Darko Milosevic, Dr.rer.nat./Dr.oec.

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i The Transportation Futures Project: Planning for Technology Change

The Transportation Futures Project: Planning for Technology

Final Report

Prepared by:
David Levinson
Adam Boies
Department of Civil, Environmental and Geo- Engineering University of Minnesota 

Jason Cao
Yingling Fan
Humphrey School of Public Affairs University of Minnesota 

January 2016

Published by:
Minnesota Department of Transportation
Research Services & Library
395 John Ireland Boulevard, MS 330
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-1899

This report represents the results of research conducted by the authors and does not necessarily represent the views or policies of the Minnesota Department of Transportation or the University of Minnesota. This report does not contain a standard or specified technique.

The authors, the Minnesota Department of Transportation and the University of Minnesota do not endorse products or manufacturers. Trade or manufacturers’ names appear herein solely because they are considered essential to this report.       


Executive Summary

The next two decades will see more change in the transportation sector than have been seen in 100 years. The introduction of autonomous vehicles, from a few cars initially, to all new cars, to eventually all cars will radically change how transportation is used. The concomitant electrification of vehicles will provide further opportunities to better optimize the use of transportation systems. Finally, continuing advances in information and mobile communications technology will up-end the way people think about transportation systems. This report explores in eight chapters the changes that are coming.

Fully autonomous test vehicles from automakers and new entrants like Google have traveled in general traffic over 1 million miles collectively.  Semi-autonomous vehicles are already here. Tesla auto-pilot (available in about 100,000 cars), for instance, can both keep lanes and follow the car in front, in addition to automatically changing lanes with direction from the driver. Tesla cars drive over 1 million miles per day nationally, though the amount of that in semi-autonomous mode is proprietary. The transition from human driven vehicles to fully autonomous vehicles is tricky. Some automakers believe that incremental transition is viable. Others note the danger of semiautonomous vehicles that require periodic human intervention, and argue instead for step-jump to fully autonomous vehicles. The impacts described below are associated with fully autonomous vehicles (no driver control).

We anticipate the following timeline for the deployment of fully autonomous vehicles (chapter


      2020 market availability,
      2030 regulatory requirement for all new cars, 
      2040 prohibition of non-autonomous vehicles from public roads at most times.

The consequences of fully autonomous vehicles are numerous. Some of the more important ones are listed below and discussed more fully in the report.

      Increased safety overall as driverless cars don’t get tired and have better sensors and algorithms than humans. If driverless cars are not significantly safer, they will not be permitted. Total fatalities may drop over 90% with driverless vehicles as human error is eliminated. No system can be perfectly safe, but it will be significantly safer. Road designs and sight-lines will be far less relevant than design criteria as a result.
      An explosion of vehicle forms, including new, narrow, single-passenger vehicles, which will be safer than motorcycles given their automated drivers and new structural designs enabled by electrification. People will feel more comfortable in small vehicles mixed with large vehicles if all are automated.
      Increased capacity from existing pavements as cars can follow with a shorter headway and can occupy narrower lanes. This implies far more capacity in existing lanes, and less need to expand roads.
      Higher speeds on limited access roadways, as driver comfort with car-following and speed is no longer determinative of the maximum speed of travel.
      Lower speeds on local streets as automated vehicles better obey traffic laws and slow down to avoid collisions with other road users like pedestrians and bicyclists.
      Vehicles moving without people. After dropping off passengers, vehicles will redeploy to park or to pick up other passengers, meaning there will be many unoccupied vehicles on the road. Freight and delivery vehicles may similarly be unoccupied. Unoccupied vehicles have less need for speed than vehicles carrying people, creating opportunities for differentiating network speeds.
      Mobility for everyone. Children, disabled persons, and others who today cannot drive will be able to achieve the same level of mobility as others with the full deployment of automated vehicles, especially mobility as a service. 
      Lowered vehicle costs (for all vehicles as all user-facing vehicle control equipment is eliminated  -- saving money -- even as new vehicle sensors are added)
      Lowered vehicle insurance costs (as crash insurance is offered by vehicle manufacturers)
      Lowered vehicle repair costs (as crashes, particularly small property damage crashes are reduced and vehicles are simplified with electrification)
      Lowered labor costs (for transit, taxis, freight) as all vehicle types are automated. This implies these modes will be more price competitive than presently.
      Retrofitting rights-of-way so that small lightweight neighborhood electric vehicles don’t need to mix with heavyweight trucks and large cars.
      Roadspace reallocation so that lanes no longer needed for moving or storing cars can be used for other purposes (bike lanes, exclusive transit lanes, linear parks).
      Increased ability to use time for non-driving tasks (see Chapter 2), which implies both bigger and smaller vehicles
      Increased willingness to travel longer distances. In-vehicle time becomes more useful, and therefore less likely to be avoided. The saved travel time and the increased utility of travel are likely to encourage visits to more distant but more attractive destinations.
      Increased gender equality as household chores like shopping and pick-up/drop-off services are increasingly automated.
      Increased willingness to live farther out. People will be more likely to make housing location choices based on their residential preferences (such as school quality, neighborhood security, neighborhood cohesion, etc.) than spatial accessibility

The ownership structure of automobiles will also change in coming years as Mobility-as-a-Service
(MaaS) (Chapter 4) becomes more prominent. Sharing implies a reduction in auto ownership (increased mobility-as-a-service) in cities as car-sharing (Car2Go, Zipcar, Hourcar) and ridesharing (Uber, Lyft, taxi) converge into a single driverless service that provides the right-size car for a given trip on a per-trip basis. While the degree to which people will give up the on-demand convenience of owning a car is unclear, it is far more likely in large cities where people rent apartments and car ownership is a hassle, than in rural areas, where response times of car rental will be larger. MaaS has a number of implications:

      The average age of the car will be younger, as shared vehicles are utilized more hours per day and turn-over more quickly. Cars become more like phones and less like long-lasting durable goods.
      The average size of car will be smaller as firms can right-size the fleet for demand, in contrast with privately owned cars, which are typically sized for extreme or unusual uses, rather than the daily one- or two-person trips.
      MaaS customers will travel less frequently than those who own cars, as they will pay outof-pocket for capital costs each trip, while those who own cars forget about the sunk cost of ownership, which is paid for independent of the number of trips made.
      Streets will need to be redesigned to favor loading and unloading passengers, rather than on-street parking.
      Sharing implies an increased willingness to live in cities, which will be cleaner, safer, and more accessible with electric, automated, and shared vehicles respectively.

