and institutional ‘lock-in’ as a barrier to sustainable innovation
Timothy J. Foxon,
Imperial College Centre for Energy Policy and Technology
(ICCEPT), 4th Floor, RSM Building, Prince Consort Road,
London SW7 2BP, U.K. e-mail:
Web site:
ICCEPT Working Paper, November 2002
available at
This paper examines the role of technological and
institutional ‘lock-in’ as a barrier to more sustainable innovation, and the
implications of this for determining appropriate policy responses. It begins by
reviewing the idea of lock-in, and recent work applying this concept to
carbon-based energy systems. It then summarises work by the author and colleagues
outlining policy instruments to promote more sustainable innovation. Finally,
it introduces a new project that will analyse how to determine an appropriate
mix of such instruments to overcome the current carbon lock-in.
1. Technological lock-in
Much recent work has begun to investigate ‘co-evolutionary’
approaches to understanding technological change, in which the development of
technologies both influences and is influenced by the social, economic and
cultural setting in which they develop (Rip and Kemp, 1998; Kemp, 2000). This
leads to the idea that the successful innovation and take up of a new
technology depends on the path of its development - so-called ‘path dependency’
(David, 1985), including the particular characteristics of initial markets, the
institutional and regulatory factors governing its introduction and the
expectations of consumers. Of particular interest is the extent to which such
factors favour incumbent technologies against newcomers. Arthur and others have
argued that increasing returns to adoption (positive feedback) lead to
‘lock-in’ of incumbent technologies, preventing the take up of potentially
superior alternatives.
Arthur (1994) identified four major classes of increasing
returns: scale economies, learning
effects, adaptive expectations and network
economies. The first of these, scale
economies, is the well-known fact that, when a technology has large set-up
or fixed costs, unit production costs decline as these as spread over
increasing production volume. Thus, an existing technology often has
significant ‘sunk costs’ from earlier investments, meaning that firms will be
reluctant to invest in more sustainable alternatives. Learning effects act to improve products or reduce their cost as
specialised skills and knowledge accumulate through production and market
experience. This idea was first formulated as ‘learning-by-doing’ (Arrow,
1962), and subsequently, learning curves have been empirically demonstrated for
a number of technologies, showing unit costs declining with cumulative
production (IEA, 2000). Adaptive
expectations arise as increasing adoption reduces uncertainty and both
users and producers become increasingly confident about quality, performance
and longevity of the current technology. This means that there is a lack of
‘market pull’ for more sustainable alternatives. Network or co-ordination
effects occur when advantages accrue to agents adopting the same
technologies as others. This effect is clear, for example, in
telecommunications technologies, e.g. the more others that have a mobile phone
or fax machine, the more it is in your advantage to have one (which is
compatible). Similarly, infrastructures develop based on the attributes of
existing technologies, creating a barrier to the adoption of a more sustainable
technology with different attributes. Arthur (1989) showed that, in a simple
model of two competing technologies, these effects can amplify small,
essentially random, initial variations in market share, resulting in one
technology achieving complete market dominance at the expense of the other.
It has been argued that similar types of increasing returns,
leading to lock-in, apply to large technological systems, such as electricity
generation or transportation systems, as well as to individual technologies.
This shall be discussed below, after looking at the related issue of
institutional lock-in.
2. Institutional lock-in
Institutions may be defined as any form of constraint that
human beings devise to shape human interaction. These include formal
constraints, such as legislation, economic rules and contracts, and informal
constraints, such as social conventions and codes of behaviour. There has been
much interest in the study of how institutions evolve over time, and how this
creates drivers and barriers for social change, and influences economic
performance. North (1990) argues that all the features identified as creating increasing
returns for technologies can also be applied to institutions. New institutions
often entail high set-up or fixed costs. There are significant learning effects
for organisations that arise because of the opportunities provided by the
institutional framework. There are co-ordination effects, directly via
contracts with other organisations and indirectly by induced investment, and
through the informal constraints generated. Adaptive expectations occur because
increased prevalence of contracting based on a specific institutional framework
reduces uncertainty about the continuation of that framework. In summary, North
argues, “the interdependent web of an institutional matrix produces massive
increasing returns.”
