Darko Milosevic, Dr.rer.nat./Dr.oec.

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Market Model

BREAKTHROUGH!: ReTH!NKing the Fundamentals of Modern B2B Selling

12 Key Questions Your Go-to-Market Model Needs to Address

Posted by Bob Apollo on Tue 31-May-2011
What does "go-to-market" mean to you? Many companies react to new challenges in their business environment by declaring that they need to change the way they go to market, but as Scott Santucci of Forrester pointed out recently, this frequently used term has a variety of interpretations...
CompassI prefer a broad definition, and believe that an organisation's go to market model ought to embrace all the elements that enable them to identify, engage with, persuade, and profitably satisfy a growing customer base.
From this perspective, a successful go-to-market model needs to go far beyond defining sales channels and establishing pricing policies - it has to capture the essence of how a company chooses to do business, and help to align the entire organisation behind this.

12 Key Questions

With that in mind, I'd like to share 12 key questions that I have found very useful in encouraging clients to think though some of the most important elements of their go-to-market model. I hope that you might find them similarly helpful:
  1. What are the common characteristics of your most valuable customers and prospects?
  2. What are the most significant issues you enable your prospects to address?
  3. What are the common trends and trigger events that might cause your prospects to start searching for solutions?
  4. How and why do your prospects choose to buy, and what are the key stages in their decision making process?
  5. What terms would your prospects use to describe what they are looking for when they search for solutions?
  6. What are your prospect’s most significant alternative options for solving their identified issues?
  7. What key business benefits will your prospects enjoy as a result of implementing a solution to the issue they have identified?
  8. What unique advantage does your solution offer over other options available to your prospect?
  9. What are the most effective ways of connecting with your most valuable prospects and generating qualified sales opportunities?
  10. How do you intend to systematically convert qualified sales opportunities into customers?
  11. Which people, and which organisations, are most influential in shaping your prospect's thinking - and influencing their buying behaviour?
  12. What are the key measures, metrics and goals you are going to use to measure the success of your go-to-market model?
There's a logical sequence to these questions: without a shared understanding of what an ideal customer looks like, and without anticipating the issues that will cause them to act, it's hard to establish a repeatable, scalable and predictable sales and marketing machine.

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