Information and communications technologies (Chapter 3) are changing travel demand patterns. Work at home, now at 4.4 percent, is rising, and while unlikely to replace all or even most work outside the home in the next two to three decades (when still fewer than 10 percent of workers are likely to work at home), it can certainly substitute in significant ways for many information economy jobs, and for the information-rich components of traditional jobs. Part-time telecommuting can reduce peak travel, both by shifting the time-of-day when commutes occur and avoiding it on select days altogether. Online shopping continues to grow, and is now about 8% of retail sales, and it could continue to rise to upward of 50% of retail activity, leading to a substitution of delivery for many more shopping tasks. The rise of virtual connectivity has occurred at the same time that the amount of in-person interaction has fallen in the past decade.

Yet, information and communication technologies (ICT) not only reduce travel and but also induce new travel. For telecommuting, the key findings include the following:
      Telecommuting reduces commute travel during both peak and non-peak hours;
      Telecommuting enables commuters to move farther away from their employment location and become even more auto-dependent;
      Telecommuting increases non-work travel, which takes place mostly close to home;
      Telecommuting reduces vehicle miles traveled (VMT) slightly, but it helps mitigate the growth of congestion on freeways;  
For e-shopping, the literature shows that
      Online searching is positively associated with store shopping and people who buy online also buy in person more; 
      Studies are mixed on whether e-shopping reduces travel to stores and other leisure activities in the short term;
      E-shopping for now digital products (books, records, videos) has already changed retail patterns and shopping travel behavior; 
      Online buying increases delivery traffic and freight transportation;
      Existing studies are based on the small share of e-shopping in retail industries.  If its share is large enough to change the distribution of commercial land uses in the region, e-shopping will have a profound effect on shopping-related travel.   

ICT are often promoted as a virtue alternative to physical travel, but transportation planners should be realistic about the relationships between ICT and travel: Although the short-term effect of ICT on travel may be substitution, in the long term, travel demand has historically grown as ICT demand increases. 

New sensors (Chapter 5) attached to the vehicle, person, and roadway will create increasing streams of information about real-time conditions on all transportation systems. This should have numerous applications, for instance, enabling transportation agencies to improve traffic signal timing, and better matching of supply to demand. Connected vehicles are coming independent of automated vehicles. Whether the infrastructure providers add intelligence to their road and signal systems (for instance, telling vehicles when the light is about to change) is an open question.

The potential transition away from gasoline is another important change confronting the transportation sector (Energy -Chapter 6). The timeline for electrification is similar but slower than that for automation. Though automated vehicles need not be electric, and electric vehicles need not be automated, we expect these systems to track and both see increasing deployment. If current trends hold, electric vehicles (EVs) may make up 68% of new car sales by 2050. This number is highly dependent on gasoline prices and environmental regulations. Minnesota will likely lag the US as the cold weather is less conducive to EVs than the US as a whole.

Electricity generation costs are dropping, as are battery storage costs. There are new opportunities for in-roadway electric charging (dynamic wireless power transfer), probably beginning with buses at bus stops, that should be explored by transportation agencies. The advantage of such charging systems are a reduction in on-board battery storage weight required, which greatly improves vehicle efficiency (since energy is not consumed moving around stored energy).  Gasoline remains the fuel to beat, and if gasoline costs remain low, electric vehicle deployment will be slower. Other fuels like methanol have an opportunity  to become more significant, especially for truck fleets, for which electrification is much less efficient. Urban fleets with a lot of stop-start activity may see hybrid electric vehicles.

We anticipate a reduction in energy consumption overall per distance traveled with reductions in vehicle weight for passenger cars and more efficient use of trucks (which are likely to get heavier, as they carry larger loads). 

Biofuel use for surface transportation is likely to plateau near existing use levels; however, it may increasingly be used in the electricity sector (and thus indirectly for an increasingly electrified transportation sector).

Importantly, a reduction in gasoline consumption has large implications for transport financing. The lack of user fees for electric vehicles is a growing inequity that creates opportunities to move toward road pricing, as discussed below

Pricing (Chapter 7) transportation proportionate to use has been a holy grail for transportation economists for decades. Pricing can be used to reduce or eliminate congestion by managing demand so that it does not exceed available supply. However, to date, it has been technologically and politically difficult to implement such a system. The advent of electronic toll collection (ETC) in the 1990s has resulted in a small resurgence in the number of toll roads, but there is no evidence that individual toll roads will expand to be a significant share of all roads anytime soon.  

Cities like Singapore, London, and Stockholm have established congestion charging zones. However, urban congestion charges have yet to be deployed in any large US city, and are unlikely to come to Minnesota before playing on the more congested New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago stages.

High occupancy toll lanes, such as the MnPASS lanes in Minnesota, are being deployed at a more rapid rate. The additional merit of these lanes is the opportunity to have this converted to serve automated-only traffic much sooner than all roads can be, providing a much higher throughput than general purpose lanes. This could occur as soon as 2025, and provide a decade of additional road capacity before human-driven cars are driven-off the freeway for the last time.

Notably, EVs do not pay gas tax. (And hybrid electric vehicles pay much less per mile in gas tax than traditional internal combustion engine vehicles). As EVs gain market share, if the user-pays principle is to be maintained and reinforced, a new financing system needs to be found for these vehicles. This provides an opportunity to implement mileage charges with off-peak discounts, helping spread the peak and better-use road capacity. Phasing in road pricing one electric vehicle at a time seems the most promising strategy to deploy pricing on roads without the risks of a new large-scale system deployment.

Logistics (Chapter 8) identifies a number of potential changes affecting the freight sector and how goods are delivered. Automation will affect deliveries as it has changed passenger transportation. A variety of automated delivery systems are likely to trialed in the coming decade, as distributors and retailers aim to connect directly to customers. 

On the logistics side, there are a number of changes enabled by information technologies. Supply chain network pooling and the physical Internet for long-distance shipments may become increasingly common as a means of getting better capacity utilization out of vehicles and drivers or vehicle controllers. Similarly efficiencies can be garnered through consolidated home delivery. All of these mean that fewer, but heavier trucks will be using Minnesota roads. Same day delivery in business-to-business, and more significantly, in business-to-consumer sectors is also likely to become more common, reducing shopping trips, and making online purchasing even more spontaneous, but in the net not affecting road usage much in terms of amount, but perhaps more in terms of additional traffic in evening and weekend periods.