Building on this work, Pierson (2000) argues that political
institutions are particularly prone to increasing returns, because of four
factors: the central role of collective
action; the high density of
institutions; the possibilities for using political authority to enhance asymmetries of power; and the complexity and opacity of politics.
Collective action follows for the fact that, in politics, the consequences of
an individual or organisation’s actions are highly dependent on the actions of
others. This means that institutions usually have high start-up costs and are
subject to adaptive expectations. Furthermore, because formal institutions and
public policies place extensive, legally binding constraints on behaviour, they
are subject to learning, co-ordination and expectation effects, and so become
difficult to change, once implemented. The allocation of political power to
particular actors is also a source of positive feedback. When actors are in a position to impose rules
on others, they may use this authority to generate changes in the rules (both
formal institutions and public policies) so as to enhance their own power.
Finally, the complexity of the goals of politics as well as the loose and
diffuse links between actions and outcomes make politics inherently ambiguous
and mistakes difficult to rectify. These four factors create path dependency
and lock-in of particular political institutions, such as regulatory
frameworks. This helps to explain significant features of institutional
development: specific patterns of timing and sequence matter; a wide range of
social outcomes may be possible; large consequences may result from relatively
small or contingent events; particular courses of action, once introduced, can
be almost impossible to reverse; and, consequently, political development is
punctuated by critical moments or junctures that shape the basic contours of
social life.
As modern technological systems are deeply embedded in
institutional structures, these factors leading to institutional lock-in can
interact with and reinforce the drivers of technological lock-in.
3. Carbon lock-in
These ideas of technological and institutional lock-in have
important implications for the understanding of innovation for sustainable
development, and the policy framework needed to promote this. Unruh (2000,
2002) has argued that industrial economies are in a state of carbon lock-in to current carbon
intensive, fossil fuelbased energy systems, resulting from a process of
technological and institutional coevolution, driven by path-dependent increasing
returns to scale. He introduces the notion of a Techno-Institutional Complex (TIC), to capture the idea that
lock-in occurs through combined interactions among technological systems and
governing institutions. A technological system is an inter-related set of
components connected in a network that includes physical, social and informational
elements. For such a system, lock-in is intensified by network externalities arising from systemic relations among
technologies, infrastructures, interdependent industries and users. These
positive externalities, which act to reinforce the dominance of the system,
arise because both physical and informational networks grow in value to users
as they become larger and more interconnected. In addition, institutions evolve
to reinforce the technological system, both in terms of formal rules, such as regulatory
structures, and informal constraints, such as codes of behaviour.
Unruh argues that current carbon-based energy and
transportation systems in industrialised countries form locked-in
techno-institutional complexes, hence the term carbon lock-in. The electricity
generation TIC forms an example where institutional factors, driven by the
desire to satisfy increasing electricity demand and a regulatory framework
based on reducing unit price, feed back into expansion of the technological
system, most recently by rapid building of gas-fired power stations. In the UK,
regulatory drivers to promote the expansion of renewable energy, including the
Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation from 1990 to 1998, and the Renewables Obligation
since April 2002, have not so far been strong enough to over come this carbon
lock-in (Smith and Watson, 2002). In part, this is because other institutional
drivers have acted to reinforce the advantage of current large-scale
centralised generators. For example, NETA (the New Electricity Trading
Arrangements), introduced in April 2001, designed to correct perceived
imperfections in the wholesale electricity market, has reduced prices, but also
reduced the output of smaller generators, particularly renewables and CHP (DTI,
2001). In addition, connection charges are higher for decentralised generation
technologies, such as micro CHP, which connect to local distribution networks,
rather than national transmission systems (Ofgem, 2002). Similarly,
hydrogen-based systems, which some have promoted as the long-term alternative
to carbon, face regulatory barriers in terms of perceived safety concerns, and
lack of incentives for companies to create the large-scale infrastructure which
would be needed (Watson, 2002). In such ways, institutional factors act to
reinforce the lock-in of the current carbon-based technological system.
