Darko Milosevic, Dr.rer.nat./Dr.oec.

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Submitted by

Baha Mohammed Al-Alawi

Department of Mechanical Engineering

In partial fulfillment of the requirements

For the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Colorado State University

Fort Collins, Colorado

Summer 2012

Doctoral Committee:

            Advisor:  Thomas Bradley

Co-Advisor:  William Duff
            Daniel Olsen
            Dan Zimmerle
            John Labadie



Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are an emerging automotive technology that has the capability to reduce transportation environmental impacts, but at an increased production cost.  PHEVs can draw and store energy from an electric grid and consequently show reductions in petroleum consumption, air emissions, ownership costs, and regulation compliance costs, and various other externalities.  Decision makers in the policy, consumer, and industry spheres would like to understand the impact of HEV and PHEV technologies on the U.S. vehicle fleets, but to date, only the disciplinary characteristics of PHEVs been considered.  The multidisciplinary tradeoffs between vehicle energy sources, policy requirements, market conditions, consumer preferences and technology improvements are not well understood.
For example, the results of recent studies have posited the importance of PHEVs to the future US vehicle fleet.  No studies have considered the value of PHEVs to automakers and policy makers as a tool for achieving US corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards which are planned to double by 2030.  Previous studies have demonstrated the cost and benefit of PHEVs but there is no study that comprehensively accounts for the cost and benefits of PHEV to consumers.  The diffusion rate of hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) and PHEV technology into the marketplace has been estimated by existing studies using various tools and scenarios, but results show wide variations between studies.  There is no comprehensive modeling study that combines policy, consumers, society and automakers in the U.S. new vehicle sales cost and benefits analysis.  
The aim of this research is to build a potential framework that can simulate and optimize the benefits of PHEVs for a multiplicity of stakeholders.  This dissertation describes the results of modeling that integrates the effects of PHEV market penetration on policy, consumer and economic spheres.  A model of fleet fuel economy and CAFE compliance for a large US automaker will be developed.  A comprehensive total cost of ownership model will be constructed to calculate and compare the cost and benefits of PHEVs, conventional vehicles (CVs) and HEVs.  Then a comprehensive literature review of PHEVs penetration rate studies will be developed to review and analyze the primary purposes, methods, and results of studies of PHEV market penetration.  Finally a multi-criteria modeling system will incorporate results of the support model results.  
In this project, the models, analysis and results will provide a broader understanding of the benefits and costs of PHEV technology and the parties to whom those benefits accrue.  The findings will provide important information for consumers, automakers and policy makers to understand and define HEVs and PHEVs costs, benefits, expected penetration rate and the preferred vehicle design and technology scenario to meet the requirements of policy, society, industry and consumers. 

I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Thomas Bradley, my advisor, for his extremely helpful guidance, support and encouragement.  His countless hours spent for guiding both my research and writing has been extremely helpful for the successful completion of the dissertation.  My appreciation also extends to his wife Dr. Kimberly

I gratefully acknowledge my committee members, including Dr. William S. Duff, Dr. Daniel B. Olsen, Mr. Dan Zimmerle and Dr. John W Labadie, for their insightful suggestions, which were helpful for improving the thesis work.  Also, thanks to Ms. Karen Mueller from Colorado State University and Ms. May Abdul Sattar from Saudi Arabia Cultural Mission for all of her assistance and support.  I would like to thank Saudi Arabia Ministry of Higher
Education for the scholarship, which helped me continue my studies.  
I would like to thank my wife Reem for being very understanding and supportive.  My thanks go to my parents for their encouragement and continuous support.  
Finally, I would like to give a special thanks to my dad, Mohammed Al-Alawi, for his unending support and friendship without which this would not be possible.    

Chapter 1- Introduction

1.1       Background

The first automobile fuel efficiency standards were passed in 1975 by the US Congress as part of the Energy Policy Conservation Act (EPCA).  In 1978, this legislation set the minimum acceptable corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standard at 18.0 mi gal-1
(mpg) for passenger cars.  EPCA sets a penalty of $5 per vehicle for every 0.1 mpg that the
CAFE is below the standard, and sets up credits that are available when a corporation’s CAFE exceeds the standards [1].  The CAFE requirements have been incrementally increased to 26.0 mpg in 1985, to 27.5 mpg in 1989, and to 36.5 mpg by 2016 [2].  Automakers have developed vehicles to meet these increasing CAFE standards by continuously developing and incorporating a suite of technologies including light-weighting, improved aerodynamics and hybrid-electric vehicles. 
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are hybrid electric vehicles which can draw and store energy from an electric grid.  The benefits of plug-in hybrid vehicles are that they displace petroleum energy with multi-source electrical energy.  PHEVs are generally characterized by lower petroleum consumption, lower criteria emissions output, and lower carbon dioxide emissions [3].  