The overall conclusions are complex, but they suggest significant changes in the transportation sector over the coming few decades. Business-as-usual practices will need to change consistent with changing technologies and their effect on both supply and demand.

Chapter 1: Autonomous Vehicles

In March 2004, DARPA1 hosted the first Grand Challenge on vehicle automation. Set in the Mojave Desert (crossing the Nevada - California border), with $1 million going to the winner, the objective was for driverless cars to complete a 150 mile (240 km) route. Carnegie Mellon University's robot vehicle finished first, by completing almost 5 percent of the route, but was not awarded the prize. A second Grand Challenge was held in October 2005. Five vehicles completed the course, and Stanford University's team won with a time of just under 7 hours.2 In little over 18 months, vehicle automation technology rapidly improved.

Two years later, in November 2007, DARPA established the Urban Challenge on a closed course at George Air Force Base. The 60 mile (96 km) route resembled an urban obstacle course. Carnegie Mellon took first, completing the run in just over 4 hours. Stanford secured second at just under four and a half hours. Unlike the Grand Challenges, cars had to have more sophisticated and intelligent sensors. Though road quality was better (paved rather than off-road), the challenge was far more challenging. 

A more important outcome (perhaps) is that Google hired many of the leaders of the Stanford and Carnegie Mellon teams,3 including Sebastian Thrun of Stanford and Chris Urmson of CMU, for their own internal secret project, which they announced in 2010. Google Cars had at that time driven 1,000 miles (1,600 km) without human intervention and 140,000 miles with limited control around the San Francisco Bay Area, see Figure 1.2.4  Google cars have now had more than a dozen crashes, and at least one of which resulted in injury.  Google's official position is that none of the safety events were caused by Google’s vehicles or vehicle technology. There is some concern that automated vehicles have different driving styles than following human drivers may be used to, causing potential conflicts.

To date, Google's cars are very map-dependent, running where the roads have been mapped out in detail, so that they can compare what they see with what they expect to see.5 That strategy has strengths and weaknesses. The strength is a reduction in computation costs and better understanding
1       DARPA stands for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency; it is a unit of the Department of Defense, as driverless cars have obvious military application.
2       Carnegie Mellon teams took second and third place. The Gray Insurance Company from New Orleans and Oshkosh Trucks also completed the course.
3       Markoff,               John       (2010)    Google   Cars        Drive      Themselves,          in             Traffic. New        York       Times  

          Erico        Guizzo       (2011-10-18)       How        Google's        Self-Driving        Car        Works       IEEE       Spectrum
140,000 - http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/10/what-were-driving-at.html
300,000 http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-self-driving-car-logs-more-miles-on.html
500,000 http://www.businessinsider.com/google-self-driving-car-problems-2013-3?op=1
5 Alexis Madrigal @ The Atlantic: How Google Builds Its Mapsand What It Means for the Future of Everything Technology : http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/print/2012/09/how-google-builds-its-maps-and-what-it-meansfor-the-future-of-everything/261913/
and anticipation of the environment. Weaknesses include that (1) not everywhere is necessarily mapped, (there may be “Google deserts”, for instances some places are private property, and (2) the world changes, the map cannot be updated instantaneously. The first Google style AV to pass the unmapped or incorrectly mapped area will update the map as it passes, but it will of course need the capability of traveling with unmapped, incompletely mapped, or incorrectly mapped instances. And if it can do that autonomously, does it really need the map to proceed? It cannot do that autonomously, there remain issues with autonomous to human control interfaces.

Box 1: NHTSA (2013) Policy on Automated Vehicle Development

No-Automation (Level 0): The driver is in complete and sole control of the primary vehicle controls – brake, steering, throttle, and motive power – at all times.
Function-specific Automation (Level 1): Automation at this level involves one or more specific control functions. Examples include electronic stability control or pre-charged brakes, where the vehicle automatically assists with braking to enable the driver to regain control of the vehicle or stop faster than possible by acting alone.
Combined Function Automation (Level 2): This level involves automation of at least two primary control functions designed to work in unison to relieve the driver of control of those functions. An example of combined functions enabling a Level 2 system is adaptive cruise control in combination with lane centering.
Limited Self-Driving Automation (Level 3): Vehicles at this level of automation enable the driver to cede full control of all safety-critical functions under certain traffic or environmental conditions and in those conditions to rely heavily on the vehicle to monitor for changes in those conditions requiring transition back to driver control. The driver is expected to be available for occasional control, but with sufficiently comfortable transition time. Google’s converted test vehicles are an example of limited self-driving automation.
Full Self-Driving Automation (Level 4): The vehicle is designed to perform all safetycritical driving functions and monitor roadway conditions for an entire trip. Such a design anticipates that the driver will provide destination or navigation input, but is not expected to be available for control at any time during the trip. This includes both occupied and unoccupied vehicles. Google’s new “bug-like” car design without a steering wheel or brakes is an example.
In Fall of 2015, the electric vehicle automaker Tesla remotely upgraded its most recent model year cars (about 50,000 vehicles) with “auto-pilot”, making them semi-autonomous (late Level 2, early Level 3).[1] Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, says he expects fully autonomous vehicles within 3 years (i.e. by 2018). 
A test ride by this report’s first author indicates that upgraded Teslas are able to function in handsoff mode some of the time. They use adaptive cruise control to follow the vehicle in front at a desired speed constrained by a fixed following distance and use lane markings to stay in the travel lane. They change lanes automatically at the request of the driver (who must hit the turn signal). 
As of fall 2015, none of these functions can be safely performed in a Tesla running “Auto-pilot” without driver observation and monitoring. In fact, the vehicle requires the driver to periodically return hands to the steering wheel. The vehicles do not yet automatically stop at traffic lights or stop signs, though it is assumed that engineers are working on and testing those functionalities. Ambiguities in lane markings (for instance at freeway merges and diverges, or as a result of road construction or restriping) still create difficulties for the vehicle in Auto-Pilot mode. First person observations are that vehicles still over-react on curves (following the average of the inside and outside curve, rather than a fixed distance from the inside curve). Additionally, the give-way game between merging vehicles and an on-road Tesla cannot yet be safely conducted in the absence of driver intervention. At this stage, there is no obviously linkage between satellite navigation and mapping and the control function. Teslas appear to be map-independent, and controls are through on-vehicle sensors.
These are not the first serious attempts at autonomous cars.[2] At Demo '97 Automated Highway Systems were successfully demonstrated. [3] Cars could travel at high speeds, without driver intervention when closely (1 meter) following, on an isolated test track. It has long been envisioned, dating back to the 1930s and the GM Futurama exhibition designed by Norman Bel
Geddes at the
While a technological success, the Automated Highway Systems programs were a political failure, and the program was cancelled. The reason for this is clear in retrospect: there was no deployment path. No one would build limited-access roads for a very few specialized cars. No one would buy cars that could be fully used only on selected lanes. Autonomous vehicles running in mixed traffic solve this chicken and egg problem, since they will be useful without special infrastructure, at the cost of much higher complexity.

