like. This is verified for consistency & completeness by the Core team.

A simple but effective mechanism to measure the impact is to have Senior Motorolans attend all the events (Annual Day, Sports day, Meets etc) organised by the NGO partner where they showcase the competencies achieved.

The events provide an excellent opportunity to assess the progress of our partners as well as network & interact with the community the NGOs are engaged with.

Additionally Motorola has calendarised reviews with the NGO partners which include site visits.

All their NGO partners like Concern India Foundation at Hyderabad,
Shristi Special Academy & Parikrma Humanity
Foundation at Bangalore have moved substantially ahead in
terms of infrastructure capability & availability of equipment to
provide best in class intervention for their children.
Shristi for example has a more modern setup to help children
inflicted with Down’s & Autism. Their preliminary assessment
capability has also been enhanced enabling early identification
of children with special needs & enabling early integration
with mainstream society.

In lieu of the funds being limited, Motorola understands that it
is important to work with a few organisations for a long time
to achieve the maximum impact.

Motorola has partnered with the CSR arms of multinationals
like Microsoft & donated aged PCs to their “Unlimited Potential”
Programme. If Motorola were to do it alone, it would
mean a portion of the budget would need to be spent on Software
& the like. But by partnering, the same impact is
achieved with minimal spend.

Motorola has invited NGOs like Narayana Hrudyalaya, Shristi
Special Academy, Parikrma Humanity Foundation to open
Trust accounts at Corp Bank extension counters in Motorola
premises. Associates can electronically transfer funds to the
NGO of their choice.

Motorola matches the Associate contribution with an equal
amount. As there is no link NGO between the Associate & the
end user, the Associate has the satisfaction of seeing his
funds fully utilised without any administration expenses in-between.

Motorola has been allowing charity sales throughout the year
by several different NGOs which has enabled them to raise
funds plus access potential volunteers
Motorola in partnership with TTK has been running successful
blood donation camps for over a decade at its premises.
It has also sponsored Student Technical Events in Engineering
Colleges to enable overall student skills development.
COMSWARE 2007 – Gold Sponsor: International Technical
Event in India attended by eminent technologists from all over
the world.

Motorola Foundation and Foundation for Advanced Education
& Research (FAER, www.faer.ac.in) launched a programme
called Motorola Scholar Programme in June 2005. The objective
of the programme is to provide 3 awards to engineering
student projects on using communication technology for rural
India. Students from 1200 engineering colleges in India submit
proposals. The top 3 projects get the monetary rewards.

Towards EHS, it initiated “ECOMOTO Takeback” programme
to cultivate reuse and recycle initiatives enabling protection of
our environment & to initiate industry-driven “responsible care
programmes”. This programme was initiated in the Motorola
offices in India and also in 5 of the Motorola Authorised Service

In the new manufacturing facility at Chennai, where most of
the workforce is from villages and first-time employees, Motorola
celebrated the World Earth Day & World Environmental
Day, through tree plantation, conducting environment related
competition among employees. This helped create employee
awareness about the importance of Global Warming and Climate

Overall gender diversity ratio is at 19 percent competitively
placed in relation to comparator basket of companies
Motorola has “Annual Reach out Day” where the Associate’s
family can also interact with all our NGO partners to identify
possible opportunities to contribute.

Motorola conducts a worldwide GLOBAL day which has
greatly helped in initiating aspects of volunteerism. Associates
are invited to participate in a 4 hour activity at the NGO’s
premises. 10 percent of the organisation has been volunteering
for this programme

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