1.2       Project Overview

The Venn diagram shown at Figure 1 presents the interaction between decision makers in quantifying the cost and benefits of PHEVs.  

Figure 1. Venn Diagram of Decision Makers’ Interactions as Framework for this Study

Decision makers “DM” in Figure 1 are represented by 
              Automakers: Vehicle manufacturers who sell vehicles in the US
              Policymakers: US individuals with power to influence or determine public
policy at state or federal level  
              Consumers: individuals who buy and operate the vehicle in the US

The regions of interaction among these decision makers are labeled in Figure 1 as: 
A.                Regulation of Automakers interaction:  CAFE standards, Low Carbon Fuel standards, EPACT and other legislation influence the market under which automakers design and build vehicles. 
B.                 Vehicle demand and supply interaction:  Automakers and consumers interact through the automobile market to determine the types of vehicles that are manufactured and sold in the US.
C.                 Incentives and Taxes interaction: Consumers and policy interact in a variety of ways.  Changes in fuel prices and taxes, government subsidies for advanced vehicles, tax incentives and other means of financial support can influence the consumer automobile decision making process.
D.                System level interactions:  All decision makers interact to determine the actual characteristics and evolution of the vehicle fleet.  All decision makers must be able to meet their individual and collective requirements for an economic, environmental, and sustainable transportation system.

The goals of this study are to calculate the economic value of PHEVs in allowing an automobile manufacturer to meet increasing CAFE standards, to calculate and study the total cost of ownership of the purchase and operation of PHEV to consumers, to review and analyze the primary purposes, methods, and results of studies of PHEV market penetration and to develop a multi-criteria modeling system to help decision makers in evaluating different scenario of vehicle technology that meet their needs and preferences. 

1.3       Outline of this Document

This chapter (Chapter 1) provides an introduction to the PHEV system modeling research project and presents the outline of this dissertation.
Chapter 2 presents a literature survey of the state of the field of PHEV modeling and design.  Chapter 2 also presents the research questions and tasks required to complete the research project. 
Chapter 3 presents a model for CAFE compliance for a major US automaker for the model year 2008.  Novel models of HEV and PHEV fuel economy and incremental costs are used to quantify the relative costs and benefits of these vehicle technologies.  Results and discussion sections compare the costs of CAFE compliance among HEV technologies, vehicle types, and fuel economy quantification policy options.  The results are put into a policy context through comparison of the effectiveness of PHEV CAFE compliance to that of other alternative fuel vehicles for the period 2012-2016.  The results of this work can inform automakers, policy makers and technical analysts about the value of PHEVs in allowing automakers to meet CAFE requirements.  
Chapter 4 presents a total cost-of-ownership model that will allow consumers to compare and understand CV, HEV and PHEV5-60 technology cost and benefits.  The model also educates consumers about the benefits of PHEV technologies and provides an optimized comparison of vehicle technology based on their needs and preferences.  
Chapter 5 presents an analysis and evaluation of PHEV market penetration rate studies.  This research synthesizes the current understanding of the modeling needs for market penetration studies and the economic feasibility of HEV and PHEV technologies.  This research provides information for researchers, automakers, and policymakers to understand and define the modeling components and parameters that need to be integrated into estimation of HEV and PHEV adoption rates.  
Chapter 6 presents a multi-criteria modeling system that integrates and interacts with each of the previous models to synthesize an overall understanding of the tradeoffs among all of the decision maker and decision spheres presented in Figure 1.  
Chapter 7 provides conclusions to the study and a summary of future work.   
Appendix A presents supporting materials for Chapter 3.  
Appendix B presents supporting materials for Chapter 4.
Appendix C presents supporting materials for Chapter 6
Appendix D presents a multi-criteria decision support system for informing decision making at vehicle level and at scenario level.  The goal of the vehicle decision support system is to determine the most preferred vehicle for a particular consumer, automaker and policy maker.  The goal of the scenario level decision support system is to determine the most preferred vehicle penetration scenario including the tradeoffs among the preferences automakers and policy makers under various consumer preference scenarios.  

Chapter 2- State of the Field and Research Challenges

This chapter reviews the results of studies of PHEV technology total cost of ownership, penetration rate and multi-criteria decision support system.  This is followed by a set of research questions and tasks that are responsive.  