However, after a critical mass of autonomous vehicles hits the road, and once all the bugs are worked out, there will be potential gains (closer following, narrower lanes) for them to travel in autonomousonly lanes rather than mixed traffic. Existing managed lanes can be dedicated to AVs. Even general purpose lanes can be designated and redesigned to AV-only traffic in order to increase total system throughput. We may get special AV lanes on highways as an interim step before all lanes on all highways are for AVs only, and before non-AV cars are prohibited.

New players like Google, Tesla, Uber, Apple and others are making serious investments in taking the driver out-of-the-loop for vehicle control. Further, after six decades of technological dormancy, the traditional automakers are responding to the DARPA Urban Challenge. For instance, Delphi, an auto parts manufacturer spun-off from General Motors, drove an automated Audi 3,500 miles (5,600 km) cross-country in March of 2015, with hands-off control 99 percent of the time.[4] In fact, Delphi’s forerunner (GM Subsidiary) Delco sponsored a similar trip in 1995 by Carnegie Mellon scientists, where the computer navigated 98.7% of the time.[5]  

Advance still requires clarity about what 'automation' really means. As shown in Box 1, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has a series of levels describing degree of autonomy (from Level 0 - "no autonomy" to Level 4 "full self-driving automation"). 

More early versions of autonomous cars are anticipated to be sold on the market for the 2017 Model Year (for instance Cadillacs with “SuperCruise”, which like Tesla vehicles with “Auto-pilot” may be described as somewhere between Level 2 "combined function automation" and Level 3 "limited self-driving automation"). Many of the necessary features like lane-keeping, adaptive cruise control, and automated braking technologies are already standard on high-end cars, as is automated parking assistance. None of the automakers advises hands-off driving at this point.

Google itself [6] is aiming for Level 4, and believes that incremental changes like Level 3 are dangerous as once drivers cease paying attention it will be hard for them to reassert attention in a timely manner. In other words Google favors a large phase shift to AV for new vehicles.  In contrast, traditional automakers are instead rolling out particular packages and features that still require the driver to attend to the driving task. The market and regulators will determine which of these two technological deployment paths actually occurs. The in-vehicle transition from autonomous mode to make the driver assume control is likely to be dangerous (though on the net, less dangerous than letting humans drive in the first place, otherwise the technology would not be permitted).

1.1       Connected vs. Autonomous Vehicles

Some discussions conflate autonomous vehicle technology with "connected vehicle" technology. These are distinct, however, as the later allows individual vehicles to communicate with other nearby vehicles (vehicle to vehicle or V2V) and connected infrastructure (V2I) with Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. If widely deployed, this not only improves safety for those in the vehicle, it improves the safety and environment for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other drivers. Connected vehicles should enable vehicles to anticipate better and negotiate with each other for use of a particular bit of road space at a discrete point in time. Both autonomous and connected vehicles are coming. It is important to recognize that cars may be autonomous but not connected or connected but not autonomous, or both (or as today, neither). Connected vehicles and infrastructure in particular may be more vulnerable to hacking, though autonomous vehicles will likely have live connections to their manufacturer as well.

The effects of autonomous vehicles are much more profound than connected vehicles, as connected vehicles are only especially useful in the presence of other connected vehicles, while autonomous vehicles are valuable through the transition period when most vehicles are not up-to-date.

1.2       Timeline

Cumulatively, the distances driven driverlessly are rising every year. This will take some time to perfect, but one day, in the near future, you may wake up, give a voice command to a car, and never again touch a steering wheel, gears, accelerator, or brakes (which won't be there)— as will everyone else. You will step into your car, tell it where to go, and not think about traffic. The window in front of you will be a heads up display giving you information and entertainment, while allowing you to see the road coming up. 

To give a rough timeline, we anticipate Level 3 ("limited self-driving automation") autonomous vehicles will be on the market by 2020. We predict Level 4 will be available in 2025 and required in new US cars by 2030, and required for all cars by 2040. In other words, human drivers will eventually be prohibited on public roads. Consumer acceptance remains an unknown, and depends on the quality of the product being offered.

Automated vehicles are probably already legal in most US states (New York requires hands on the wheel),12 so the burden of proof is on those who want to slow them down. Several states, Nevada, Florida, California, Michigan, Virginia, and the District of Columbia, have passed special enabling legislation enabling testing of fully autonomous vehicles on public roads.

1.3       Environments

The Cadillac SuperCruise entry into the "semi-autonomous" vehicle market implies the first market for autonomous vehicles would be the relatively controlled environment of the freeway.13

However, entry into the relatively controlled environment of low-speed places makes sense as well. These are two different types of vehicles (high speed freeway vs. low speed neighborhood), and though they may converge, there is no guarantee they will, and perhaps today's converged multipurpose vehicle will instead diverge. There has long been discussion of Neighborhood Electric Vehicles, ranging from golf carts to something larger, which are in use in some communities, particularly southwestern US retirement complexes. In Sun City, Arizona, for instance, people use the golf cart not just for golfing, but for going to the clubhouse or local stores (usually as the household's second or third car, but occasionally as the primary vehicle). They can do this because local streets are controlled by low speed limits, and there are special paths where golf carts are permitted and other vehicles aren’t.

Campuses, retirement communities, neighborhoods in some master planned communities, and true parkways are almost ideal for these types of “driverless carts”14 because these places don't have heavy traffic and discourage high speeds.

