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Darko Milosevic, Dr.rer.nat./Dr.oec.

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Junior Researchers in Environmental Economics

The Kiel Institute for the World Economy seeks

Junior Researchers
in Environmental Economics

in the research area „The Environment and Natural Resources“.
Job description 
Research activities in the research area "The Environment and Natural Resources" focus on the allocation of environmental and natural resources. Sustainably using biomass to feed a growing population, to substitute fossil fuels and to preserve ecosystems is one of the key challenges under the current process of global change. The research area analyses the interconnectedness of factors influencing this process by evaluating international and national aspects of environmental policy measures.
The main tasks of this position include the application and the assistance to further develop the computable general equilibrium (CGE) model DART (Dynamic Applied Regional Trade), which has been used for several research projects in the field of climate, environmental, and agricultural policies.
Working environment 
The successful candidate will be part of a project team with several post-doctoral researchers. At the IfW, the successful candidate will join a well-established research area "The Environment and Natural Resources" with prominent research partners and a steady flow of high-quality publications (https://www.ifw-kiel.de/academy/the-environment-and-natural-resources). Being internationally renowned in research and policy consulting, the Kiel Institute for the World Economy provides excellent support to potential candidates who are interested in developing their career in research and policy consulting.
  • Candidates should hold (or be close to competing) a Master’s degree in economics or a related field and have an excellent academic record.
  • The working language is English; excellent English skills are therefore required. Some knowledge of German would be useful, but is not essential.
  • Candidates should be interested in research on land use change, climate policy, renewable energy (bioenergy), or bioeconomy.
  • The position’s primary focus will be on the application of the DART model. Thus, knowledge of CGE modelling and of optimization software (GAMS or similar) - though not required - is of advantage.
The Kiel Institute offers the opportunity to pursue a Ph.D. and supports candidates in various form.
The position that includes CGE-modelling will be based in Kiel and is initially funded for three years at 75% of full-time equivalent. We expect to be able to extend the contract to allow the successful candidate to complete their PhD in a timely manner. The salary will be based on the German public sector pay scale at grade EG 13 TV L. Part-time employment is possible.
The Kiel Institute is an equal opportunity employer. The Kiel Institute works individually with its employees to establish flexible working time schemes that allow them to maintain a good work-family balance and to parent their children optimally. Further information can be found athttp://www.ifw-kiel.de/about-us/equal-opportunity-at-the-kiel-institute/. The Foundation is committed to employing persons with disabilities and will thus give them preference over persons without disabilities if they are equally qualified.
This call remains open until we are able to fill the position. For the first round we solicit applications by June 30, 2016. Applicants should submit a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, relevant publications and 2 letters of recommendation with their name as the file name - here:https://www.ifw-kiel.de/about-us/job-vacancies/Application_Form. Letters of reference may also be e-mailed under separate cover to personalverwaltung@ifw-kiel.de
For further information, please contact Angela Husfeld (mail: angela.husfeld@ifw-kiel.de , Please visit our homepage at: http://www.ifw-kiel.de/research/the-environment-and-natural-resources

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