2.1       The Integration of PHEV Technology in Automakers Fleets

The benefits of PHEV technology can be understood only if PHEV types (range of vehicle, e.g. 0-60 miles), PHEV class (EPA classification e.g. compact car, mid-size car or mid-size SUV) and fuel economy methods are integrated in an automakers vehicle fleet model in order to increase fleet average fuel economy (CAFE).
To the identified research needs, there are no studies specifically addressing the use of PHEV technology in meeting CAFE standards for an automaker vehicle fleet.  Current studies mainly focus on PHEV design and performance.  The basis of much of the research in PHEV field is the work by the Hybrid Electric Vehicle Working Group (WG), assembled by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI).  Two technical reports (EPRI 2001, EPRI 2002) have been completed to provide technical specifications for several vehicle classes, including compact car, mid-size car, mid-size SUV and large-size SUV PHEVs [4,5].  Technical parameters from the EPRI reports are used in this study and updated for new fuel economy methods, utility factors and annual electricity consumption.  The EPRI reports present fuel economy methods used to calculate the mpg rating for HEVs.  The utility factor (UF) from SAE J1711 and other FE methods can be used if updated with new values provided by the J2841 report [6].  New fuel economy (FE) methods need to be studied and applied.  The new FE methods should consider the updated UF and modified conversion factor which has been changed from 33.44 to 82.049kW/g (petroleum-equivalency factor
(PEF)).  The conversion factor has decreased as the Department of Energy (DOE) has revised its regulation on electric vehicles to provide a petroleum-equivalency factor (PEF) and procedures for calculating the petroleum-equivalent fuel economy of electric vehicles [7].  Another method should consider the weighted gasoline-only fuel economy for a fully charged vehicle.  
A U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration study has examined the costs and benefits of improving passenger car and light truck fleet fuel economy for vehicles models 2011-2016 [2].  The study includes a discussion of technologies that can improve fuel economy and an analysis of the potential impact on retail prices, safety, lifetime fuel savings and their value to consumers, and other societal benefits.  NHTSA uses the Volpe Simulation model for their analysis and optimization of fuel economy technologies to meet the proposed CAFE standards.  The Volpe model consists of several spreadsheet files that have information about automakers vehicle sales, fuel cost, fuel efficiency, CAFE standards, technology penetration rate, specifications and vehicle fuel improvement.  The Volpe model is not intended to be used to test the effect of specific technologies like PHEV, rather is intended to test different technologies using a decision tree method whereby PHEV technology can be selected only after other technologies have been exhausted.
Modeling the integration of PHEV technology into an automaker fleets is computationally demanding.  Fuel economy methods and system incremental costs have to be studied to be used in the modeling process.  Costs saving to automakers, consumers and society benefits have to be calculated.  In order to enroll PHEVs technology in US automakers fleets a new model must be developed and validated. 