12     See Smith, B. W. (2012). Managing Autonomous Transportation Demand. Santa Clara Law Review, 52(4).

Weiner and Smith summarize the outstanding questions that legal regimes will need to better address to cope with driverless cars. 

Gabriel                 Weiner   and         Bryant   Walker   Smith,    Automated           Driving: Legislative             and         Regulatory               Action, cyberlaw.stanford.edu/wiki/index.php/Automated_Driving:_Legislative_and_Regulatory_Action

13     Nunez, Alex (2014-09-07) Cadillac will intro Super Cruise in 2017 flagship, V2V in CTS. Road and Track http://www.roadandtrack.com/new-cars/future-cars/news/a8626/cadillac-announces-super-cruise-and-v2v-techintegration-for-2017-model-year/
14     We heard the term attributed to Bryant Walker Smith

1.4      Consequences

Autonomous vehicles portend a series of consequences affecting both the transport sector and society, such as status. We highlight some below. 

Safety. Autonomous vehicles, powered by sensors, software, cartography, and computers can build a real-time model of the dynamic world around them and react appropriately. Unlike human drivers, they seldom get distracted or tired, have almost instantaneous perception-reaction times, and know exactly how hard to brake or when to swerve. 

Cars would be much safer if only humans were not behind the wheel. It is possible to plausibly imagine a reduction from tens of thousands to hundreds of deaths per year in the US, upon full deployment.

Vehicle Form. Autonomous vehicles promise a Cambrian explosion of new vehicle forms. Evidence for this is already emerging.  Google has proposed and built prototypes of a new, light, low speed neighborhood vehicle designed for slow speed (25 mph or 40 km/h) on campuses.  The UK has four pilot programs starting. Singapore is testing similar vehicles. 

This has important implications. For example, cars can be better designed for specific purposes, since, if they are rented on-demand or shared, they don't need to be everything to their owner. Narrow and specialized cars are more feasible in a world of autonomous vehicles. The fleet will have greater variety, with the right size vehicle assigned to a particular job. Today there is a car-size arms race, people buy larger cars, which are perceived to be safer for the occupant even if more hazardous for those around them, and taller cars, which allow the driver to see in front of the car immediately in front of them. Both of these advantages are largely obviated with autonomous vehicles. The car-size arms race ends.

The low mass of neighborhood and single-passenger vehicles will save energy and reduce pavement wear, but also cause less damage when it (inadvertently) hits something or someone. Combining the low mass with the lower likelihood of a crash at low speed will magnify its safety advantage for nonoccupants in this environment, compared with faster, heavier vehicles, which privilege the safety of the vehicle occupants. 

These savings will be passed on to consumers. Insurance companies will recognize the lower risks and lower rates. This will help drive adoption of autonomous vehicles. Alternatively, the autocompanies themselves may choose to accept liability for autonomous vehicles in autonomous mode, as some are already proposing.

Capacity. Because they are safer, autonomous vehicles can follow other each other at a significantly reduced distance.  

Because they are safer and more precise and more predictable, autonomous vehicles can stay within much narrower lanes with greater accuracy.[7] Lateral distances can be closer. Lanes can be narrower. If skinny cars emerge (designed for one-passenger, or several passengers in tandem) lanes can be narrower still, or be shared with two such cars.

Thus, capacity at bottlenecks should increase, both in throughput per lane and the number of lanes per unit road width. These cars still need to go somewhere, so auto-mobility still requires some capacity on city streets as well as freeways ubiquitous adoption of autonomous vehicles would save space on lane width.

Parking: Autonomous vehicles would save space on parking too. Cars can drop off passengers in front of destinations and go elsewhere to park as needed.  Subsequently they can pick them up at origins. This requires reconfiguration of drop-off and pick-up areas to avoid large queues. Parking stalls can be narrower and parking decks shorter if people are not required to use them. Cars can be packed more tightly in such parking facilities. Further those facilities will be farther from the high value real estate locations. Parking is further discussed in Chapter 4.

Cars without people. Autonomous cars can drive without people at all. They can be used for pickup and delivery, in addition to the dead-heading from drop-off to parking, or from drop-off of one passenger to pick-up of another, or for recharging or refueling. All of this can increase total travel on the road. 

Mobility for All. Automated cars will enhance mobility for children and people with disabilities. Parents, friends, and siblings need not shuttle children around; the vehicle can do that by itself (assuming increasingly protective parents would allow such). The child is securely identified with camera and biometrics, and parents can even monitor their child with an in-vehicle video camera— yielding an environment far more secure than the school buses and carpools children currently ride. There likely will remain debate about how old a child must be before she is placed alone in an autonomous car, but the consensus is likely to be, if she is in kindergarten, she can ride alone, as with school buses. (This is a similar argument with ridesharing services today that offer rides, but that is to date a small phenomenon).

Human travel will be much more point-to-point, with far fewer pick-up and drop-off passenger trips required as that can be off-loaded. Deadheading autonomous vehicles, driving around without a passenger to pick up their next family member may become common, though logistics and shared vehicles can minimize the amount of this.

Costs. The capital costs for autonomous vehicles are likely to be higher than traditional cars, at least at first, until driver-facing technologies (like the steering wheel, brake and accelerator pedals, and so on) can be removed for cost savings, as the sensors and computers add some cost compared to existing systems. Those additional costs decline over time, as learning curves, paying off R&D, and mass production all lower expenses. 

In contrast, fuel costs should be lower, as autonomous vehicles are likely to be more efficient, both due to less congestion and more optimized driving styles ranging from smoother acceleration to various hypermiling techniques like drafting to reduce drag. 

Labor is a significant share of costs in transport, for vehicles such as taxis, buses, and trucks, which today require a driver. With automation that labor cost vanishes. We imagine a transitional phase where remote control drivers in a traffic center simultaneously monitor and manage multiple vehicles for situations when autonomous vehicles are not fully trusted. We expect those operators to be bored. This lower cost benefits taxis, buses, and trucks which had held higher labor costs relative to their competitors. There are additional labor costs associated with driving a private vehicle which don’t show up in the economic statistics, but can be quite expensive, particularly for high wage workers. This cost, too, will be reduced.

Delivery services with online purchasing will become even more cost-competitive compared to traditional retail. Transit will either be more cost effective than it is now, or be able to offer lower fares, or some combination of the two.