4. Implications for policy
There appear to be two main implications for policy from the
idea of technological and institutional lock-in:
(1). Existing technologies, and particularly technological
systems, have benefited from a long period of increasing returns. These are
reinforced by the institutional factors, which also benefit from increasing
returns. Together, these can create a Techno-Institutional Complex, such as those
of fossil fuel based electricity generation and transportation systems. This
can act to lock out the development
of new technologies, particularly more sustainable technologies, which have
high unit costs and are yet to benefit from scale economies, learning effects,
adaptive expectations and network effects.
(2). Policies that can act to promote those types of
increasing returns in more sustainable technologies have the potential to
stimulate the development and take up of those technologies much more rapidly
than would otherwise be the case.
5. Policies for sustainable innovation
Previous work by the author and colleagues (Anderson et al., 2001), drawing on the views of
stakeholders from the business, policy making and academic communities,
examined the role of policies in supporting environmental innovation. This
outlined the importance of innovation in helping to solve environmental problems,
and presented the case for policies to support such innovation. The case is
that innovation provides a range of positive externalities, by creating options
for substitution, mitigating against uncertainties and enabling environmental
problems to be solved sooner than they would otherwise, and that policy
measures can stimulate these by accelerating the natural rate of
innovation. In this way, innovation can
help to overcome lock-in to existing technologies or technological systems
and/or lock out of emerging, more resource efficient technologies. A range of
policy instruments that can drive environmental innovation were identified,
including long-range targets; financial support mechanisms; public procurement;
producer responsibility; innovation networks; and modernisation and
transformation of infrastructures. Further work (Gross and Foxon, 2002)
classified these instruments according to: how they support basic R&D; help
to develop markets for innovative new products or processes; or provide financial
incentives for the development or deployment of cleaner technologies (cf.
papers in Hemmelskamp et al. (2000)).
(1). Basic R&D:
The argument for public support of basic R&D for
technologies in the early stages of development is well-known, in terms of the
wider social benefits that can accrue. For example, there is an accepted case
for supporting early developing carbon-free technologies, such as solar
photovoltaics (PV), wave energy generators, and hydrogen-powered fuel cells.
Carbon-based energy sources, including oil and gas, as well as nuclear power
(which is carbon-free, but faces severe waste disposal problems), have
benefited from large amounts of publicly-funded R&D and other financial
(2). Market development policies:
Market development policies can help to create or stimulate
markets for low-carbon technologies. ‘Strategic niche management’ (Rip and
Kemp, 1998) involves the creation of specific market niches where new
technologies can benefit from learning opportunities. These niches can be in
the form of pilot projects in specific, local areas, or in particular
sub-markets. For example, niche markets for electric vehicles in cities have
been created through public demonstration projects (Hoogma et al., 2002). To avoid the problem of ‘picking winners’ in
advance, support could be offered in the form of prizes or secure niches for
innovations that reach specified environmental standards. This type of
‘back-loading’ support has a long history - the most famous example being the
prize offered by the British Admiralty in the 18th Century for a
precise way of measuring longitude at sea, which stimulated the development of
the world’s then most accurate clock (Sobel, 1998).
A complementary approach is to tilt or ‘modulate’ the market
by setting long-term, outcome-based targets or obligations for cleaner
technologies to gain a certain proportion of the market. Such targets should be
legally or economically enforceable, and need to be set such that they are
stringent enough to promote genuine innovation, but realistic enough to be
believable by the market players. In order to allow maximum flexibility, it is
important to allow sufficient time for innovation to occur, and for the target
to classify the outcome in environmental or performance terms, without
specifying particular technologies. Furthermore, by providing a clear signal of
the direction of environmental policy, targets can also influence wider company
expectations and technology, research, investment and marketing policies over
the longer term. The most well-known example of an innovation-driving target is
the California Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) Mandate. This mandate, initiated in
1990, required 10% of new cars offered for sale in California in 2003 (and
beyond) would have to be ZEVs. Because it was based on an environmental
outcome, this has stimulated the development of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles,
which produce zero emissions in use. Similarly, the UK Renewables Obligation
aims to promote the take up of zero carbon electricity generation technologies.