2.2          PHEV Total Cost of Ownership Modeling and Economic Cost/Benefits Analysis

Studies have examined the potential of technological advances in improving vehicle fuel economy in the United States.  Cost/Benefit analysis of fuel economy technologies using analytical economics and automotive engineering methods have been developed and used.  Fuel economy improvement could be accomplished either through using more efficient but expensive technologies or by re-designing internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. 
Automakers have introduced grid-independent HEVs and grid dependent PHEVs to the market [3–5,8].  Some manufacturers have announced plans to develop PHEVs; GM
Chevrolet Volt came out in 2010; FORD PHEV Escape in 2012; Toyota PHEV Prius in
2012; NISSAN PHEV in 2012; VOLVO PHEV in 2012; Chrysler PHEV in 2012;
Volkswagen PHEV Golf Twin E-Drive in 2011; Saturn PHEV VUE in 2010; Audi PHEV A1 Sport-back in 2011; and Hyundai PHEV Sonata in 2013 [8].  Studies have attempted to assess market potential of PHEVs through an economic analysis.  A variety of studies have quantified PHEV fuel efficiency and incremental costs in order to understand their value to consumers [4,5,9–13].  Most of the studies concluded that in order for the PHEVs to be cost effective, their incremental cost has to come down and the gasoline price has to increase above $5.00/gallon [10,14–17].  No studies have considered all of the ownership cost parameters that may affect the cost/benefits value of PHEVs or have included consumers’ preferences toward PHEVs.  Most of studies cited have included only fuel consumption costs model in their PHEV economic model. 
The modeling of fuel economy technologies need to be implemented using a variety of vehicle types, market conditions, driving and policy attributes and parameters.  Costs and benefits of PHEV technology should be linked to the consumer market preference surveys.  A recent study that compares HEV (Toyota Prius 2001) and ICE (Toyota Corolla 2001) concluded that the HEV Prius is not cost-effective in improving fuel economy or lowering emission.  To be attractive to the US consumers the price of gasoline has to be three times more than $1.5/gal and Prius tailpipe emission benefits to regulators and society have to be 14 times greater than 2001 CVs [16].  Based on the PHEV economic model tested in this study, with current fuel costs PHEV technology have more fuel economy benefits than both CVs and HEVs and the consumer payback would be 3-10 years for most vehicle classes.  A model of PHEV economic benefits needs to consider options like incentives and tax cuts which reduce the payback period.
Simpson [10] compared the cost/benefits of PHEV to HEV and CV.  Battery costs, fuel costs, vehicle performance attributes and driving habits were considered in the valuation of PHEV.  Near-term and long-term scenarios were considered.  The economic analysis showed that higher gasoline prices and lower PHEV incremental cost would be required to have PHEV favorable over other technologies [10].  Similar but expanded analysis needs to be conducted.  For example, the economic analysis needs updated fuel costs and the model should consider more parameters.  PHEV fuel efficiency and the utility factor need to be updated.  A study by Kammen [15] compared a CV, HEV, PHEV20 and PHEV60 in compact passenger car and full-size SUV classes.  PHEVs were found to reduce GHG emissions and oil consumptions and improve oil security.  For the PHEV to be economical cost effective under current market conditions battery cost must decline to below $500/kWh or U.S. gasoline must remain at $5/gallon [15].  A comparison between advanced electrical technologies and advanced conventional technologies from 1997 to 2002 studies were discussed in a paper by Santini [18].  Diesel engine, fuel cell, gasoline engine, HEV and hydrogen technologies were compared in terms of fuel economy, incremental cost, and cost effectiveness [18].  A paper by Diamond [19] has examined the impact of government incentives policies in promoting HEVs. For incentives to be effective, the payment had to be upfront and a strong relationship existed between gasoline prices and HEVs adoption [19].  A study by Ogden et al [20] performed a societal lifecycle cost analysis for a variety of alternative automotive engine/fuel options.  The study include the vehicle first cost, fuel costs, oil supply security costs, GHG and other emission costs [20]. 
Relevant economic analysis simulations of PHEV technology to date have not included all of the cost/benefits parameters.  Fuel economy of PHEVs used in existing studies needs to be updated with the new ratings tested on a variety of HEV types and classes.  New HEV incremental costs that include lithium ion batteries have to be considered.  Different scenarios of vehicle purchase have also been overlooked.  The benefits of HEVs have to be studied in greater detail, including different scenarios for fuel savings, GHG emission reductions, payback period and consumers preferences.  Demand curves of market preferences toward the purchase of PHEVs needs to be included and compared with PHEVs cost/benefits supply curves.  A sensitivity analysis of the parameters needs to be included in the economic analysis. 

2.3       Market Penetration Rate Modeling

There is a need to forecast the market adoption to HEVs, PHEVs and EVs technology for society, vehicle manufacturers, power companies and policy makers.  Society will benefit from more economical and environmental friendly vehicles.  Vehicle manufacturers need to meet the CAFE standards and understand the market potential.  Power companies need to model future power demands.  Policy makers need to adjust CAFE standards, assign new environmental rules and, understand various domestic power demand and foreign oil needs.
Studies have developed models to estimate the penetration rate of the currently available HEV technology and the new PHEV and EV technology in the US market.  Four different major modeling techniques used in the literature are agent based model, consumer choice model, diffusion model and time series model.  Agent-based modeling (ABM) is a computer based simulation method that creates a virtual environment to simulate the action and interaction of each agent.  Agents are entities or individuals with specific characteristics that have control over their interaction behavior with other agents in the system model.  It is composed of mathematical models that simulate the actions and interactions of agents within a specified environment.  It considers consumer’s social behavior and can includes other decision makers interacting in the market such as policy makers, automakers, car dealers, and fuel suppliers [21–23].  The agent based model was applied to new vehicle technology adoption field [18,24–28].  
The consumer choice model links consumers demand to a product with their preferences at different market conditions and product criteria [29,30].  Discrete choice models or Logit models have been used in the literature to describe individual’s decisions in choosing among alternative products.  Discrete choice models calculate the probability of individual choosing a specific alternative by incorporating their behavior and alternative characteristics [29].  The two different logit models used are multinomial logit model (MNL) which is the probability of choosing an alternative over all alternatives [31–39] and nested logit model (NMNL) which is the probability of choosing an alternative over the nest alternative [38,40–44].  The discrete choice model was used to estimate the penetration rate of HEV [19,24,29,44–53].  
Finally the diffusion and time series models estimates the adoption rate of a new product based on the interaction of buyers and new buyers [54–59].  Diffusion is defined as the process of accepting a new invention or product by the market.  The new-product diffusion model developed to capture the life cycle of new products over time.  The speed of the spreads of the new product is called the rate of diffusion.  The most widely used models applied to model innovation diffusion are the Bass model, Gompertz model, and Logistic model.  These models were used in the literature to model innovation diffusion [37,55,60– 80].  
The modeling of any new technology is a complex problem especially when no historical sales data exist.  PHEV is a new technology without market data and differ from HEVs, though both share fuel savings and lowered GHG emission relative to CV.  Modeling consumer actions and behavior in the market needs to include the supplier behavior under varying conditions.  The market model needs to use the historical U.S. sales data since it has consumer’s preference in regard to vehicle fleet, class, automaker and brand.  Additional information could be extracted from existing sales data, such as vehicles MSRP and fuel economy, which could be used to cluster consumer’s preferences and economic levels.  Consumer’s preferences towards different technologies at varying fuel and vehicle MSRP need to be linked in the market model.  An estimation of any new technology division rate could be established using similar technology rate such as HEV per each vehicle class and brand.  The model needs to support the diffusion of each technology by incorporating the new carline technology to be available in the market with its manufacturer’s class share in the market.