Right-of-Way Retrofit. To accommodate specialized low speed neighborhood or campus vehicles, most non-ideal places will require retrofits so that places can be connected with routes of low-speed. Retrofitting cities for transport has a long history as cities and transport technologies co-evolve. Cities, which had originally emerged with human and animal powered transport, were retrofitted first for streetcars, and then for the automobile, and in some larger cities for subways. We have also redesigned our taller buildings for escalators and elevators.

Some places where retrofits might be required and feasible include cities laid out and built before the automobile. Much of the street grid can be retrofitted ("calmed") to disallow high-speed traffic, in much the same way bicycle boulevards are established. Similarly, retrofits are technically feasible anywhere there is space to install a slow network in parallel with the existing fast network, for instance, with barrier separated lanes on wider suburban roads. 

Vehicle diversity applies not only to a larger variety of motorized vehicles of various sizes, but also to a greater variety of transport using the existing streets, which today are highly segregated with cars (both moving and parked) dominating the street and pedestrians the sidewalk. Slow speed, light weight vehicles make shared spaces, which don't differentiate between the road and the sidewalk much more palatable.

Roadspace Reallocation. It follows that if transport systems require reduced lane width and have adequate capacity, transport agencies can reduce paved area and still see higher throughput. Today, most roadspace is not used most of the time, but road agencies cannot just roll it up when it is not being used. 

However, on freeways the space can be deployed more dynamically to increase either safety (by increasing spacing) or capacity (by reducing spacing), simultaneously adjusting speed and spacing accordingly. Dynamically reversible lanes are possible once humans are out of the loop. 

On local streets, roadspace no longer required for motor vehicle movement can be reallocated to other uses (pedestrians, bicyclists, transit, parks and so on). But for purposes of reliability and safety, bikes, bus-rapid transit, and the newly emerging micro-transit modes benefit from priority lanes.

Nomadism. For a select few, driverless vehicles may bring back the recreational vehicle, as some choose the fully nomadic lifestyle, spending much if not most of their lives in motion, especially if energy costs are low. 

Driving style. A fundamental shift will occur once people no longer drive themselves. The preference that is felt for fast acceleration will diminish, permitting much more efficient engines (gasoline or otherwise).

Ownership. Ownership of autonomous vehicles is a looming question. While most roads are public; most cars are private and individually owned. Most transit also is public, though services are sometimes performed under contract by private firms. Some private roads are emerging, but these roads are impossible without public approval and assistance. New technologies provide an opportunity to revisit old arrangements. New forms of ownership and payment will inevitably be a dynamic evolution. Customers would need to pay for services of any type (either as a subscription or a per-use basis). Advertising could offset—though not entirely cover—some costs. It is conceivable that stores might subsidize transport, as might employers, as benefits for the customers or staff (as they do today with parking). 

As discussed in the chapter on SHARING, Transport Network Companies such as Lyft and Uber compete with taxis. But with their added labor, such services are too expensive for most people for frequent mobility.

Alternative ownership currently exists to some extent with the current carsharing companies (Car2go, Zipcar, etc.) which compete with rental cars. But again the cost is too high for most people to use on a daily basis for a primary mode of transportation, and unless they live in a place with many other users, the distance to the vehicle may be high. However, with autonomous vehicles, the cost of the driver can be skipped, the car can come to the traveler.

In contrast, autonomous vehicles total costs will be significantly lower, making it feasible that larger numbers of people replace their personal car (which is parked 23 out of 24 hours) with one that comes on-demand.  

Status: Just as owning a car was once a class signifier in the US, and remains so elsewhere in the world, and as owning a particular model of car (like a Prius or a BMW) persists as a signifier, we can expect that during the transition period owning an autonomous car will be a class-signifier. It indicates at once that you are wealthy enough to own a new car, and technologically sophisticated enough to trust your life to it. While eventually we expect this to be uniform, early adopters will have very different economic and social characteristics from the population at large. During the long transition, those who cannot afford such cars may come to be vilified as the cause of crashes.

1.5       The Future of Travel Demand and Where We Live: The Out Scenario

Autonomous vehicles will be faster. It will not escape the astute reader that, as the economists say “all else equal” faster vehicles increase demand. Will autonomous vehicles reverse the trends or plateauing or dropping per capita vehicle travel that we have seen for the past decade with existing technology? Will people make more trips? Will people make longer trips? Will people relocate?

Each advance in mobility (the ability to go faster, either due to new technologies or more connected networks) has heretofore increased the size of metropolitan areas. People can reach more things in less time. Subways drove the expansion of London, while streetcars did the same for many American cities.[8]  Historically the time saved from mobility gains was used mostly in additional distance between home and workplace, maintaining a stable commuting (home to work) time. Recent evidence of average reduction in overall travel distances and time spent traveling presented is not as much about a reduction in trip distances between home and work (which if anything are still rising in the US) but a reduction in the number of work and other trips being made across the whole population. In short: speed decentralizes.[9]

Autonomous vehicles will likely be faster, particularly on freeways, especially after widespread deployment when all vehicles are autonomous. This will occur either once human cars are prohibited from freeways, or once a network of separate lanes are designated for autonomous cars.

Coupling with just the faster speed, the fully autonomous vehicle lowers the cognitive burden on the former driver/now passenger. Modes with lower cognitive burden tend to have longer trip durations. Time is important, of course. What you can do with that time (the quality of the experience) also matters (See Chapter 2). If you can work while traveling, the value of saving time is less than if you must focus on the driving task. This may also explain the premium people are willing to pay for high-quality transit and intercity rail service.[10]

If the time or money cost of traveling per trip declines, the long-held theory of induced demand predicts, all else equal: more trips, longer trips, and peakier trips (more trips in the peak period). Privately owned autonomous vehicles lower the cost of travel per trip.

Out: More vehicle travel with increased exurbanization. Fast, driverless cars that allow their passenger to do other things than steer and brake and find parking impose fewer requirements on the traveler than actively driving the same distance. Decreases in the cost of traveling (i.e., availability of multitasking) makes travel easier. Easier travel means increases in accessibility and subsequently increases in the spread of development and a greater separation between home and work, (pejoratively, sprawl), just as commuter trains today enable exurban living or living in a different city.19 This reinforces the disconnected, dendritic suburban street grid and makes transit service that much more difficult (as if low density suburbs weren’t hard enough). People will live farther “Out”.