However, concerns have been expressed that, in practice, this will favour
near-market technologies, such as wind, at the expense of ‘next generation’
technologies, such as PV (Smith and Watson, 2002). This example shows that an
appropriate mix of innovation-driving policies is needed, depending on the
state of the industry and the technologies.
(3). Financial incentives:
As discussed above, there is much evidence that the costs of
new technologies decline over time as investment and operating experience is
accumulated. This implies that, especially in the earliest phases of technology
development, when the ‘learning curves’ are steep, each investment has two
kinds of benefits:
the direct economic and environment benefits of
deploying the technology itself;
a contribution to cost reductions and
improvements in efficiency, which are felt in future investments. These are the
positive externalities of ‘learning-by-doing’. They reflect the contribution of
each investment to future reductions in costs and the volume of future use,
plus the environmental benefits arising from improvements in abatement
efficiencies and cost reductions.
Financial incentives can take the form of capital subsidies,
tax credits or hypothecated revenues. Capital subsidies are more appropriate
for technologies that are still at the demonstration stage. For example, the UK
government is providing capital subsidies for early commercial demonstration
projects of offshore wind and biomass energy crops.
Tax credits, on the other hand, may be more appropriate to
help overcome the barriers that prevent the take up of cost effective
technology improvements. These barriers include split incentives, limited
access to capital and lack or time or incentives for change, for
decision-makers acting under bounded rationality (Sorrell et al., 2000). Tax credits provide both a direct financial
incentive and a signal to look for other cost savings. In the UK, an Enhanced
Capital Allowances scheme has been set up to provide a tax credit for firms
investing in specified energy efficiency technologies. Such a scheme could be
widened to include a wider range of low carbon technologies.
Hypothecation involves directing some or all the revenues
from standard environmental policy instruments - taxes, tradable permits and
regulation - to support environmental innovation. This not only provides an
additional source of revenue for innovative projects, it is also likely to
increase the political acceptability of the tax or other instrument. For
example, some of the revenue raised by the UK Climate Change Levy on the
business use of energy has been recycled to fund the Carbon Trust, which
supports the innovation of low carbon technologies by businesses.
6. Policies to
escape carbon lock-in
As described above, the UK, along with most industrialised
countries, has adopted policy measures to promote the development of renewable
energy and low carbon technologies, driven by concern over climate change (PIU,
2002). However, it has been argued that current carbon-based energy systems
form a techno-institutional complex which is locked in, by mutually reinforcing
technological and institutional factors. Current measures are not enough to put
industrialised economies on the path to achieve deep cuts in carbon emissions,
of the order of 60% reductions, which many argue will be necessary to achieve
stabilisation of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations (RCEP, 2000). Thus,
it is necessary to investigate how a better mix of policy instruments to promote
low carbon innovation, alongside other environmental policy measures, could
overcome this carbon lock-in and facilitate the path to a low carbon economy.
A project, co-ordinated by the author, under the UK ESRC
Sustainable Technologies Programme (ESRC, 2002), will investigate policy
drivers and barriers to the innovation of more sustainable technologies in the
low carbon and waste minimisation/product policy areas. This will address five
research questions, analysing and assessing the past and likely future
effectiveness of UK and EU policy measures on sustainable innovation in these
How can improved theoretical understanding of
the co-evolution of technologies and socio-economic systems be applied to the
policy making process?
What is the evidence for how policies in these
areas have previously interacted to create drivers or barriers for the
innovation of more sustainable technologies?
What can the UK learn from the experience of
other European countries in these areas?
How can a more integrated mix of policies be
How would a more integrated policy mix promote
the development and take up of more sustainable technologies?
This research will draw on and involve a network of
stakeholders from the business, policy-making and academic communities. It aims
to provide a framework of process guidelines to aid policy-makers to develop a
more integrated mix of policy instruments to promote sustainable innovation, in
order to overcome technological and institutional lock-in in the low carbon and
product policy areas.
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