2.4        Multi-Criteria Decision Support System and Negotiation Process System

The literature contains a long history of government and academic studies of the transportation energy sector and the ways to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, increase the use renewable energy, and decrease the quantity of imported oil.  In general, these goals can only be achieved through cooperation of government, industry and consumers.  In this chapter a multi-criteria modeling system will be developed which can allow for modeling of the requirements and interaction of these agents.  The purpose of the multi-criteria modeling system is to evaluate the quantitative and qualitative costs and benefits of different technology penetration scenarios.  This model investigates different available technology penetration scenarios costs and impacts on US fleets fuel economy, air emissions, energy consumption, and regulatory compliance.  The following sections review the state of the art in the field of transportation and energy system modeling.  
Transportation system models have been developed to simulate, analyze or forecast vehicles’ air emission, economy, fuel economy, energy use and technology penetration.  Table 1 provides a summary of the characteristics of some relevant transportation energy system models.  
A number of transportation system models have been developed to estimate and simulate the air emissions of vehicles.  MOBILE6 is a vehicle emission modeling software used by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to generate on-road motor vehicle emissions factors[1].  Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) Model is developed by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) to estimate emissions from cars, trucks &  motorcycles[2].  The Emission FACtors (EMFAC) model is developed by the Air
Resources Board as the California version of MOBILE6.  Climate Leadership in Parks
(CLIP) tool developed by the US National Park Service for the EPA to measure for park’s GHG criteria pollutant emissions resulting from solid waste, wastewater treatment, park vehicles, electricity use, visitors and other sources at local level[3].  COMMUTER model developed by EPA to Analyzes the impacts of transportation control measures (TCMs) on vehicle miles traveled (VMT), criteria pollutant emissions, and GHG[4].  National Mobile Inventory Model (NMIM) developed by EPA to estimates the current and future emission inventories for on-road motor vehicles and non-road equipment[5].  
Some models included energy analysis in addition to the air emission analysis.  Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Transportation (GREET) is a lifecycle model developed by Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) to evaluate advanced vehicles technology energy use and wells-to-wheels and the vehicle cycle emissions impacts[6]. 
Lifecycle Emission Model (LEM) developed by Mark Delucchi at University of California, Davis to estimate energy use, criteria pollutant emissions, and GHG emissions from transportation and energy sources[7].  Long range Energy Alternatives Planning (LEAP) System tool developed in SEI’s U.S. center for energy policy analysis and climate change mitigation assessment[8].  World Energy Protection System (WEPS) Transportation Energy Model (TEM) developed by U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), to generates forecasts of transportation sector energy use by transport mode at a national and multi-national region level[9].  VISION Model developed by ANL to estimate the potential energy use, oil use and carbon emission impacts of advanced light and heavy-duty vehicle technologies and alternative fuels through the year 2100[10].  
Other models have considered the transportation and energy sectors with an emphasis on economic analysis.  National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) developed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Energy Information Administration (EIA) to estimate energy market behavior and their economic interaction[11].  Intelligent Transportation Systems
Deployment Analysis System (IDAS) tool is developed by Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA) to estimate the impacts benefits and costs resulting from the deployment of
Intelligent Transportation Systems ITS components[12].  It is used to estimates on-road lightduty passenger vehicles to heavy-duty trucks emission rates in California.  IDAS can evaluate impacts due to changes in user mobility, travel time/speed, travel time reliability, fuel costs, operating costs, accident costs, emissions, and noise.  The MARKAL-MACRO Model developed by the U.S. Department of Energy to link the use of energy and environmental resources to the economy[13].  
Other models have been developed to simulate vehicles’ energy, economics and technological evolution .  ObjECTS GCAM is an economy, energy and land-use model developed by Joint Global Change Research Institute (PNNL)[14].  The National Energy
Modeling System (NEMS) developed by Energy Information Administration (EIA) of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)[15].  It is a computer-based, energy-economy modeling system of U.S. through 2030.  NEMS projects the production, imports, conversion, consumption, and prices of energy.  The Volpe model has been developed by DOT’s National Transportation Systems Center to support NHTSA’s CAFE rulemakings.  The model is used by NHTSA to estimates vehicle manufacturers costs, effects, and benefits of technologies that could be added in response to a given CAFE standard[16].  Systems for the Analysis of Global Energy Markets (SAGE) was developed by the U.S. DOE to replace WEPS[17].  It provides a projection of energy consumption to meet energy demand following region’s existing energy use patterns and the existing stock of energy.  Transitional Alternative Fuels and Vehicle Model (TAFV) developed by University of Maine to evaluate economic decisions among auto manufacturers, vehicle purchasers, and fuel suppliers and to predict the choice of alternative fuel technologies for light-duty motor vehicles[18].  Overall, these modeling efforts recognize the multidisciplinary system modeling scope that is required to model the transportation and energy sectors with fidelity.  Still, few of these models consider the role of regulation in determining technological changes, and fewer still consider the overarching role of the automotive consumer in enabling a change in the transportation sector