It has been estimated that a 1 percent increase in accessibility leads to a 0.6 percent increase in travel.20 Couple this increase with the new mode of cars deadheading without people, and perhaps the doubling of capacities and speeds leads to a doubling of total travel, assuming nothing else changes. (Compare with the scenario presented in Chapter 4: Mobility-as-a-Service).

Thus as the cost of travel decreases, people will be more willing to live in cities far from where they work. It is not uncommon for the Dutch to live on opposite sides of the country from where they work, relying on the train network. The Northeast Corridor of the US has people living in one city and commuting to another (for instance from Washington to Baltimore, Philadelphia to New York). At speeds of 100 miles per hour (160 km/h), the commuting range expands widely.

It is entirely likely that such new e-propelled forms of transport, along with solar power, will greenwash a new generation of dispersed development, which may in fact net to a much smaller environmental footprint than today, if not a smaller footprint than future cities.

The interplay of autonomous vehicles and pricing is especially important. While autonomous vehicle capacity eventually doubles or quadruples, per capita demand will rise as well if traditional patterns of induced demand hold, and people continue to work, shop, and play at today’s rates. It is quite possible that sharing (described in Chapter 4) remains a niche while most people choose to own their own cars — the “Out” scenario dominates.  Thus exurbanization and cars driving around without people make extensive use of the newly available capacity. To fully mitigate these congestion effects, pricing is required.

1.6       Discussion

Traffic congestion as a problem has the potential to diminish significantly if the capacity gains outweigh the increased demand they generate. People won't be driving themselves, but passengerless cars will be moving all over the place.

For personal travel, the question remains: rent or own? Will people with regular everyday trips find it cheaper to rent than own? The cost of ownership may turn out to be cheaper than the cost of rental in the cloud commuting model in many if not most US markets (outside central cities). Personally owned cars are not dead-heading everywhere for passengers, lowering energy and operational costs and wear and tear. Owners have more motivation to care for their own car (in subtle, non-detectable ways) than for a rental, so the car may last longer. Cloud commuting will permit much higher fleet turnover, and thus increase advanced technology penetration.
19  For more on this reasoning, see Chapter 11 in Levinson, D. and Krizek, K (2008) Planning for Place and Plexus:
Metropolitan Land Use and Transport. Routledge.
20  Weis’ estimates give a demand elasticity of 0.6 to accessibility (Hansen style/log sum term)

Weis, C. (2012) Activity oriented modelling of short- and long-term dynamics of travel behaviour, PhD Dissertation, IVT, ETH Zürich, Zürich.  Or a shorter version

Weis, C. and K.W. Axhausen (2012) Assessing changes in travel behaviour induced by modified travel times: A stated adaptation survey and modelling approach, disP, 48 (3) 40-53.

Continuing automation of vehicle technologies will lead to widespread deployment of driverless cars in mixed or eventually fully automated roadways.  Eventually humans driving on public roads will be banned or greatly restricted. This has numerous implications. Chapter 4 considers the ownership model, and it is on ownership which turns the question of the travel demand and land use effects of Autonomous vehicles. Chapter 8 looks at issues of urban and long-haul freight transportation and automation, as well as local delivery. Other implications described in this chapter include those on for travel demand; safety; capacity; mobility for children, elderly, and disabled; transit; parking; and land use, population distribution and development.

The authors anticipate that autonomous vehicles will go from their current status of 0% market share to an end state of 100% of all new car sales (i.e. autonomous capability will be a requirement of new car purchases). Further, older human-driven vehicles will be phased out except for special purposes (car shows, races, parades). A rough guide to the anticipated timeline is that NHTSA Level 4 cars (fully self-driving without human interaction) will enter the market between the 2020 and 2025 model years, and be required in all new cars by 2030, and by 2040 human-driven cars will be generally prohibited. Self-driving cars in specific contexts (e.g. freeways or isolated campuses) are expected enter the market before 2020. Current near-self-driving cars such as SuperCruise and the Tesla Model S are approximately NHTSA 2.5.

While the end of state of autonomous vehicles presents a variety of benefits for travelers and transportation agencies alike, the adoption rate is unknown. It is far from clear the pace of change of autonomous vehicles. 

1.7      Consequences

1.      An increase in safety. This will reduce the number and severity of crashes. Follow-on effects include a reduction in non-recurring congestion, and ultimately less resources spent on emergency response.
2.      An increase in capacity as cars will be able to follow at closer headways.
3.      An increase in capacity due to better lane-keeping. This will enable narrower lanes.
4.      More opportunities for Mobility-as-a-Service [MAAS], and a potential change in ownership structure.
5.      A reduction in the effort (both physical and cognitive) associated with driving, which should increase people’s willingness to travel for longer periods of time.
6.      An increase in the speed of travel, which should increase people’s willingness to travel longer distances.
7.      An increase in mobility for those who now cannot drive (children, the disabled). This will also increase the total amount of travel
8.      A reduction in the space required for parking near the travelers destinations as cars can go and park themselves. Further with Mobility-as-a-Service, cars may remain in use longer, and thus spend less time parked.
9.      An increased ability to route vehicles in a system optimal way, as the computers doing routing can choose alternative algorithms.
10.  Lowered labor costs for transit, trucks, and other service vehicles (e.g. snow plows).
11.  Easier recharging for electric vehicles.

In the long run, this mostly suggests that less road capacity will be required per person. While longer trips, more trips, and increased mobility for the transportation disadvantaged (assuming vehicle ownership remains high, as opposed to a cloud commuting model) may offset some of the capacity gains, the capacity gains are likely to be large in the end. Other societal changes also generally point in that direction.


Chapter 2: Mobile Telecommunications and Activity In-Motion

2.1       Introduction

The rise of mobile technologies have led to their increased use and increases in multitasking behavior while in-motion (enabled by technologies such as 4G, and in the future 5G and 6G phones and in-vehicle Wi-Fi). This research considers interactions including evidence from time use while traveling (reading, listening to music, work). Autonomous vehicles (see Chapter 1) will likely make this phenomenon more widespread. Better future telecommunication technology will also enable higher-bandwidth activities. Theory predicts that increasing use of telecommunications in motion makes travel time more useful, and this increases the willingness to travel. Note that telecommunications in general may enable less passenger travel with activities such as teleworking and e-shopping.  This report focuses on telecommunications in motion and the impact of telecommunications on activities-in-motion. 