Table 1. Transportation Models Available in the Literature
Model name
Climate Leadership in Parks (CLIP)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 
Calculates air emission based of fuel consumption and/or vehicle miles traveled
1.     Air Emission
U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency 
Analyzes the impacts of transportation control measures (TCMs) on vehicle miles traveled (VMT), criteria pollutant emissions, and CO2.
2.     Air Emission
California Air Resources Board 
Calculate emission rates from all motor vehicles, operating on highways, freeways and local roads in
3.     Air Emission
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 
Produce motor vehicle emission factors for use in transportation analysis and can be used at any geographic level within the U.S.
4.     Air Emission
Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) Model
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 
Estimates emissions for on-road and non-road sources for a broad range of pollutants and allow multiple scale analysis.
5.     Air Emission
National Mobile Inventory Model (NMIM)
U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency 
NMIM uses MOBILE6 and NONROAD to calculate emission inventories, to calculate national or individual state or county inventories.
6.     Air Emission
Long Range Energy Alternatives Planning
(LEAP) System
Community for Energy,
Environment and
Energy policy analysis and climate change mitigation assessment tool for energy consumption, production, and resource extraction in all sectors of an economy.
7. Air Emission and energy use.
The Greenhouse Gases, Regulated
Emissions, and Energy Use in
Transportation (GREET) model
Argonne National
Full life-cycle model to evaluate energy and emission impacts of advanced vehicle technologies and new transportation fuel combinations.
8. Air Emission and energy use.
Lifecycle Emissions Model (LEM) 
University of California, Davis
Estimates energy use, criteria pollutant emissions, and CO2-equivalent GHG emissions from transportation and energy sources.
9. Air Emission and energy use.
National Energy Modeling System (NEMS)
Energy Information
Administration (EIA),
Simulates the behavior of energy markets and their interactions with the U.S. economy with transportation demand module (TRAN).
10. Air Emission, energy use and economy
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Deployment Analysis System (IDAS)
Federal Highway
Predict relative costs and benefits for more than 60 types of ITS investments. Evaluated impacts relative to changes in user mobility, travel time/speed, travel time reliability, fuel costs, operating costs, accident costs, emissions, and noise.
11. Air Emission, energy and economy
U.S. Department of
Link the use of energy and environmental resources to the economy.
12. Air Emission, energy and economy
World Energy Protection System (WEPS)
Transportation Energy Model (TEM)
U.S. Department of
Model for transportation energy use generates mid-term forecasts of the transportation sector's
13. Air emission, energy use, and fuel economy
Argonne National
Forecasts energy use until 2050
14. Air emission, energy, and vehicle technology penetration
System for the Analysis of Global Energy Markets (SAGE)
U.S. Department of Energy
Integrated set of regional models that provides a technology-rich basis for estimating regional energy supply and demand.
15. Energy and economy
Transitional Alternative Fuels and Vehicle
Model (TAFV)
University of Maine
Economic decisions among auto manufacturers, vehicle purchasers, and fuel suppliers and can predict the choice of alternative fuel technologies for light-duty motor vehicles.
16. Economy, and DSS
Volpe Model
DOT National
Transportation Systems
Support NHTSA’s CAFE rulemakings.  Estimates vehicle manufacturer’s costs, effects, and benefits of technologies that could be added in response to a given CAFE standard.
17. Technology, policy, economy and Energy

A multi-criteria modeling system for the U.S. new vehicles sales under different HEV and PHEV5-60 technology penetration rate scenarios is developed to simulate and evaluate the achieved fleet CAFE, total cost of ownership, air damages and oil displacement.  The first stage starts when each DM revise and change the modeling components for the base case (CVs, HEV and PHEVs incremental costs, fuel economy, fleet volume, fuel price, and discount rate) and then assigning different set of policy and standards to be achieved.  The second stage is to set different vehicle technology penetration rate.  The modeling system will present the result for each penetration rate scenario and the DMs will compare each scenario based on the costs, benefits and policy standards met.  
DMs can negotiate and revise the penetration rate scenario or revise the modeling components within an agreeable components and policy value limits.  The model will give a new set of results within the negotiation space.  The process will continue as DMs revise each model components and technology penetration rate scenarios.  The process will stop when there is a common scenario or DMs agrees on one scenario.  Further analysis will be carried and more technologies could be added to the model.  Appendix D presents two multi-criteria decision support systems models, vehicle technology level and vehicle technology penetration scenario level.

        2.5       Research Questions and Tasks

Based on the challenges identified in the previous section, a primary research question is:
Main Research Question: 
In this research effort the question can be answered by establishing methods and a framework for parametric modeling of PHEV types and their integration in US automakers fleets, regulatory compliance needs and consumer acceptability needs.  The validation of the models is performed by comparing the results of the analysis with or without PHEV technology to the parameter and analysis performed by EPRI and NHTSA [2,4,5].  The validation of the total cost of ownership model will be performed by comparing the model parameters, assumptions and results to other studies work and tested by performing a sensitivity analysis.  At the last stage the results of the validated models will be integrated into a multi-criteria decision support system and negotiation process model to define the optimum technology that will meet and satisfy each decision maker goal.

2.5.1 Research Question 1:

A variety of studies have quantified PHEV fuel efficiency and incremental costs in order to understand their value to consumers [4,5,9–12].  To date, no studies have considered the value of PHEVs to automakers and policy makers in achieving CAFE compliance [2]. Hypothesis 1.1

PHEVs and HEVs represent a net cost of compliance saving to the US automotive industry over other available technologies. Task 1.1: Develop a model of a US automaker fleet and calculate the achievable CAFE. Task 1.2: Update and modify PHEVs fuel economy methods and calculate the hybridization incremental cost using lithium ion batteries for different PHEV types and classes. Task 1.3: Integrate the PHEV technology in the model and calculate the achievable CAFE and the total incremental cost of the technology. Task 1.4: Scenario analysis to calculate the saving/benefits to automakers, consumers and society associated with using PHEV technology of meeting the CAFE standards proposed for 2012-2016. 

2.5.2 Research Question 2:
A number of studies have demonstrated the cost and benefit of PHEVs but there is no study that accounts for all of the variables that may affect the cost and benefits of PHEV to consumers [4,5,9–13]. The problem is that the benefits of PHEV are not well defined. In order understand the costs and benefits of PHEVs purchase and use, this study constructs a comprehensive ownership cost model that has the parameters and assumptions needed. Hypothesis 2.1

The payback period of PHEV purchase compared to CV or HEV purchase is not a robust model for consumer acceptability. By incorporating a survey-based, more detailed model of consumer acceptability, we can gain a richer understanding of PHEV consumer preference. Task 2.1: Develop a total cost of ownership model for a purchase with loan of CVs and HEV 0-60 miles of range.  The model should account for down payment on vehicle MSRP, a loan, vehicle salvage value, maintenance cost, title and registration cost, insurance cost, fuel costs, annual vehicle miles traveled, utility factor and adjusted fuel economy.  The model should calculate the annual costs of each vehicle and the payback period of HEV 0-60 and compare it to CV or HEV 0. Task 2.2: Construct a sensitivity analysis to measure the effects of the model parameters and assumptions on each vehicle payback period and cost/benefits. Task 2.3: Develop a supply demand curves of the market preferences towered
HEV, PHEV20 and PHEV60 cost/benefits. Task 2.4: Develop a user friendly total cost of ownership (TCO) model.