With more willingness to travel, people will presumably spend more time in motion. What types of activities can be carried out during travel in self-driving vehicles with better mobile technologies? How these activities differ from traditional activities that are conducted during travel on public transit vehicles?  Will the self-driving and mobile technologies change spatial patterns of origins and destinations? Will trip chaining behavior become more popular? Will the behavior changes enabled by the self-driving and mobile technologies differ by gender, age, and socio-economic status (SES)? If so, how? And, what would be the societal impacts of these behavioral changes? These are the questions explored in this report.

This chapter summarizes existing empirical evidence in the literature on activities in-motion. Then, the 2011-2014 American Time Use Survey data are used to explore new activities during travel, possibly enabled by self-driving and better mobile technologies. It then discusses how the technologies may influence car preferences, perceived utility of travel, spatial configurations of travel, including patterns of origins and destinations as well as trip chaining. How the effects may differ by personal socio-demographics and the societal implications of the effects are also discussed. 

2.2       Existing Empirical Evidence

Existing studies on mobile telecommunications and activity in-motion have focused on travel time use by rail and bus passengers. Recent research has shown that roughly 55% of rail passengers and 40% of bus passengers engage in technology, and that 30-40% of rail passengers work on board compared to roughly 10% report no use of travel time. Table 2.1 summarizes major time use activities reported as undertaken during travel in existing studies. 

Most studies listed in Table 2.1 are about time use during public transit trips. Only Malokin et al. (2015) and Mokhtarian et al. (2014) used samples of commuters including both transit commuters and commuters by other modes. Consequently, Malokin et al. (2015) included activities that are often considered as not suitable during transit trips, e.g., grooming and exercising. 
Table 2.1: Summary of activities undertaken during travel in existing studies
Activities reported as undertaken during travel                                    Study                Dataset
Reading for leisure; Window gazing/people watching; Working/studying;  Lyons et al. Talking to other passengers; Sleeping/snoozing; Listening to music/radio          (2007)  
Great Britain National Rail Passengers Survey
Communicating; Entertainment/recreation; Formal; Household/personal    Kenyon and         Activity dairy survey at 6
Information search; Shopping; Travel; Other/personal.                            Lyons (2007) oflocations England in  the south west
Window-gazing/people watching; Sleeping/snoozing; Thinking about/planning personal matters; Working/studying; Sent SMS/called by mobile telephone; Use mobile telephone in other ways; Talked with other passengers; Took care of the children; Reading for leisure; Listening to music/radio; Playing games (electronic); Knitting, needlework; Other activities
Gripsrud &
Hjorthol (2012)
Rail passenger survey in Norway
sleeping/snoozing; reading for leisure; working
(reading/writing/typing/thinking); talking to other passengers; window gazing/people watching; playing games (electronic or otherwise); listening to music/radio; text messages/phone calls—work; text messages/phone calls—personal; eating/drinking; entertaining children; being bored/anxious
Lyons & Urry (2005)
Conceptual paper on time use during train trips
Idling/thinking/window watching;  Reading hard copy; Writing hard copy; Talking face to face; Personal care (eating, drinking, baby); Listening; Talking on phone; Reading digital; Game playing; Writing digital (texting, e-mailing, etc.)
Guo et al. (2015)
Survey and observation of bus passengers in Vancouver, Canada
ICT use; Entertainment; Relaxation Study/work; Talk to others                Ettema et al.         Survey of transit riders  in
                                                                                                                                       (2012)               Sweden  
Smartphone; Internet; Reading electronically; Gaming electronically; Malokin et al. Messaging; Watching scenery/ people; Daydreaming; Exercising; Writing (2015)  electronically; Laptop/ tablet; Thinking/ planning; Reading from paper; Sleeping/ resting; Talking to strangers; Writing on paper; Talking to friends; Eating/ drinking; Audio; Grooming; Talking on phone; Navigating; Watching video;
Paper and online surveys of workers in Northern
Talked with other people; Made phone call or sent text; Listened to music Mokhtarian et         2007–2008 French National
or radio; Looked at the landscape                                                        al. (2014)           Travel Survey 
Figure 2.1 uses the activities listed in Table 2.1 to generate a word cloud describing activities that are most frequently studied as activities during travel. It is evident that talking, watching, reading, writing, sleeping, listening, thinking, phone are the most frequent activities being studied as activities in-motion. 

Besides understanding how travel time is used, existing studies on the subjects have suggested the following: 

 Activities conducted during travel differ significantly by journey purpose and direction of travel. Commuters are more likely to be engaged in work-related activities during workrelated trips than leisure-related trips, and during morning commute trip than return-home trips. 
 Activities differ significantly by gender, age, and class. Compared to men, women are more likely to spend travel time talking to other passengers and less likely to work or study. Older passengers are less likely to use smart devices during trips.  Higher income commuters are more likely to use travel time to work and study. 
 Activities differ by trip duration and items individuals have at hand. People are much more likely to do window gazing and people watching in trips of less than 15 min duration than in longer trips. 
 Activities differ by environmental factors during the trip. Noise level significantly reduces the use of smart devices such as smartphones and iPads. Seating significantly increases the use of smart devices. Jerkiness reduces the likelihood of multitasking on bus. 

Surveys on how air passengers value onboard Wi-Fi also provide insights into understanding the impact of telecommunications in motion.  The 2014 Wireless Connectivity Survey includes more than 1,000 adult flyers in the United States. The survey found that having access to onboard Wi-Fi not only affecting passengers’ flying experience, but also affecting passengers’ fight selections.  In-flight Wi-Fi was found to influence flight selection for 66% of travelers, and 22% of the respondents said they have paid more for their ticket in order to fly on a Wi-Fi equipped aircraft. These survey results indicate that telecommunications in motion could have a significant impact on transportation mode choice, which is consistent with recent studies that suggest broadband access on public transportation systems increases ridership and encourages people to shift from cars to public transit modes (Frei and Mahmassani, 2011; Dong et al., 2015).  

Yet, it is important not to overstate the impacts of telecommunications on mode choice. Regardless of the age of the respondent, the two most important factors for choosing a public transit mode are total travel time (walking/cycling/driving + waiting + riding + walking/cycling/driving) and service reliability (Transit Center, 2014).  As shown in Figure 2.2 below, access to Wi-Fi is a less important mode choice factor.

Figure 2.2: Potential Drivers of Transit Ridership by Age (Figure downloaded from Transit

Center, 2014)

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