2.5.3 Research Question 3:
Results of recent studies have examined the importance of PHEVs in the near future.  The diffusion rate of hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) and PHEV technology into the marketplace has been estimated by existing studies using various tools and scenarios with wide variations of the results between the studies. Hypothesis 3.1

The penetration rate forecasts of HEV, PHEV and EV are invalid because they do not consider the role of government and automakers in the marketplace. Task 3.1: Provide a comprehensive literature review of HEVs penetration rate studies. Task 3.2: Present the result of each HEVs penetration rate model study. Task 3.3: Provide a set of recommendations and conclusions to improve the HEVs penetration rate modeling and minimize uncertainty and variability among studies.  

2.5.4 Research Question 4:
PHEVS? Hypothesis 4.1

A multi-criteria modeling system can be used to experiment and discover the preferred policy, vehicle technology, and consumer marketplace conditions for PHEV market success. Task 4.1: Update and upgrade the CAFE model to calculate the achieved U.S.
new vehicle sales CAFE using CV, HEV and PHEV5-60 vehicle technology over the period 2010-2030. Task 4.2: Update and upgrade the TCO model to calculate the total cost of ownership of the U.S. new vehicle sales using CV, HEV, and PHEV5-60 technology over the period 2010-2030. Task 4.3: Develop air emission and oil displacement model to calculate the U.S. new vehicle sales air emission and oil displacement quantities and value over the period 2010-2030. Task 4.4: Develop a multi-criteria modeling system that interact with Task 4.1-4.3 models and calculates the U.S. new vehicle CAFE, TCO, air damages, oil displacement and gasoline tax lost under different criteria and vehicle technology scenarios.

        2.6       Research Plan

A four phase research plan is proposed to address the problems defined. Each phase is independent but indirectly builds on each other.  Each phase of this research will be presented in an individual research paper.  
2.6.1 Phase 1:
Involves the development of a PHEVs model for US automakers with new fuel economy methods to quantify the benefits and calculates the saving of the integration of PHEV technology in automaker vehicles fleet.  
2.6.2 Phase 2:
Involves an economic cost/benefits analysis to the consumers accounting for different scenario and including a sensitivity analysis of the parameters.  
2.6.3 Phase 3:
Involves constructing a comprehensive literature review of PHEV penetration rate model studies.  
2.6.4 Phase 4:
Involves the developing the multi-criteria modeling system. 

Chapter 3- Analysis of Corporate Average Fuel Economy Regulation Compliance Scenarios Inclusive of Plug in Hybrid Vehicles

3.                  Chapter Summary 

The US corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards dictate the fleet fuel economy that must be achieved by automakers that manufacture and sell automobiles in the US.  CAFE standards have increased by 24% (for the passenger car fleet) – 35% (for the light-truck fleet) over the period 2012-2016.  This study compares the effects of 3 designs of plug in hybrid electric (PHEV) and hybrid electric vehicles to estimate the cost of CAFE compliance with PHEVs as a component of the domestic passenger car fleet and as a component of the domestic light truck fleet.  Results show that in many vehicle classes, PHEVs with 20 miles of electric vehicle range have a lower cost of CAFE compliance than both grid-independent HEVs and PHEVs with 60 miles of electric vehicle range.  Passenger car PHEVs are shown to provide reduced costs of CAFE compliance than the suite of conventional technologies used to benchmark CAFE compliance costs.  Overall, results show that PHEVs can contribute to a reduction in the costs of CAFE compliance for domestic automakers and should be considered in near-term regulatory and industrial analyses of
CAFE compliance strategies.  

[1] http://www.epa.gov/otaq/m6.htm
[2] http://www.epa.gov/otaq/models/moves/index.htm
[3] http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/env/air/pages/emfac.htm
[4] http://www.epa.gov/otaq/stateresources/policy/pag_transp.htm
[5] http://www.epa.gov/otaq/nmim.htm
[6] http://greet.es.anl.gov/
[7] http://www.its.ucdavis.edu/publications/2003/ucd-its-rr-03-17-main.pdf
[8] http://www.energycommunity.org/default.asp?action=47
[9] http://climate.dot.gov/methodologies/models-tools.html
[10] http://www.transportation.anl.gov/modeling_simulation/VISION/
[12] http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/research/deployment/idas.cfm
[13] http://www.iea-etsap.org/web/MrklDoc-II_MARKALMACRO.pdf
[14] http://cfpub.epa.gov/crem/knowledge_base/crem_report.cfm?deid=212503
[16] http://www.nhtsa.gov/Laws+&+Regulations/CAFE+-
[17] ftp://tonto.eia.doe.gov/modeldoc/m072%282003%291.pdf
[18] http://www.esd.ornl.gov/eess/energy_analysis/files/tafvsml4.pdf

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